John Nietzsche wrote:
I am not playing with sudoers file! This just a bare install.

$ ls -ld /usr/ports /usr/src
drwxrwxr-x  46 root  wheel  1024 May 10 03:21 /usr/ports
drwxrwxr-x  18 root  wsrc    512 Mar 11 16:19 /usr/src

Isn't it strange that the ports/src directories have write bit group
permission on?

No. For /usr/src, this is normal so non-root users (i.e. users in group wsrc) can build the system.

Not sure why wheel has write permission to /usr/ports. It must have been a umask/tar/mkdir issue.

$ cd /usr/ports/distfiles/
$ ls -ld . openmotif
drwxr-xr-x  3 sioux  wheel  1536 May 10 06:01 .
drwxr-xr-x  2 sioux  wheel   512 May 10 03:17 openmotif
$ cat /etc/mk.conf
cat: /etc/mk.conf: No such file or directory

Anyway, since you are in the wheel group, you are able to write to /usr/ports. If you unpacked the ports, you will be the owner of all the contents, hence "sioux" (I'm assuming you) owns everything under ports. That's why "sioux" can run ``make fetch''.

FYI1: check out ports(7) and pay close attention to the SUDO/mk.conf related stuff. It allows you to build and install apps as a regular user, elevating your privileges when necessary. Very cool.

FYI2: Please don't top post, it feels unnatural replying to your message.

Thanks in advance.

On 5/10/07, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John Nietzsche wrote:
> Dear gentleman/madam,
> i have just installed openbsd 4.1. I am very happy with it, but
> something i was not expecting is happening:
> As an ordinary user (belonging to the group wheel) i switched to the
> ports collection directory (/usr/ports/x11/openmotif) and issued i
> "make fetch".
> I got surprised when the tarball started to be dowloaded in
> /usr/ports/distfiles although its sticky bit is not on.
> May someone here explain me how it is possible?

Please provide some more info:

$ cd /usr/ports/distfiles
$ ls -ld . openmotif*
$ cat /etc/mk.conf

Did you grant yourself permission in the sudoers file?

Disclaimer: I am not running 4.1

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