Re: [opensource-dev] Request for feedback - Preferences Cleanup

2010-11-08 Thread Erik Anderson
"Gag" ? On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Celierra Darling wrote: > That mute button sometimes does the opposite of what "mute" means in SL. > On the telephones in my house and on my Android, mute turns off the > *microphone*, not the incoming sound. (Ditto for some other apps I've seen, > such

Re: [opensource-dev] LGPL violation

2010-10-28 Thread Erik Anderson
There is a static component that is linked when linking to dynamic libraries, however that is present mostly to inform the compiler on what the ABI is, or how your compiled code is expected to interact with the DLL. It is very possible to write a piece of code that explicitly loads the library by

Re: [opensource-dev] LGPL violation

2010-10-23 Thread Erik Anderson
es. > > Imho, the only practical solution is to make the source code availabe, > and most likely just all the source code of the whole viewer. > > On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 07:02:18PM -0700, Erik Anderson wrote: > > Not sure this is worth sending to the list, but could you clarify that

Re: [opensource-dev] 2.0 Absolute Dealbreaker - script count feature request

2010-10-01 Thread Erik Anderson
I hate to break in like this, but we're discussing how inaccurate it is for Mono scripts to contribute a different multiple than LSL scripts, but in the end aren't we just counting scripts? Would it be more accurate to report a script count and let the user do whatever multiple they want, and then

Re: [opensource-dev] Snowstorm clarification

2010-09-09 Thread Erik Anderson
I think the Lindens have pretty much left Subversion alone since they stopped pushing out "code specially made for the public". They've switched to Mercurial, and the repository they're using at seems to have a fair amount of activity... On Thu, Sep 9,

Re: [opensource-dev] Encrypted chat & third-party servers

2010-08-25 Thread Erik Anderson
Well, looking at the spec that was linked earlier in this thread... When someone is using a TPV that can do OTR (and the user has indicated a willingness to use it), then many(all?) their chats will have " " at the end (this is ). I'm guessing that it is thought that no one would notice these

Re: [opensource-dev] Draw Distance

2010-08-23 Thread Erik Anderson
Just a quick/late comment for a thread that seems to have left the subject line a couple days ago anyhow... Requiring the draw distance to be changed that easily smells like a bad paradigm that needs adjusting. It reminds me of a database engine I was using that required me to set the hash size o

Re: [opensource-dev] display names = the end of 1.x viewers?

2010-08-19 Thread Erik Anderson
Lol, another peanut thrown from the back rows, but doesn't "Compatibility with openID" that mean that we may start seeing "christa...@facebook.comresident" in a few years? (Note: I am not saying that this has been stated or is acceptable to anyone any visible timeframe and am not trying to start a

Re: [opensource-dev] display names = the end of 1.x viewers?

2010-08-17 Thread Erik Anderson
I wouldn't say "forever", I suspect a few years down the line it would be transitioned to "Andromeda.Quonset Resident" and then permanently drop the last name... On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Brian McGroarty wrote: > This is correct. Andromeda Quonset will be Andromeda Quonset forever. > At s

Re: [opensource-dev] display names = the end of 1.x viewers?

2010-08-17 Thread Erik Anderson
My interpretation of what was said is that the script using a 2.X viewer would NOT say "Andromeda Resident", SL is just stating that users in the future will not be asked for a last name when they sign up, all new users after that point would have a last name of "Resident", which the 2.X viewers wo

Re: [opensource-dev] Introduction

2010-06-02 Thread Erik Anderson
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Carlo Wood wrote: > On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 11:51:11AM -0400, Monty Brandenberg wrote: > > On 6/1/2010 9:30 PM, Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) wrote: > > > Conflict is > > > fine - sometimes it's even productive, as long as it's done in a way > > > that recognizes tha

Re: [opensource-dev] [POLICY] Configurable HTTP user-agent string

2010-05-06 Thread Erik Anderson
Are you referring to something like this, which can track browsers even if (and much easier if) they turn cookies off or tinker with their privacy settings... On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 6:32 AM, Argent Stonecutter wrote: > On 2010-05-06, at 01:23, Ricky wrote: > > How ca

Re: [opensource-dev] Building SG useing VS2010

2010-05-03 Thread Erik Anderson
I've never even contemplated compiling the source, so this may have limited value, but I did look at the output and the only real problems I could see were an incompatibility between the BOOST libraries and the version of the compiler you are using. On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 7:31 PM, WolfPup Lowenhar

