Re: [Openvpn-users] [pfSense] how often to rekey for shared secret site-to-site

2013-06-09 Thread Jason Haar
ng relies on to reduce runtime) - and breaking and decrypting that traffic does not help decrypt the next blob of traffic (ie it's about as good as it gets) Hopefully I haven't blown cover by saying too much that's incorrect there - I'm sure someone else will let us know if I have!

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN with intermediate CA

2013-07-02 Thread Jason Haar
gotta think that part through - otherwise you will get burnt) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 signature.asc Descript

Re: [Openvpn-users] Logs contain multiple "bad source address packet dropped" lines

2013-07-04 Thread Jason Haar
ouldn't it just be removed from the code, or pushed down to some lower logging level so that most people don't see it? Or at least have " (probably nothing to be concerned with)" added to it. :-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 4

Re: [Openvpn-users] OTP re-auth solution?

2013-09-10 Thread Jason Haar
I don't know of any other product with that kind of option. As far as I'm aware, if you're doing OTK, the expectation is you are using it every time you connect - just like you're currently seeing... -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.

Re: [Openvpn-users] Possible to drop port scan packets?

2013-09-24 Thread Jason Haar
g on TCP. If scanning a TCP port returns "closed", that 100% means there's nothing running on it (ignoring firewall rules that limit by ip address). It *must* return "open" for any of your openvpn clients to ever be able to use it -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security

Re: [Openvpn-users] openvpn

2013-10-06 Thread Jason Haar
o - but to be precise, openvpn doesn't do standard TLS negotiation (at least if you are using tls-auth as you should be) - so some layer7 firewalls could potentially even block openvpn on tcp port 443 - however, most don't :-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble N

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN Security

2013-10-16 Thread Jason Haar
u can try to engineer yourself a foolproof system, but the Universe can always engineer a better fool -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint:

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN Security

2013-10-16 Thread Jason Haar
; > vs. if it were using it, correct? > Yes it is more likely, but it's 0.0001% more likely (or not: maybe more or less) Give it a try and see how it goes. No-one can actually answer this question for your situation - only you can decide if it's appropriate or not -- Cheers Jason

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN Security

2013-10-16 Thread Jason Haar
ganization* trying to protect *the organization's* laptops and users -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

Re: [Openvpn-users] [PATCH] Make code and documentation for --remote-random-hostname consistent.

2013-11-17 Thread Jason Haar
What feature does "--remote-random-hostname" give you that having a 10second TTL on one DNS record wouldn't? -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063

Re: [Openvpn-users] doubts about possible sniffing

2014-05-04 Thread Jason Haar
tches, you can subvert that general rule by doing tricks with arp spoofing/etc. -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407

Re: [Openvpn-users] doubts about possible sniffing

2014-05-05 Thread Jason Haar
f djb: "profile, don't speculate" -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 -- Is yo

Re: [Openvpn-users] Iperf over TCP tunnel

2014-06-04 Thread Jason Haar
ie "iperf -c" measures throughput, whereas "iperf -c -P4" measures bandwidth (ie push 4 sessions in parallel normally saturates a WAN link, if not, try 8, 10, etc until you do) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN and Multi-Core processor

2014-08-04 Thread Jason Haar
igger than the maximum number of clients - but that isn't a big deal on our 10/8 network. This is the biggest thing I love about openvpn: the scripting triggers it supports. You can basically make it do anything :-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigat

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN and Multi-Core processor

2014-08-06 Thread Jason Haar
;d even think of increasing that yet again. The theoretical risk of someone actually brute forcing a key in that time window is still nearly infinitely less than the actual impact of key renegotiation on openvpn -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone:

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN and Multi-Core processor

2014-08-07 Thread Jason Haar
t;Freedom from choice: is what you want" ;-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

[Openvpn-users] how to use --push-peer-info?

2014-08-20 Thread Jason Haar
> /tmp/file" to dump environment variables, there's no such details from the clients getting through Have I missed something? Thanks! -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 C

Re: [Openvpn-users] how to use --push-peer-info?

2014-08-21 Thread Jason Haar
#x27;ve connected to the management port and went through the options that "help" showed - nothing seemed to show me such details? (eg "status 2") -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E

Re: [Openvpn-users] how to use --push-peer-info?

