Luke Small wrote:
> Would it be a good idea to make a pledge like call that limits a process
> from connecting to ports and/or hosts? Maybe it could be done in way that
> the kernel is made aware of the limitations like in a pledge call and while
> the process is alive, the kernel spawns pf rules b
Christoph R. Murauer wrote:
> Let's say, you provide a torrent for the .fs and .iso files. Who trusts a
> SHA256.sig file from an unofficial torrent ?
The whole point of signing the SHA256 is you don't have to trust the person
who gives it to you.
Christoph R. Murauer wrote:
> True but let me be a littlebit paranoid. Would it not be possible to create a
> new .fs / .iso with new keys in /etc/signify/* and new SHA256 / .sig files to
> place bad content and distribute it using a torrent ? I came across this idea
> as I readed long time ago
Michael Hendricks wrote:
> I would like to have pledge on the command line so I can restrict an ad-hoc
> process during execution. For example:
> $ pledge "stdio" sed -e "s/foo/bar/g" output.txt
> I can't modify sed, for example, because I don't always want it pledged
> that tightly. Since
Renaud Allard wrote:
> I did not reboot directly, I first tried a "ktrace dhcpd" which
> instantly lead to a kernel panic. After the mandatory reboot, everything
well that's somewhat disturbing.
Andreas KusalanandaKähäri wrote:
> I'll try copying from an existing installation, and if that proves to be
> too problematic, I guess I just have to check out the OPENBSD_6_1 branch
> and build a new release (which I really had hoped I would not have to
> do).
There's nothing magic about the "pat
Jan Stary wrote:
> This is current current/i386 on a 2006 MacBook1,1 (model A1181).
> dmesg and sysctl hw below.
> OpenBSD 6.1-current (GENERIC.MP) #0: Wed May 10 23:42:09 CEST 2017
> "ACPI0002" at acpi0 not configured
The a wrote:
> Steps to recreate:
> dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/rsd0c bs=1m (took over a week)
> fdisk -iy -g sd0 (I left off the "-b 960" because this is not a
> bootable partiton)
> disklabel -E sd0
> Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
> > a a
> offset: [64]
Choose a display name wrote:
> >As always, you can post your smtpd.config, dmesg and any errors
> >you're receiving. "it doesn't work" and "i have a problem" won't
> >get you much help on this list.
> I get no error, smtpd just hangs if network is up.
> It looks like this:
> # smtpctl show st
sharon s. wrote:
> >
> >> softraid0: invalid metadata format
> > You filled the disk with random data, which is not a valid metadata
> > format...
> I followed the FAQ, .
Sorry, I was hasty. You can also try creating smaller partitions. 16TB,
Allan Streib wrote:
> My /etc/login.conf file has "blowfish,a" as the value for localciper in
> the default class.
> The login.conf(5) man page sys this about the "localcipher" capability:
> localcipherstring blowfish,aThe cipher to use for
Darren Marshall wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to create a policy whereby a user added to an OpenBSD 6.0 system
> automatically gets their password expiry set to 60 days.
> I did think that this could be accomplished by adding upwexpire="60d" to
> /etc/adduser.conf but subsequent adding of a
Maurice McCarthy wrote:
> Hi,
> $ xauth list
> ...
> f3aa08ed0926482c51f5cb386e28a0ea
> Virgin Media is my ISP. Is this an intrusion into my system please? I
> ran xauth remove ... just for the sake of it anyhow.
well, even if it w
Kai Wetlesen wrote:
> What would a potential curator of a bug tracker need
> to do besides spin up a server, install, and maintain
> the chosen (or written) software?
not underestimate the effort involved.
so this has come up before, and the answer remains the same. anyone can setup
a bug tracker
Jia-Ju Bai wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a freshman in developing OpenBSD drivers, and I have a question in
> lock usage in OpenBSD kernel code.
> I only find two kinds of locks which are often used in OpenBSD drivers,
> namely "mutex lock" and "rw lock". I want to know which lock can be held
> when th
Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jun 2017 18:13:20 +0200
> > > I started by trying very high values with a simple password and
> > > expected to have to wait a long time but it was always around 7
> > > seconds?
> > very high as in -r 2000 ?
> Yeah, 2048? Is there a MAX?
i do not reco
Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jun 2017 20:24:24 +0200
> > > > > I started by trying very high values with a simple password and
> > > > > expected to have to wait a long time but it was always around 7
> > > > > seconds?
> > > > very high as in -r 2000 ?