[opensource-dev] message queue stability

2010-04-17 Thread Erik Anderson
ages to disk except for disaster recovery. I hear they're trying to create a new persister that actually is willing to have some saved messages stored on disk, but otherwise I'm not sure I like the idea of messaging servers crashing whenever people hit their message cap... On Sat, Apr 17, 201

Re: [opensource-dev] Requesting Linden Response: Please move TPVP Topics to a different mailing list

2010-04-17 Thread Erik Anderson
Hey, if you're looking for a review of message queueing agents, I ran across an SL review of MQs a while back when trying to choose one for our company's back end COMET server. It had value in my research and may have for someone trying to come up with chat alternatives... http://wiki.secondlife.

Re: [opensource-dev] Requesting Linden Response: Please move TPVPTopics to a different mailing list

2010-04-15 Thread Erik Anderson
Unless I'm mistaken this discussion has been going since almost this list's entire lifetime... On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Joel Foner wrote: > I wonder if anyone has an easy way to calculate the actual signal (os-dev > posts) to noise (legal posts) ratio on this list over, let's say the las

Re: [opensource-dev] Viewers in the directory are being impersonated already

2010-04-13 Thread Erik Anderson
I've heard Linden Labs make this exact same argument multiple times in the past in response to resident reaction over this, so I'm fairly sure that they are very fully aware of this fact. 2010/4/13 Ron Festa > Whether or not these tools are long term effective is irrelevant. The fact > these too

Re: [opensource-dev] Viewers in the directory are being impersonated already

2010-04-12 Thread Erik Anderson
Yah, but it might start looking a bit suspicious if it looks like you're using computers as one-time pads, always using a different system for each connection for a certain account? Might not be as easily detectable for the short-term accounts that get banned within minutes, but anything with hist

Re: [opensource-dev] Brown-bag meeting to continue dialog on TVPV

2010-04-09 Thread Erik Anderson
Issues understood. I've just been remembering previous in-world meetings that were simulcast on skype, although I also remembered that they couldn't get it working... On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Robert Martin wrote: > On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Erik Anderson > wrote:

Re: [opensource-dev] Brown-bag meeting to continue dialog on TVPV

2010-04-09 Thread Erik Anderson
Would Skype be an option? --piping up from the peanut gallery... On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Ron Festa wrote: > I'm afraid that won't work. The ToS is an agreement between you (the user) > and Linden Lab, not your avatar and LL. > > Personally I think a meeting such as this where many won't

Re: [opensource-dev] Known details of LL 'Firefly' client-side scripting

2010-03-17 Thread Erik Anderson
Not to mention that .NET does not have an uncontroversial licensing arrangement, with many lawyers not able to figure out whether or not most linux distributions are in technical violation... On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Argent Stonecutter wrote: > > I don't follow you here. What I read in t

Re: [opensource-dev] Request for comments about llSetAgentEnvironment / SVC-5520

2010-03-10 Thread Erik Anderson
On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:34 AM, Maggie Leber (sl: Maggie Darwin) <> wrote: > On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Kelly Linden > wrote: > > Windlight settings should be a part of the build and not something > > you have to opt into or be bugged with a dialog to see.* > > Well,

Re: [opensource-dev] Script Memory Management Algorithm

2010-03-09 Thread Erik Anderson
So... If the script hits a memory wall, there's no way to transparently increase that wall and start reporting that the script is taking more RAM? Or has the stack+heap collided with each other at that point and there's no way to reform the memory space? Isn't this already something that scripts

Re: [opensource-dev] Mailman for opensource-dev on pipermail is slicing posts

2010-02-28 Thread Erik Anderson
I just was looking at the opensim-dev list last night and it looks like it's been shredding gears for a week or so now. Finally stopped logging any messages at all until a single message came through yesterday. On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Morgaine wrote: > For the month of February, there

Re: [opensource-dev] Third party viewer policy

2010-02-25 Thread Erik Anderson
>From Gareth's analysis, I'm guessing that the "ban" today was a rather ill-timed bug and that someone probably has egg on their face from messing up the production login server while in the middle of some rather delicate negotiations here regarding said server. Amazon did something similar with d