On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 11:28:33AM -0300, Friedrich Locke wrote:
> Hi folks,
> i wonder if there is an obsd 6.1 cd set to order ?
> If not, when will it be released ?
> Thanks.
Related: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=149232307018311&w=2
I configured a diskless client which mounts /usr from a file server
(both running OpenBSD 6.1 -release).
The client say, as it is running /etc/rc,
pf enabled
starting network
/etc/netstart[189]: id: not found
/etc/netstart[189]: != 0: unexpected `!='
The problem, I assume, is that id(1) li
On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 12:35:22PM +0200, Markus Rosjat wrote:
> Hi Hiltjo,
> just to let you know seesion timeout did the try and works like a charm
On a related note: What constitutes "activity" on a relayed SSH
I'm also using relayd on a router to relay SSH connections to an
syspatch seems to work fine for keeping my ordinary server and router on
-stable, thanks!
However, on my diskless workstation it doesn't work so well:
Get/Verify syspatch61-001_dhcpd.tgz 100% |*| 71733 00:00
Installing patch 001_dhcpd
/usr/sbin/syspatch: ??=1147776: not
On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 11:54:13AM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 11:39:48AM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > syspatch seems to work fine for keeping my ordinary server and router on
> > -stable, thanks!
On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 11:41:27AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > After a bit of investigation, I found that it was becasuse the unpriv
> > shell function generated an error upon invoking su:
> >
> > su: approval failure: Undefined error: 0
> >
> > Is there no way to run syspatch in a chroot eit
On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 03:47:00PM -0400, Ted Unangst wrote:
> Andreas KusalanandaKähäri wrote:
> > I'll try copying from an existing installation, and if that proves to be
> > too problematic, I guess I just have to check out the OPENBSD_6_1 branch
> > and build a new release (which I really had h
On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 07:37:11PM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 11:54:13AM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> > On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 11:39:48AM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > syspatch seems
On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 01:54:27PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
> there seems to be some unexpected behaviour (at least
> for me) in terminal vim running under tmux:
> pressing ESC and right after that the arrow keys to
> move around (vim purist need not comment on this) get
> interpreted as di
On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 07:12:45PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
> Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri, 14 May 2017 14:28:
> > tmux has an "escape-time" setting:
> >
> > escape-time time
> > Set the time in milliseconds for which tmux waits
> >
On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 08:36:21AM +, Michal Bozon wrote:
> On 2017-05-15 Mon 02:23, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > >On 2017-05-15 Mon 01:31, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > >> >2) Notion of transactions
> > >> >
> > >> >Often, more patches are installed at once, with the single `syspatch`
> > >> >command.
I had to switch to ftp.openbsd.org to get the 008 patch for -stable
since my preferred mirror, ftp.eu.openbsd.org, doesn't seem to be
updating. The timestamp file says last update was run on 1495188001
(Fri May 19 12:00:01 CEST 2017).
There is no contact address in
The mirror is now updated it seems, at least patch 008 is there.
On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 10:28:30AM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> Hi,
> I had to switch to ftp.openbsd.org to get the 008 patch for -stable
> since my preferred mirror, ftp.eu
On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 04:17:17PM -0300, Friedrich Locke wrote:
> Hi folks,
> i have been a little bit far from openbsd and i would like to know if it
> supports automounter (amd, amq, etc) utilities ?
> And about autofs ? Is there support to it ? Is it possible to integrate
> autofs with ni
I have unbound(8) and dhcpd(8) running on a router (OpenBSD 6.1-stable).
dhcpd currently hands out fixed addresses to my clients, but I'd like
these to be allocated dynamically from the common pool, while at the
same time being resolvable.
Is there an existing solution for feeding the IP-addr
On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 06:17:23PM +0200, matteo filippetto wrote:
> Hi all,
> PXE boot MAC address 0b:00:27:42:7a:f0, interface em0
> # cat /etc/ethers
> 08:00:27:42:7A:F0 thin1
Ethernet address are not matching.
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bi
k in
Vi mode, otherwise one would be able to remap the search to whatever key
combination (as well as remapping the movement keys to allow for
movement as in ksh93).
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
Given the input file of three lines:
line 1
line 2
line 3
and the sed script
> On 09/24/17 23:57, Martijn van Duren wrote:
> > This fixes the issue for me, but I'm not sure about the motivation
> > behind the check.
> > Maybe schwarze@ can shed some light on it, since he's to (cvs) blame for
> > the particular line.
> >
FWIW, I also had problems accessing the files on the mirror from within
the installer yesterday (both HTTPS and HTTP). I didn't spend so much
time grieving about it though and instead downloaded the install ISO
(from that same mirror).
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
ety of other elaborate
> approaches, including replacements for xargs. So it's not like this is
> not a real issue, nor is it like this isn't something that grows new
> handlings on an ongoing basis.
