I got a new toy (Polar heart rate monitor and IR -> USB interface)
which I'm trying to use with OpenBSD but the software
(http://daveb.net/s710/) has been written for Linux. It uses libusb
(which I installed) but when I connect the IR-USB interface and
invoke the program (s710d -d usb) these errors appear in

uhub1: port 1, set config at addr 2 failed
uhub1: device problem, disabling port 1

This happens with OpenBSD 3.8 and 4.0-beta (snapshot from yesterday).

FreeBSD fails too, but shows some more info:

ugen1: vendor 0x0da4 product 0x0001, rev 1.00/1.19, addr 2
ugen1: setting configuration index 0 failed
device_attach: ugen1 attach returned 6

usb_os_find_devices: Found /dev/ugen0 on /dev/usb0
usb_control_msg: 128 6 512 0 0xbfbf5d18 8 1000
usb_control_msg: 128 6 512 0 0x8050000 193 1000
skipped 1 class/vendor specific interface descriptors
usb_find_devices is done

but then it fails too (error message from the program:
The Polar USB interface was not found.  Boo hoo.)

Question: is this a problem with the OS or libusb?  Any suggestion
what to try next?

PS: the vendor and product found by FreeBSD match the values
expected by the program:
#define S710_USB_VENDOR_ID   0x0da4
#define S710_USB_PRODUCT_ID  1

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