After a failed/aborted PXE boot (e.g., hitting a key or no network)
a laptop is "hanging" at the (OpenBSD 6.2 snapshot)
prompt which normally (AFAICT) times out and just boots after a few
seconds (from disk); it boots fine after hitting "Return".
Can someone please clarify if this is known/e
On Tue, Oct 03, 2017, Alexander Hall wrote:
> Unless I'm mistaken, Claus refers to things that happen prior to the
> boot prompt appearing the first time.
Yes. It's the boot order in the BIOS, i.e., it tries PXE boot before
the HD (i.e., before the ">boot" prompt even shows up).
> Once the boot p
Is there no man page for dn_skipname() on purpose or is it an
I found it on FreeBSD:
RESOLVER(3)FreeBSD Library Functions ManualRESOLVER(3)
dn_skipname(const u_char *comp_dn, const u_char *eom);
The dn_skipname() function skips ove
On Tue, Apr 07, 2020, Vitaliy Makkoveev wrote:
> send mail via yahoo's smtps. Error is "SSL failed: error:1404B3F2:SSL
> routines:ST_CONNECT:sslv3 alert unexpected message". mutt on this machine
> set smtp_url = 'smtps://'
Try to reproduce the problem using the open
On Wed, Apr 08, 2020, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> OpenSMTPD does not listen to the internet, by default and even if you do set
> it
From: Qualys Security Advisory
Message-ID: <20200224184538.GF17396@localhost.localdomain>
- Client-side exploitation: This vulnera
On Wed, Apr 08, 2020, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> You missed some out. I assume on purpose.
Wrong "assumption"; I did it to keep it short -- I included the
info how someone could find the details.
> So it does require internal users to make an action and a MITM or outbound
> connection to an attacke
On Sun, Sep 06, 2020, Leen Besselink wrote:
> So I was checking the logs and I saw connected and
> disconnected but strange enough did not deliver any mail:
I noticed something similar and asked on misc at
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 12:20:35 +0200
Subject: design o
On Mon, Sep 07, 2020, Leen Besselink wrote:
> So I just got confirmation, when CHUNKING is in the EHLO then it will do
> STARTTLS, but after a second EHLO it will notice the CHUNKING and just QUIT.
Interesting... but unfortunately that's not the problem I am seeing
- my server does not offer CHUN
On Fri, Sep 11, 2020, Leen Besselink wrote:
> I waited longer now and CHUNKING is not in the EHLO banner, but I do see
> QUiT again without sending any emails.
> So even though I had turned it off and on a couple of times, it was probably
> just a coincidence.
Did you get an answer from postmast
On Mon, Aug 05, 2019, Marc Espie wrote:
> [[...]] the same useless mp4 video.
Maybe it is/contains an (attempt of an) exploit?
Address is valid for this mailing list only.
Tommy Nevtelen wrote:
> I have some systems without access to the Internets and with internal
> mirrors for packages and fw_update packages. But when openbsd does a
> sysupgrade or a new install it runs fw_update against
> The problem here is that it will hang until the
On Fri, Nov 22, 2019, Unicorn wrote:
> Still would like to know how to turn the display off, have not figured
> that out yet ;)
man xset
Not sure if this is what you want (yes, it's ugly):
if test $# -ge 1
xset s $TO
xset s blank
if test $# -lt 1
On Sat, Dec 14, 2019, Richard Ulmer wrote:
> foo=$(
> # It's bar:
> echo bar
> )
> echo $foo
Because I was curious I just tested it on a FreeBSD 11.2 box:
no error with /bin/sh and /bin/ksh.
Address is valid for this mailing list only.
On Sat, Dec 14, 2019, Frank Beuth wrote:
> OpenBSD doesn't have unit tests (or if they are, they're not in the main
Hmm, what about src/regress/ ?
You are probably welcome to contribute tests :-)
Address is valid for this mailing list only.
Maybe duplicity? It's available as package (not sure
whether it does signing).