> > >
> > > Yeah, 2048
Paul B. Henson wrote:
> After applying this and installing the resulting kernel, ipmi worked
> fine. I skipped 6.0, but just updated my boxes to 6.1, and see the same
> ipmi failures. It looks like this fix hasn't been applied, the code in
> head is still missing this line. I applied it again to my
Donald Allen wrote:
> I am guessing, but do not know, that the trouble here is either in the
> ext2 support or perhaps in the usb driver. If ext2, I realize that it
It wouldn't surprise me that the USB stack can get wedged if it does lots of
IO. ext2fs probably has other bugs, but I wouldn't expec
Denis wrote:
> Looking for ifconfig '[[-]txpower dBm]' option which was present in
> OpenBSD 5.4 amd64. Try to find 'txpower' on 6.0 amd64 but seems it
> missed out.
> Actively using it to match power for 802.11 card and it's RF recipient
> (post amp). What mechanism of output power matching is
Manuel Solis wrote:
> My question is:
> I know that i am missing some step to fulfill the shrinking process
> but in the FAQ there is only a way to grow fs and i didn’t find the shrinking
> fs, and in the book says that i should move the partition, well it does not
> say it but i figured out wit
J Doe wrote:
> Ok, thank you for clarifying that for me. I will proceed with development in
> C. As an aside - do OpenBSD developers track with the latest standard (C11),
> or is another standard preferred ?
mostly c89. in particular, don't mix code and declarations.
Bryan C. Everly wrote:
> Thanks again to tedu and everyone else who put in the effort to get us
> working on this architecture. I can't imagine it was easy!
For the record, it wasn't me. Kettenis did some great work, though.
Stephane HUC PengouinBSD wrote:
> $ signify -G -p -s Test.sec
> passphrase:
> signify: please provide a password
> $ ls -al | egrep Test
> $
> If not entry password, key files are not created!
you can create keys without passphrases using -n.
multiplex'd wrote:
> From an end-user standpoint, this means that if a user has run a
> priviledged command using sudo and then (within the timeout) runs a
> script which itself calls sudo, then they will not be prompted to
> enter a password as the script is running with the same foreground
> pro
Fabio Scotoni wrote:
> Is there any particular reason why things are being done this way? I
> could imagine that it's to stay compatible with upstream SUPERCOP, but
> mod_ed25519.c does not seem to have changed in CVS for over three years.
Yes, the idea is you should be able to diff the files with
Ibrahim Khalifa wrote:
> Hi,
> If you run diff against two directories where you have file(s) and the only
> difference is that you have file(s) that only exists in one of the
> directories, diff will exit with 0. If you use -N och -P it will however exit
> with 1.
> Reading through the ma
Adam Steen wrote:
> Sorry, i sent that before i had finished.
> I am trying to find an equivalent of the following code for FreeBSD
we don't currently export this info, but we could add some sysctls. there's
some cpufeatures stuff there, but generally stuff isn't exported until
somebody finds a
Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 11:02:28PM +0200, Ulf Brosziewski wrote:
> > for you. As always, a dmesg would be appreciated. The output of
> > # wsconsctl | grep 'mouse'
> > could also be of interest here (you must run it as root).
> This report is from a MacBookAir7,2 wrote:
> Hello,
> CVS is delivering me my daily dose of PITA (and I'm delivering a daily
> dose of whining to the list). I feel like I'm trying to use a wooden bicycle
> driven by jolts from the ground to make a tour from Washington, DC to
> Sacramento, California.
anyone using an x40? what have you set machdep.apmhalt to?
tomr wrote:
> I've been struggling to get X to lock by calling xlock(1) from
> /etc/apm/{hibernate,resume,standby,suspend}
> Haven't seen a lot of useful debug output from xlock...
> # xlock -verbose ; echo $?
> 1
> # xlock -verbose -display :0.0 ; echo $?
> No protocol specified
> 1
> #
Philippe Meunier wrote:
> - is the panic intended (well, known to the developers and considered
> normal; I hesitate to call it a feature) or is it an oversight?
no, nothing bioctl does should kill init like that.
> - I would have thought that, once the softraid volume has been created, its
> met
Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> + if ((cp1 = mmap(NULL, sb1.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE,
> + fd1, 0)) == NULL) {
> + say(MANDOC_DB, "&mmap");
> + goto err;
> + }
> + if ((cp2 = mmap(NULL, sb2.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE,
> + fd2, 0)) == NULL) {
> +
Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> > this could just be memcmp.
