I'm trying to do something simple but I'm always getting an IllegalArgument
Context.OpenFileOutput(path, FileCreationMode.WorldReadable)
I want my file to be readable by other apps. Does anyone have experience
with this? According to the Java documentation I think I'm doing it
I found the answer shortly after I posted.
Apparently when using Context.OpenFileOutput you only supply the filename
and not a path. I was supplying the full path, in my case
/data/data/MCC.Android/files/Test.txt vs. just Test.txt. The file is still
written to the same exact directory, you just
Guys ever since I upgraded to 4.0.4 I am now getting a "not enough storage
space on device to deploy package" error.
I am starting the emulator from within Visual Studio.
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Here's a screenshot of my emulator settings:
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list ar
I'm having the same problem but I am and always have always run the emulator
from Visual Studio. It was working just fine before I upgraded to new
version of Mono 4 Android. After upgrading it started throwing this error
message. I am using full version of Mono for Android. Visual Studio says
I tried deleting and re-creating the AVD and it still did not help. This
mainly seems to be a problem with versio n 2.1. Will run fine if I select a
newer version.
I really need to run version 2.1 for backwards compatibility. It always
seems like Mono for Android has more bugs and worse support
I *am* starting it from the IDE. It still doesn't work.
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Yea I just created it fresh no other apps installed. It's not a big app
I tried running adb shell df and it gave me back this:
/dev: 258264K total, 0K used, 258264K available (block size 4096)
/sqlite_stmt_journals: 4096K total, 0K used, 4096K available (block size
/system: 101683
Hmm i managed to get it working.
I started the emulator manually from command line and passed it partition
size of 1024 instead of 512. For whatever reason this allowed it to install
the Mono Framework and also install my app.
After that I exited the emulator and re-started using the IDE instead
I'm trying to demo using Java Source code via JNI but having issues.
I created a new Mono 4 Android project.
I also created a simple Java file named Test.java. Here is the contents of
package com.test;
public class Test
public Test()
Thanks it's working now.
I deleted the Java file and re-created it from within Visual Studio. After
that it worked fine. Maybe the old file was somehow using the wrong
encoding as you suggested.
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I'm having a similar issue.
I would like to compile the project using API level 12 (3.1) but still want
to be able to deploy to API level 4 (1.6).
I'm using the Visual Studio plugin. As far as I can tell you have to set
"Minimum android to target" = 3.1 and then create a manifest file and set
I want to explore the possibility of a compatibility action bar similar to
the ActionBar Sherlocke, or the Action Bar compatibility sample on the
Android site.
Seems like all the compatibility action bars I've seen require API level 12
and then perform special logic if it's detected that the versi
I have been using Mono 4 Android for awhile now. Previously it worked just
fine. However, I just upgraded to your most recent release of Mono 4
and now I am encountering an issue.
When I try to run my program it asks me to start an emulator. I start the
emulator and wait for it to initi
also i have tried to create a new emulator but that didn't help either.
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
also i just ran adb devices, and my device was listed so that doesn't seem to
be the issue.
i ran
adb kill-server
adb start-server
just in case, but no help there either.
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this is using visual studio.
after some experimenting I found that if you open visual studio, start the
emulator from visual studio, then exit and re-open visual studio, then when
you try to run your program then it will detect the emulator correctly from
that point on. basically the emulator has
I know this has been asked before but with the new Java Binding Library do
you think its remotely possible to get ActionBarSherlock working on Mono for
I just checked Android Platform statistics again and over 90% of users are
using pre 3.0 platform, so theres a really strong need for a g
Thanks for the reply Atsushi.
Keep up the good work. What do you mean by "continue with missing Java
types" approach.
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at
Thanks Motz, I'll have to check your library out. Still curious about
Actionbar Sherlock, but your library may be enough for my needs.
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing li
I'm trying to bind a JAR file that compiled just fine in Java but I get a
mysterious "java.exe" exited with code 1 when I try to bind the JAR file in
Mono for Android.
Any way I can get additional information about the error besides "java.exe"
exited with code 1? Is there a log that gets written
Think I figured out what I was asking in this thread.
If anyone else runs across this, open a Visual Studio Command Prompt, change
directory to your JAR Binding project directory and run this command:
msbuild bindingLibrary1.csproj /property:Configuration=Debug
Obviously change bindingLibrary1.c
Can someone tell me how to correct the problem below??