Address is valid for this mailing list only.
The functional tests for sendmail use ldns-testns as DNS server
which provides specific test data and error behaviours.
It runs on a port > 1024 to avoid requiring root access.
There's code in sendmail to set the IP and port for a NS:
_res.nsaddr_list[0].sin_family = AF_INET;
On Thu, Jan 23, 2020, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2020-01-22, Claus Assmann wrote:
> > The functional tests for sendmail use ldns-testns as DNS server
> > which provides specific test data and error behaviours.
> > It runs on a port > 1024 to avoid requiring root access.
I need to buy a printer to connect to one of my OpenBSD machines
and I prefer a USB connection (as I don't control the network at
my current place). Can I just buy any USB printer or are there
printers which do not work with OpenBSD? If so, what do I need
to check / avoid?
Any suggestion for some
I got a
HP DeskJet 2630
printer and connected it via usb
I tried to use it "directly", i.e., /etc/printcap:
as mentioned in the original mail
but this results in an "output error" after I started lpd
and used
ulpt0 at uhub0 port
On Mon, Jan 18, 2016, Joel Rees wrote:
>cd /usr/src && cvs -d$CVSROOT up -Pd | tee /var/log/build/cvssrc.log
> except the 2>&1 is, I think the book says, too late to collect both
Which book?
> output streams into buildsys.log .
cd /usr/src && cvs -d$CVSROOT up -Pd 2>&1 | tee /var/log/build
On Thu, Nov 12, 2020, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> $ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect localhost:587
and the syntax is wrong too: NO space after colon, see the fine RFCs.
When used interactively (which means neither -quiet nor -ign_eof have
On one machine the scrolling in an xterm is very slow since the upgrade
to 6.7 and also in 6.8.
Now that I want to use this machine a bit more I'm wondering what
settings can be used to avoid that problem.
dmesg and Xorg log are (hopefully) attached, what other info could
help to track down the pro
On Sun, Dec 20, 2020, Nick Holland wrote:
> In fact, that machine is loaded with nvidia hw. If you fixed
> the video, I suspect you will slam into other walls shortly after.
I know it's a "slow" computer (1) by todays standards, but the only
annoying thing is the slow scrolling (hit return, and
On Sun, Dec 20, 2020, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> You could try to enable shadowFB support through a minimal xorg.conf
> like that :
I tried that: unfortunately it does not make a change.
> I think the XAA retirement happened earlier than that but I didn't dig
You are right, I misremembered - I
My authlog file contains entries like this:
sshd[89023]: error: kex_exchange_identification: banner line contains invalid
but I can't find the IP address of the host which triggered this
by looking for more log entries of sshd with the same pid.
Would it make sense to add ssh_remote_ip
On Wed, Mar 17, 2021, Darren Tucker wrote:
> standardized logging that should include the source address and port:
Thanks for the reply - unfortunately I missed that in the source
code , so I checked the logs on a newer OS version and it shows
the IP as you wrote. Sorry for the noise.
On Sun, Dec 25, 2022, Ibsen S Ripsbusker wrote:
> ... want
> to read reports only when something failed?
Use a mail filter.
# filter (in)security mails:
# if it's only this: return 1 which causes the mail to be discarded
egrep -v '^(Running security|Checking the /etc/master.passwd file
> Have trouble to make my Xorg work with a decent speed.
> The machine has nVidia ION 2 graphics card which has a GT218 GPU.
AFAIR nVidia cards are not well supported by Xorg anymore - you
might want to search the mailing list archive for details.
