Re: Recommended Industrial PCs?

2015-12-01 Thread Clint Pachl
Martin Haufschild wrote on 08/26/15 12:11: can someone recommend me an Industrial PC (IPC) to use with OpenBSD? I would like to have a lot of hardware supported from this IPC by OpenBSD. I've had great luck with Lanner ( I've been running a LEC-2280 and FW-7541 for a

doas(1) -s argument; What's the benefit?

2016-01-12 Thread Clint Pachl
First, thank you Mr. Unangst for a beautifully simple piece of code. The configuration file is a delight as well. I was happy to remove sudo from my servers. What I don't understand is the `-s` argument used to execute a shell. What would a corresponding doas.conf(5) look like? Can't shell e

Re: the problem with the OpenBSD installer

2016-01-17 Thread Clint Pachl
Jan Stary wrote on 01/17/16 14:29: After installing various UNIX-like systems today, I realized what the problem is with the installer: it makes installing any other system a DAMN ORDEAL. The installer is what initially addicted me to OpenBSD. Back in the late 90s until about 2003 I used vario

Unexpected security(8) output

2018-01-26 Thread Clint Pachl
I received the following output from security(8): Running security(8): Can't opendir(/home/pachl/.cache/mozilla/seamonkey/e8cxa4g0.default/safebrowsing-backup): No such file or directory at /usr/libexec/security line 594. I didn't realize security parses through user files; beyond a few dot

How to split (A/B) test landing pages using httpd(8)

2021-04-15 Thread Clint Pachl
Does anyone know if it's possible to rotate/alternate between two files for the same given request path, using just httpd? For example, I want to split test two pages: /test/A & /test/B. I would like to serve half of the traffic to each for the request path /test/. Ideally, I would like to do an

Is fdisk, disklabel and newfs enough to "reset" an SSD

2013-05-13 Thread Clint Pachl
I would like to reinstall a fresh system on an SSD that contains an existing installation. From my limited knowledge of SSDs, I wonder if the drive controller may "retain" data from the old filesystem, unaware that there is a new filesystem put in place. Is this a concern? If so, how does one

Re: Is fdisk, disklabel and newfs enough to "reset" an SSD

2013-05-13 Thread Clint Pachl
Scott McEachern wrote: 2) Do you mean there could still be data residing on unused parts of the SSD? Yes, it can happen. Yes, this is what I'm referring to. I was hoping there was some way to instruct the drive controller that the entire drive space is "free"? SSDs have their own way of wear-

Re: Is fdisk, disklabel and newfs enough to "reset" an SSD

2013-05-15 Thread Clint Pachl
Jan Stary wrote: If so, how does one "reset" a used SSD for >optimal operation with a fresh install? Just treat it as any other disk - which it is. This is wrong, unfortunately. From the OS perspective, sure, sort of. But there is more to the story. There is overprovising, garbage collectio

FFS vs FFS2: newfs & fsck

2013-05-23 Thread Clint Pachl
I created a new filesystem on a 232.9 GB partition on a 500 GB external USB drive that will be used as backup storage for dump files. Out of curiosity, I recreated the filesystem using FFS2 (I never created an FFS2 before). I noticed it was much faster, so I clocked it for comparison: # ### FF

Re: Blocking PF or squid?

2013-10-18 Thread Clint Pachl
mia wrote, On 10/18/13 16:33: If you're handling DHCP for all of the traffic for your site, why not just set up a dns server, point your dhcp clients to this DNS server and create an authoritative zone for that points to somewhere other than facebook? Running your own own DNS res

Generating a secret: /dev/random vs openssl rand

2013-10-24 Thread Clint Pachl
For years I've been using `openssl rand -base64 N` to generate secrets. However, I recently saw `dd if=/dev/random bs=N count=1 | openssl base64` used. Is one more secure and "random" than the other? Is "openssl rand" not secure if the "-rand " option is omitted? I'm guessing openssl may suck

Re: Removal of old libraries

2016-11-07 Thread Clint Pachl
Ax0n wrote on 09/03/16 13:12: I've got a Toshiba NB305 netbook that's been my daily-use laptop for more than 6 years now. The last fresh install I did was OpenBSD 4.9-RELEASE in early May 2011. I've been quite happy with how it works, and I've been doing bsd.rd upgrades and M:Tier binary updates