The jar bindings project is generating the code below, which is fine except
the variable named "params" is a reserved C# keyword and its causing an
error. I need some way to remap the addContentView method so that it
doesn't use the name "par
Same problem for me. I have pretty much given up on debugging and switched
over to using Log.Info statements all over the place. Debugging is super
slow and it skips break points. I'm using 4.2.3
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Hey, Motz, one thing I noticed, if you are running pre 3.0 it doesn't seem to
use the overflow menu in the actionbar, instead it pops up a menu at the
bottom of the screen but only when you press the menu button.
Is that how it is supposed to work? Honestly don't have a lot of experience
with Act
I'm trying to bind this class (follow link below):
http://codeviewer.org/view/code:27cb Click here to view code
The important thing to note is that the class contains a method called
However when I build the JAR binding project this method is not included in
the api.xml that is gene
As far as I can tell this problem is occuring because the View class contains
a method called setEnabled and ItemView interface also contains a method
called setEnabled. I'm not able to confirm this but I have a gut feeling
that this is the problem. Still looking for a way to work-around / resolv
In the code below, in the setter for RawAdapter, I would like to cast/convert
the value variable from Java.Lang.Object to generic type T. I have not
found a simple way to do this. In this example T must derive from
public abstract T Adapter { get; set; }
Ok, thanks. I'm not sure how practical this is to bind this JAR but I'm
using mostly it as a learning experience. I did upgrade to 4.2.4 and
noticed the param bug went away.
Anyways, I have been mostly successful in binding this JAR. I got it more
or less working over the weekend but there were
Ok, first, I have to say that I no longer need this code, so its not a
pressing concern, but I'm still curious as to what the correct answer is.
Yes, there is a constraint on T, T must be a Android.Widget.IAdapter:
public abstract class IcsAdapterView : AdapterView where T :
I talked with Atsushi, I believe this has already been fixed in 4.2.4.
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Well, after a difficult learning curve, I believe I have successfully bound
the ActionBarSherlock library in Mono for Android.
Download the demo solution here:
Actually the missing R class issue seems to be at least partially
fixed/working already in 4.2.4.
I deleted the R class from the JAR file and it is still able to bind - it
just throws a few warnings at me:
JARTOXML : warning : missing class error was raised while reflecting
Also I have determined that the resource IDs becoming out of synch between
main project and the bound JAR project is a problem.
If you compile the java project as a Library project instead of a normal
project then it will make all the resource ID fields NOT final, which is
important otherwise the
I'm done with this for now. I handled this by modifying the project file and
adding this to the bottom:
I created a blog about binding ActionBarSherlock here:
Seems to be
I want to use this in my layout (taken from an example off android developer
When I use this it causes warning and breaks autocomplete for the entire
layout. Is there any easy workaround / solution?
Btw. the new layout designer is ok, but I prefer to work with code a lot
and use the ol
I have the above application. Whenever the previous / next arrows are
clicked then the month changes and then the data that is displayed below
needs to be cleared and re-added with updated data.
I have implemented this but w
This seems to fix the memory leak but surely there's a better way??? It
feels very awkward.
View[] list = new View[container.ChildCount];
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
list[i] = container.GetChildAt(i);
Actually I'm not using a ListView.
In this case it's just a simple linear layout with a vertical orientation
that contains more linear layouts with a horizontal orientation which
contains additional elements such as text views, image buttons, additional
linear layouts, etc. So basically it's just
Also I am using the emulator
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Also I can reproduce this by using a much simpler layout:
Just use a single vertical linear layout. Also add a button and whenever
the button is pressed then clear the contents of linear layout and then
re-add 20 or so textviews.
If you do this and then keep clicking the button over and over aga
Here is a very simplified version with source code that behaves the same way.
Can you please take a look. Thanks.
*Layout XML*
*Activity Code*
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Honestly I'm still learning and didn't think of ListView until it was
suggested by you and John. I am going to eventually change my code to use a
ListView because I think that's probably the cleaner way to code it now that
you have pointed it out to me.
But I don't necessarily want to just dismis
I was running on Android emulator API Level 7 (2.1)
Curiously, I just tried the same code on Android emulator API Level 15 and
it behaved completely differently. The app didn't lock up like it does on
API Level 7.
I don't know. I don't fully understand it all yet (haven't had time to do
Hi Atsushi is there some documentation about LibraryProjectZip and packaging
java resources in library projects.
I didn't know this feature even existed until I just read this post.
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Hi Dan, this didn't help in my case. Did you make any other changes? I'm
still running 4.2.4. Are you running 4.2.5 by any chance?
