Re: Convert a Linux VPS to OpenBSD

2022-06-21 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi! Or using VPS provider that actually supports openbsd could also be a good solution. Hetzner lets you mount an installation ISO through their web interface and install OpenBSD on whatever VPS you've got running. And there's, but I've not yet used their services.

Re: Low power OpenBSD machine

2009-04-13 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Timothy, Is it possible to build something like I describe which uses under 30 Watts, and if so, what hardware would people recommend? I am very happy with several mini-itx systems, both from VIA and from Jetway. For instance, a VIA VB7002 with 1.5Ghz C7-D CPU and 2Gb of RAM cost me 89

Re: Question about 4.2 Package availability

2007-10-24 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Joe, > If I've installed OpenBSD 4.2 and I need a specific package (in this > case, net-smpd) which is not available on the CD, I must wait until > 4.2 is officially released. Then I can get the packages I need from > the ftp site. Yes. (Or you build it from ports. Still, 4.2 is very much unr

Re: Help needed to get PF working

2007-10-25 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Timo, > Yeah, that was pretty much caused by the gmail account. The pf.conf I > have on my server is formatted correctly. Since we're on the subject of dumb ideas... What happens when you start over with only your NAT rule and slowly start adding the additional rules? So, start over, start o

Re: Problem with xl interfaces

2007-11-04 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Limaunion, > Is this problem a combination of old hardware with the xl interfaces ? > or are this interfaces crap too ? switching to a newer machine (pentium > 166) may help ? or should I buy different NICs ? For myself, I decided to ditch the xl NICs and go with sk (D-Link DGE-530T, older Lin

Re: gOS Develop Kit with VIA pc-1 Processor Platform VIA C7-D

2007-11-08 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Mike, > Has anyone tried this motherboard with OpenBSD? Does it work? I have a similar pc-1 device, which pus along perfectly. I got mine here: Be well... Nico OpenBSD 4.1-stable (GENERIC) #0: Sun Oct 28 16:04:24 CET 200

Re: php5-pear not found

2007-11-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Marcos, > I can see that the php5-pear package is missing in 4.2. How is it > supposed to be installed now? It's called `pear` these days. HTH... Nico

Re: removing sendmail

2007-11-30 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Antti, > Except that when doing package upgrade with pkg_add the sendmail > configuration (in mailer.conf) will be restored and it won't be > re-enabled until manually doing postfix-enable. You have a point there. To me, however, this falls under the 'no magic' clause. I try to use as many st

Re: removing sendmail

2007-11-30 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Juan, > Am I making any sense? Not to me. But it depends on your situation. > Should I do anything special to sendmail when I install postfix? No. Just follow the instructions after installing postfix. > And what of the postfix-enable command? Is this good enough? Almost. Apply the chan

Re: PCI Gigabit card suggestion?

2008-02-22 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Sunnz, > I have been looking at: > But yea I'll need to buy a new PCI Gigabit Ethernet anyway so why not > go for the best supported o

Re: OpenBSD with pf on a mini-ITX?

2008-03-11 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Jordi, > Have anyone tried to run OpenBSD with pf on a Jetway J7F2 (or similar) > motherboard to act as a firewall and do NAT? I've setup 2 J7F4's in a Travla C147 to act as CARP hosts, but no NAT. The onboard re(4) NICs would *not* accept CARP packets. Now, I've put each in their own Emko 1U

Re: rackmount servers: seeking "green" compromise

2008-03-27 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Jake, > have a number of rackmount machines of various sorts in service at the > moment and, based on the relatively low load on them, am interested in > finding equipment that is more optimal from the environmental / > consumption point of view. A shop in Belgium offers this machine: http:

Re: mysql socket vanishes after each system halt/(re)boot

2008-04-01 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Mufurcz, > After every system boot I am loosing the mysql server directory > from /var/run, ergo the socket file from /var/run/mysql. > > After every boot I have to kill manually the mysql processes and > restart the server process manually. Have you read this? Contains some useful pointers.