2014-08-21 Thread Jason Haar
Well that means I'm out of luck then ;-) It does seem like git master has been patched so that this peer-info is now available via env variables as well - so if we jump into the development unknown we could use the feature: I think we'll just have to pass ;-) Thanks! -- Cheers Jason H

Re: [Openvpn-users] how to use --push-peer-info?

2014-08-21 Thread Jason Haar
Well that was basically painless Now I see the following is available to scripts called on the server, nice :-) IV_HWADDR=52:54:00:ff:72:87 IV_PLAT=win IV_SSL=OpenSSL_1.0.1i_6_Aug_2014 IV_VER=2.3.4 -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1

[Openvpn-users] confusion over udp "fragment"

2014-08-29 Thread Jason Haar
about our server on our work network and everything about (say) my client laptop on my home network - but there's a vast range of "Internet" between the two that I know nothing about, so it's not worth mentioning ;-) Thanks! -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Securi

[Openvpn-users] is it safe to let all clients negotiate tls-ciphers?

2014-08-31 Thread Jason Haar
any cipher/etc decisions as possible on the server, so I'd rather not define tls-cipher on the clients, only the server. So am I correct in saying that an openvpn network using tls-auth plus client certs should be effectively immune to MiTM attacks, thereby making it OK to leave as much decis

Re: [Openvpn-users] Openvpn logout time?

2014-09-02 Thread Jason Haar
ys of connection tracking. Couldn't agree more. You really need to use "client-connect" and "client-disconnect" so that you can create START/STOP records - they are the only things that really get it right -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Man

Re: [Openvpn-users] Openvpn logout time?

2014-09-02 Thread Jason Haar
ient connects, server triggers --client-connect 4. server realizes client has disconnected I had some "cleanup" code in "4" which meant the server turned around and killed the "3" instead of the "1" - not what I wanted ;-). Still - all fixable thanks to t

[Openvpn-users] macox dns help for a novice?

2014-09-02 Thread Jason Haar
nnel's DNS settings. It was written in 2006 so maybe it doesn't work on the newer OSes? Anyway, has anyone out there found out how to do this and is willing to share? :-) Thanks! PS: I'm using this -- Cheers Jason Ha

Re: [Openvpn-users] macox dns help for a novice?

2014-09-03 Thread Jason Haar
7;m not a Mac person, but I interpret this as meaning when I do "nslookup blah.corporate.domain", the Mac sends it to "resolver #1" instead of "resolver #2". Once that is fixed, it should all work? -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Securi

[Openvpn-users] Windows service mode doesn't seem to restart on timeout properly

2014-09-03 Thread Jason Haar
op around and retry making a connection - like it does on our Linux clients. Very odd. The log shows no real error that I can see - it simply seems to be sleeping without doing anything? BTW I download this logfile an hour after the client tunnel disappeared after the IP change - the last line in th

Re: [Openvpn-users] macox dns help for a novice?

2014-09-04 Thread Jason Haar
1:05, Jonathan K. Bullard wrote: > On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Gert Doering wrote: >> On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 06:41:17PM +1200, Jason Haar wrote: >>> Anyway, has anyone out there found out how to do this and is willing to >>> share? :-) >> I have no direct answer, bu

Re: [Openvpn-users] Windows service mode doesn't seem to restart on timeout properly

2014-09-04 Thread Jason Haar
ils to restart? So obviously I fixed the down script and now running as a service is moving happily between IP addresses, but is does look like a minor bug? Thanks again for the suggestion! -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171

[Openvpn-users] blocking issue with management port

2014-09-17 Thread Jason Haar
an do to stop this happening again (besides better QA on our "up" script ;-) Thanks! -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 -

Re: [Openvpn-users] blocking issue with management port

2014-09-18 Thread Jason Haar
n. I'll look to see if I can remove some of the calls, that should help -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 -

[Openvpn-users] multiple clients with same cert leads to problems

2014-10-07 Thread Jason Haar
I'm doing it incorrectly :-) server is 2.3_git, and this is over UDP of course (I doubt this is an issue over TCP, although I haven't tested) Thanks -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN in China

2014-10-23 Thread Jason Haar
t by bots all the time - precisely because we have it running on HTTPS port. So a bit of luck in the timing could end with logs implying a correlation between a client connect and a bot that really doesn't exist -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigatio

[Openvpn-users] spelling out how Windows does DNS lookups with a VPN tunnel

2014-11-14 Thread Jason Haar
smasq to forward queries for "*.company.dns" to the appropriate intranet DNS servers irrespective of the state of the openvpn tunnel (ie they'll fail if it's not running, but that's OK because they'd fail anyway) Have I got it correct? Thanks -- Cheers Jason Haar Cor

