Hi Jordi,

> Have anyone tried to run OpenBSD with pf on a Jetway J7F2 (or similar)
> motherboard to act as a firewall and do NAT?

I've setup 2 J7F4's in a Travla C147 to act as CARP hosts, but no NAT. The
onboard re(4) NICs would *not* accept CARP packets.

Now, I've put each in their own Emko 1U case and added an sk(4)
(DGE-530T), but haven't found the time to do the CARP thingie yet. The
Travla C147 double mini-itx case is now officially for sale. ;-)

One J7F4 that I have, has a clock that runs away about 10 seconds in 5
minutes, so that one will be replaced.

Other that that, my experiences with Jetway and Via mini-itx boards have
been great the last couple of years.

HTH... Nico

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