Hello Chris,
On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 08:30:11AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> I read my mail (via ssh) on quite a variety of devices, one is an
> Android phone running termux which has rather short lines which
> truncate much of the subject in index view.
> I could rearrange the index_format but
Hello Matthias,
On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 07:33:41AM +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> I often use mutt on some remote Linux host of my ISP about which I do
> not have control as root, just a SSH login is provided. Due to this I do
> not want to store the IMAP password in ~/.muttrc or where ever there
Hei hei,
On Sat, Apr 04, 2020 at 09:41:59AM +0200, Vegard Svanberg wrote:
> However, I'm increasingly finding myself having to resort to various
> tricks to deal with HTML only emails (with picture attachments),
> calendar invites, and other oddities and awkward stuff people send.
This is mostly
Hello raf,
On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 01:47:15PM +1000, m...@raf.org wrote:
> This might not be the right place to report this but
> I've just discovered that the mutt package on debian9
> stable (or rather NeoMutt 20170113 (1.7.2)) segfaults
> if you ask it to write to a readonly mbox file. It
> hap
Hei hei,
On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 03:40:15PM +0200, Francesco Ariis wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 03:36:54PM +0200, Alexander Dahl wrote:
> > folder-hook . push "."
> > folder-hook =Lists/buildroot'push "!=s \"git commit\"&q
Hei hei,
I have a limit pattern which works interactively, but which I can not
get to work as a folder hook. This is what I use when hitting the l
key in the index, and which works fine:
!=s "git commit"
If I want to set that as a folder hook, from the manual I understood,
that I must use push
Hei hei,
the default mutt behaviour is the key mapped to something called
'next-new-then-unread' which is fine. However I'd like to have that
not wrap around but stop at the end of the current mailbox. Now it
just jumps from the last to the first new message. Can I disable that
and how?
Hei hei,
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 01:18:21PM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
> Is the osuosl.org domain going to show up in the headers sometimes as
> well? I'm seeing most stuff w/ mutt.org in the headers, but most recent
> message came via osuosl.org domain - maybe Mailman vhost settings need
> to be
Hei hei,
On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 10:28:18AM +, Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 06:09:44PM +0800, Yubin Ruan wrote:
> > Hi, do you guys have any ways to conveniently copy a long URL which spans
> > across several lines and have + prefixes before it. Currently in the pager I
> > have
Hei hei,
On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 10:14:34AM -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> First, you could try training yourself to use 'i' to exit the pager menu
> instead. Some distros include a version of the nntp patch which steals
> this keybinding, but by default it is bound to in the pager menu
> but
Hei hei,
On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 09:52:42PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> I'm wondering if there's a setting or combination of settings I'm missing to
> prevent an annoyance. In short: an accidentally-doubled "q" keypress in the
> message view will quit mutt (I have exit set to the default of "
Hei hei,
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 02:10:40PM -0500, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 18:25:10 +, Chris Green wrote:
> > Yes, but (as I said) they're not in the Ubuntu repositories so I'd
> > need to check and update manually - which I'll forget.
> Odd. It's in Debian:
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 03:32:53PM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> set reverse_name
> set from = "p...@lespocky.de"
> set use_from
> alternates " "
> send-hook . unmy_hdr From:
> send-hook "my_hdr From: "
> Now when you reply, mutt will use the name in the To: field to determ
Hei hei,
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 07:59:01AM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > >send-hook . set from=your@emailaddy
> >
> > I have this line in my send hooks:
> >
> > send-hook "~C ^netz39.*@lists\\.netz39\\.de$" "my_hdr From: Alexander D
ave this line in my send hooks:
send-hook "~C ^netz39.*@lists\\.netz39\\.de$" "my_hdr From: Alexander Dahl
Where do I put the one above, before or after? What does it actually
do and why does it not affect my send hook itself?
»With the first link, the chai
Hei hei,
On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 03:47:14PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> I know not about "button[s]" as I work with text from the keyboard. But I
> believe we are saying/mean the same thing, mailing list software should
> not insert or alter Reply-To: header!
Of course not, I know we are o
Hei hei,
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 03:59:24PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> Then there is *little* we disagree with in this scope. I am *against*
> "Reply-To:" mudging by list software and believe it should *only* be
> employed by a poster wishing replies to his posts to be rec'd by a
> differe
Hei hei,
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 02:44:19AM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
> Why? It is awkward replying to a list when a copy isn't sent to the
> subscriber of the list¹ 'L' doesn't work for a start.