Re: OpenBSD and antispam - question

2006-12-18 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi smonek, > a need antispam gateway for my lan but i dont know who i can use with > pf ( spamassisin / spamd pop3 proxy ? ) HTH... Nico

Re: OT: TinyMCE security and track records

2006-12-22 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Daniel, > Sorry for this off topic question, but I get more and more requests to > have WYSIWYG editing on web management servers. I have been resisting > this for many years so far as I hate this, but look likes more and more > demands may force me to do it anyway. We use mostly TinyMCE fo

Re: following -stable

2006-12-22 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Toni, > when following -stable and also following the advice to place /usr/obj > on a separate partition, how much space is recommended these days? I've never done that, as disks on my build machines tend to be regularly fast PATA/SATA disks. `sudo rm -rf /usr/obj/*` takes some 8 seconds or so

Re: auto start mysql and snort OpenBSD 4.0

2006-12-28 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Edy, I dunno about snort, but MySQL I do use. > Any clue? Read this: HTH... Nico

Re: Friendly registrar

2007-01-14 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Jean-Daniel, > I'm about to purchase a domain name and I was wondering if there are > any registrar out there that are friendly to OpenBSD (donations, > contributions, etc...). I like GoDaddy. They're on donations.html. HTH... Nico

Re: mixed (compile from source, binary update) approach

2007-01-16 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Patrick, > Why is is hard? If I pull the complete sources from cvs, so that every > file used in the Makefiles is present and up to date, the build process > would be just as trivial I assume. In what case would this _not_ be > true? Read some of:

Re: rc.conf.local

2007-01-19 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Lawrence, > when using rc.conf.local do you need to add > #!/bin/sh - > at the top of the file, or just start inserting lines? Its syntax is similar to rc.conf. Therefore: the latter. HTH... Nico

Re: Problems getting nedi running - php problem?

2007-01-25 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > > > When I login, what shows up in the URL bar is: > > http://localhost/nedi/%3C?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? > > This indicates that php is not grabbing that > and interpreting it. Any ideas why? Thanx. This has nothing to do with OpenBSD. Please look in /var/www/conf/php.ini and check t

Re: remove sendmail/install postfix

2007-01-31 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey David, > my understanding is that postfix and sendmail aren't friendly on the > same box, and I've found quite a few articles that strongly suggest > removing sendmail if you've chosen to use postfix. If it's not in the manpages and not in the FAQ "quite a few articles" amount to pretty much

Re: site hosting on 2 internet connections

2007-02-16 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Stuart, > otherwise, as mentioned, you may or may not have problems with ISP > ingress filters, more importantly it also be ok now but stop working > later at some random and quite inconvenient moment. Not to be a complete off-topic bitch, but isn't stuff like this what prompted the invention

Re: SSL Certs on Carp'd web servers

2007-02-19 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Bill, > Is there any issues that are gonna bite me with doing this? No, not that I know of. I do this with a bunch of boxes. I only use the carp'ed IP address on either box when configuring apache. HTH... Nico

Re: SSL Certs on Carp'd web servers

2007-02-19 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Bill, > I noticed that Verisign has an option to secure more than one server > with a single cert, but it basically doubles the price. You don't need this per se. FWIW, I have my certs via GoDaddy at this point in time. Works for me. > The only reason I could think of that would require a

Re: Email server and large Emails.

2007-02-21 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Darren et al, > IMHO you're trying to find a technical solution to a bigger problem. He could ask the boss for 'more' hardware. Most problems tend to go away when thrown adequate amounts of money at them, and timeouts because of scanning and filtering is probably one of those types of problem

Re: Donation request for batteries.

2007-02-22 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi (again) Robert, We've exchanged some mails in private by now. This one's for the lists. > bernd@ also has an entry in want.html but he did not > get help yet. I must admit to not following the changes on want.html very closely. Maybe I'll check every two or three months or whenever I get to f

Re: Following the patch branch

2007-03-07 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Rafael, > Actually, I think maybe creating a release will let me do that, but it > looks like an overkill. You'll need a second system of the same architecture for that. That's all. You can then transfer any install set you might need to your production machine. > And I'll still have to build

Re: Patching and/or updating

2007-03-10 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Lars, > Currently the FAQ[1] and "Following Stable"[2] have no concrete > examples. (At least nothing that jumps out and bites me.) So what steps > would I take to do the following? Read release(8) and follow that procedure. Build once, deploy at will. > 2) Upgrade OpenSSH from 4.4 to 4.6? (

Re: Do you *need* to build -stable userland with a -stable kernel?