Re: Removal of old libraries

2016-11-13 Thread Clint Pachl
Amit Kulkarni wrote on 11/08/16 07:22: On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 12:53 AM, Clint Pachl wrote: Ax0n wrote on 09/03/16 13:12: I've got a Toshiba NB305 netbook that's been my daily-use laptop for more than 6 years now. The last fresh install I did was OpenBSD 4.9-RELEASE in early May

Re: Removal of old libraries

2016-11-14 Thread Clint Pachl
Jan Stary wrote on 11/14/16 03:00: On Nov 14 00:14:19, wrote: But the very next step in the upgrade blows away the system by overwriting it anyway. Right? What could happen? What if following the normal procedure of untaring the OS sets on top of the existing system fails mid

Re: Saw-shaped load on idle computer

2016-11-15 Thread Clint Pachl
Does /var/log/* have any clues? Philippe Meunier wrote on 11/15/16 06:11: Hello, I'm just curious: what is it in the kernel that wakes up about every minute to do some work even on a completely idle machine? I'm asking because xload shows some curious looking saw shaped load like this: http:/

Re: Saw-shaped load on idle computer

2016-11-16 Thread Clint Pachl wrote on 11/16/16 18:07: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:34:28 -0700 Clint Pachl Does /var/log/* have any clues? No. Philippe Meunier wrote on 11/15/16 06:11: Hello, I'm just curious: what is it in the kernel that wakes up about every minute to do some work even on a completely

Re: Recommendation for firewall appliance running of and OpenBSD

2016-11-25 Thread Clint Pachl
Tito Mari Francis H. Escaño wrote on 11/24/16 13:15: Hi everyone, Can somebody please recommend me a firewall appliance that can run OpenBSD and pf, and can be upgradeable to the latest version? It would be a great plus if the appliance can also be configured as part of CARP firewall group. pfSen

Re: Installer : deselecting X* sets if user doesn't want to run X

2016-12-05 Thread Clint Pachl
Clément 'wxcafé' Hertling wrote on 12/03/16 07:29: Hey, So each time I install an OpenBSD system I have to both answer no as to whether I want to run X on the system, and then deselect the X* sets. It's not a big thing, but I thought it couldn't be that hard to make it automatic, that is, if th

spamd and network whitelisting

2016-12-16 Thread Clint Pachl
I would like to share my 45-day experience with running spamd and my observations and how I'm allowing mail from SMTP clusters to bypass spamd. Feedback and discussion would be greatly appreciated. I have two domains that I have been using for my businesses: one is 13 years old and the other i

Re: spamd and network whitelisting

2016-12-20 Thread Clint Pachl
Some have requested my scripts and configurations so here it is. Below you fill find the spamd-dnsbl and spamclusterd scripts that are used for blacklisting spammers and whitelisting networks, respectively. Also included is dnsbl-check which I use for testing IPs against multiple DNSBLs. In th

Re: spamd and network whitelisting

2016-12-20 Thread Clint Pachl
Devin Reade wrote on 12/19/16 12:59: You might also want to look at bgp-spamd. Yes, this was on my radar for quite some time. However, my simple spamd setup with assistance from the DNSBL has been extremely effective. It's nice to know we've got more big guns if needed. W

Spammer whitelisted by spamd. How?

2017-02-04 Thread Clint Pachl
Can someone explain how the spammer at got white listed by spamd and delivered 3 spam emails to me? What exactly triggered the white listing? I may not understand spamd's behavior, but according to the spamd log below, the spammer attempted only 5 deliveries via spamd, each with a

Re: What are the disadvantages of soft updates?

2015-02-02 Thread Clint Pachl
Alexandre Ratchov wrote, On 01/19/15 02:44: On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 03:59:34AM +, wrote: Hello, The FAQ[1] states that soft updates result in "a large performance increase in disk writing performance," and links to a resource[2] which claims that soft updates, in addi

Re: dump and duid

2015-03-07 Thread Clint Pachl
Jan Stary wrote, On 02/27/15 06:09: This is current/amd64. After cleaning my machine I reconnected two of my disks in reverse; what was sd0 is sd1 now, and vice versa. I do nightly dumps of the filesystems, starting with level 0 on early Monday morning, continuing with incremental 1, 2 etc thro