I bought some (used/old) ATi cards instead, e.g.,
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013, John Hynes wrote:
> openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
> ...from any of my OpenBSD 5.3 hosts, I get the same response:
> 12556912661392:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake
> failure:/usr/src/lib/libssl/ssl/../
I have a problem with xmodmap on an OpeBSD 4.4 installation
(Dell Latitude D830). My .xmodmap file looks like this:
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
add Control = Control_L
keycode 22 = backslash bar
keycode 51 = BackSpace BackSpace Delete underscore
keycode 49 = Escape asc
statethreads ( crashes on
OpenBSD 6.4/amd64 (release) with an error in ld (see below); it
works fine on previous OpenBSD versions. Do I have to set some
"special" cc/ld options to make this work? Or are patches to
statehreads required (there doesn't seem to be
Thanks for the replies! Here's an update what I tried so far
-- I will follow the suggestions next.
About the
- signal: it's "segmentation violation".
- syscall: it's accept(2): st_accept invokes that function.
I checked setjmp: no change from 6.3 to 6.4 (cvs diff, comparing
files, etc
On Sun, Dec 02, 2018, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
> Sorry just saw it came with some examples. Testing with the `lookupdns'
> program
> ended with a Bus error (core dumped). Here is gdb output:
You might want to download MeTA1 and use its statethreads version,
I'm not sure all of my fixes made it back
On Sun, Dec 02, 2018, Philip Guenther wrote:
> Since is relinked on each boot, just an address doesn't really show
> what died. The disassembly up to that address would help.
> More important is knowing what signal killed the process. ktracing it and
> seeing what the syscalls leading up t
On Mon, Dec 03, 2018, Philip Guenther wrote:
[thanks for the analysis/explanation!]
> And now this kbind() call blows up: the address is not on the original
> thread's stack but in one of those mmap()s...but those mmap()s were not
> marked as stacks by including MAP_STACK. To quote the "Securi
On Tue, Dec 04, 2018, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> malloc(3) uses mmap without MAP_STACK flag, so you'll end up with memory
> not marked MAP_STACK in both cases.
Thanks for the information.
> Define MALLOC_STACK and add MAP_STACK to the flags,
You mean "undefine MALLOC_STACK", right? I don't see a wa
I'm probably doing something wrong, but anyway: I've (auto)installed
the current amd64 snapshot:
Build date: 1546747502 - Sun Jan 6 04:05:02 UTC 2019
however, after rebooting it hangs at:
cpu0: apic clock running at 200MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application
On Mon, Jan 07, 2019, Christer Solskogen wrote:
> I got this as well, it was fixed in the next snap.
Yes, the next snapshot didn't exhibit the problem.
Thanks for the replies.
Address is valid for this mailing list only.
I'm trying to debug a core dump from GoldenCheetah which has been
compiled with clang++ on OpenBSD 6.4 amd64.
gdb fails like this:
$ gdb /usr/local/bin/GoldenCheetah GoldenCheetah.core
GNU gdb 6.3
[[loading lots of shared (qt) libraries]]
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/
On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, Ted Unangst wrote:
> Claus Assmann wrote:
> > Any suggestion how I can debug that program? (it's huge and written
> > in C++ with which I am not familiar anyway :-(
> You want egdb from ports, especially for anything c++. (pkg_add gdb)
Thanks, that s
On Thu, Oct 06, 2016, Erling Westenvik wrote:
[I'm only replying because I ran into a problem in this area and
posted a patch suggestion to the tech list; a different fix was
applied after some discussion.]
> templates, I was a little surprised to find that disklabel(8) apparently
> does not supp
On Sat, Nov 26, 2016, Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:
> Is there a way to detect on the fly spam attacks like the pasted below
> (maillog)? It seems pf max-src-conn-rate takes in care only the
Check the docs for your MTA.
> Nov 26 05:59:46 server smtpd[55880]: 3bcc430eee258cd7 smtp
> event=fa
(should this be asked on -ports?)
Maybe someone can give me a hint how to compile qt 5.8.0 on
OpenBSD 6.0 (amd64)? (I would like to install it for some other
SW which needs at least qt 5.7, but the pkg is 5.5).
