On 28 Mar, David H Wild wrote in message

> But it isn't. Smetimes it has arrived as just Netsurf and at others as
> netsurf/zip - and I haven't changed anything.

Are you talking about downloading the archive via NetSurf?  Do you have
extension stripping turned on, and has that been getting ignored?

If so, did it perhaps break around r11774 when I fiddled with the download
filename code and forgot (amongst other things) to check the "strip
extension" option, then fix itself around r12127 when someone kindly
corrected my mistakes for me?


Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England             Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show
                                              Saturday 16 April 2011
http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/           http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/

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