Re: hw.sensors and high fan RPM

2015-03-13 Thread Clint Pachl
I have a T410 as well and I don't use it because of the fan noise. I bought it to replace my T61, but I continue to use the T61 because it's slightly less noisy at 2935 RPM. I looked for solutions several times but never found one. I even laid down new Arctic Silver 5 thermal paste and install

Re: Mouse click problems with firefox and firefox-esr (and Seamonkey)

2016-04-22 Thread Clint Pachl
Nick wrote on 03/30/16 11:23: I have tried both firefox and firefox-esr in both OpenBSD 5.8 and 5.9 and can say that there are issues with the mouse not picking up 10-15% of my clicks, sometimes having to click a good 3 times or more for it to actually work correctly! When I select and drag te

Terminate session on serial terminal (com0) when ssh disconnects

2014-08-12 Thread Clint Pachl
Here's my situation: I ssh into a remote server in my group. From that server, I connect to an adjacent, local server in the group via the serial terminal using tip(1) or cu(1). If the ssh connection is disconnected, the login session to the second server's serial com0 will remain open/active.

Generating random.seed for network boot clients

2014-08-15 Thread Clint Pachl
Is it safe to generate some randomness in /tftpboot/etc/random.seed for clients that PXE boot? My concern is that this file will be available to everyone on the network via TFTP. So does knowing this randomness help "predict" the PRNG output of the clients that use it? I read in a de Raadt i

Re: Generating random.seed for network boot clients

2014-08-16 Thread Clint Pachl
Paul de Weerd wrote, On 08/15/14 14:51: At any rate, this changes that to allow world readable files (still not taking world writable files). We can't check S_IWOTH over tftp, we should probably assume 0777 for files transferred that way. But, if you're trusting the kernel you're getting over t

Re: Generating random.seed for network boot clients

2014-08-16 Thread Clint Pachl
Christian Weisgerber wrote, On 08/15/14 18:36: On 2014-08-15, Paul de Weerd wrote: What you could do is use the -r option to tftpd(8) to hand out a new file to each client that connects. Or just periodically (like, every hour or every minute, depending on the load of your tftp server) replace

Why are there NSA, CSIS, and GOOGLE IDs in my ftplist.cgi

2014-08-16 Thread Clint Pachl
I checked out my saved install configurations at and noticed that at the end of the file there are fields named "NSA_ID," "CSIS_ID," and "GOOGLE_ID." They all sound scary. Each time I refresh the page, only one of the three IDs appear, but they seem to r

Re: Generating random.seed for network boot clients

2014-08-17 Thread Clint Pachl
Christian Weisgerber wrote, On 08/16/14 08:54: On 2014-08-16, Christian Weisgerber wrote: How about making etc/random.seed a named pipe and feeding chunks of /dev/random to it? I've now put this into my /etc/rc.local: ---> # Provide fresh random.seed for pxeboot if cd /tftpb

Re: Why are there NSA, CSIS, and GOOGLE IDs in my ftplist.cgi

2014-08-17 Thread Clint Pachl
Theo de Raadt wrote, On 08/16/14 09:39: On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 04:03, Clint Pachl wrote: I checked out my saved install configurations at and noticed that at the end of the file there are fields named "NSA_ID," "CSIS_ID," and "G

Re: hang at syncing disks... done

2014-08-25 Thread Clint Pachl
Marko Cupać wrote, On 08/21/14 15:32: On 21-08-2014 11:38, Marko Cupać wrote: I have just installed OpenBSD 5.5 on my ThinkPad T440. At first glance everything seems to work OK, except for the fact that, when shutting down or restarting, system hangs at 'hang at syncing disks... done'. This cou

Re: How to log in automatically to GUI?

2014-08-25 Thread Clint Pachl wrote, On 08/25/14 12:54: I installed an OpenBSD desktop and in the /etc: rc.conf.local:xdm_flags=# enabled during install How can I set the automatic login for a user without prompting for password? It seems one should be able to get getty(8)

Re: Problems with older "nc" without "-N" option ... also how to detect "nc" version

2014-08-28 Thread Clint Pachl
Alan McKay wrote, On 08/27/14 09:56: I'm writing some scripts to clone over the network, and since I have mostly boxes that do not have the -N option on nc, this is proving to be an issue. I have a bunch of dump files - one for each filesystem - that were created from a live system. When I want

Re: How to log in automatically to GUI?