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Sent from the Mono for
Yea I was really confused when you were answering me i the other thread
because I didn't know about this feature. I ended up working around this by
modifying project file rather than relying on this feature.
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Weird, I don't really understand why it works, but Yes, removing the line you
noted above, AND adding a reference to the Mono.Android.Support.v4 DLL
works. It didn't work until I added the reference to the Support DLL in the
binding project.
Too tired to analyze it any further right now. Good wo
Yea mine also takes just under 30 seconds. I guess packaging up all those
resources is time consuming. I tested in pure Java and it takes about 20
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I think the wording that is used in the mono for android project settings is
really confusing.
Like Darren said, I think you need to set "minimum SDK level" to API Level
15. And then set Min SDK in your manifest file in the uses-sdk tag to API
Level 4.
I think this is how you do it. Someone cor
Thanks! Makes me feel much better.
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I found a bug in the action bar binding...
If you take the sample app
and try to implement tabs then you will get an error message:
"Action Bar Tab must have a Callback"
Below is a code snippet of what I am trying to do
Hi guys. I'm trying to run a simple app on my Nexus 7 that is running
Android 4.2.1 (Jellybean MR1)
It doesn't appear listed in the "Select A Device" dialog. I have installed
the USB driver and enabled USB debugging. It was previously working on
Android 4.1.
Is this a bug or is it not supporte
Got it working.
On Nexus 7 I had to change USB settings from Media Device (MTP) to Camera
Once I did that it was recognized.
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Sent fro
I saw this tutorial on splash pages:
However, boss wants the app to reload data from server and re-display splash
page whenever app is resumed from background, which could be in the middle
of the app instead of at the
I have recently noticed that the launcher icon seems to behave
If you install the app and run it for the first time, navigate from the
first screen to a secondary screen, press the home button, and then
re-launch the app by using the launcher icon, then it will open on the 1st
I tested on an older emulator (api level 8) and experienced the same
behavior. Then i test on standard java android without using mono and it
worked correctly... so at first glance it appears to be a mono bug.
As stated above it, when suspending and resuming the app it doesn't return
to the last
Does using Android's AsyncTask over a normal .NET Task?
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Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
This occurs if I install the app through Visual Studio or if I use a 3rd
party installer.
I haven't tested yet but I'm hoping it doesn't happen when downloaded from
App Store.
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Hi I am reading this for the first time and wondering if anything has changed
in the past year.
You wrote, "Unfortunately we don't have a good answer at this time."
Is that still the case or has the situation improved? Thanks.
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I have a complex class and need to save state when activity/fragment is
destroyed and recreated.
I want to avoid using Parcelable if possible. Is this the best alternative
in terms of simplicity and performance? I couldn't think of any other way
to do it without leaving files/objects behind that
I considered a static variable.
If Android kills my process then the static variable would be gone but the
serialized variable would be retained right? That's the only reason I'm
leaning towards serialized.
I guess to clarify my question, is serializing the class and *then packing
the serialized
Thanks this is helpful. My complex class will not be very large so I think I
will keep it as is.
I like your idea of serializing to file and storing the filename in the
bundle though. I will file this idea away for future consideration.
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I'm running Xamarin Android 4.6 and want to upgrade to 4.7 but Visual Studio
is not detecting that an upgrade is available.
Can someone provide a direct link, ideally to the latest stable version?
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I just assumed it was a regex question...
On Feb 17, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Alex Soto wrote:
> Hey we have a little kid interested in MfA =D smart kid tho :)
> Alex
> Enviado desde mi iPhone
> El 16/02/2012, a las 07:48 p.m., James Bentley
> escribió:
>> Hfhfhfhruuruhdyfheyydrjhdh
>> 6
Hope this helps:
* in *oneActivity*
var intent = new Intent();
intent.SetClass(this, typeof(twoActivity));
StartActivityForResult(intent, 1);
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, ResultresultCode,
Intent data) {
if (requestCode == 1) {
I think the MWC example approach is probably suitable (as someone already
pointed out), since using the built-in Android multi-select behavior for
ListView is really all about the 'click' performing the 'selection' and not
really having dual functions.
