Hash: SHA1
On 22:59:31 Mar 23, Sunnz wrote:
> Well well, I am basically interested to set up a home monitoring
> system with a PC, OpenBSD, and a Webcam... PC and OpenBSD I had it
> going, but what about the webcam? Are there much webcam support for
> it?
> I
On 23:40:23 Mar 25, Andreas Bihlmaier wrote:
> It is already since quite a while before 4.1
> http://www.openbsd-wiki.org/index.php?title=LiveCD
> (I just checked it also works for 4.3)
Andreas has done a wonderful job. The instructions work like a charm for
On 18:09:37 Mar 27, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> I don't know if this makes a lot of sense or any, but I was thinking that
> flash memory doesn't like too many writes. So I was thinking of creating
> one or two RAMdisks, for all those temporary reads and writes that I need,
> and only store the final result
On 16:30:50 Mar 27, Ross Cameron wrote:
> Basically I want to strip the system down as much as possible,
> practically nothing would be good.
> My GNU/Linux appliances ran on a 4MB system image.
Please don't insult OpenBSD by comparing with linux. ;)
Have you ever seen the source code of OpenB
On 13:49:15 Mar 31, Egbert Krook wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 02:29:58AM -0400, Nick Davey wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 12:16 AM, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >:peer Translates to the point to point interface's peer
> > >
> > > That won't work. Your fxp is no
On 02:29:58 Mar 31, Nick Davey wrote:
> Does it matter that the subnet mask is configured as a /30, or is it the
> media type that controls this behavior? Is there any way to use this
> mechanism on an ethernet interfaces?
Ethernet is a broadcast medium.
The :peer specifier works only for point t
On 23:05:06 Apr 01, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> > It mentions AES but not blowfish.
Which means you are not losing anything.
> There isn't any crypto accelerator that implements Blowfish.
Perhaps with reason.
> Blowfish's interest is limited nowadays. It was attractive back
> when the top
On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 04:47:40PM +0800, Demuel I. Bendano, R.E.E wrote:
> All,
> From the results of my googling, it appers to me that an a cxacru
> 4-2:1.0(Conexant USB ADSL modem) works only on the linux 2.6.x kernel.
> I just like to know if there is anyone who has a success experience
> wi
>. |L /|
>_ . |\ _| \--+._/| .
> / ||\| Y J ) / |/| ./
> J |)'( |` F`.'/ ,.
>-<| F __ .-< f Merry Christmas Y
> | / .-'. `. /-. L___ | and a
Dear friends,
I am not able to produce a dmesg for you because neither the CD nor
the hard disk would boot on the cutting edge Intel D945G
motherboard. I tried changing the RAM with no effect. It is a brand
new motherboard.
NetBSD does not boot either.
But FreeBSD a
I often find OpenBSD presentations made nicely with block diagrams and
figures made with magicpoint. Apparently the figures are imported into
magicpoint from an external source.
What do I use? I need a spartan simple tool like magicpoint itself. Is
xfig the right choic
On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 02:24:51PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
|On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 02:18:31PM +0530, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
|> What do I use? I need a spartan simple tool like magicpoint itself. Is
xfig the right choice? What about inkscape? I am somewhat excited with SVG. Are
On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 07:16:24AM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
|Unix machine...it's like notepad in windows or edlin in MSDOS, you need to
|know the core system, and if you really need something else, fine, but
|you have to learn what is on the system. Learn vim, you have learned
|what is in Linux,
On 14:28:40 Aug 29, Jose Fragoso wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running OpenBSD 4.4, spamd and greyscanner41 in a box.
> Looking at the log entries from the greyscanner, I found this
> entry and others which I find a bit strange:
> Aug 28 12:55:44 wall greytrapper[25604]: Trapped
> M
On 08:30:22 Aug 30, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2008-08-30, Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You must be aware that google and other such popular mail services like
> > yahoo!, hotmail etc. blatantly flout RFC2821 and retry mails from a bank
> > of ma
On 16:44:19 Aug 30, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> > I couldn't find this mentioned in RFC2821, could you point out the
> > section number which talks about this?
> >
> > In any event, it's definitely not all that unusual...
> >
> Obviously then I
On 16:44:19 Aug 30, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> > I couldn't find this mentioned in RFC2821, could you point out the
> > section number which talks about this?