2014-09-01 Thread Clint Pachl
Clint Pachl wrote, On 08/25/14 16:36: It seems one should be able to get getty(8) to do this using /etc/ttys. I tried: console "/usr/bin/su -l USER -c /usr/X11R6/bin/startx" xterm on secure which automatically launched X, but I didn't have access to the console

Re: How to log in automatically to GUI?

2014-09-01 Thread Clint Pachl
Andy Bradford wrote, On 08/27/14 08:35: Thus said Clint Pachl on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:36:26 -0700: If someone knows how to do this properly via getty(8), I would be very interested. I've used this successfully (not sure how proper it is): /etc/ttys: ttyC0 "/usr/libexec/getty co

Retired 4.4-beta

2014-09-24 Thread Clint Pachl
I just wanted to share my story ... I finally retired my old AOpen desktop router which was running 4.4-beta from July 2008 until now. I originally set it up to test pf and routing for my company's network. It seemed to work fine so I put it into production. Then I just kind of forgot about it

Suspend/hibernate broken [upgrade: 6.9 to 7.0] (solution)

2021-12-29 Thread Clint Pachl
This is how I got suspend and hibernate working again on my Huawei Matebook after upgrading to 7.0 release. I thought I'd share here in case it helps someone else. SYNOPSIS: Initiating a "sleep" state blanks the screen and illuminates the keyboard (indicating sleep is immenent); but the laptop w

Understanding pf statistics

2022-04-26 Thread Clint Pachl
In the following command, is "Packets" the number of dropped packets after 5,435,315 evaluations of that block rule? If so, is "Bytes" the total size of those 16,303 dropped packets? And is "States" zero because it is a block rule, thus no state created? # pfctl -s rules -vR11 block drop in log

Network Time Synchronization using timed or ntpd or a Combination?

2007-10-23 Thread Clint Pachl
What is the most "efficient" and "secure" way to keep the clocks of servers on a network in sync? Because OpenNTPD was designed with security in mind from the start, I was thinking about using ntpd only on all systems. One system would get time from the NTP pool and all other servers on the ne

Re: Network Time Synchronization using timed or ntpd or a Combination?

2007-10-23 Thread Clint Pachl
Darrin Chandler wrote: On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 11:49:57AM -0600, Chris Kuethe wrote: On 10/23/07, Boris Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The ntpd from OBSD is raw and lame yet. It takes days (!) to really synchronize, adjusting time and clock frequency back and forth (even if

Re: Network Time Synchronization using timed or ntpd or a Combination?

2007-10-23 Thread Clint Pachl
Theo de Raadt wrote: That is a very interesting anecdote. That has got to make Henning proud; hell I'm proud of him. The amazing thing is that the ntpd binary on my i386 is only 34.4K. The ntpd binary (non-OpenNTPD) on my i386 FreeBSD media center is 263K, not to mention all of the other ntp* b

Re: Network Time Synchronization using timed or ntpd or a Combination?

2007-10-23 Thread Clint Pachl
Henning Brauer wrote: * Boris Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-23 15:50]: CP> One system would get time from the NTP pool and all other servers on CP> the network would sync to the local server. You don't really need ntpd on all systems. One (timeserver) runs ntpd, and others use

Re: intel pro/1000 PT & PF

2007-10-30 Thread Clint Pachl
Kai Mosebach wrote: Does this also apply to amd64 ? If it didn't, there will usually be a mention of it in the "bugs" section of the driver's man page. I just wanted to know if the network cards : - - intel pro/1000 PT quad port - - intel pro/1000 PF (SX) quad port are surported by 4

Re: deploy openssl patch

2007-11-01 Thread Clint Pachl
Markus Wernig wrote: Dear list I have a couple of 4.1 firewalls that I would like to upgrade to 4.2. Before taking them online again I'd like to deploy the openssl patch from I feel your pain. Others have dissed on you fo

Re: : deploy openssl patch

2007-11-02 Thread Clint Pachl
automates the distribution of these patches to all the nodes on the network. On Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 02:25:31PM -0700, Clint Pachl wrote: Markus Wernig wrote: Dear list I have a couple of 4.1 firewalls that I would like to upgrade to 4.2. Before taking them online aga

Re: ftpd follow symlinks

2007-11-02 Thread Clint Pachl
Lord Sporkton wrote: OpenBSD 4.2 on i386: does ftpd have the capability to follow sym links? or is there a work around that would allow it to? Are these symlinks pointing outside the chroot? if not, will that support be added any time soon?

