On 15 Jan, Michael Bell wrote in message
> In message <20100115131610.5b82a...@trite.i.flarn.net.i.flarn.net>
>           Rob Kendrick <r...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:
> > Perhaps 5 to 10 years of experience to learn C and using the WIMP from C
> > before you start, along with perhaps a month to get to grips with
> > NetSurf's sources.
> Far beyond most of us, I'm afraid.

That may be true, but I've asked groups of RISC OS users to take on some of
the more "paper shuffling" tasks that I've been doing for the platform over
the last six months, to free up the time that I required for looking at
NetSurf.  They were things that could be done with a copy of Ovation Pro and
a grasp of the English langauge[1], but even these requests for help were
met with total silence.

1. For the avoidance of any possible doubt, these tasks were *not* Archive's
PD Column or the editing of the Wakefield Club newsletter.

Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England


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