2007-03-10 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Sunnz, > So essentially if things does not work, this could be a "flag day" and > I could get a snapshot of compiled -stable userland somewhere? AFAIK, there are no flag days when following -stable. -stable rebuilds Just Work (TM). You probably messed up slightly somewhere along the line or h

Re: Patching and/or updating

2007-03-11 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Lars, > Building my own release looks useful when I deal with more machines > later. Yup, that's when the real fun kicks in. > I didn't this time so, so there is no /usr/src directory to work > with. ie. The first step in that document fails: > cd /usr/src && cvs up -r OPENBSD_4_0 >

Re: mail dovecot: pipe() failed: Too many open files

2007-03-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Stefan, First off, I don't run dovecot. > login.conf excerpt: Does dovecot actually run under this login class? What does `sysctl kern.maxfiles` say? HTH... Nico

Re: mail dovecot: pipe() failed: Too many open files

2007-03-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Stefan, > I hope that's enough to run it under dovecot class. How do I find out? First, check if all is well: sudo su -c dovecot root -c 'ulimit -a' You might want to start dovecot like this: su -c dovecot root -c '/usr/local/bin/dovecot' (or whatever the path to the dovecot binary is) Reme


2007-03-15 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey "x x", > Is it safe to install snapshot packages? For installing like K 3.5.6 or > gaim 2 beta 6, is it ok? If you run -current (or a recent snapshot): knock yourself out. If you run any type of -release or -stable: I wouldn't do that if I were you. HTH... Nico


2007-03-15 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi "x x", > I have it installed, the sets and that, but no ports or anything. Okay, that's clear then. You DON'T install snapshot packages on your brand new 4.0 installation. IMHO, you need to be comfy with 4.0 release and 4.0 packages before attempting to do anything which involves -current or

Re: Important OpenBSD errata

2007-03-17 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Karel, > Out of curiosity, when I bought several t-shirts at the kd85 shop in > Belgium, does actually a part of it go to the donations list and do I > pop there up with few dollars? No. You make it on the donations list when you make a donation. As to your suggestions: don't expect them to b

Re: configuration options of openNTPD

2007-03-19 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Lorenz, > Can anybody tell me, what configuration options openNTPD supports? First guess: For the latest and greatest. Normally, around here the mantra is something like "If it's not

Re: Request for links to BSD adminstration docs

2007-03-23 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Douglas, Just bumping into this thread. > So on a production machine, it has to be off-line for 30 minutes every > six months (not complaining, just clarifying). Basically, yes. But, that would mean no patches applied to your production system during those six months. If you were to build a n

Re: micro atx motherboard recommendations?

2007-03-25 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > Just looking for a recommendation on a good/cheap (but not necessarily > fast) microatx motherboard. Or possibly, one of those via > motherboards, but needs to fit in an atx case. You might also look into the Jetway J7F4 series mini-itx boards. Dual onboard re nics. HTH... Nico

Re: micro atx motherboard recommendations?

2007-03-26 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Peter, > i got me one of those. works like a charm. And it's quiet! :-) My Travla C147 with 2 of those babies makes way less noise than my not-too-noisy workstation. > i'm still having a weird > issue with the nics not properly initializing somehow after a powerdown > though. maybe it needs a

[OT] Re: micro atx motherboard recommendations?

2007-03-26 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Matt, > I _think_ the mini-itx form factor of the VIA EPIA motherboards will > fit in ATX cases, but I've never tried it. They fit perfectly. Bye... Nico

Re: Binary kernel updates

2007-04-10 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Rico, > Last week management decided to go back to using Debian on some of our > servers due to them being easy to upgrade including kernel and > basesystem upgrades. You must be joking. > OpenBSD has really made a cool solution with pkg_add -u, but why not > kernel and basesystem binary up

Re: via systems?

2007-05-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Todd, > I'm looking and probably just blind but haven't found any complete > systems using the via c7 esther chipset. Specifically I'm looking for > rsa accelleration. VIA and Jetway boards are available. I have a few Jetway J7F2 and J7F4 boards. The dual re nics on the J7F4 need to have med

[OT] Re: via systems?