Re: ftpd follow symlinks

2007-11-02 Thread Clint Pachl
Lord Sporkton wrote: ahh, yes, they are, i have it chrooting to the user home, however the symlink in the user home is linked to something in /mnt hadnt thought of that, any way around that then? Yeah, don't chroot or bring the linked stuff into the chroot. On 02/11/2007, Clint

Re: Slow Performance on Encrypted svnd

2007-11-14 Thread Clint Pachl
knitti wrote: Instead of e.g. /dev/sd0a try /dev/rsd0a. I didn't try with svnd, but when copying partitions with dd I use this. I tried that, but like I said fdisk complained when the svnd device is associated with the raw direct access disk device. For example # vnconfig -k svnd0 /dev/rw

Re: Slow Performance on Encrypted svnd

2007-11-14 Thread Clint Pachl
knitti wrote: On 11/14/07, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: knitti wrote: Instead of e.g. /dev/sd0a try /dev/rsd0a. I didn't try with svnd, but when copying partitions with dd I use this. I tried that, but like I said fdisk complained when the svnd device is

Re: Slow Performance on Encrypted svnd

2007-11-15 Thread Clint Pachl
K/sec %CP /sec %CP 40M 8085 99 9444 99 6324 93 10517 96 15885 97 202.6 15 Clint Pachl wrote: Reading through the archives I have found several people say that encrypting via an svnd device isn't much slower than writing directly to a raw unencrypted disk. While I

Re: securing OpenBSD wireless network

2007-11-18 Thread Clint Pachl
Lars Hansson wrote: On Nov 17, 2007 8:35 AM, David Higgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I combined authpf with OpenVPN, using some big hints from some easily google-able places. Even though WEP and WPA aren't supported by OpenBSD, OpenBSD supports WEP. Does it even matter?

Compromising a host with pf enabled?

2007-11-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Is it possible for a cracker to compromise or root a machine on a network that has pf enabled with the single rule "block all in"?

Re: can't change password with passwd comand

2007-11-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Jumping Mouse wrote: When I try to change a user password I get an error. I do this: # passwd username enter a new password and get: pwd_mkdb: corrupted entrypwd_mkdb: at line #24pwd_mkdb: /etc/ptmp: Innapropriate file type or formatpasswd: etc/master.passwd unchanged how can I fix this?

Re: Compromising a host with pf enabled?

2007-11-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Chris Zakelj wrote: Clint Pachl wrote: Is it possible for a cracker to compromise or root a machine on a network that has pf enabled with the single rule "block all in"? I suspect you're just fishing, but in the interests of spirited debate - Is "block in all" the

Re: Compromising a host with pf enabled?

2007-11-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Chris Zakelj wrote: Greg Thomas wrote: It does say "single" rule. Yes, but at that point it becomes a rather useless system. It's likely to break in curious ways, since anything using the loopback will, I think, either become unresponsive or start throwing errors. Ok, I'm in brai

Re: can't change password with passwd comand

2007-11-20 Thread Clint Pachl
Jumping Mouse wrote: Hi Clint and others, I tried: # rm spwd* pwd* passwd* ptmp> # pwd_mkdb /etc/master.passwd then #passwd username but I am still getting: (for all users) pwd_mkdb: corrupted entrypwd_mkdb: at line #24pwd_mkdb: /etc/ptmp: Inappropriate file type or formatpasswd: /

Re: can't change password with passwd comand

2007-11-20 Thread Clint Pachl
Jumping Mouse wrote: One more follow up: I added a new user. then tried to change the users password with the passwd command and I get the same results: pwd_mkdb: corrupted entrypwd_mkdb: at line #25pwd_mkdb: /etc/ptmp: Inappropriate file type or formatpasswd: /etc/master.passwd: unchanged

Re: can't change password with passwd comand

2007-11-20 Thread Clint Pachl
Jumping Mouse wrote: Hi Clint, Yes I am the one. as for changing the password this seems to happen to any user except for the root acount, I am able to use passwd to change the root account password. Here is line 24: (I removed the password and real usernmame) username::1000:0::0:0:username:

Re: can't change password with passwd comand

2007-11-21 Thread Clint Pachl
removing the invalid line, then run passwd for another account. This should test whether your passwd program is working properly. It is weird that vipw works, but passwd complains. - Original Message - From: Clint Pachl To: Jumping Mouse Cc: Sent: Tuesday, November 2

Re: can't change password with passwd comand

2007-11-21 Thread Clint Pachl
Jumping Mouse wrote: Ok, Ok I get the point. I agree that posting line 24 will not help, any user except root gives the same issues. And as a last and final attempt I will check the end of the file for any spaces as Clint suggested. You mean you haven't check for empty lines and trailing

Re: Compromising a host with pf enabled?