Having said that, I think you can force the L
lishResults (Java.Lang.ICharSequence constraint,
Filter.FilterResults results)
[0] https://github.com/xamarin/monodroid-samples/tree/master/ContentControls
On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 7:59 AM, John Murray wrote:
> I have looked at the forum but cant fin
email didn't go
thru... at least you got it! :-\
On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 8:45 PM, John Murray wrote:
> Though it's not popped up here for some reason Craig Dunn answered my
> question and in only a matter of an hour I've got a really good working
> solution
Yep, the breaking API
Monday's released hadn't been updated in these samples. Thanks for the
heads-up, I've just pushed the updated code to github.
(just be sure it remains valid XML
- I suggest chopping half the records off the end)
I'll look into this a bit further to see what the best option is to update
the project on github, but for now perhaps one of those options will help
you? sorry for the inconvenience.
On Wed, Ma
Glad that you got it working, thanks for raising the issue. I've updated
github again to ensure the app should compile/run out-of-the-box for
everyone. Much appreciated.
Have fun with Mono for Android! :-)
On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:11 AM, gramlin wrote:
> Thanks for both swift answer and for g
As Jon says, it is a custom-defined color. The name is short for "cell
It is defined in /Resources/Values/Colors.xml
This is what causes the rows of the ListView to be 'light green'.
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Jonathan Pryor wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2012, at 4:25 AM, Béatrice wr
27;s not a complete code example - but if you call StartActivityForResult
in A to open B, and implement OnActivityResult in A... and in B.listclick
call SetResult before Finish then you should get it working...
On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 8:29 PM, Pattt wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a mono
there's a recipe with code for that - so it should definitely work
(which also links to
i haven't compared your code closely with th
wally, did you end up finding this?
View > Pads > Document Outline (in MonoDevelop 3.0)
On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Wally McClure <
theevilprogram...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Where do I fine the outline view in MonoDevelop in Mono for Android? I
> know where it is in VS, but I can't
Can you provide some more details on how you are sharing the code:
specifically are your Android projects just referencing a pre-built
assembly containing your shared code? You mention "built against .NET 4.0"
so i'm guessing this is the case?
I'm assuming you have the source code for those shared
(for Visual Studio) Tools > Options > Mono for Android > Settings
... there is a checkbox "Preserve application data/cache on device between
(for MonoDevelop) MonoDevelop > Preferences > Other > Mono for Android
... there is a checkbox "Preseve data/cache between application deploys"
I t
are you referring to the file
This file should not be in source control (AFAIK), as resource ids are
regenerated on any build and aren't guaranteed to be the same. That's also
the _reason_ it doesn't need to be in source-control... it is generated
other Android solution in that ZIP uses SQLite database instead
of XML ~ be sure to open the correct code.
Hope that helps
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 11:01 PM, krish wrote:
> hii wnt to use xml file as data storage...can any one tell me how to
> store data to xml file from mo
It depends on the type of Activity you're using.
A ListActivity has a 'built in' ListView, does not require a corresponding
AXML layout file, and supports just the one list which you set via the
ListAdapter property (as you noted in your email). I guess this is what you
are seeing in the examples.
#x27;t include the two 'helper' classes WrapMotionEvent and
EclairMotionEvent which i think are key to tracking the two fingers.
Good luck!
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Narcís Calvet wrote:
> Hello,
> After this week events I’m somewh
assed to the activity. This is a .NET 'property syntax wrap' of the
Java Android.App.Activity.get_Intent()
(i think:)
On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Jerry Paxton wrote:
> So, thanks to the list my first issue has been overcome. Thanks so much for
> the
The PCs are Windows 7 64-bit... but then
so is my home PC and monodroid is installed/activated there without a
Is there a disconnected way to activate?
Monodroid mailing list
s successful... until you restart VS and the
'activation' hasn't stuck - only works for that 'session'. License
file-write must be failing??
On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Nagel, Ethan wrote:
> Hi, Craig, Ok desperate times call for desperate measures. Perhaps
ough I've
no idea if this is related, since sometimes GC_EXPLICIT occurs during the
download but does _not_ affect it. I sometimes see TelephonyRegistry
radioTurnedOff messages too.
ANY suggestions/thoughts appreciated...
l.com"; -- DESPITE this (enterprise
license) activation only ever 'working' on this one PC - and NEVER
'sticking' beyond a VisualStudio restart.
Breaks my heart to say it, but looks like we *have* to fall back to Java
Going to email the address given for a refund...
There are screenshots on my blog -- MonoDroid (and MonoTouch) apps use the *
native* layout controls on their underlying platform so the design is
totally up to you (but it does NOT look like Microsoft WinForms - there is
no 'port' of the winforms controls on these platforms)
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