2007-05-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Philemon, > 110 euros ? without case ? where you buy it ? Yes, it's just the board. No RAM or HDD. Still, I think it's a steal. I buy my VIA and Jetway stuff through But then, I'm Dutch and also happen to live closeby. I believe they do ship to France. Be well... Nico

Re: [OT] Re: via systems?

2007-05-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > Have you experienced any problems with the PC2500 or the J7F4 boards? > I need to build a couple firewalls and those low-power boards look > great. One J7F4 is up for replacement, as I couldn't get it to run as a CARP backup. It just wouldn't see the CARP-traffic. The replacement board (I s

Re: need a machine for an itanium port

2007-06-09 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Diana, > So where are the other 18 or so folks? +1 Thanks for the reminder... Nico

Re: mysql problem

2007-07-14 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Marcos, These instructions work for me: HTH... Nico

dysfunctional carp

2007-07-31 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi all, I have a new carp setup that somehow just won't work. The two machines are Jetway mini-itx J7F4 machines, dual Gb LAN. dmesg below. Details from the master: re0: flags=8943 mtu 1500 lladdr 00:30:18:a3:19:ce groups: egress media: Ethernet 100baseTX full-duplex

Re: 4.1-release packages with 4.1-stable system ?

2007-08-03 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Ronnie, > Now i wonder if i still can use 4.1-release packages, from any mirror. Set up $PKG_PATH to point at your favo(u)rite mirror. Depending on your architecture, you get updated packages with `pkg_add -ui`. The answer, in short, is 'yes, but check for updates'. HTH... Nico

Re: dysfunctional carp

2007-08-04 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Dag, > So if each system sees only its own carp traffic it makes sense that > each would consider themselves master. I assume that the systems can > send and receive tcp icmp, and udp traffic. Yes. I've turned pf off just in case. > Is it possible that the switch is not carrying multicast t

Re: php-5.2.4 installation problem on OpenBSD 4.1

2007-09-05 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > I want to install php-5.2.4 on OpenBSD 4.1. Of course its from source. Works for me as of about 6 minutes ago: PHP 5.2.4 (cli) (built: Sep 5 2007 12:35:54) Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies > I've installed libiconv-1.9.2

Re: Looking for something similar to "screen"-command

2007-09-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Jon, > I have installed BitTorrent-4.2.2 on my 3.9-box. Eek. Upgrade. :-) > With this i would like > to start file sharing on a console, logout, login later and reattach to > the console of the BitTorrent

Re: RSA host key changed?

2007-09-28 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Ben, > Has it really, or is someone really doing something nasty? I saw sth whisk by via source-changes, but you might want to check for yourself: HTH... Nico

Re: Multi booting OpenBSD and OpenBSD and

2007-10-10 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Rod, > Anybody successful at this task? Somewhat OT, but I used a different approach, as I had enough IDE disks lying around. I got myself an external USB enclosure with swappable HDD brackets. Then, of course, the POS device broke, but that's not the point I am trying to get across... :-)

Re: error php session in openbsd 3.9

2006-06-06 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi sonjaya, > this my php.ini conf = session.save_path /tmp Read the FAQ: (If you run apache in its default chroot setting, you need to make sure /var/www/tmp exists and is writable to the apache user (www).) HTH... Nico

Re: Mail Server configuration question(s)

2006-06-09 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Pancho, > Of course I will install POP and IMAP I like courier-imap and courier-pop3. They are in ports. > I also need to install a webmail service on the box. Perhaps Ilohamail is something for you: > This box will host no more than ~200 virtual domains, and some of

Re: X not found

2006-07-05 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Lawrence, > # pkg_add /home/music/xbase39.tgz > Can't resolve /home/music/xbase39.tgz > > but that didnt work, how do you install that package? cd / tar zxpf /home/music/xbase39.tgz Read HTH... Nico

Re: Email Monitoring on Gateway

2006-07-27 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Tito, > Is there a way to monitor emails going out thru a pf firewall/gateway > server going into an external email server? Define "monitor". I use postfix and pflogsumm and if one wanted to, one could get a copy of every single message going through the system. Both constitute monitoring, b

Re: Watching daemons

2006-07-28 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Carlos, > What do you guys use/recommend to watch if a process dies and restart > it? monit: /usr/ports/sysutils/monit/ HTH... Nico