2007-11-21 Thread Clint Pachl
Darren Spruell wrote: On Nov 19, 2007 10:53 PM, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: In my DMZ research, some sources state that all services need to be replicated in each DMZ. Following that advice, I would have to setup Kerberos, ntp, backup, and DNS in each DMZ and the LAN; that

Re: Using tip or cu with a multi-port serial card

2007-11-28 Thread Clint Pachl
Jeff Ross wrote: Hi, I got my 4 port serial card and installed it in my firewall today puc0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Oxford OX16PCI954" rev 0x00: ports: 4 com pccom3 at puc0 port 0 irq 11: st16650, 32 byte fifo pccom3: probed fifo depth: 16 bytes pccom4 at puc0 port 1 irq 11: st16650, 32 byte

Re: mutt and Stallman

2007-12-18 Thread Clint Pachl
Girish Venkatachalam wrote: I am giving first aid after the war but still it will help. I can give a lot of relief to those of you who had nervous breakdowns and blood pressure problems due to spam mails getting in the way of useful technical stuff. It is not hard at all. First thing is instal

Re: most secure graphical browser

2008-01-17 Thread Clint Pachl
Douglas A. Tutty wrote: I have a box that I want to keep as secure as I can but I also need to be able to use a graphical browser from it (I know that this is a trade-off). There is no graphical browser in base. I don't need or want this browser to do javascript or flash (I have a different

Re: most secure graphical browser

2008-01-17 Thread Clint Pachl
Rico Secada wrote: On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 18:17:54 -0500 "Douglas A. Tutty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 05:11:53PM -0500, STeve Andre' wrote: On Thursday 17 January 2008 03:42:38 pm Douglas A. Tutty wrote: I have a box that I want to keep as secure as I can

Re: setting up a noiseless workstation

2008-02-02 Thread Clint Pachl
Zbigniew Baniewski wrote: On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 08:16:49PM +0200, Imre Oolberg wrote: As an operating system my first choice would OpenBSD and second is Linux. In fact at the moment i run such a kind of setup using Linux but i feel need to upgrade my hardware, i have old 700 MHz Celeron, 1

Re: photo/ image viewing software

2008-02-02 Thread Clint Pachl
Chris wrote: I am after a software that would allow me to view photos from my digital camera which I usually mount in /mnt/camera. I tried from the ports tree: digikam, gphoto, gtkam, kphotoalbum, wmphoto, kamera - none of them really work well in showing the pictures; some of them want to detect

Re: Using CVS to back up /etc

2008-02-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Richard Wilson wrote: Increasingly, I find that I have many servers, especially OpenBSD servers, where the only bit of the hard drive worth backing up is /etc. Good examples are routers or spamtrap boxes where everything is part of base. If a hard drive goes pop, all I need is to install the OS,

Re: More then 1 dhcrelay process on 1 router

2008-03-06 Thread Clint Pachl
Guido Tschakert wrote: Hello folks short: will 2 (or more) dhcrelay work on one router without problems long: I have a router connected to 3 networks: a.b.1.0/24 connected to if1, a.b.2.0/24 connceted to if2, a.b.3.0/24 connected to if3. Lets say I have a dhcpd on a.b.1.1 Is it possible to st

Re: openbsd 4.0 ralink problem low operation range

2006-12-12 Thread Clint Pachl
Sam Fourman Jr. wrote: I have a Linksys card that uses ral and I can confirm this Sam Fourman Jr. On 12/9/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi List, i've tried today openbsd 4.0 with several cards: rt2561t -> PC-620C rt2560f -> WMIR-103G rt2560f -> GN-WIKG with all cards i

How to kill processes that have been revoked?