Currently I'm stuck at this:
eg++ -c -pipe -O2 -fPIC -std=c++1y -fvisibility=hidden
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017, Rafael Sadowski wrote:
> You will not be happy with these plan. Not without reason there is only
> Qt 5.6 in -current. It is a hard piece of work for example see the patch
> set onyl for qt core:
Thanks, somehow the cvs checkout for ports/x11/qt5 on my system
didn't include
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Some of the patches may be sane to upstream (or are backported and
Well, since the Qt source code comes with OpenBSD "support" [1] I
hoped it would at least compile without errors "out of the box".
[1] for example, qtbase/mkspecs/openbsd-g++/qmake.
Here's an update on this:
> eg++ -c -pipe -O2 -fPIC -std=c++1y -fvisibility=hidden
> -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/freetype2 -isystem /usr/include
> -isystem /usr/local/include -I../../../mkspecs/openbsd-g++ -o
> .obj/qbasicfontdatabase.o basic/qbasicfontdatabase.cpp
> In file incl
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017, Majern??ek ?tefan wrote:
> Is it possible install openbsd to notebook dell latitude E6510?
An old install:
OpenBSD 5.6 (GENERIC.MP) #333: Fri Aug 8 00:20:21 MDT 2014
RTC BIOS diagnostic error 30
On Tue, Apr 18, 2017, Hrishikesh Muruk wrote:
> The there are two definitions for the %I option
Nope. Use an editor and search for
and you'll find only one. The other is 'l' (0x6c)
Maybe you need a better font?
I just pointed someone to the starttls man page and noticed
some things that are wrong or don't make much sense:
The first entry is missing a tag. I don't understand:
"force string verification depths to at least 80 bits"
"string" -> "strong" maybe?
But "depths to at least 80 bits" doesn't make mu
I have this USB ANT+ stick
"Dynastream Innovations ANT USBStick2" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
which works "ok" under OpenBSD 5.2 in conjunction with libusb-0.1.12
in Golden Cheetah on a Dell laptop.
Unfortunately that laptop hangs after 5-25 minutes of using this
(most likely a HW problem: the fan doesn't
On Sat, Mar 12, 2016, Claus Assmann wrote:
> I have this USB ANT+ stick
> "Dynastream Innovations ANT USBStick2" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
I updated that laptop to the 2016-03-10 i386 snapshot and got it
to "work", i.e., the data was read for about 40m then the system
On Tue, Apr 05, 2016, Craig Skinner wrote:
> 1 # <<--- always defering server
> 2 # <<--- real server
> Your server connects to '', which defers the mail,
> telling your server to try again later. So,. your server tries again
> late
> so the real smtp has the lower number but higher priority but like I said my
> sendmail always ends up with
What does "sendmail always ends up with" mean?
Of course sendmail tries the secondary MX after trying the main MX.
Still no real data/logs/outpu
> If the OpenBSD list admins are reading this: would it be possible to
> make a similar change in the OpenBSD mailing list configuration?
Please don't.
Those people who break e-mail for some (imaginary?) "gain" should
deal with the problems themselves instead of forcing others to make
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014, Adam Thompson wrote:
> I have a large number of email "tags", but use both "+" and "-" as a
> separator.
> So far, I'm entering all the "-" ones into aliases; is there a better way to
> do this?
> In postfix, I was able to use a regex to manipulate incoming addresses to
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014, Aaron Poffenberger wrote:
> I tried that. If you telnet into smtpd to manually send an email and set
> "rcpt to: " you will receive a "553 Recipient address syntax
That's invalid even if you gave a proper address.
RFC 5321:
Since it has been
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014, Steve Shockley wrote:
> On 3/19/2014 12:22 PM, Leonov Aleksey wrote:
> >I think what they filtered traffic from non windows or linux machine.
> I think this is the case. I'm behind a transparent http proxy (Squid) on
Just for the fun of it: it works from FreeBSD 8.x and Sun
I must misunderstand something about wait (sh command), but I'm not
sure what: why does wait return 127 for an existing process?