Re: Sun Cobalt RAQ4i

2006-08-15 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Marian, > just a short question: Does anyone has OpenBSD 3.9 successfully up and > running on a Sun Cobalt RAQ4i ? > I searched the archives but couldn't find anything useful. I don't think it can be done. I had a RaQ3 once - way back when. The device specifically searches for some Linux kerne

Re: Daemon supervisor

2006-08-21 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Bruno, > I'd like to implement a daemon supervisor that could automatically > restart a daemon when it crashes. Look for monit: /usr/ports/sysutils/monit/. HTH... Nico

Re: How to update httpd without a compiller

2006-08-23 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Tomas, > I was wondering is there any way to patch my httpd server without a > compiller? I don't want to add a compiller on my production web server, > but I need to patch httpd (security fix 004). I use OpenBSD 3.9. Set up another, non-production, box with 3.9 and build -stable on that. Fo

Re: How to update httpd without a compiller

2006-08-23 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Juha, > Seems a slightly cumbersome way to deal with security issues which may > be urgent, but perhaps that's just me? Maybe. ;-) I find it easier than reading different patch-instructions and updating several servers. I have one procedure to run. After my `make release` I distribute the se

Re: Upgrading through several versions via anoncvs

2006-09-14 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Igor, > I have old box which runs OpenBSD 3.6 and i want to upgrade it to last > release. So my question is can go directly to OPENBSD_3_9 or i have to > go through all further versions (3.6->3.7->3.8->3.9)? I'm worry about > that further versions switched to new compiler (this box has gcc-2.95

Re: Acer Aspire 3004WLCi and 4.3

2008-04-29 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Michael, Boot into UKC with 'boot -c' and disable acpi. Check the FAQ for more info. > FWIW- FreeBSD 7.0 won't even install on this laptop. I have 7.0-RELEASE running on this laptop right now, just for kicks. Works for me, in a sense. ;-) HTH... Nico

Re: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

2008-05-20 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey, > I know but I don't try to go via root! I'm using a regular user! What does `ssh -v [***]` say? Buhbye... Nico

Hopefully EOT, yet OT: Re: [spam] Re: Forum-Software, good and secure, on OpenBSD systems?

2006-09-14 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi bofh, You about Chris: > Then I profess I do not understand why you get so pissed off when Adam > pointed out that phpbb is not good, since apparently you don't consider > it to be good by your own standards. I think what Chris was getting all worked up about, was the fact that Adam chose to s

Re: Rotate many Apache logfiles

2006-09-15 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Mackan, > What is the preferred way of rotating Apache's logfiles? My preferred way is to use just one access_log and error_log. I've heard good things about cronolog from ports too. > I have many virtual domains, each with its own access and error logfile. > I'm using CustomLog, not Transfer

Re: hearing complaints regarding pre-orders

2006-09-21 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Martin, > When am I told, how much shipping will cost? At least not before I > submit my credit card info. I don't remember reading about any shipping amount EVER when ordering from I also don't check when my order arrives. I just don't care. H*ll, now you made me check. ;-) It'

Re: Letter to OLPC

2006-10-06 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > I have decided to make public this letter which I sent to the OLPC > ("One Laptop Per Child" group, which is strongly associated with Red > Hat. Thank you, Theo, for doing what you do. There is indeed a "big difference between kneeling down and bending over" (FZ). Be well... Nico

[Way OT] Re: Letter to OLPC

2006-10-06 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Siju, > If the real concern is for *disadvantaged children* in third world > countries then giving them a laptop is the most ridiculous idea ever > orginated! I guess nobody thought of the idea to ask the 'third world' what *they* would like to have. Indeed, what a silly notion! For the 'fir

Re: best hardware plataform for openbsd

2006-10-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Julien, > It's no very expensive, the "electric consumption" (I don't know if this > expression is ok), the size, ... This also holds true for Via Epia Mini-ITX boards, btw. Plus, most fit in an 1U 19" enclosure or any standard (micro) ATX case. That said, I know nothing of armish. Buhbye...