> Catering for inexperienced or uninterested users unfortunately makes it
> awkward for normal
Hei hei,
On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 12:51:54AM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
> But dumbing things down also causes problems. People should learn
> some social graces. Email is one of the basic forms of communication
> in our new electronic world. I think this facade does them no favors.
This would me
Hei hei,
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 02:00:41PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Agreed. However Mailman has an option that is often (ab)used.
> "Filter out duplicate messages to list members (if possible)"
> In which case if you are subscribed to the mailing list and someone
> posts to the mailin
Am 21.07.2011 05:43, schrieb XeCycle:
> After all it's deprecated. If mutt provides something like
> `message-hook', this could be done easily.
Despite being deprecated, there are some developers/users of other MUAs
still recommending it, e.g. thunderbird/enigmail.
»With the first link
Hei hei,
Am 21.07.2011 03:23, schrieb Dan McDaniel:
> Then I have to do ,p to make it verify the signature. I was hoping that there
> was a
> configuration variable that would make it do all that automatically like it
> does for
> detached signatures.
This works for me with the following set of
Hei hei,
> My understanding is that threading has nothing to do with the subject
> line. If it did threads couldn't be hijacked. What am I missing?
Maybe the following mail headers: Message-ID, References and In-Reply-To.
»With the first link, the chain is forged. The first spee
> To quote the muttrc man page:
> metoo
> Type: boolean
> Default: no
> If unset, Mutt will remove your address (see the "alternates"
> command) from the list of recipients when replying to a
> message.
Awesome. I just missed this functi
> The do it... :) In mutt, you can even set $signature to a pipe, i.e.
> a script that gets the signature as argument and prints it with BOM:
> set signature="script.sh signature|"
That's what I did now, wrote a script strip-bom.pl which removes the BOM
from the beginning of the signatur
> Is it possible to use this character in the body of a mail? I'm not
> seeing a special character in the signature.
Why should it not be? At least it corrupts the correct signature
coloring in my mutt. Haven't tried this with other mail clients yet.
> As to where it comes from, the characte
mutt calls Vim as mail editor and
now Vim shows me this BOM character as follows (I'm actually just typing
this in Vim):
24 Alexander Dahl, Staff Engineer
This is the same signature you should see below and you should also find
this special character in it.
To cut a long story short: which
sorry for the two mails, I started answering with mutt and instead of
saving a draft and finishing this in Thunderbird, I sent it. Time for
bed. ;-)
> Yeah, it's evil because it's not the optimal solution but it works
> reliably (enough). I wonder what enigmail does with mails like this:
> No, not yet.
I tried a few times. *sigh*
> Is there a public archive of the enigmail list? Reading up on the
> subject could be fun I guess.
Here: http://mozdev.org/pipermail/enigmail/
But it's nasty searching in it. I tried to find a good thread to show
you with searching 'pgp/mime sit
> PGP though that's strongly discouraged. It doesn't give you a pointless
> attachment but some pointless lines of text at top/bottom of your mail.
Did you ever try to explain this to the developers of Enigmail (GnuPG
extension for Mozilla Thunderbird)? They have the contrary opinion. This
> Does anyone know workaround for the problem with Outlook handling of the
> digital signatures. (.dat file)
Install a proper GnuPG plugin for Outlook? e.g. GpgOL:
»With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured,
the fi
> How to delete all mails that have same subject with mutt? In fact I have
> some rss feeds that are duplicated. Then, i could do such thing in bash
> but, I would like to know if there is any _existing_solution with mutt.
I usually press T and use ~= as pattern which selects double messages
> So I've gotten around to generating my own personal GPG key and
> signing every mail with it. Problem is, I don't know anyone with gpg
> or pgp, and want my key to be signed. If I understand correctly, this
> should be done face to face? Or can someone on this list do it? I'm
> fairly new to
d still like the reply to
> originate from the cycling address, not the uni address. Currently, I
> have to set this manually (using a macro).
I want the same thing and have configured it as follows (@ and .
replaced ;))
set reverse_name
set realname= 'Alexander Dahl'
Hi Joseph,
> But my "classic" or gpg cannot confirm you signature Alex.
> It says it can't find your key on the public key server.