> I avoided that over quibbles about the argument type (off_t vs.
> size_t), though i admit that database files larger than a Gigabyte
> make no sense at all.
> If you consider that an improvement, i'm not opposed to using
> memcmp(3). But
Ted Unangst wrote:
> Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> > > this could just be memcmp.
> >
> > I avoided that over quibbles about the argument type (off_t vs.
> > size_t), though i admit that database files larger than a Gigabyte
> > make no sense at all.
> >
> &
TimoMyyrä wrote:
> I just got Linksys 1900ACS wireless router and it works great, except with
> OpenBSD. I've got Thinkpad T430s running -current and I can't get DHCP lease
> from the new
> router.
> I noticed lines: "dhclient[22294]: fatal in iwn0: yielding responsibility" in
> messages file whi
TimoMyyrä wrote:
> > But scan results see the 2.4Ghz network but not the 5Ghz network:
> >
> > $ doas ifconfig iwn0 scan | grep MyNet
> > nwid MyNet chan 11 bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -21dBm HT-MCS23
> > privacy,short_preamble,short_slottime,wpa2,wpa1
> >
> >
> > timo
> Actually,
Derek wrote:
> Just upgraded from 6.3 to 6.4 and the doas behaviour seems to have changed.
> I finally solved it, but just posting here in case anyone has this problem.
> I had a few little shell scripts in /usr/local/sbin/ - intended to be run
> by doas : one-liners like bioctl mounting a US
Ted Unangst wrote:
> Derek wrote:
> > Just upgraded from 6.3 to 6.4 and the doas behaviour seems to have changed.
> >
> > I finally solved it, but just posting here in case anyone has this problem.
> >
> > I had a few little shell scripts in /usr/local/sbin/
Ted Unangst wrote:
> Ted Unangst wrote:
> > Derek wrote:
> > > Adding a "#!/bin/sh" at the top of the scripts made them all work again.
> >
> > i don't believe this is a change; that's how it should always work.
> sorry, this appears
tomr wrote:
> I'm a bit confused here. I have some cwm keybindings that `doas rcctl`
> things, which now aren't working as they used to - which isn't
> necessarily a problem - but I'm surprised at the behaviour below:
> # this doesn't work anymore..
> $ doas rcctl
> doas: rcctl: command not foun
Simon Ser wrote:
> Hi all> I'd like to know if there are plans to add a feature similar to file
> sealing [2] in OpenBSD.
I don't think so. You explained a possible use, but didn't actually explain if
code using file sealing already exists.
Simon Ser wrote:
> Sometimes the two processes don't trust each other, for instance in the
> case of Wayland. Bad clients may try to crash the compositor.
> One way to crash the compositor is to send a shared memory file descriptor
> and then shrink the file. When the compositor tries to read th
Theodore Wynnychenko wrote:
> Does this mean that getty is only allowed to access "/usr/bin/login," and that
> my custom script is not in an allowed location after unveil "locks down"
> getty?
> Obviously, my script is named and lives in /local; and it does
> exist with appropr
On 2020-05-09, Bob Beck wrote:
> > oolong$ man -k Xr=tls_peer_cert_hash
> > nc(1) - arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
> >
> > That's far from ideal IMO, but I don't know where, of the many tls_*
> > manpages, would I reference it.
> man tls_peer_cert_hash
> happily brings up th wrote:
> Description:
> man starttls says one can link a new certificate to cert.pem with
> ln -s /etc/ssl/ /etc/ssl/cert.pem if one does not
> intend
That entire section seems dumb and outdated. I would prefer we simply not give
any adv
Guild Navigator wrote:
> But what would be the OpenBSD correct way to
> write such simple print-from-the-array-of-strings program?
Tero Koskinen wrote:
> Eventually I pinned the problem down to April 14/15:
> FAULTY 091f8f6587f dlg Mon Apr 15 02:59:41 2019 + the myx_cmd
> FAULTY 1bbcb699ab8 dlg Mon Apr 15 00:28:29 2019 + there's a bunch
> PROBLEM! 7f4dd37977d jsg Sun Apr 14 10:14:50 2019 + Update shared
Brennan Vincent wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a Wi-Fi USB adapter. urtwn(4) normally works fine, but it's a bit
> flaky...
> I don't think this is a hardware issue because the device is
> working fine on Ubuntu.
