> into 'OpenURL' produces nothing.
Works here: I'm using IcnClipBrd, but if you have Select, Adjust or RO6
you should presumably enable the writeable icon cut-n-paste option.
There's no point NetSurf re-inventing the wheel by implementing something
that the OS
> That's fair enough . I'll find out how to Zip files
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
> > X Rename .WWW.NetSurf.Log
> > .WWW.NetSurf.OldLog
> > That should all be one line, incase email has munged it.
> Ignorant question: Is there a typo here, or do you really mean "X
> Rename"? It doesn't look like anything I recognise.
*Help X
should clarify things.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
but I can't
> be bothered to fire it up - life's too short. :-)
> I think it can reasonably said that overtyping in browser address bars
> is now expected behaviour whatever RO might traditionally have done
It's been a requirement of the Style Guide since at least 1993, so
arguably RISC OS has always behaved this way.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
of icon instead
> Eh? I haven't got a "Copy" key. Is that "Delete" on the RPC keyboard?
The "End" key (it was copy on the A3000 and earlier).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
in there to deflect the pedants. I can see that
having NetSurf on one's CV might be a path to indirect financial benefit
at some future time, but such an outlook would simply prioritise a
developer towards work that he or she considered would be useful on his or
her CV. As such, it just back
ack and, again IIRC, one of those people with
more knowledge of the subject than me explained what the solution was.
Since it's nothing to do with NetSurf, you probably want to ask the
question again over there.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
font data for fonts that will probably never be used?
It's stored in !Scrap (in a file called RUfl_cache). On this machine, with a
few fonts installed, it takes up 277K. I think that's a reasonable price to
pay for improved text display.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
ail -- but I wonder how many RISC OS apps really /do/ check
WimpScrap transfers for disc full errors?).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
to the former-CC applications, and so are
probably not a good choice for adding elsewhere.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 27 Jun, Tony Moore wrote in message
> On 27 Jun 2009, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > On 27 Jun, Jim Nagel wrote in message
> > :
> >
> > > is there a keyboard shortcut to close such a window? if not, is th
Shift-click on the link instead.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
If people think this /should/ work then I'll look further into my setup and
follow this up somewhere more appropriate with some details. OTOH, if it's
already a known 'issue', it could save me some wasted time and investigation.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 9 Aug, John Tytgat wrote in message
> In message <1e821c8850.st...@helvellyn.stevefryatt.org.uk>
> Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > If people think this /should/ work then I'll look further into my
> > s
On 7 Sep, Jim Nagel wrote in message
> raises the curious question now: Cursive and Fantasy fonts?
> to quote the giant in Jim and the Beanstalk: "never heard of such a
> thing. get me some!"
It's a CSS thing:
am delighted, apparently, to be the first to make a pledge. I
> do hope it does better than the pledge I made to RISC OS Ltd to produce
> a version for the Iyonix.
What does it aim to achieve? Even if you get loads of pledges, I'm not sure
that throwing money at the problem will
ity would just move
the complaints from this list to another RISC OS forum a month or so down the
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
All they're asking in return is that a RISC OS developer joins them to keep
the RISC OS bits up to date. Sorry, but that doesn't seem like a big ask to
me -- which is probably why I offered to help, although I don't seem to have
the time available right now either.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
;s always worked fine here (I *only* filter on
List-Id or its equivalent, where possible).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
or the avoidance of any possible doubt, these tasks were *not* Archive's
PD Column or the editing of the Wakefield Club newsletter.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 16 Jan, Steve Fryatt wrote in message
> That may be true, but I've asked groups of RISC OS users to take on some
> of the more "paper shuffling" tasks that I've been doing for the platform
> over the last six months, to free up the time that I required fo
eel-reinvention being a waste of time).
Long term, I suspect we could ditch writable icons completely and do the URL
bar using one of NetSurf's own text fields, but that's not a five-minute fix
either. Again, there are many more pressing things to do first, from what I
can see.
If anyone else fancies it, as Rob says, you know where the source is.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
t; [Snip example]
> Isn't this what is for? Without it I think any browser will perform
> these arbitary splits if provoked.
Roger's example was bracket-letter, so no space is involved.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
explain how I envisaged the remaining bits slotting together
(although better ideas would be welcomed :-).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
r me to test on).
I can certainly reproduce it here; is anyone filing a bug report?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 30 Apr, Dave Symes wrote in message
> In article ,
>Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > I can certainly reproduce it here; is anyone filing a bug report?
