On Wed, Apr 08, 2020, Kevin Chadwick wrote:

> OpenSMTPD does not listen to the internet, by default and even if you do set 
> it

From: Qualys Security Advisory <q...@qualys.com>
To: oss-secur...@lists.openwall.com
Message-ID: <20200224184538.GF17396@localhost.localdomain>

- Client-side exploitation: This vulnerability is remotely exploitable
  in OpenSMTPD's (and hence OpenBSD's) default configuration. Although

> Is it hard to write a secure mail server, sure. Look at exims bugs.
[Is that like saying:
 "Is it hard to write a secure OS, sure. Look at Linux bugs."?

How about qmail (or postfix)?  (and some other barely known MTA)

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