Re: Dell PowerEdge 1950 compat

2006-10-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Alejandro, > Has anyone tried OpenBSD on any of these machines? Marco did. At least, he said so here two days ago: The archive is your friend, not your foe. :-) HTH... Nico

Re: UPS just delivered the 4.0 release CD-set

2006-10-13 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Joris, > It's true this is hardly relevant for a discussion forum, but I hope > you will all forgive me ... I just felt the need to voice my joy. Congrats! Please notify while you are at it. AFAIK it is good tradition to have the first "My cd set arrived!" on [EMAIL PROTECTED] N

Re: UPS just delivered the 4.0 release CD-set

2006-10-14 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey Ingo, > Please refrain from Vandeputte-bashing... =;-) =;-) Wow, hold your horses. Wim is Belgian, I am Dutch. The Dutch diss the Belgians. This is a fundamental (f)law of the Universe. But nevertheless. My three favorite Belgians are: 1) Urbanus 2) Wim 3) God Be well and keep on smilin

Re: max filesize split(1)

2006-10-16 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Sebastian, > Why is this limit never increased. I mean, the fs supports much bigger > files. Are there any plans to increased this limit in the future so I > don't need to patch again when installing a new release? Have you tried sending a diff? HTH and thanks... Nico :-)

[feature request] Re: Oldest Server you run

2006-10-17 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi list, Since we're apparently talking 'old': when will you guys support the Sinclair ZX81? The 'keyboard' on mine is busted so I can't use it, but when I could run OpenSSH on it... that would be so w00t! Buhbye... Nico P.S. Is it me or is it synchronicity that Annihilator's "Lunatic Asylum" i

Re: blobs are bad

2006-10-17 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Girish, > > If you keep saying something good won't happen -- well then you can > > bet it won't happen. > > I don't get your point Theo. Search the net for "karma" and the "law of attraction". Perhaps that will give you some insight in what -I think- Theo means. HTH... Nico

Re: blobs are bad

2006-10-18 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Eliah, This discussion is starting to lean not to OpenBSD but life in general. ;-) > "Karma" and "the law of abstraction" are very abstract. In my view, they are most certainly not. It's the law of attraction, btw, not abstraction. For instance:

Re: OpenBSD 4.0 - Where is it?

2006-10-26 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi ICMan, > I admit that I am not the most up to date on the release process, but > why is 4.0 not out on the FTP server yet if people are receiving it in > their homes on CD? 4.0 is due Nov 1st. People who pre-order, get their stuff beforehand. > And how do I get on that list of people who ge

Re: Via C7 fully supported?

2006-10-30 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Jean-Daniel, > Is there any company doing a ready-to-use board with this chip? > Something like what soekris does...but with the VIA C7 chip... I have received my first Jetway mini-itx board yesterday. My supplier lists it as: Jetway J7F4K Series VIA CN700 VIA C7 @ 1.5 GHz D (TDP 25 W) It ha

Re: Upgrade problem on spac64 3.9->4.0

2006-11-02 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Francois, > I'm trying to upgrade from 3.9 to 4.0 from sources. Why? HTH... Nico

Re: multiple openbsd installs on the same disk

2006-11-15 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi frantisek, > or any other ideas to have 2 systems on one? :) I use USB hard drives for just this purpose. HTH... Nico

Re: Compiling netpbm

2006-12-05 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey, > Is it possible to compile netpbm on openbsd from the sources without > extensive OpenBSD maintainer expertise? Use the ports, Luke. Check ports(7), which will help you on your way (hint: targets). Good luck... Nico

Re: Is it safe to use group 'users' in /etc/group?

2006-12-06 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Stas, > is it safe to use group 'users' from /etc/group as the login group for > the users? Or it is reserved for some system use? See the output of `sudo useradd -D` to find the answer to your question. HTH... Nico

Re: PHP or Mysql problem?

2005-06-15 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Kiraly, > mysql error: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/ > #sql_4c99_0.MYD' (Errcode: 9) MySQL problem. Simple suggestions, not idiot-proof: /etc/my.cnf: [mysqld_safe] open-files = 1024 Up kern.maxfiles, if needed. `sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=17720`, for instance. Modify /etc/sysctl.conf to ma

Re: PHP or Mysql problem?

2005-06-15 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Luca, > Mmm..installing mysqlserver usually doesn't create /etc/my.cfn...isn't > it? I can't find that file but I'm running mysqld... Nope, you have to create it yourself. Bye... Nico

Re: is 3.5 still supported?