> >
> > In any event, it's definitely not all that unusual...
> >
> Obviously then I
On 14:10:04 Aug 30, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> |
> | Does the last sentence of the first paragraph above suggest this?
> The section you quoted refers to receiving, not sending mail (more
> specifically, to source routing e-mail).
> Can you point these out ? I've read the RFC and couldn't
On 01:43:16 Oct 05, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
> go to /var/db/pkg
> as root, do:
> # ls partial*
> the output are the partial packages you have to delete
> with pkg_delete
This is what I do since my pkg_add sometimes fails due to an unannounced
power outage or a network outage. (I have fixed both
On 03:18:01 Oct 06, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> mplayer should be controlling `play.gain' from audioctl(1), which
> should correspond to `inputs.dac' from mixerctl(1). either of these
> should affect the playback volume, but if not, then you can use
> mplayer's `-softvol' switch to adjust volume in so
On 16:39:30 Oct 06, Sunnz wrote:
> Is it possible?
> Say I have a few nics of the same group... dc0 dc1 dc2 dc3... which
> all belong to a group "dc".
> And say if I wanted to limit the overall bandwidth for the group... so
> say at any point in time the overall outgoing bandwidth of the grou
On 07:48:18 Oct 11, Edward F. Ahlsen-Girard wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen:
> I wanted to use a 4GB thumb drive to move a complete partition from one
> system to another, and needed to get a ffs volume on it. It was originally
> fat32.
> Ran disklabel -E, said to use the whole disk, no luck
On 17:41:49 Oct 13, Vivek Ayer wrote:
> I'm getting zilch. I'm starting to suspect that I got ripped off on
> this cable. I could be just as wrong. I just need to test this cable
> with a windows machine via hyperterminal to absolutely make sure it's
> not working.
You can create a null modem c
On 21:28:56 Oct 15, Neko wrote:
> Good day to all of you,
> i have found a really dirty way of going around this,
> so im fishing for advices on finding a reliable way
> to dd over simple ip network with the generic bsd.
> could this be done in a straight pipe ?
> i have an ftp on the gen
On 15:41:27 Oct 16, Guillermo Bernaldo de Quiros Maraver Pedroche wrote:
> see /etc/rc.shutdown and set:
> powerdown=YES # set to YES for powerdown
Try this. It might work.
My /etc/sysctl.conf has the line
machdep.kbdreset=1 # permit console CTRL-ALT-DEL to do a
nice halt
On 00:55:38 Oct 17, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all!
> I'm trying to use KDE in OpenBSD but I'm having problems with the basic
> step: to obtain that X server works. I have this problem with OpenBSD
> 4.3. With snapshot of OpenBSD 4.4, X server
On 17:29:56 Oct 17, Mike wrote:
> >
> > will work out much faster and better than plain old dd(1).
> >
> > On the other side you have to run
> >
> > # | restore xf -
> >
> > -Girish
> >
> whats the going to be?
Sorry I was wrong. It was meant to be done in one step from the "dump
On 23:57:17 Oct 17, Matthew Dempsky wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 10:52 PM, Johan Beisser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You know ssh will compress what goes through its tunnel to begin with,
> > right?
> ssh_config(5) says Compression defaults to "no".
That is quite correct.
And I left ou
On 20:37:53 Oct 18, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I did not try to initiate X of that way. After to have tried, it did not
> work either. This is what I obtain in the log:
> (EE) Unable to locate/open config file
Why are you getting this error? Copy
On 21:26:51 Oct 18, Vivek Ayer wrote:
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
> had a name of pf.conf]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-trash which had a
> name of pf.conf.BAK]
This list does not allow attachments.
You can
On 22:45:49 Oct 18, Vivek Ayer wrote:
> Actually, I feel kind of stupid for asking the question. Of course you
> can never ssh into the virtual carp interface, which is what I was
> trying to do. SSHing into the physical interface still works no
> problem. Then again, it would be Yay..CARP is worki
On 16:16:02 Oct 23, Per-Erik Persson wrote:
> A while ago I purchased an alix board.
> The plan is to hook up some external i2c sensors to it.
> I see the i2c-header on the board, but while reviewing the dmesg I cannot
> find anything related to i2c.
> Has the header no real function or is the d
On 16:46:18 Oct 24, Pierre Riteau wrote:
> Because the delay between the two machines is very low.