I think this is and isn't a hardware issue? I had the same problem with an
edimax a f
Brennan Vincent wrote:
> On 11/13/19 1:56 AM, Ted Unangst wrote:
> > Brennan Vincent wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I have a Wi-Fi USB adapter. urtwn(4) normally works fine, but it's a bit
> >> flaky...
> >> I don't think this is
Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to do this redirect with httpd:
> from:
> to:
browsers don't send #fragments to the server. so short answer: impossible.
Jan Stary wrote:
> Installing base66.tgz 100% |**| 99116 MB - 07:12edT-
> Installing comp66.tgz 83% |* | 45312 KB -
> stalledT-syncing disks... done
> rebooting...
> Why does it reboot here? The SD card is slow, and is being both read
> and wri
Duncan Patton a Campbell wrote:
> > The change time (c_time in struct stat) cannot be explicitly set by
> > any API and is maintained by the kernel.
> man touch ?
does not set ctime except as a side effect.
Claus Assmann wrote:
> The functional tests for sendmail use ldns-testns as DNS server
> which provides specific test data and error behaviours.
> It runs on a port > 1024 to avoid requiring root access.
you can use a combination of pf.conf rdr-to and etc.
i.e., bind to port 5353, have wrote:
> So I tried doas with this "permit nopass me as root cmd mount_ext2fs"
> but still no luck.
> So I was hoping for a hand from you kind souls.
> Oh and when I try to mount at command line using doas I get 'syntax error at
> line
> 7'
there's nothing wrong with that
Conor O'Reilly wrote:
> I am using a 2015 Thinkpad X1 Carbon and am having issues starting X. I
> first came across this issue with 5.7 and it persists. I was hoping with
> the addition of the Broadwell drivers that it would be corrected however
> that is not the case.
> I installed -current sna
Tim Kuijsten wrote:
> Op 28-09-15 om 23:29 schreef Philip Guenther:
> > On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 1:31 PM, L. V. Lammert wrote:
> > ...
> >> X has never been installed on this box, .. why now?
> >
> >
> >
> From the FAQ:
> "By itself, installing
Bogdan Andu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a piece o software to install that requires
> sendfile functionality .
> I installed hs-sendfile from ports, which should providesendfile, but now
> sendfile library or binary is present:
> I run the command , first:sudo /usr/local/lib/ghc/sendfile-0.7.9/register.s
Abu Aufa wrote:
> Hi,
> I upgraded my system to 28th September's snapshot. Right after upgrade, I
> saw httpd gave error in dmesg. Here's my dmesg:
> I disabled the fastcgi part to test, but still the httpd dies on start
> (manually and/or on boot). Httpd was ok before upgrading. Is there any
Rob wrote:
> Search for a utility on the App Store, by Apple called: Apple Configurator.
does it run on openbsd..?
Lampshade wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like sometimes experiment with some options/custom config in kernel.
> On the other hand that is not supported by OpenBSD. Suppose I need to
> reproduce
> problem with original kernel. I think good solution for me would be to have
> two directories for OpenBSD's
Jason McIntyre wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 11:14:09AM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> >
> > > On Mon, Oct 5, 2015, at 03:53 AM, Mikael wrote:
> >
> > >> which FS types are available in the disklabel tool?
> >
> > The list is in the header file /usr/include/sys/disklabel.h,
> > static char *
Mikael wrote:
> VNC KVM install means some keypresses will be interpreted as seconds-long,
> ordinarily leading to multiple unintended "enter" or character key presses
> which easily seriously breaks things, when the connection is not perfect,
> which it many times is not.
> I believe there is n
Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> But I think it's time we take a step back and reassess the situation.
> There are some critical questions that need to be answered. What
> accounts for the high proportion of security vulnerabilities in a
> project renowned for its brilliant developers and stringent revi
Benny Lofgren wrote:
> Personally, I think it would be a good thing to bring back slices to the
> vocabulary. That would emphasize the distinction between physical disk
> partitions as they appear in the PC-centric hardware world and logical
> partitions/slices that are a subdivision *within* a dis
Mikael wrote:
> The script below includes extra considerations to see through any kernel
> caching of the disklabel, by rebooting between every relevant step.
> "dd if=/dev/srandom of=/dev/rwd0e bs=1024 count=1" does also wipe the
> disklabel.
> "dd if=/dev/srandom of=/dev/wd0a bs=1024 count=
Mikael wrote:
> 2015-10-07 0:45 GMT+08:00 Ted Unangst :
> > Mikael wrote:
> > > The script below includes extra considerations to see through any kernel
> > > caching of the disklabel, by rebooting between every relevant step.