I'm sure the keyservers hold my key. And I'm also sure my signature in
PGP/MIME format is correct. Everybody using Thunderbird/Enigmail, KMail
and my own mutt can
> I have searched the website & maillist, but no answer.
> And http://wiki.mutt.org/?MuttGuide/UseGPG, no such information too.
All I can say is: if you use GPGME as crypto backend instead of the classic
ones, PGP/MIME is used automatically. My messages are signed this way so you
can see it wor
> When I use the example gpg.rc, mutt can't sign in attachment like
> "signature.asc", why ?
I think what you mean is PGP/MIME instead of deprecated inline sig. Have you
tried searching for this keyword?
* http://www.lespocky.de ***
> I think you submit feature requests at http://dev.mutt.org/trac/>.
Done: http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2973
Freiheit statt Angst -- Für die Grundrechte!
Bundesweite, dezentrale Demos
06.11. in Magdeburg Haltestelle Goldschmiedebrücke 16:00 bis 19:00 Uhr
- Bringt Laternen, Ker
Hi Christoph,
> I never understood how it comes that gpgme encrypts only FCC with my
> key. Since gnupg is a crypto suite, not a mail user agent, I'd be surprised if
> it has a notion of "FCC", but what do I know... I was never persistent enough
> to dig through the code.
In fact my fcc is not
Hi Christoph,
> actually, you configure it in the gnupg config files rather than .muttrc
> (don't ask me why). Add to gpgsm.conf a line
> encrypt-to 0x
But doesn't that mean every encryption, regardless if in mutt or not, is
done additionally to my key? That's a behaviour I
> I have a self configured mutt 1.5.16 with encryption via gpgme:
Is there at least anyone but me who uses gpgme instead of classic method
with this error-prone commandline config? ;)
Freiheit statt Angst -- Für die Grundrechte!
Bundesweite, dezentrale Demos gegen die Vorratsdate
Hi everyone,
I have a self configured mutt 1.5.16 with encryption via gpgme:
That works fine despite of this bug: http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2913
I noticed today that there is no "encrypt to self" functionality
> > > send-hook PATTERN set signature=SIGNATURE_FILE
> >
> > That's pretty cool, I'll try that to append a signature based on
> > outgoing address.
> There is another notable feature, you can set SIGNATURE_FILE to a pipe
> like this:
> send-hook PATTERN set signature="SIGNATURE_FILE|"
> m
> When you folks upload your key to the server do you get any conformation?
> gpg --send-keys ED0E1FB7
> gpg --search-keys ED0E1FB7
> gpg: searching for "ED0E1FB7" from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
> gpg: key "ED0E1FB7" not found on keyserver
> Do these servers work?
You don't have to try f
Hallo Franz,
> So, are you a lot of you guys using external textmode editors
> in the place of Mutt's "primitive" one? What are the intelligent
Yes, I use joe.
> alternatives? Is it feasible, then, to make your external textmode
> editor match mutt's colors?
I went the other way round and c
> You can accomplish this by setting signature in a send-hook, like so:
> send-hook PATTERN set signature=SIGNATURE_FILE
That's pretty cool, I'll try that to append a signature based on outgoing
* http://www.lespocky.de ***
> this seems to work. At least a test mail I sent to myself did. Let's
> see how this one fares...
Looks fine on my side. :-)
* http://www.lespocky.de ***
GnuPG-FP: 02C8 A590 7FE5 CA5F 3601 D1D5 8FBA 7744 CC87 10D0
Hi Kyle,
> The subject? You mean your *From* header, right?
Sure the From header, sorry about that. O:-)
* http://www.lespocky.de ***
GnuPG-FP: 02C8 A590 7FE5 CA5F 3601 D1D5 8FBA 7744 CC87 10D0
Description: PGP si
Hi folks,
I know, I'm a little off-topic, but I have a question about a charset issue:
On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 02:39:54PM -0400, Cristóbal M. Palmer wrote:
> Cristóbal Palmer
I have a clean mutt 1.5.16 running on a linux with locale "[
Hi Andre,
> I wonder if there is a tool like buffy for the command line. That tool
> checks my mboxes periodically and displays, how many new messages have
> arrived. It can also start mutt and jump to the mbox which contains new
> messages.
Why don't you leave mutt open (perhaps in a screen ses
Hi Ralf,
Does your client try to establish an encrypted connection to your
SMTP-server? As I sad above I had problems with encrypted connections and
gnutls. Is your mutt self compiled?