$ PM=31309;kill -HUP $PM; echo $?; ps -p $PM; wait $PM; echo $?; ps -p $PM
31309 p0 S0:00.03 ../libpmilter/t-pmilter-1 -r
On Sun, Aug 15, 2021, Andreas Kusalananda Khri wrote:
> wait returns 127 if the process is not a child of the current shell.
> Is it a child process of the current shell? If so, does it install a
Yes, indirectly via 2-3 sh scripts.
> signal handler for the HUP signal?
Yes, the "usual" one for
I installed OpenBSD 7.0 via miniroot70.img from a USB stick on a
Kingston SA400S3 SSD but unfortunately the machine does not boot
from it (there is just a blinking cursor at the top of console).
The SSD is connected via SATA (see below) so I hoped the machine
(see dmesg) could boot from it. Is thi
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021, Crystal Kolipe wrote:
> Can you provide the output of the atactl identify command for this unit?
Thanks for the reply; below is the output from atactl identify,
fdisk, and disklabel. The disk can be mounted without a problem
and -- based on a brief look -- has the installed
Thanks for the details; I overwrote the mbr using
dd of=/dev/rsd0c if=/usr/mdec/mbr bs=512 count=1
and then used fdisk to reinstall the OpenBSD partition to the
values I used before - and now the system can boot from the ssd.
Thank you very much for the help!
Address is valid for this maili
The graphics card in my PC broke (no "signal" after a few minutes)
It is an NVIDIA GeForce 7100 GS. I replaced it with an NVIDIA
GeForce GT 240 which I found in my "stock". But with this card I
get the very slow scrolling under X again (which I posted about
with a different card before: NVIDIA GeFo
My vultr OpenBSD 6.8 instance crashed and when it tried to reboot it
failed at:
root on sd0a (...)
WARNING: / was not properly unmounted
kernel: privileged instruction fault trap, code=0
mds_handler_skl_avx+0x33: clflush __ALIGN_SIZE+0x500(%rid,%rax,8)
I tried to boot from cd{68,69,70}iso but a
Just in case someone is wondering: vultr moved the VM to a different
server, the system is up and running again.
BTW: I guess I can ignore this:
fd0 at fdc0 drive 1: density unknown
OpenBSD 6.9 (GENERIC) #464: Mon Apr 19 10:28:56 MDT 2021
I am trying to run an SMTP server on a dynamic IP address
(and maybe other services later on, e.g., DNS or HTTP)
For this, I would like to redirect traffic via a host (STATIC) which
has a static IP address to/from the host (DYNAMIC) with the dynamic IP
To route the port incoming it seems
On Fri, Dec 10, 2021, Michael Hekeler wrote:
> Am 10.12.21 08:49 schrieb Claus Assmann:
> > I am trying to run an SMTP server on a dynamic IP address
> Running a smtp server on dynamic IP is just asking for troubles.
That's why I want to run the server behind a static IP -- as
> > 2. I was trying to set up a LAN-only smtpd server on OpenBSD, but
> > sendmail on my mac doesn't seem to be able to resolve OpenBSD's name
> I guess that sendmail is probably doing DNS lookups directly rather
> than hostname lookups so probably not converted to MDNS.
sendmail requires DNS fo
On Fri, Feb 18, 2022, kasak wrote:
> But, is this correct behavior of "mail from" header? Maybe the header
What is a ``"mail from" header''?
Do you mean the mail header
or are you referring to the SMTP MAIL command
MAIL From:
> should have "<>" in it?
You can check the fine RFCs (e.g., 5
Yesterday the monitor on my OpenBSD 7.0 box went blank twice while
using firefox. Later on I found these entries in the log:
Feb 19 10:17:38 vxrs /bsd: drm:pid11842:intel_gt_reset *NOTICE* [drm] Resetting
chip for context closure in firefox<11842>
Feb 19 11:06:10 vxrs /bsd: drm:pid1527:intel_gt_r
On Mon, Feb 21, 2022, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> No, it is not firmware. But I'd need to see a dmesg with inteldrm
> enabled to comment further. In -current there is a different version of
That should be this one:
OpenBSD 7.0 (GENERIC) #224: Thu Sep 30 14:13:34 MDT 2021
As xmodmap doesn't work anymore, I'm trying to switch to xkb.
