Hi, everybody.

New list member here.  I heard about this list from GW Micro.  Is this list intended
to help blind users cope with things the sound editing program manuals don't cover?
For instance, how to select a portion of a wave file using accessibility keys, or,
which of the sound editors, pound for pound, allows a blind user to get the most
out of the sound editing program via screen reader?  If not, please let me know,
and I'll bail out now.

But if so, perhaps someone will tell me:
1.  How to select a portion of a wave file in Gold Wave for copying to the clipboard.
2.  Whether the help window in Nero 6 is easy to use.
3.  Whether Nero's accessibility features will let a user get the most out of the
program, and, whether the accessibility features are contained in the documentation.
4.  Most importantly, which sound editor beats the others out in terms of quality,
ease of use, and degree of screen reader/ short cut key accessibility.

Thanks for your kind attention and, if applicable, your advice.
Lou Novath
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