> I've just tried NS of 30 April 2010 r10528 with Printers 1.64a and no
t would've been before the 2.5 release.
Logging into the ROOL site is working OK with r10542 on an Iyonix using
RO5.16, which suggests it might be something more specific to your setup.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
file, I suspect it then runs out of memory and
I'll leave it to someone else to comment on if there's something wrong with
the way NetSurf is dealing with the supplied Content-Type headers in this
case; it's not something I'm familiar with.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
at point. If the RISC OS version breaks, it will almost
certainly break as in "won't build", not "won't work".
And, for the record, once things have stabilised following 2.5, I hope
there will still be work done on the RISC OS front-end -- time permitting.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 18 May, Tim Hill wrote in message
> In article <56328.>, Steve
> Fryatt wrote:
> [snip]
> > And, for the record, once things have stabilised following 2.5, I hope
> > th
e made the
situation clear, although the headline was a lillte tabloid (and I pointed
that out at the time).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
now - 10th July. Full details are on the website:-
> > http://mug.riscos.org/show10/index.htm
> I am nearest, but I will not be able to attend due to other commitments.
I'll be there as myself, but would be happy to "represent" NetSurf to some
degree if that would help. It w
That dot isn't a directory seperator, is it?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
;m trying to set up a Keystroke to do this from a selected bit in a
> textfile. *wget is on the right line but of course fetches the stuff only
> as text in a taskwindow.
Note that this needs the *full* URI to work, so that the system knows which
application to pass the
On 30 Apr, Steve Fryatt wrote in message
> On 30 Apr, Dave Symes wrote in message
> <511035e204d...@triffid.co.uk>:
> > In article ,
> >Steve Fryatt wrote:
> >
> > > I can certainly reproduce it here; is anyone filing a bug report?
adds a new PDumper module to !Printers which won't be in the downloaded
copy. csa.apps would be the place to ask for more help on this.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
etSurf down, i.e., Continue worked.
Could you tell us what printer driver you're using? That's a pretty vital
piece of information when reporting printing bugs.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On Thu, July 22, 2010 12:40 pm, Dr Peter Young wrote:
> As I want to be kind to my hard drive, I haven't dared go beyond
> 10649. Sorry, developers!
In what way do you expect the logging to be unkind to your hard drive?
Discs are designed for use; that's what they're f
a segmentation fault or abort as
> appropriate.
Where is the crash coming from (NetSurf, or the scrolling module), on what
OS, and with what mouse support utilities (if any)? HID is known to crash
out on scrolling with certain types of window, for example.
Steve Fryatt
Command-line: http://www.riscos.info/packages/UtilitiesDetails.html#bzip2
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
t you modify NetSurf to remove the
message: adding and removing fonts is a completely legitimate action on
RISC OS, and I assume that NetSurf is adding fonts for a reason.
Chris has pointed out the reason that EasyFontPro gives a warning. You now
need to fix Easy Font Pro to ignore what NetSur
versions and offer to supply logs whenever
they find problems, the sooner it will be possible to turn off detailed
logging again.
And as also mentioned here, the logs compress very well if you need to keep
copies of any.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
d end of the URL bar and not the text itself?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
likely to be less getting written to NetSurf's log file now, at least.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
the link to force a save box to open.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
has a list of the main things that are now broken. Reports of bugs are
still very useful (and if in doubt, it may be best to err on the side of
presuming a bug).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
wn feature -- see this post from back in October on this list:
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
time should be dropped from the display with only the
> > fraction shown.
> Patches gratefully received.
> If you're not a programmer, then consider contacting Steve Fryatt and
> persuading him of your correctness.
Not much persuasion necessary: this has niggle
t was outside, Shift/ Ctrl/ Alt would
close the edit.
> But use the latest build, because there have been other fixes to treeview
> and textarea code since then.
Does r11090 sort the wierd things?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
st tell us:
- What OS you're using (full version, please)?
- What screen mode you're using (colour depth in particular)?
And please try the latest build just in case: fixes to the tree code seem to
be coming thick and fast at present.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, Engla
les once to get the help pages to work
> for one application.
> Any suggestions for a better prog any one?
A more up-to-date copy (as I'm fairly sure this 'feature' was fixed ages
://www.davidpilling.com/free.html (you probably still
want to get 2.29, even if you need 26-bit).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/
ing files (at which point, the suffix is removed).
> SparkFS, which I expect most of us use, gets it right.
