Derek wrote:
> Just upgraded from 6.3 to 6.4 and the doas behaviour seems to have changed.
> I finally solved it, but just posting here in case anyone has this problem.
> I had a few little shell scripts in /usr/local/sbin/ - intended to be run
> by doas : one-liners like bioctl mounting a USB stick or whatever.
> After upgrading to OpenBSD 6.4, all of them returned a "command not found"
> error.  I tried moving them to different paths in $PATH, but no luck.
> Yet they'd work if I was root - just not via doas.
> Adding a "#!/bin/sh" at the top of the scripts made them all work again.

i don't believe this is a change; that's how it should always work.

execve() returns ENOEXEC if the file doesn't have the right magic header. sh
will attempt to interpret the file as a script after that error, but i don't
think doas should have such a fallback. it may not be a sh script, and then
weird and possibly bad things will happen (has happened before).

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