2006-12-12 Thread Clint Pachl
I need to kill all the processes that cannot reach their controlling terminal (according to `man ps`: they have been revoked). Or, how could I get them back or place then into new terminals? This machine is a diskless X client. The problem occurred when I plugged another machine into the switch,

Re: openbsd 4.0 ralink problem low operation range

2006-12-14 Thread Clint Pachl
Jeff Quast wrote: On 12/14/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Tuesday 12 December 2006 13:27, Anis Kadri wrote: > On 12/12/06, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > On 12/9/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > >

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-19 Thread Clint Pachl
atstake atstake wrote: Not directly OpenBSD related but I thought I'd ask. I'd like to use a revision control system to manage files on 25-30 servers but I'm not sure whether I'd use a centralized repository or have a separate revision control system on each box. It would also be good to know h

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Francois Visconte wrote: Hello To the OP, I would keep everything centralized and in a repository. Then dedicate a test machine, or two, that you will use to deploy your updates and test the integrity of your automation system. If all goes well with the test, push the tested updates over to

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Will Maier wrote: On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 03:00:04AM -0700, Clint Pachl wrote: I would use a dedicated, highly secure and always backed-up box to store/manage a central repository (CVS/SVN). This repos will hold all the necessary bytes (binaries, config files, ports, etc.) to "re-image

Re: revision control system for system administration

2006-12-19 Thread Clint Pachl
Francois Visconte wrote: Hello To the OP, I would keep everything centralized and in a repository. Then dedicate a test machine, or two, that you will use to deploy your updates and test the integrity of your automation system. If all goes well with the test, push the tested updates over to

Re: Max memory in OpenBSD (4.0)

2006-12-22 Thread Clint Pachl
Cristiano Deana wrote: i can't find any reference about max memory in openbsd, only some questions about it (from me and others). i tried with 4.0 i386 and amd64 and it seems i have no luck to see all my memory (4G). i also tried the patch who someone post the link but it doesn't work. so, just

Re: MD5 sum of /bsd on freshly installed system/?

2007-01-15 Thread Clint Pachl
Gregory Edigarov wrote: It would be greatly appreciated if somebody can make an md5 checksum of the generic kernel. Need to check that as my OpenBSD 4.0 install hangs while booting at the very early stage. # this is for i386 because you said old PC MD5 (bsd) = e8f67a2fd90f98d5b4edee9fe837c2fd

Re: Merchandise idea: OpenBSD mug

2007-01-15 Thread Clint Pachl
Tom Beard wrote: Samurai Chef wrote: I'll do it. I'll order some and announce here. I'll set up a ebay store for the merchandise. contact me with requests. I'd take a few if you got them done. Me too. Is that eBay store setup? Like someone all ready mentioned, it would be reall

Re: NFS with pf on OpenBSD

2007-02-09 Thread Clint Pachl
Rodney Hopkins wrote: I want to run a NFS server on OpenBSD with pf enabled and configured only allow the required inbound ports needed to allow NFS mounts to work. The thing is, the only way I've successfully been able to do this is to exclude ports <1024 from being blocked inbound by pf.

Filesystem Backwards Compatibility

2007-02-12 Thread Clint Pachl
Have the file systems from one OS version to the next always been compatible? Will they continue to be? My concern is that a 3+ year old dump may not restore correctly on current version of OBSD. Can I be assured that I can store data reliably for 3 - 5 years on a FFS? -pachl

Re: bsd cpu use

2007-02-12 Thread Clint Pachl
James Mackinnon wrote: Hi All Hate to ask something that might be a simple answer but I am trying to find how it is best / easiest to get the CPU usage of a BSD 4.0 box. I only need the result and not a bunch of other data as I want to store the result in a mysql db. Basically i'm just looking

Re: Very slow raid performance with ami(4)

2007-03-30 Thread Clint Pachl
Marco Peereboom wrote: LSI megaraid cards will ALWAYS disable write cache whenever there is no battery backed up memory on the card. No exceptions. The only thing you can do is purchase a BBU and replace the current DIMM. People state disk throughput numbers, but how are these measured? I

Re: acpi is working but halt -p is now working, why?

2007-03-31 Thread Clint Pachl
Jay Jesus Amorin wrote: im running openbsd 4.1-current on my laptop, acpi is working but halt -p is not working, it will just reboot instead of halt, WHY? here's my additional info: # sysctl -aA | grep acpi kern.timecounter.hardware=acpitimer0 kern.timecounter.choice=i8254(0) acpihpet0(1000) a

Recommend Technical Networking Book?