I hacked /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/us to make the laptop keyboard
more like a Unix keyboard:
--- us- Mon Jul 20 14:56:22 2009
+++ us Mon Jul 20 15:09:41 2009
@@ -334,10 +334,18 @@
key { [ Multi_key ] };
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012, Peter Fraser wrote:
> It would have been nice if sendmail falls back to a none TLS connection if the
> handshake occurs.
See the RFC about STARTTLS why this isn't possible within a single
session. Hence the MTA would have to "remember" that TLS failed
before and not try it
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012, Vitali wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Peter van Oord van der Vlies
> > Why replacing bind ?
Bad CVE choice...
That's a design issue in DNS, not a vulnerability in BIND.
And if you want to throw CVEs a
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012, Hugo Villeneuve wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 01:03:54PM +0200, lilit-aibolit wrote:
> > export HISTFILE=~/.sh_history
> Because last time I tried, it was unusable if you ran more than two
> session concurently, as both shell would use the same file directly
Maybe try so
On Wed, Dec 05, 2007, STeve Andre' wrote:
> Yes, one can dismiss the "benefits". Think about what an MD5 (or any
> other cyptographic) checksum means. If the OpenBSD site publishes
> that list, how does something more complicated help?
> Answer: it doesn't.
If someone cracks a website,
On Wed, Dec 05, 2007, STeve Andre' wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 December 2007 18:22:19 Claus Assmann wrote:
> > Someone actually did the former with (to distribute a
> > version of sendmail with a backdoor). The problem was only noted
> > because users check
I've upgraded one machine to 4.3 Beta (2008-02-23, i386, dmesg
below) and there is no audio anymore (it used to work with 3.8). I
tried to cat an audio file directly to the device:
$ file Sun/NeXT audio data: 8-bit ISDN u-law, mono, 8000 Hz
$ cat > /dev/audio
$ cat
[Thanks for all the answers!]
On Sat, Mar 01, 2008, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> are you speakers plugged into the line-out jack? these used to only
> kinda play on the mic jack. the line-out jack should be working fine
According to the docs I found I only tried "out" and "mic", never
"in". It works i
On Sat, Mar 01, 2008, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> > Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
> > ==
> > AO: [null] 32000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
> > does that mean "no driver"?
> try
Is it correct that the Dell E521 does not have any sensor chips?
I can't find any of the supported devices listed in iic(4) in dmesg.
Or does the system have some other unsupported sensor device? dmesg
from 4.0 release (non-MP) below (as mentioned earlier when I asked
about this machine: ohci has
On Sat, Dec 30, 2006, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2006/12/29 18:11, Claus Assmann wrote:
> > Is it correct that the Dell E521 does not have any sensor chips?
> the bios to see if anything's reported there though, it would be
> a bit of a surprise if at least cpu temperat
On Thursday 22 February 2007 06:10, Tom Van Looy wrote:
> The manual page of sendmail(8) contains the following link:
> It seems sendmail replaced the link by the following:
I forwarded th
> >
The link has been "recreated" (it is redirected by the webserver
now; thanks to the fast reaction of the webmaster).
On Thu, May 10, 2007, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
> Just trying to cvsync my stuff. And it wants to remove quite much:
> hostname
same problem with
On Sat, Jun 30, 2007, Fredrik Staxeng wrote:
> I get the dreaded 'Relaying denied. Proper authentication needed.'
You don't need AUTH, STARTTLS is sufficient. See cf/README:
SMTP STARTTLS can allow relaying for remote SMTP clients which have
successfully authenticated themselv
On Sat, Jun 30, 2007, Fredrik Staxeng wrote:
> Claus Assmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> I get the dreaded 'Relaying denied. Proper authentication needed.'