> It appears you need to read about bandwidth-delay product as well.
Actually it is quite a deep concept.
How TCP "guesses" the bandwidth is quite a challenge.
And often TCP gets it wrong.
On 18:22:37 Oct 25, uday wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying out relayd here and first of all, filicitation to PYR and
> the community for their work on this piece of software. This is my
> first time install and while trying it out, I came on to an issue, I
> keep on getting "tcp_write: connect time
On 08:49:13 Oct 28, ico wrote:
> Hello gents,
> I did configure my old box with serial console probably 2 y ago.
> Now I'd like to get it back to normal. I don't have null modem cable
> available.
> What needs to be changed?
> I already tried without success:
> echo "" > /etc/boot.conf
> o
On 13:44:46 Oct 28, Benjamin Adams wrote:
> I'm trying to generate pgp to use with email. Anyone know a simple
> how to? or can help me with commandline tool? thanks
I was in the same boat as you several months ago and after a lot of
dilly dallying I ended up enabling it in my favorite mail c
On 15:48:25 Oct 29, Paul M wrote:
> I'm looking for a way to encrypy backup files for secure storage.
> Gpg is an obvious candidate, but I'm wondering if there's anything in base,
> perhaps a creative use of ssh or some other tool, though not something
> liable to break, obviously.
> Any thou
On 13:36:22 Nov 01, Chris Kuethe wrote:
> As long as your filesystems are still readable, you can use a more
> comfortable tool:
> mount /dev/wd0a /mnt
> mount /dev/wd0d /mnt/var
> mount /dev/wd0e /mnt/usr
> /mnt/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt
> vi (or mg) /etc/fstab
> you could possibly even just copy
On 10:35:43 Nov 01, Michael wrote:
> I have been trying to install 4.4 on a previous 4.3 partition, but keep
> getting this message after formatting and new installation:
> installboot: broken MBR
> And then when booting from the hd, all I get is: ERR M
This means that installboot failed(I thin
On 02:39:06 Nov 02, Edd Barrett wrote:
> As much as i love vi/vim/nvi, these are not available in ramdisk kernels.
vi is certainly there. You have to mount /usr.
On 10:01:54 Nov 02, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> vi is certainly there. You have to mount /usr.
Which means it is not part of RAMDISK kernel. Sorry Edd is right and I
was wrong.
I end up using vi from somewhere I don't remember whenever I boot in
single user mode.
I guess it
On 20:34:44 Nov 02, Rafael Cunha de Almeida wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having trouble booting my new opebsd installation. I was able to
> boot usihg the CD and I tried to use installboot to record the
> biosboot to the PBR. I booted with -s option, so I'd start in single
> user mode and I mounted /us
On 17:37:11 Nov 06, Lord Sporkton wrote:
> I am running Qemu with 2 virtual machines. I have put the tap devices
> into a bridge with a trunk interface, the trunk acts as a gateway,
> allowing a virtual network inside the host server which can nat to
> public IPs and be firewalled. For some reason
On 13:43:11 Nov 07, Guido Tschakert wrote:
> Surely we assume that nobody fakes the mac.
I could be wrong but I don't think it possible to fake the MAC reported
in dmesg(8).
ifconfig can fake MAC address but this should be unique since it is reported by
the NIC whilst probing.
On 19:13:41 Nov 10, Brynet wrote:
> See, I typically use VLC only.. with mplayer for the odd file, but I
> haven't tweaked it's configuration file at all, as for VLC, I have tried
> toggling a lot of settings..
> I'll try the settings you mentioned, but the fact is... video playback
> has slowe
On 19:52:30 Nov 11, Joseph Alten wrote:
> Due to technical constraints, my setup requires that I have a separate
> boot partition (basically the kernel and anything else critical for
> booting), and then of course my root partition other data partitions on a
> separate disk.
> I'm kind of ne
On 01:28:57 Nov 13, Ansen Lloyd wrote:
> 1. What are the main differences between cvs and cvsup when updating sources
> to stable?
cvs is the revision control technology. You can use cvs to check out the
main OpenBSD repository to your local machine by which you only get the
files pertaining to
On 21:45:56 Nov 13, Edd Barrett wrote:
> Hi,
> Why does layer 7 relaying require pf still?
There are cases where relaying works in tandem with redirection. pf
never looks into the packet payloads.