> > >
> > > "d
Mikael wrote:
> 2015-10-07 0:58 GMT+08:00 Ted Unangst :
> >
> > the disklabel is the second sector of the openbsd part of the disk.
> >
> > *3: A6 0 1 2 - 243200 254 63 [ 64: 3907024001 ] OpenBSD
> >
> > so, if you overwrite sector 65, you
edward wandasiewicz wrote:
> I believe the reason for just the one resolution, is at present, the
> SeaVGABIOS does not have support for mode switching on Intel graphics
> adapters. So even if we had more than one resolution available, the
> SeaVGABIOS can't switch to it.
In short, this is an inco
Adam Wysocki wrote:
> As OpenBSD crypt() function differs from the one in Linux libc and returns
> NULL for setting "Mb", before I start porting it from libc, maybe you have
> an easier solution? Maybe there is a library I can use (different than
> whole bloated Linux libc)?
run john the ripper
Nick Holland wrote:
> Things that are out-right replaced (i.e., sudo) should be actively
> deleted. Even if it still works after upgrade, some day it is going to
> break, and you should be pushed to use the new application (or the
> package of the old application). Things like tip? what's the po
Kim Zeitler wrote:
> Hello Sebastien, hello Jonathan
> @Sebastien thank you for your valuable hints and advice, I did learn
> quite a bit from it. The machine has been reinstalled to the latest
> snapshot, as it is needed.
> On 10/20/15 12:30, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> > There is no OpenBSD boo
Raul Miller wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Daniel Bolgheroni
> wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 04:43:50AM -0400, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> >> i had heard rumours about the openbsd core team having a part of openbsd
> >> built using 'pcc', is it true? if yes, did that effort not produce
Miod Vallat wrote:
> > > Might be a stupid question, but I haven't found an answer to it yet
> > > - how does one update to a new snapshot/kernel on an octeon system?
> >
> > boot bsd.rd and select upgrade in the installer. (i hope.)
> >
> I'm afraid this is not as simple as this, yet. You will a
Maximilian Pichler wrote:
> Hi,
> I just connected an iPhone to my OpenBSD box and it doesn't seem
> possible to access its memory. Is there any way to make this work? In
> fact, is there anything at all that can be done with OpenBSD and an
> iPhone...?
probably not. the decision not to attach
Gerald Hanuer wrote:
> Hello misc@,
> Killing Rebound(8) in current hard locks system.
Thanks. We've found the cause of the bug. Now we're trying to find the bug. :)
OlivierDebré wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm in the process of upgrading our firewal from 5.7 to 5.8.
> I'm about to apply the erratas (even started to do so with 001 and 002, but
> now I'm
> doubting, given some weird error messages in the 'make' step for errata
> 001. I'll take care of that when I'll ha
Артур Истомин wrote:
> I'm now in a upgrading process to OpenBSD 5.8 (backup etc.). I have laptop
> with EFI(UEFI) capability and 500GB HDD. There are any benefits from GPT
> with my configuration to migrate from MBR to GPT (I'm also using full disk
> oencryption)?
5.8 doesn't support GPT/UEFI,
Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015, at 06:10 PM, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
> > Hi all:
> >
> > I just installed 5.8 on the x86_64 arch. Immediately after installing,
> > I upgraded to -current. Upon rebooting into the new -current, a number
> > of errors appeared in the dmesg after the net
Jay Patel wrote:
> do we have a compatibility list somewhere ? or can we find via mandocs page?
man alc says:
The alc driver provides support for Ethernet interfaces based on the
Atheros AR813x/AR815x Ethernet chipset.
I think we gave up trying to document every variation of every chip
Benny Lofgren wrote:
> FWIW, I'm seeing the same bad ip checksum errors on my development
> computer running -current (as of sometime last week). This is regardless
> of what site I try to connect to (well, I tried two, and
> one not running OpenBSD).
> On a stock 5.7 server (hav
Chris Cappuccio wrote:
> Nick Holland [] wrote:
> >
> > (noatime is a huge performance gain. atime is a feature looking for a
> > need, I suspect).
> >
> Someone had a relatime patch. Where did that go???!!
I think that's the default now, thanks to guenther.
Josh wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to get it recognized and initialized (Model Code MZ-V5P512BW)
> Using 16th November snapshot:
> ...snip... (full dmesg below)
> ppb2 at pci0 dev 28 function 4 "Intel 9 Series PCIE" rev 0xe3: msi
> pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
> vendor "Samsung", unknown product 0xa802 (class mas
Chris Mailer wrote:
> Ok, thanks for the straight forward reply:)
> Is there any other solution to get lan and wifi working together?