Re: [Openvpn-users] spelling out how Windows does DNS lookups with a VPN tunnel

2014-11-16 Thread Jason Haar
at value is returned. If your VPN DNS servers resolve it quicker than your Internet resolver, we'll get the 10.* address - otherwise the Internet address. That will cause confusion in some situations Still - it's better than I hoped for :-) PS: yes, Win8 has a "DNS Client" servic

Re: [Openvpn-users] ssh over OpenVPN incredibly stable

2014-12-20 Thread Jason Haar
nt IPs for that trick to work of course -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 -- Down

Re: [Openvpn-users] Yosemite mDNS issues

2014-12-23 Thread Jason Haar
settled on DNS. On top of that, I just struggled through getting my new Chromecast to even work on 3 different wifi networks - broadcast based issues again... (btw: multicast == broadcast in this email ;-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone

Re: [Openvpn-users] Windows 7 + Windows 8 (and Vista) - tunnel fails after resume from Sleep/Standby

2015-01-08 Thread Jason Haar
s\openvpn\log\trimble-openvpn-stderr.log" > NUL 2>&1 "c:\program files\openvpn\bin\nssm.exe" set trimble-openvpn AppRotateFiles 1 > NUL 2>&1 "c:\program files\openvpn\bin\nssm.exe" set trimble-openvpn DependOnService Dhcp tap0901 >

Re: [Openvpn-users] Trouble getting traffic trough obfsproxy

2015-01-09 Thread Jason Haar
onto the instances. I use the incredibly useful "--up", "--client-connect", etc scripting options to enable us to have ONE subnet shared over all those instances (plus some client config standards to ensure it all works) Openvpn is awesome :-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate

Re: [Openvpn-users] Status log not updating.

2015-01-28 Thread Jason Haar
On 29/01/15 09:15, Stefan Monnier wrote: > Reviewing code is too time consuming. Instead, I just download such > crap through a VPN, this way I know I'm secure make sure it uses AES!!! Really important -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation

[Openvpn-users] anyone else seeing openvpn portscanning?

2015-03-17 Thread Jason Haar -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6

[Openvpn-users] is there a better way to capture disabled tap interfaces under Windows?

2015-03-19 Thread Jason Haar
lp reduce any client impact too of course -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 --

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenSSL Security Advisory [19 Mar 2015]

2015-03-20 Thread Jason Haar
Do any of them affect openvpn if it's set to use tls-auth (as recommended)? ie is openvpn immune from these if the bad guys don't have copies of your tls-auth file Thanks -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 48

Re: [Openvpn-users] Traffic/client source

2015-03-24 Thread Jason Haar
r internal or external (obviously the external will all be encrypted openvpn traffic - so it's not very interesting) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B

Re: [Openvpn-users] Disconnects, maybe from "Bad source address" messages after connection

2015-04-18 Thread Jason Haar
p with a new source port or source IP address Doesn't "--ping" take care of that? Keepalive packets should mean the TCP/UDP NAT session sees enough traffic to stop any NAT firewall from timing it out (assuming ping is <30sec). That in turn should stop the firewall needing to change p

Re: [Openvpn-users] Disconnects, maybe from "Bad source address" messages after connection

2015-04-18 Thread Jason Haar
On 19/04/15 12:05, Jeff Mitchell wrote: > > Unless the NAT implementation is broken. Read up a bit in the thread :-) > Ohh! :-) (but there are no broken NAT implementations! Say it ain't so!) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.

Re: [Openvpn-users] Disconnects, maybe from "Bad source address" messages after connection

2015-04-19 Thread Jason Haar
IP address on the outside - > nicely handled with --peer-id Yum! Sounds good. Google's QUIC HTTP "optimizer" would have to do something similar -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E

[Openvpn-users] openvpn connectivity failure fixed by restart?

2015-04-27 Thread Jason Haar
:07:05 jhaar-nz-ll openvpn[21899]: /sbin/ip addr del dev vpn1 *** server syslogs *** WARNING: 'link-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='link-mtu 1546', remote='link-mtu 1542' WARNING: 'mtu-dynamic' is present in local config but missing in r

[Openvpn-users] has anyone got the Chromebook openvpn client working?