> >You don't need AUTH, STARTTLS is sufficient. See cf/README:
> Then I would need clien
On Sat, Jun 30, 2007, Fredrik Staxeng wrote:
> I have a self-signed server cert that I created using commands that
> I barely understand. I have no idea where to start.
By reading the fine instructions :-)
man starttls
sendmail operations guide: doc/op/op.*
> I guess I need a CA key, and CA cert
On Sat, Jun 30, 2007, Fredrik Staxeng wrote:
> >man starttls
> I have read that, done that. Nothing about client certs there.
sendmail doesn't care as long as it is a cert.
> Anyway, you are the maintainer of the free version of sendmail?
> Would you consider putting in LOGIN/PLAIN s
>On 2007/10/13 11:43, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
> According to man resolv.conf this should result in /etc/hosts having
> priority
> over the DNS system. However, it simply doesn't work. Both Firefox and the
> "host" command behave as if I didn't do anything.
> Why doesn't it work when man resolv.conf
I got a new toy (Polar heart rate monitor and IR -> USB interface)
which I'm trying to use with OpenBSD but the software
( has been written for Linux. It uses libusb
(which I installed) but when I connect the IR-USB interface and
invoke the program (s710d -d usb) these errors
On Thu, Sep 07, 2006, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> If anybody has access to a Solaris machine, I like to know what the
> test does there.
$ uname -a
SunOS mine 5.9 Generic_118558-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-2
$ echo "some text here" | /usr/bin/egrep -x "" ; echo $?
/usr/bin/egrep: illegal option --
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008, GVG GVG wrote:
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1679 Jun 23 17:04 key.pem
^ ^
> and in the mail_log there is nothing recorded! No errors or warnings!
1. man starttls (and see the referenced website).
2. increase the LogLevel (even though those errors should be logged
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008, GVG GVG wrote:
> I first have to excuse myself cause I claimed that there were no errors in
> the log file!
> Well, there was no debugging output enabled. Now I did that with '-d0-17.4'
> flags!
You do NOT need to enable debugging to get logging...
> Still I don't see an
Is anyone running OpenBSD on a Dell E521 machine (it seems to use
an "NForce 430" chipset) with AMD X2? I'm looking for new computer
with a dual core CPU for some performance testing (no "multimedia"
stuff needed, some "cheap" machine will be sufficient). I also would
like to run SunOS 5.10 on it,
On Mon, Jun 06, 2005, Timothy Horie wrote:
> I need to recompile it without TLS. I've tried a lot of ways to get rid
> of it without a recompile, but all paths led nowhere. I don't want TLS,
> I don't want to Start TLS, I don't want any error messages in the logs
> regarding TLS, I don't want to
Why is OpenBSD defined in sys/param.h as 200519 and not as 200505
as the comment suggests: /* OpenBSD version (year & month). */
I'm using this value to figure out the OpenBSD version to turn
on/off some features for sendmail (e.g., turn off NETISO for 3.7
and later).
On Thu, Jun 23, 2005, Timothy Horie wrote:
> I'm trying to rebuild my /etc/mail/aliases file after changing it but it
> isn't working.
Check that you reference the right file:
grep AliasFile `sendmail -bt -d0.14
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005, Efrin Sanchez wrote:
> Aug 18 14:22:55 sanjorge sm-mta[17316]: ruleset=check_relay,
>, arg2=,
> [], reject=553 5.3.0 RELAY #Relevo de Correo desde
That's funny we are just discussing what to do about co
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> SMTP AUTH to my ISP. mutt is using the default, calling
> via "/usr/sbin/sendmail -C/etc/mail/ -oem -oi" .
Don't use -C, sendmail doesn't like that.
(see man sendmail and doc/op/op.*)
> -r-xr-sr-x 1 root smmsp 606532 Aug 1
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