Hi Ralf,
> I've updated mutt to 1.5.16 (etch backport) to checkout the new smtp transport
> feature. (Thanks for that!)
> The only problem I ran into is when remote smtp smarthosts do not support
> authentication at all (in intranets for example).
Is your mutt compiled against SASL?
> I ge
> Here my question: How do you setup exim4 with multiple smart hosts for
> mutt? The idea was to create a folder-hook like...
I think this is no mutt issue. I use eisfair and the mail package for it
uses exim as SMTP-server. I can configure multiple smarthosts and exim
decides by from adress over
> When I write with mutt ( a mail without Subject: it asks
> me if I want to cancel this or not, and the default is to cancel it
> and not let it pass accidently by just hitting ENTER;
> so far so good;
> is it even somehow configurable that it does not let send me the
> mail without Su
> Because I did never bother to find the configure options that turn the
> "classic" backend off. :-)
I use the following options to configure the crypto backend of mutt:
> GPGME worked for me as well
Hi Christoph,
> b) gpgme always returns a "file not found" error, but I have no clue which
> file it is looking for.
Do you have gpg-agent installed and running correctly? I've had error
messages with no helping content before installing gpg-agent.
> I'd like to be able to move both read and unread mail to a folder.
I use the function 'save-message' for that. In default config you press 's'
in index view and mutt will ask you for destination folder then. You can
move more than one mail at once by tagging them first and then press ';s'
> How would I achieve this?
The subject? Replace inside of the attachement or in filename?
* http://www.lespocky.de ***
GnuPG-FP: 02C8 A590 7FE5 CA5F 3601 D1D5 8FBA 7744 CC87 10D0
Description: PGP signature
> So far, I've been using mutt-ng, but today I figured I would try out vanilla
> mutt -- for no particular reason, other than to try out the newest
> relase.
You seem to use mutt 1.5.15 but 1.5.16 is newest release. 8-)
* http://www.lespocky.de ***
Hello Kyle,
> Nothing; you're not doing anything wrong, mutt's interface here is
> just really annoying. There's a patch to fix it, though:
> http://www.mutt.ca/confirm-crypt-hook.html
According to this link I'm not the only one who's annoyed by this. Thank
you, I'll check this out later. :-
> Here is my layout:
> /home/vmail/
> mydomain/
It should not be of any interest to the mail client, where the IMAP server
stores its data.
> with an ... imap://localhost/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/INBOX
set folder = imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
set spoolfile = +I
Hi everyone,
I want to send an encrypted mail to someone I have two public gpg keys from.
By default mutt (crypt backend gpgme, no classic pgp) shows me a list of all
subkeys of the two public keys and I have to choose everytime. Since I
always choose the same key I want mutt to use it without qu
> As an irritating workaround, you can create a "mailing list" gpg key
> that everyone on the list has the secret key for.
If you already throw away the security which is introduced by public key
method, why then use GPG? ;-) I think it would be easiest to use "To:", "Cc:"
and "Reply to all" to r
Hi Dave,
> Has anyone got smtp email in mutt actually working?
> If yes, could that person post the configure settings used to
> compile mutt, and also the contents of the .muttrc file so
> I can compare that info with my mutt settings which still do not
> allow smtp to work?
I only have o
> at the moment, i face this problem only with this mailing list. i'm not
> sure if it's impossible in general to encrypt emails with more than one
> key (for example: one email, two recipients in to:, both recipients'
> keys in the keyring), i have to test that.
Encryption with more than one key
set reverse_name
set realname= 'Alexander Dahl'
set from= "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
set use_from= yes
This lets mutt automatically set the from-address to the address the mail
arrived and sets it t
Hi folks,
> I assume there's something wrong in invoking gpg-agent by
> mutt. Is this a problem of mutt configuration or a bug in gpgme backend?
This is a problem of mutt invoking GPGME. Mutt doesn't hand over a locale to
GPGME at all. See:
I'm using a self compiled mutt 1.5.16 with gpgme backend and without classic
pgp or smime integration. This requires configuration of gpg-agent and
pinentry. I've done this so far and it works correctly e.g. with file
decryption on the command line.
The locale on this computer is iso8859-15
> Is there a specific reason why there's no client cert support when linked
> against GnuTLS? How hard would it be to add it?
I discovered the same problem and filed a bug:
* http://www.lespocky.de ***
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