Find the bug. :) Interrupt sharing should not be a problem. It indicates a
some other problem exists, and that's the one that should be fixed.
This is not necessar wrote:
> Hello,
> on linking something with libX11 I got the warnings
> /usr/X11R6/lib/ warning: warning: strcpy() is almost always
> misused, please use strlcpy()
> /usr/X11R6/lib/ warning: warning: strcat() is almost always
> misused, p
Jan Stary wrote:
> This is current/amd64.
> With the recent addition of UTF to tmux,
> I apparently need to change something to be able
> to read my latin2 email etc as I did before.
> Here is mutt reading an email written in Czech,
> (a) inside an xterm (b) inside tmux inside an xterm:
> htt
Adam Wolk wrote:
> During the LibreSSL early days there were frequent KNFectomy procedures
> executed by jsing@. Is the KNFectomy utensil script available
> publicly? ;) man -k knf yields only style(9).
indent -ci4 -di1 -nlp $1
That's not what joel used, but it's what i have in ~/bin/knf. It usua
Tinker wrote:
> Ah, and maybe equally importantly, what are the security ramifications
> of changing password/keydisk vs. wiping and installing from scratch with
> a new password/keydisk?
The master key, which the data on disk is encrypted with, is masked with your
password. The master key never
edward wandasiewicz wrote:
> On 20 Nov 2015 5:54 p.m., "Martin Pieuchot" wrote:
> >
> > On 20/11/15(Fri) 17:32, edward wandasiewicz wrote:
> > > If I try to plug in various USB 3.0 umass(4) devices into a USB 3.0 or
> > > USB 3.1 Type C port, nothing gets registered via dmesg, even if I add
> >
Tinker wrote:
> Aha.
> *Is* the keydisk the master key, and hence can't be changed?
The keydisk is the mask for the master key. It can (in theory) be changed like
changing a password. Really, the key disk is just a prehashed password.
> Very low priority topic:
> What about implementi
edward wandasiewicz wrote:
> If I have the following showing after a probe during biosboot
> disk: hd0+ hd1+* h2*
> What is the meaning of '+', '+*' and '*' next to each disk?
+ means big disk support.
* means no openbsd disklabel. probably not the openbsd disk.
Stefan Berger wrote:
> hi,
> with the command 'procmap pid', I often/always get ?VNODE? instead of
> the actual filename. My question is, whether this is on purpose because
> on similary BSDs (pmap on NetBSD) , I don't get ?VNODE? but the actual
> filename. Any ideas what went wrong?
When i push home at a ksh prompt in xterm, the cursor goes to the beginning of
the line. When i do the same in tmux, nothing happens.
TERM in xterm is xterm. TERM in tmux is screen.
How do i fix this? (Why do i need to fix it?)
Ax0n wrote:
> Do you have anything in your .tmux.conf?
No, don't have one. (i don't want one)
Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
> Em 02-12-2015 10:42, Ted Unangst escreveu:
> > How do i fix this? (Why do i need to fix it?)
> Coincidentally, I saw that same question asked today on IRC and it
> wasn't even on OpenBSD. The OP changed it by setting TERM to xterm-256
> if I'
Brian Conway wrote:
> Spending a little time with 'cat -v', I ended up with the following
> non-.tmux.conf approach to making home/end happy in tmux with an
> otherwise-unmodified ksh shell:
> bind '^[[1~'=beginning-of-line
> bind '^[[4~'=end-of-line
> It doesn't appear to break normal xterm[
Sebastian John wrote:
> Hello,
> I used sudo wish some expressions in sudoer like:
> foo ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/bar -a [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]
> This matches commands like „/bin/bar abc" for example.
> I try in doas.conf:
> permit nopass foo as root cmd /bin/bar args -a [a-
Sébastien Morand wrote:
> Hi,
> Since last update to snapshots, Xorg crash every 15/20 minutes.
known issue, fix coming soon.
because the broadwell driver has issues with suspend/resume, acceleration was
disabled in the X driver (which makes resume work). but the unaccelerated X
codepath isn't
Gareth Nelson wrote:
> I don't see any issue with a company wanting custom work done on the
> project as long as it doesn't contradict the goals of the project.
> For example, a company might want to pay more to improve particular
> hardware drivers, is that really a problem?
> Consulting cou
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