2015-05-21 Thread Jason Haar
namic' We don't see that with any other client - just the Chromebook. Has anyone got the current Chromebook working with openvpn? I'd love to know what you did ;-) Thanks! -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8

Re: [Openvpn-users] has anyone got the Chromebook openvpn client working?

2015-05-21 Thread Jason Haar
either has no mention of fragment, or fragment is larger than the server, shouldn't it either error - or set itself to the same value? (and it isn't listed as "pushable" either). This seems such an obvious case for something else to happen? On 22/05/15 16:05, Jason Haar

[Openvpn-users] any way to get local network details to flow through to the server?

2015-06-02 Thread Jason Haar
hrough environment variables to the server, would that be a good idea as an option? Obviously there are privacy issues - but when one organization controls both the client and server - that's a bit academic -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd

Re: [Openvpn-users] any way to get local network details to flow through to the server?

2015-06-02 Thread Jason Haar
it on the server end. Sounds like my "option 3" is the only way: allow the user to connect, get server to query client to find out local routing table and then reconfigure the client to match conditions where appropriate -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Tri

Re: [Openvpn-users] any way to get local network details to flow through to the server?

2015-06-03 Thread Jason Haar
ybe just generate an alert to begin with. Should probably learn how to walk before going crazy on people's routing tables ;-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063

Re: [Openvpn-users] Win7 Problem with 2.3.6

2015-06-21 Thread Jason Haar
quot; - so what should I look for to know for sure I have an openvpn server with this function? (which I assume is actually peer-id) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E

[Openvpn-users] any way to add additional DHCP options?

2015-06-30 Thread Jason Haar
nt does allow you to hardwire it to the correct value, but we're trying to make the application work like it does on the LAN - ie auto-configure) Obviously I'm running this in routing mode - not bridging (because then it would be working! ;-) Thanks! -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Informa

Re: [Openvpn-users] any way to add additional DHCP options?

2015-07-01 Thread Jason Haar
ll have to update all of your clients to use such > a patch. Any reason it wasn't included in the formal source? ie what's the downside? Then we could add NTP, WPAD, etc -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fi

Re: [Openvpn-users] any way to add additional DHCP options?

2015-07-01 Thread Jason Haar
That would make for a small patch ;-) PS: I ignored my favorite "sounds useful, but is poorly supported" Timezone (101) option because your computer's timezone should always come from your physical location - not the remote end of a VPN tunnel. I think a lot of DHCP option

[Openvpn-users] need some form of anti-DOS in openvpn?

2015-08-11 Thread Jason Haar
That would reduce the damage such events cause (note I don't include ports in my suggestion because an openvpn server may have multiple ports available to all clients - so they're not unique) Thanks PS: actually, I've seen this with the Chrome client too. Totally bugs on the cli

Re: [Openvpn-users] need some form of anti-DOS in openvpn?

2015-08-12 Thread Jason Haar
) ...but you are correct, I'm already looking into changing the scripts to try to pick up earlier that there's a problem with the new session, and ditch -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9

[Openvpn-users] anyone get ChromeOS openvpn working?

2015-09-22 Thread Jason Haar
hat working? -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F

Re: [Openvpn-users] client config fallback from 1194 udp to 80 tcp

2015-10-20 Thread Jason Haar
that's just as likely to be open and you are less likely to hit a transparent proxy Also, you had tcp/80 first and then udp/1194 - which I think is the opposite order to what you wanted? ie openvpn works from the top of the config downwards -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Securi

Re: [Openvpn-users] OpenVPN architecture questions

2015-11-30 Thread Jason Haar
, if there's no UDP error checking built into openvpn, then shouldn't DNS lookups (ie udp inside a udp openvpn tunnel) fail a lot? Or is the Internet generally so reliable that it doesn't matter? (eg 1% packet loss on Internet leads to 1% packet loss inside openvpn tunnel?) -- Cheers J

[Openvpn-users] openvpn server pretends to be .254 for emulated dhcp server?

2015-12-01 Thread Jason Haar
ed itself to be the .1 address - as that is internally consistent? Thanks -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

Re: [Openvpn-users] openvpn server pretends to be .254 for emulated dhcp server?

2015-12-04 Thread Jason Haar
is the TAP driver hard-wired to pretend X.Y.Z.254 is the DHCP server IP? Why can't it pretend to be the IP address of the openvpn server? That would make more sense and be internally correct? -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1

Re: [Openvpn-users] openvpn server pretends to be .254 for emulated dhcp server?