2007-04-16 Thread Clint Pachl
Hi all, Can anyone recommend a technical networking book (or links) regarding design, architecture, implementation, monitoring, and best practices? I just purchased a Dell 3248 managed switch, 10 IBM 1U servers, and 10 towers. I would like to practice setting things up on this hardware. I hav

Re: sk or em

2007-04-16 Thread Clint Pachl
Ronnie Garcia wrote: Chris C. a icrit : I'm in the need to replace my two 100mbit fxp nic's in my firewall with a 1000mbit one. The hardware is kinda old. (PIII) I'm looking for an inexpensive but not bad (so I think no realtek chips) nic. Have looked at sk and bge, but couldn't find any bge ni

8-Bit RISC Microcontroller Programming

2007-04-17 Thread Clint Pachl
What options are available for programming 8-bit microcontrollers? I found gputils for Microchip and avr for Amtel in the ports. What is the most supported option? gputils in ports is a three year old version; does it work well? Is anyone using Microchip's PICs; if so, what hardware programmer

Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-20 Thread Clint Pachl
Daniel Ouellet wrote: Henning Brauer wrote: * Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-04-20 14:49]: On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 12:36:29PM +0200, Henning Brauer wrote: * Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-04-20 00:36]: On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 10:51:56PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:

Layer 2 Fail-over w/ CARP?

2007-04-28 Thread Clint Pachl
I was working on a network design and was wondering if CARP can provide fail-over for a group of layer 2 firewalls? I was thinking one could just associate an interface using carpdev without specifying the IP address or netmask. Would that work? # ifconfig bridge0 create # ifconfig fxp0 up #

Re: another dumb vlan question

2007-05-03 Thread Clint Pachl
Axton wrote: On 5/2/07, Matiss Miglans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Scenario 1 will be right. Don't mix there "normal" ethernet with vlan's. Jonathan Whiteman wrote: > Lets say I'm setting up vlan devices so that 4 completely separate > subnets' gateways can share same ethernet port on the rou

Decoding interface flags (ifconfig)

2007-05-04 Thread Clint Pachl
I'm curious if the flag bits, shown for each interface with ifconfig(8), can be decoded in order to reveal the characteristics of NICs, such as hardware RX/TX checksums and VLAN. So far I have searched: netintro(4) ifmedia(4) inet(4) sys/net/if.c sys/dev/pci/if_em.c But haven't found anything

Re: another dumb vlan question

2007-05-04 Thread Clint Pachl
Jason Dixon wrote: On Thu, 03 May 2007 23:18:38 -0700, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Axton wrote: On 5/2/07, Matiss Miglans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Scenario 1 will be right. Don't mix there "normal" ethernet with vlan's. Jonatha

Re: revenge of stupid vlan questions

2007-05-08 Thread Clint Pachl
Jon wrote: Greetings everybody, So I've set up what I thought should be a proper vlan configuration however something is clearly still not correct. Traffic passes fine to the vlan devices from the external side of the router (I can ping them) however traffic does not seem to pass bewteen the vl

Re: revenge of stupid vlan questions

2007-05-09 Thread Clint Pachl
Jon wrote: This was very informative. Thank you very much. After re-evaluating the vlan/tagging settings on the 3com switch ports we noticed that they were all set to "hybrid" mode (so some could be on multiple vlans) but the connection to the router was set to "trunking" mode instead of hybrid

Re: Unfamiliar (to me only) ports behavior

2007-05-10 Thread Clint Pachl
John Nietzsche wrote: Dear gentleman/madam, i have just installed openbsd 4.1. I am very happy with it, but something i was not expecting is happening: As an ordinary user (belonging to the group wheel) i switched to the ports collection directory (/usr/ports/x11/openmotif) and issued i "make f

Re: Unfamiliar (to me only) ports behavior

2007-05-10 Thread Clint Pachl
ing your privileges when necessary. Very cool. FYI2: Please don't top post, it feels unnatural replying to your message. Thanks in advance. On 5/10/07, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: John Nietzsche wrote: > Dear gentleman/madam, > > i have just installed openbsd

Re: OpenBSD serial terminal binary programs

2007-05-11 Thread Clint Pachl
Matthew Weigel wrote: Zach Keatts wrote: Fortunately this is a sparc machine, Then everything will work fine. It's specifically i386 that sucks so hard. Hey man, not all i386 "suck so hard." I have some old IBM xSeries servers that don't even have PS/2 or VGA ports. The only wa

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