On 15:34:47 Nov 17, Jorge Valbuena wrote: > One simple thing that i will try is: > > If is already installed OpenBSD 4.2 and wants to install 4.3 or 4.4 , first > take a look at the /etc/fstab file and write down the name of the /home > partition > > /dev/wd0h /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2 > > > When installing the new version leave untouched that partition, and after > first boot put the line manually in your new /etc/fstab > > I hope this can help ! >
It also helps to note down the starting and ending cylinders of the partition you want to preserve. You can think of the OpenBSD fdisk partition as one big contiguous block of sectors. Irrespective of its physical location, it is one single unidimensional series of sectors. Each sector is exactly 512 bytes. OpenBSD fdisk and disklabel unlike the ones found in other OSes always tell us the cylinder boundaries. This has helped me think a bit more clearly. -Girish