On 08:04:25 Nov 17, Andrei Pirvan wrote:
> Hello
> The problem I have is that default apache can't load PHP module. PHP
> was installed from packages (php5-core-5.2.6.tgz), so here is nothing
> custom made. The only error I have is when I try to start apache is
> when I make a configtest.
> #
On 02:01:19 Nov 17, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> This doesn't apply here because the library is pre-loaded before the
> httpd is chrooted.
> More details:
> Pre-loading Shared Libraries
> To extend the functionality of the webserver it can dynamically load
> shared libraries, e.g. a databa
On 12:36:00 Nov 17, Johan Beisser wrote:
> PoPToP is in ports.
I dunno a thing about iPhone but there is also
On 15:34:47 Nov 17, Jorge Valbuena wrote:
> One simple thing that i will try is:
> If is already installed OpenBSD 4.2 and wants to install 4.3 or 4.4 , first
> take a look at the /etc/fstab file and write down the name of the /home
> partition
> /dev/wd0h /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
On 03:43:49 Nov 18, Man Lam wrote:
> Hi,
> How to enable and disable the promiscuous mode with OpenBSD 4.3.
> I didn't find the -promisc argument in ifconfig.
man pcap
On 19:32:58 Nov 19, Jason Beaudoin wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Mikel Lindsaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > FWIW I run about 8 asterisk servers behind openbsd firewalls. I have found
> > the most non-problematic way to run them has been by using the asterisk
> > servers as a SI
On 20:07:02 Nov 20, Jon wrote:
> I have updated the /etc/myname with the server
> I have updated the /etc/mygate with the comcast's gateway IP
> I have set the IP address using ipconfig
? ipconfig?
> the /etc/hostname.em0 has 'inet NONE' in it.
Shouldn't it be
On 10:28:34 Nov 21, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> If you set named=" " in /etc/rc.conf.local you can use your
Typo. It should be
On 01:10:03 Nov 21, Joe S wrote:
> OS: OpenBSD 4.4 RELEASE i386
> PF is blocking traffic that I want it to pass. I notice this when I
> run nmap 4.76 (compiled from source). It appears that my packets are
> being dropped because they don't match the "pass out quick" rule in my
> pf.conf. I notic
On 10:12:46 Nov 28, L?VAI D?niel wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm using OpenBSD's ftpd(8), and specified the -l option on the command
> line when starting it, which according to the man page, makes ftpd(8)
> to log to syslog with facility LOG_FTP.
> Well, I've set up syslog.conf to capture that facility to
On 20:33:56 Nov 29, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Unless your printer supports postsript natively (most cheap printers
> don't) you need some kind of converting filter.
You mean like a2ps?
On 06:52:58 Apr 04, Damon McMahon wrote:
> Greetings,
> Just wondering if anyone here is using/has used OpenBSD to view TV and if
> so what hardware and software they use/d. I gather from looking through the
> hardware and packages pages that a combined tuner/video capture device
> supported b
On 22:06:32 Apr 03, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> http://jakemsr.trancell.org/bsdav-1.4.tar.gz
404 Not found.
Where do you have it?
I can't find it in your page either.
On 14:02:06 Apr 04, Louis V. Lambrecht wrote:
> My bad again, vlc uses the same kind of kilometric command line as mplayer,
> so I thought they where brothers. ;-)
One more useless post from me. ;)
There is one important difference between vlc and mplayer that matter to
vlc is written in C++
On 18:04:48 Apr 06, Joel Knight wrote:
> > It sounds like a race condition, where the server FIN reaches the proxy
> > before the final data is sent out to the client. I'd have to dig into
> > it a bit more.
> That's exactly what I saw when I broke out the sniffer to troubleshoot
> this.
On 01:00:04 Apr 08, Andrei wrote:
> Thanks Josh, this works fine. The reason I did not consider boot.conf at the
> beginning is that it concerns second-stage bootstrap, while I was trying to
> find a solution first-stage bootstrap.
Then you have to do it manually.
OpenBSD is not very convenie
On 13:51:58 May 03, Robert C Wittig wrote:
> vi/vim.
> I use it for most of my editing tasks, not just writing C code.
I use vim since it enhances my coding speed in a big way.