2005-06-18 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > Is the "3.4" in that quote correct, and if so, an I correct in > inferring that 3.5 _is_ still supported (i.e. that following 3.5- > stable would still get me all "critical to security/reliability" > patches)? Don't count on it. The current release (3.7) and its predecessor (3.6) are suppor

Re: CARP PFSYNC and Apache

2005-06-23 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Mike, > However, I'm curious to know if anyone has used CARP/PFSYNC as a > "primary" and "secondary" Apache server. The Apache server will use a > virtual name, so an IP address probably won't be a problem. There is a > firewall already in front of the OpenBSD box. This is what I do: http://ma

Re: server disaster, forking failure?

2005-06-25 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > > On the Netserver I blocked Linux OS from accessing ssh port with PF > > as I exclusively use OpenBSD and the problem did not > > occur again but as mentioned it was replaced fairly shortly > > afterwards. > > How did you figure this out? I'm curious. block in log proto tcp from any os L

Re: Blocking many accesses to ssh port from single IP

2005-06-30 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Steve, > I am running OpenBSD 3.7-stable, pretty standard install, spamd > greylisting, httpd, sendmail. Going over my log files, I have > noticed that I am more and more coming under attach with dictionary > based login attempts to the SSH port. I don't know if this still holds true, but s

vge, then? Was: Re: Linksys EG1032 not SysKonnect anymore as of rev. 3

2005-06-30 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi all, > > Probably supported by re(4), send a dmesg. > > They don't handle jumbo frames quite as well as sk, though... The EG1032 have served me perfectly so far, but I'm not going to switch to a RealTek chipset. How decent is the vge(4) compared to the sk chipset? Anyone care to comment on t

[it's OT] Re: Via EPIA - Std. ATX Case - Doe sit match?

2005-08-11 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Sebastian, > So does a normal Via Board match the ATX-Specification so that the > PCI-Slot is still useable? I just saw some special desktop-cases as I > tried to find the answer. :-/ I have had no problems mounting Mini-ITX boards in normal ATX housings. HTH... Nico

Re: CD-less upgrade question

2005-08-21 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Jay, > I seem to recall that > upgrading via bsd.rd was pretty straightforward... does this still > work provided the other upgrade instructions on the website are > followed? Worked fine for me, upgrading my laptop from 3.7-stable to Aug18 snapshot. HTH... Nico


2005-08-24 Thread Nico Meijer
Hey -f, > what is happening with > it stalls the downloads every couple of minutes. > anybody else experiencing this? Not me. I use a nearby mirror: ;-) ... Nico

Re: FW: Pre-orders for our releases.

2006-03-10 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Craig, > Of course, for this to benefit > OpenBSD > they'd have to be registered as a charitable organization etc. etc. and > that > is probably somewhere they either don't want to or can't go (or they > already > have and I just don't know) Ain't. Gonna. Happen. (See the archives; really) I

3.9 cds are arriving in Europe

2006-04-04 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi all, Well, thanks again to Wim: the 3.9 cds are arriving. :-) Nicely wrapped in a top notch t-shirt (if you ordered one, of course) comes beautiful artwork, with some cds to match, swiftly delivered via the friendly UPS guy. And blob-free, no less! :-) This package is once again well worth t

Re: exploit for openbsd 3.9 php 4.4.1p0/5.0.5p0

2006-05-03 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi Paul, > everyone says > php is a security breach waiting to happen, so what else can i do if i > want to use these large apps without rewriting them from scratch in > another language? Stop complaining and actually do something about it. Playing victim is not going to get you anywhere. But let

Re: PF references

2006-05-12 Thread Nico Meijer
[Oops, was supposed to go to list] Hi, > Where (what) is the canonical site (or book) for PF. What Nick said. And "Building Firewalls with OpenBSD and PF" by Jacek Artymiak is very nice. See the "Books that help" link on HTH... Nico

Re: Firefox keeps crashing

2006-05-12 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi, > FWIW, I guess KDE is more than a bit resource-happy too; does the > problem persist when using a simple window manager (fvwm, for instance)? I use Firefox under fluxbox under 3.9 with great succes. Cannot remember it crashing. Konqueror runs fine aswell, though I use it much less. [Quanta

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