2015-12-06 Thread Jason Haar
use .1 on the server, so would "ip-win32 dynamic 1" make the client think the DHCP server was on That would be perfect #This defines the "dhcp" range mode server tls-server push "topology subnet" ifconfig ifconfig-pool 192.168.0

[Openvpn-users] want to confirm: verify-x509-name for cert DNS check

2015-12-12 Thread Jason Haar
cause that wouldn't work in a web browser - so I want to check this is supposed to be how openvpn works (I guess we could call it a kind of "pinning") Thanks! -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navig

Re: [Openvpn-users] want to confirm: verify-x509-name for cert DNS check

2015-12-13 Thread Jason Haar
e - excellent - I can work with this :-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Corporate Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprin

Re: [Openvpn-users] Push proxy settings on Windows

2015-12-20 Thread Jason Haar
mething > in an --up script. But I'm not aware of any ready-made implementation. > > gert > > > > -- > > > ___ > Openvpn-users mailing list > > https://list

Re: [Openvpn-users] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases

2016-03-01 Thread Jason Haar
orrective actions now > Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now! > > ___ > Openvpn-users mailing list > >

Re: [Openvpn-users] Allowing all OpenVPN 2.4.x Windows users to run OpenVPN by default?

2016-03-03 Thread Jason Haar
anything finer-grained. Or they would make a domain group called "Openvpn Users" and use it to control who gets openvpn - and therefore also has the ability to run it Jason -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint

[Openvpn-users] feature request: HTTPS proxy support

2016-03-15 Thread Jason Haar
envpn actually work for some of our users when travelling to certain countries... Yes this is a obfuscation trick, but one that uses 99% of existing code :-) and yes I know this could be hacked together using stunnel/socat/etc. But notice the phrase "hacked together" -- Cheers Jason H

Re: [Openvpn-users] feature request: HTTPS proxy support

2016-03-15 Thread Jason Haar
.de > fax: +49-89-35655025 > > -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

Re: [Openvpn-users] Remove "Trust this application" warning on Android

2016-03-19 Thread Jason Haar
is (Android 6.0). Surely it's using the same APIs? I just get a nice "key" in the notification area -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerpr

[Openvpn-users] openvpn-install-2.3.11-I601-x86_64 bluescreens latest Win10 Insider build

2016-05-12 Thread Jason Haar
mes up, openvpn is started, openvpn logs get to report "Initialization Sequence Completed", system crashes. -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint:

[Openvpn-users] OT: howto make Ubuntu networkmanager restart dnsmasq?

2016-05-23 Thread Jason Haar
rting NetworkManager certainly fixes the problem - but restarting the entire network stack just to fix DNS is not a solution... Anyone else figured that out? This is Ubuntu 16.04. Thanks! -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 P

Re: [Openvpn-users] OT: howto make Ubuntu networkmanager restartdnsmasq?

2016-05-23 Thread Jason Haar
her than by restarting NetworkManager. I used to be on Fedora and I would swear I used to just kill dnsmasq and NetworkManager auto-restarted it - but that isn't the case with Ubuntu -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint

Re: [Openvpn-users] OT: howto make Ubuntu networkmanager restartdnsmasq?

2016-05-23 Thread Jason Haar
q*" service at all - it's just something that NetworkManager calls somehow - but doesn't bother to keep tabs on. I think I might just go back to Fedora, I have not been enjoying the experience ;-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1

Re: [Openvpn-users] openvpn-install-2.3.11-I601-x86_64 bluescreens latest Win10 Insider build

2016-06-01 Thread Jason Haar
public has this characteristic and then openvpn will be toast? -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 --

Re: [Openvpn-users] Recommended MTU

2016-07-28 Thread Jason Haar
Openvpn-users mailing list > > > -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint

Re: [Openvpn-users] Access from Client on a high latency link very slow

2016-08-15 Thread Jason Haar
bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow, > J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity > planning reports. > ___ > Openvpn-users mailing

Re: [Openvpn-users] [Openvpn-devel] OpenVPN 2.3.12 released

2016-08-24 Thread Jason Haar
because of my desire for the peer-id data, but I'd rather be vanilla to be honest :-) Thanks again! -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C06

Re: [Openvpn-users] Windows tap driver signing certificate expired.

2016-09-06 Thread Jason Haar
ded any more, but it still working on everything up to Win10 - so we'll keep doing it to keep our silent/scripted installs working without a murmur :-) certutil -addstore "TrustedPublisher" openvpn-tap-driver.p7b > NUL 2>&1 -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manag

Re: [Openvpn-users] Windows tap driver signing certificate expired.