As to KNF I guess it is just a habit that I want to inculcate for all my
C coding. Right now it is voluntary and occa
On 14:39:14 May 04, Jean-michel Bessot wrote:
> Hi
> I have a problem to start jackd to use my audiophile 2496 card.
> $ jackd -d sun
> jackd 0.109.10
> [copyright information]
> JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
> loading driver ..
> Enhanced3DNow! detected
> SSE2 detected
> sun
On 22:20:18 May 10, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
> Hi, I'm using OpenBSD 4.2, a clean install.
> I have experienced some problems using screen and X with colorsls. The
> issue is that when I launch 'screen' on virtual terminals (C0,C1...) I
> don't have any problem but when launch X, on the xterm/rxvt I
On 07:45:06 May 11, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
> I tried to set the TERM variable to rxvt value "export TERM=rxvt"
> on the /etc/profile and I have problems with the virtual terminals now.
> (the ones invoked by Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F4). I get weird color
> when doing colorls -G in screen session, so your solu
On 23:45:06 May 11, Pui Edylie wrote:
> Hi
> When i ran pfctl -t spamd-white -T show it shows a list of IP addresses and
> those IP addresses are mostly from China and etc ... (IE spamming
> countries)
> I have enabled syslog logging with -v from the log file when tailing it, i
> did not see
On 14:09:57 May 15, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
> nat on $ext_if from $localnetwork to any -> (ext_if)
How about changing this line to read
nat on $ext_if from $localnetwork to any -> ($ext_if:0)
I have connected two VGA cards and here is the scanpci -vv output.
I am running OpenBSD 3.9.
pci bus 0x cardnum 0x0e function 0x00: vendor 0x5333 device 0x8811
S3 Inc. 86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+]
STATUS0x0200 COMMAND 0x0003
CLASS 0x03 0x00 0x00 REVISION 0x54
BIST 0x00
On Fri, Oct 06, 2006 at 04:06:35PM +0530, Siju George wrote:
> If the real concern is for *disadvantaged children* in third world
> countries then giving them a laptop is the most ridiculous idea ever
> orginated!
> Some time back I saw a cartoon. One of the 3rd world countries blasted
> their n
On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 09:26:48PM -0400, Sam Chill wrote:
> On 10/10/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would think that there would be some sense of "urgency" to get the new
> >rthreads implementation up-an-running (at least for the i386 and AMD64
> >platforms) otherwise Open
On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 09:32:07AM -0400, Martin Gignac wrote:
> On 10/11/06, ropers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I've just had another thought:
> >
> >Why do the IP phones have to have public IPs?
> >
> >Is this because giving them NATted, private range IPs previously
> >didn't work so well?
On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 12:22:06PM -0400, Martin Gignac wrote:
> On 10/11/06, Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If my memory serves me right, SIP actually has ALG built into the standard
> >itself and www.opensip.org might already give you what you want
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 09:26:21AM +0530, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 12:22:06PM -0400, Martin Gignac wrote:
> > On 10/11/06, Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >If my memory serves me right, SIP actually has ALG built
On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 02:37:35PM -0400, Adam wrote:
> Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Threads a big PITA. Best avoided. Creates more problems than solves.
> >
> > OpenBSD is about neatness, cleanliness and stability.
> >
> > Thre
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 01:06:12AM -0400, Martin Gignac wrote:
> On 10/11/06, Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, I'm familiar with 3261. However the SIP proxy that 3261 talks
> about has a completely different function than what an ALG/SBC does.
> Mayb
On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 02:31:29PM -0400, Martin Gignac wrote:
> On 10/11/06, Jon Radel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> If my memory serves me right, SIP actually has ALG built into the
> >>> standard itself and www.opensip.org might already give you what you
> >want.
> >>
> >> Hmm, wasn't awa
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 01:41:49AM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/10/12 01:15, ropers wrote:
> > Neither do I understand what really goes on during IP forwarding as
> > opposed to bridging
> with forwarding(routing) tcp/ip packets have a destination IP address
> which isn't bound to an
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 10:00:21AM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> [..]
> > You should take a look at these links.
> >
> > http://www.softpanorama.org/People/Ousterhout/Threads/index.shtml
> Note that those slides are from 1995, tha
I am a newbie to certain real world networking concepts since I have no
hands on experience in network deployments.
And OpenBSD man pages unfortunately are not clear enough for me.