I suspect that there's some RISC OS-side jiggery-pokery going on there
with the MIME Map or DOSMap, then.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
gt; two after the present lowest.
That seems to always have been the case: I've finally understood what the
scroll code was (or wasn't) doing. It's the kind of thing that could well
fall under the work I'm doing away from the trunk at present, so it's
noted but any fix may
he toolbar's URL bar only allocates 256 bytes
to store the URL and terminator in. I'm afraid that I'm not immediately
about to fix that, because I'm already working on that code in other ways at
2. There is a hardcoded limit of 399 bytes for an ANT URL file's conte
/or 'To',
> nor do the Depart and Return dropdowns, drop down.
That page seems to rely a lot on Javascript: certainly Departure and Return
do, and From and To look as if they do, too.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
should have done himself).
I would need to understand the browser window content stuff better to risk
attempting a fix, I'm afraid: I'm not sure how much the search still needs
to tidy up at that point.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
27;s sort-of the point of the logfiles. After a crash, the log tells us
whereabouts in the code NetSurf was at the time, and in some cases what line
it stopped at. The lines leading up to the end of the log may give useful
background details about how things were set up.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, Engl
n more modern
features, and selective amnesia might be even more inefficient overall. (I
don't know for sure as I don't know that much about the layout engine in
NetSurf, but your logic seems faulty to me).
Also, define "any browser" compatible. These days, I'd ta
nt users to mess with this option? If
not, I'll add it to the RISC OS config interface as it looks as if it could
be useful on the slower hardware.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
#x27;ve just tried these two tests on RPCemu, which I /think/ is running at a
bit less than SA RiscPC speed on my system. I get:
Incremental Non-Incremental
URL 1: 5.7s 4.5s
URL 2: 7.7s 8.5s
I'm using a broadband connection. What processor and internet connec
#x27;t see a problem here: there's no
visible flicker with the new build.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/
...and that's CSS, included inline in a style attribute.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/
ther frontends for a while).
In the meantime, bug reports from RISC OS users are now even more welcome.
If something /has/ changed (relative to NetSurf 2.6), there's a good chance
that I've broken it. If I have, I'd really like to know so that I can fix
it again...
On 21 Feb, Martin Bazley wrote in message
> Firstly, congratulations and many thanks to Steve Fryatt fo his sterling
> work on the RISC OS toolbar implementation. While, as mentioned on the
> wiki, user-facing improvements aren't much in evidence, I understand the
> new
On 22 Feb, Martin Bazley wrote in message
> OK, I've just got around to adding it. Two tickets, one feature and one
> bug:
> Scrolling bug:
Now fixed, I hope.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield
& find them - whatever they are!
They have been disabled in the core now, due to an unrelated issue, so
there's not much to find. See the "Favicons" thread.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Interactive Help client when that menu item is selected (assuming that one
it recognises isn't already running).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/
estarted (but before you run NetSurf
What website are you doing this on?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/
On 6 Mar, Roger Darlington wrote in message
> On 6 Mar 2011, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > Do you mean that you accidentally click Menu over the browser window,
> > and then accidentally traverse to Page->Export->Text, o
> text OK; r11907 and r11922 on the Iyonix don't.
A bit more specifically, it stops working in r11877 having been OK in
r11876. I'm afraid that's probably as far as I can usefully go without a
very steep learning curve, though.
spite following the instructions to the letter, this RISC
OS enabled developer couldn't reproduce the problem on 5.16 either.
A log file from an affected copy of NetSurf might help (although that's
not a promise that anything will get fixed soon: it depends on what's
wrong and what the
changing any
time soon (unless the RO frontend gets some more developers, I suppose, in
which case one of them might decide to do something :-).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 A
On 20 Mar, Steve Fryatt wrote in message
> On 18 Mar, Jim Nagel wrote in message
> <286dfbb551@nails.abbeypress.net>:
> > there appears to be no way to scroll right to read the rest of the text
> > in the inner pane of this warning generated by Nets
extension stripping turned on, and has that been getting ignored?
If so, did it perhaps break around r11774 when I fiddled with the download
filename code and forgot (amongst other things) to check the "strip
extension" option, then fix itself around r12127 when someone kindly
corrected my
t, i note, can be dragged wider, though it has no horizontal
> scrollbar.
It does now: that was the point of the most recent fix, because the
problem that affected certificates could also affect the other tree
windows in more extreme cases (if the text line was wider than you
glance at the source code suggests that the RISC OS
front-end should.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 16 April 2011
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/
added to the RISC OS
> frontend.
