Also I have determined that the resource IDs becoming out of synch between
main project and the bound JAR project is a problem.

If you compile the java project as a Library project instead of a normal
project then it will make all the resource ID fields NOT final, which is
important otherwise the values will be inlined.

So that is what I have done which should allow me to inject my own resource
id values in place of the old ones so as to keep everything in synch.

Originally my idea was to use reflection to iterate the mono for android
Resource class and transfer the id values from there to the
com.actionbarsherlock.R class when the program is first run.  I did
implement this but found it to be a little slow since reflection is quite
slow.  Of course if I were running on an actual device instead of the
emulator then it would probably be faster, but still it is slow.

Anyways my latest attempt is to delete the R class from the JAR file, and to
modify the main project file so that each time the project is built it
automatically generates a duplicate of the original file for the main
project, except with a different package: com.actionbarsherlock.  After the
duplicated R class file is created it is placed in the
obj/Debug/android/src/com/sherlock folder.  I've manually tested this a
couple times and the concept seems to work.  However, I'm not very good with
MSBuild.  Any ideas how to achieve this?


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