2016-09-07 Thread Jason Haar
houldn't have any issues with Vista+? -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 84

[Openvpn-users] question about "WARNING: this cipher's block size is less than 128 bit"

2016-11-03 Thread Jason Haar
ture, so that the new clients can use the new servers while the old clients migrate. Thanks -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 --

Re: [Openvpn-users] question about "WARNING: this cipher's block size is less than 128 bit"

2016-11-06 Thread Jason Haar
That would be great - certainly worth waiting for :-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

Re: [Openvpn-users] question about "WARNING: this cipher's block size is less than 128 bit"

2016-11-07 Thread Jason Haar
be happy, and then when I migrate the server to 2.4, they all auto-update to AES Is that correct? That would be perfect as then no dual infrastructure would be required -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigat

[Openvpn-users] standalone/pure openvpn binary for Macs?

2016-11-24 Thread Jason Haar
:-}, and was looking for a new version to go to when 2.4 officially comes out -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6

Re: [Openvpn-users] standalone/pure openvpn binary for Macs?

2016-11-24 Thread Jason Haar
On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Mathias Jeschke wrote: > Why not run the openvpn binary that comes with Tunnelblick? > Wow - I have no idea how I missed that! Thanks for spelling out the bleeding obvious to me - I must be getting old! :-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Se

Re: [Openvpn-users] Question about tls-crypt and port 443 firewall ducking

2016-12-31 Thread Jason Haar
and look "legit" -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 -- Check out the vibrant te

Re: [Openvpn-users] Question about tls-crypt and port 443 firewall ducking

2017-01-02 Thread Jason Haar
bsite Hmm, on second thoughts, this would be easier/cleaner to do in Apache via mod_proxy... -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

Re: [Openvpn-users] TLS Error: Unroutable control packet received

2017-03-05 Thread Jason Haar
t received from %s (si=%d op=%s)" All I know is that if I saw that "unroutable" message, I would be 100% thinking about network and firewall problems - I would never have thought this was anything else -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd

[Openvpn-users] kill seems to kill all clients - timeout issue?

2017-04-30 Thread Jason Haar
f the kill takes too long? Or does "client-disconnect" block all clients until it completes - that would explain everything? (because clients have "ping-restart 20") Thanks -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 48

Re: [Openvpn-users] * UPDATE * OpenVPN v2.4.3 and v2.3.17 releases

2017-06-22 Thread Jason Haar
e of the world's most > engaging tech sites,! > _______ > Openvpn-users mailing list > > >

[Openvpn-users] feature request: multiple keys to improve config migration

2017-10-28 Thread Jason Haar
t the new one 5. rotation is now complete -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 -- Check out t

Re: [Openvpn-users] feature request: multiple keys to improve config migration

2017-11-01 Thread Jason Haar
n the new IP but fail on the old. Then after we see no more old-key connections, change the old IP server config to match the new. (I don't want to use more ports because we already use the good ones ;-) -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1

[Openvpn-users] weird Win2012 client issue

2018-06-25 Thread Jason Haar
config to a Win10 system where it works fine - so this is definitely a working config - just not for Win2012. Both ends are fully patched and the Windows installer was grabbed yesterday from Any ideas appreciated -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.

Re: [Openvpn-users] weird Win2012 client issue

2018-06-26 Thread Jason Haar
and replace it with a Win10 system. Will probably be OK for what I want. On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 9:11 PM Jan Just Keijser wrote: > Hi Jason, > > On 26/06/18 04:49, Jason Haar wrote: > > Hey there > > I'm trying to get a Win2012 openvpn client to talk to a Redhat7 openvpn &

Re: [Openvpn-users] weird Win2012 client issue

2018-06-28 Thread Jason Haar
I've thrown the win2K12 away - moved the existing config directory to Win10 and it "just worked". No idea what was really behind this issue - no worse off with Win10 - so forwards I go ;-) On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 8:39 AM Selva Nair wrote: > Hi, > > On Tue, Jun 26, 201

Re: [Openvpn-users] NTLMv1, NTLMv2 HTTP proxy support?

2021-11-09 Thread Jason Haar
raffic too...) - -- Cheers Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +1 408 481 8171 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1 On 2021-11-07 at 13:55, wrote: > Hi Community, > > OpenVPN supports HTTP proxies that require