It was one of the motivations behind the RISC OS toolbar re-write: the idea
of adding new widgets to the toolbar is a lot less scary now than it was
Now that things have calmed down after Wakefield, I might start to make some
use of the changes. There may b
On Sun, April 24, 2011 12:13 pm, Brian wrote:
> So, what was the reason this was removed?
It stopped working after other changes to the browser core, IIRC (and if I
don't, then I'm sure I'll be corrected :-).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
builds (ie ones with higher 'r' numbers) will still contain the same changes
unless one of the developers specifically undoes them again for some reason.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 28 Apr, Tim Powys-Lybbe wrote in message
> On 28 Apr at 11:26, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > Just download the current build. You can see what rev it's up to from
> > the entries under "Recent SVN Activity" further down the page: as I
> > write this,
> of the list" issue occurs here too, so it looks like a core bug. I've not
> experienced any flickering on any of the treeviews, so I think that one is
> RISC OS specific.
It does indeed flicker on RISC OS. I'll investigate at some point (I'll
assume that Mar
> the machine out.
Example sites would be useful: I've been running r12912 on RO5.16 all
evening and using it for "work", and it's been totally stable (he says,
tempting fate).
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
nv, Unicode etc) are actually changed.
> Surely NetSurf should RMEnsure the minimum versions of the modules it
> needs in the !Run file?
AFAIAA, it does.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
for RISC OS users) than
it once was. Hopefully this should change over time, rather as the
bookmarks, history and cookies windows returned to normal following their
move into the core a while back.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
it hasn't shut down properly, there's nothing relevant in
> the logfile.
Hmm. It doesn't here. If you load NetSurf, go to a page, try that action
twice, does it do it? Or do you need to have been browsing around first?
> Should I just submit a logfile anyway?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
On 11 Oct, Dr Peter Young wrote in message
> On 11 Oct 2011 Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > Hmm. It doesn't here. If you load NetSurf, go to a page, try that
> > action twice, does it do it? Or do you need to have b
enerally at about 230-ish characters. This wasn't that
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
o be the same problem; if anyone disagrees, let me know.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
;d be the only
person interested or affected. Is there are reason not to mail the
developer mailing list and thereby catch everyone in one go?
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
ionally. I just
> tried it from NetSurf and it tells me I'm not logged in, so I can't
> actually get as far as replicating your problems.
Yes, I can confirm this too, having just tried. Trying to access Squirrel
Mail on a local IP address (https://192..) just tells me that I
as just been pointed out to me this evening) only if the
dialogue is opened via the menu. Press F4 and it stays on the screen as
That gives a pretty good clue as to where the problem lies, I think, so I'll
look into it when I've got a few minutes.
Steve Fryatt
e settings
(which HID might prompt for when you shut down).
* If you have a scroll wheel setup that scrolls by sending Open Window
events to NetSurf (which is how HID works in some other modes, and how I
think STD's old PS2Mouse system worked pre-ROL), then things will still work
on unframed s
the Wimp.
This could be more of an HID feature than a NetSurf one: I'll investigate
when I get the chance. As I said in my first post, scroll wheel support
on RISC OS is something of a minefield... :-(
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
On 19 Dec, Brian Howlett wrote in message
> On 19 Dec, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> > This could be more of an HID feature than a NetSurf one: I'll
> > investigate when I get the chance. As I said in my first post, scroll
NetSurf on
> your system.
Just to remove one possibly clutchable straw, NetSurf (test builds of, at
least) runs quite happily under at least some RPCemu setups, whether or not
networking is active. The RISC OS front-end gets tested like that quite
frequently, so I'd probably notice if it did
before I have the time to do it and I'll forget otherwise.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
Saturday 28 April 2012
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/
ler, or
manually in some way?
NetSurf looks to be using Choices$Write correctly in it's theme install,
although that's just based on a quick read through the code in question.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
any new URLs at the botton of
> > the hotlist.
> > If it isn't, adding a URL will put up a menu of folders to choose from.
> It is not ticked, no Menu of folders arrives, and the URL is added to the
> main book.
Nick's talking about BookMaker; you'
rf 2.9 on the RiscPC (OS 4.39) has no problem.
Have you tried cleaning out (or at least temporarily hiding) *all* of
NetSurf's data inside !Boot on the affected system? There's some in Choices
and some in Scrap.
Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
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