Perhaps I am daft but I would gladly rewrite them for the benefit of ppl like
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 12:49:58PM +0200, Marius Van Deventer - Umzimkulu wrote:
> I use tun for ppp and gprs connections.
A lil bit elaboration with details will help I am sure. How exactly do you go
about it?
If I get enough info I promise to send a man page patch. That is why I as
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 12:54:57PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/10/12 16:45, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 12:49:58PM +0200, Marius Van Deventer - Umzimkulu
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I use tun for ppp and gprs connections.
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 12:44:39PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/10/12 15:26, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> > 1) What exactly is the difference between tun(4), gif(4)
> > and gre(4) interfaces?
> tun(4) is a path between kernel and userland so that network
> i
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 05:19:24PM +0200, Artur Grabowski wrote:
> Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Like many things in computing it just depends on what one is most
> > > comfortable with and using the right tool for the right job. One time
On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 10:05:15PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/10/16 13:39, Ryan Corder wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 16:56 +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > > are you using bios console redirection? if so, try changing it so
> > > it only redirects the bios startup screens and _no
On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 08:22:23PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > As I see it, the only way we are going to get documentation, is for it
> > to make economic sense for nVidia.
> > Cost of documentation / Perceived loss of IP ($) through documentation
> > (+ corporate inertia) must be less than the
On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 08:42:45PM +0200, Joachim Schipper wrote:
> I'm not sure about KDE, but rxvt loads pretty fast (<10ms?) on ion. And
> this is not exactly new hardware (neomagic driver, Thinkpad 390X).
> aterm takes .5 seconds due to the transparent background, and dillo
> takes about 1 s
On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 10:29:37AM +0200, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
> Trying to implement multimedia into Unix is like upgrading a typewriter into a
> video recorder. Well - we impregnate the cotton tape with magnetic paint, cut
> a piece of the platten for the rotating drum, the tape reels stay, we ta
On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 01:12:59AM -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> # encrypt each dump and remove the original
> if [ -n "$ADMIN" ]; then
> echo "encrypting $FN"
> if [ -f $ROOT/$HOST/$FN.gpg ]; then
On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 03:43:50PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/10/19 21:28, sonjaya wrote:
> > i have script for update automaticly here:
> > #!/bin/csh
> c-shell for scripting? are you mad? :-)
IMAO csh should be banished from earth! :-)
You will be amazed how brain dead its desi
On Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 10:04:19PM +0200, Per-Olov Sj??holm wrote:
> Here is a post with info that solves and explain the case if someone else get
> stuck in the problem.
> This problem was actually caused by an updated OpenSSL. I have had 2048 and
> 4096 SSH keys that have worked perfect unt
> Well... I solved it thanks to Darren Tucker. So positive feedback should go
> to
> him... I haven't done any deeper analysis of it as it solved my problem. And
> I don't have the time to dig...
> Then you say Darren Tucker maybe has a hole in the analysis Well, ask
> him!
> maybe he r
> Sorry I regretted using these exact words.
> What I meant to say was that this does not explain everything.
> Let me leave it at that.
> If I don't understand something most likely my understanding is to take the
> blame. :-)
> All is well that ends well.
> Thanks to Damien and D
On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 06:05:02PM +0800, Tito Mari Francis Esca?o wrote:
> Good day!
Good day to you too! :-)
> In our office we use irc-hybrid on CentOS4.4 as IRC server. I plan to
> use OpenBSD 3.9 as my test IRC server with the provided irc-2.10.3p1
> package.
> Can anybody on the list pr
Dear friends,
I know this question sounds basic but it is not.
How to programmatically determine the IP address of an interface?
(Programmatically means using C of course :-)
getsockname(2) is supposed to work but it doesn't since it returns for
INADDR_ANY. getpeername(2) works, so am
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 10:43:57AM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> >
> > I know this question sounds basic but it is not.
> >
> > How to programmatically determine the IP address of a
Dearest friends,
I believe this is the place where the smartest sys admins on earth hang
around; what better place than this for me to advertise my little creation? :-)
I know what I did was trivial; please be gentle. :-)
I have written a vim plugin that opens multiple l
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 04:12:00AM -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
> On 10/23/06, Andreas Bihlmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hello misc@,
> >
> >Quite a few people sent me emails about my earier instructions, I posted
> >here some time ago:
> >http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openbsd-misc&m=1
> >
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