> What I'm trying to understand is why there's no simple fi
On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 08:44:08AM +, Raul Miller wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 3:08 AM, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri
> wrote:
> > find . -type f -mtime -1 \
> > -exec grep -q -E 'pattern1' {} ';' \
> > -exec shasum {} +
> That
en't looked too deeply at that yet though.
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
th ago:
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
1) commands
> which use regular expressions? If not, where can I find documentation
> for regular expressions which mg(1) commands use?
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala u
On Thu, Jun 07, 2018 at 01:33:01PM +0300, Leonid Bobrov wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2018 at 12:14:00PM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> > Reading the source (/usr/src/usr.bin/mg/re_search.c), it seems as if it
> > uses regcomp() to compile extended regular expressions.
> &
les". In all your
examples, the last line is not properly terminated, which, strictly and
pedantically speaking, violates the "text file" requirement. This does
not affect the outcome of the commands though.
Also, printf may be used to portably print strings with C escape
On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 09:29:55AM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 06:23:17PM -0300, Daniel Bolgheroni wrote:
> > Working with some input/commands which dealt with multiline pattern
> > spaces, noticed a behaviour I was not expecting. Reducin
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att
vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du
läsa här:
a rather long and erroneous commit message on
Thursday last week that may have confused something.
Testing again now, it works (it didn't earlier in the afternoon).
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 10:29:24PM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 12:38:24PM -0700, Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:
> > This is probably due to the Hackathon from July 8-13 and that at least
> > some developers are probably still traveling. Snapshot
. then the compiler would be forced to generate code to dereference
the pointer (to compare it to 'a'), and you will get your segmentation
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
När du har kontakt
gt; What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Damien Thiriet
The newline has to be escaped with \\ since the sed expression is within
double quotes.
sed "s/\\page/\\
\\stopDiapo/" foo
Or, use single quotes:
sed 's/\\page/\
\\stopDiapo/' foo
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
but citing "confusion" is probably not a
reason to stop providing these. If you want uptodate manuals for the
system that you're using, I hope that you're using the man(1) command on
the command line and taht you don't rely on the correctness of manuals
found on the web.
I don't think Windows has manuals in man or mandoc format that are free
to host.
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
Thanks for the ~ crontab(5) feature!
Question: If the cron daemon is restarted (e.g. via reboot) during the
interval during which a cron job may be randomly triggered, is there a
risk (or even guarantee) that the job may run a second time?
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
20 at 10:28:34AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Yes.
> But that problem already existed with the minutes field being >close to
> the moment cron was restarted.
> Only difference is now you don't know the minute.
> Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
algorithm being used,
> > and the best way to discover that is to look at the implementation.
> > https://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html -- Specifically, you'll want to
> > look at the implementation of get_range() in usr.sbin/cron/entry.c
> >
> > FYI,
> >
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 09:06:10AM +0200, Janne Johansson wrote:
> Den tors 16 apr. 2020 kl 20:22 skrev Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri <
> andreas.kah...@abc.se>:
> > On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 11:14:59AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > > That is a lot of w
uration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 6
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev3: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> uhidev4 at uhub4 port 4 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 7
> uhidev4: iclass 3/1
> ums1 at uhidev4: 8 buttons, Z and W dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uvideo0 at uhub3 port 6 configuration 1 interface 0 "Chicony Electronics Co.,
> Ltd. Integrated Camera" rev 2.00/5.64 addr 8
> video0 at uvideo0
> uhub6 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel Rate Matching Hub"
> rev 2.00/0.00 addr 2
> vscsi0 at root
> scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
> softraid0 at root
> scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
> root on sd0a (7a2ec63fbc88653a.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
> inteldrm0: 1366x768, 32bpp
> wsdisplay0 at inteldrm0 mux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation), using wskbd0
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)
> --
> Alessandro De Laurenzis
> [mailto:jus...@atlantide.mooo.com]
> Web: http://www.atlantide.mooo.com
> LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
> OK, so one time it chooses 59, and then it re-randomizes as 1, but the job
> takes >2 minutes.
> Awesome
I would honestly say that would be a user error tho. You have the same
issue in -stable today with jobs possibly overlapping due to less than
careful scheduling.
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
ugen0 at uhub0 port 4 configuration 1 "Lenovo H5321 gw" rev 2.00/0.00 addr 3
> > uhub3 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Intel Rate Matching Hub"
> > rev 2.00/0.00 addr 2
> > ugen1 at uhub3 port 1 "Lenovo Integrated Smart Card Reader&quo
s system (see diskless(8)). The value
of "well" depends on your expectations. I don't run any of my OpenBSD
systems with a graphical UI, for example, and I don't need super fast
disk access to edit files or read my email.
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
run at least once a day (if the machine is up at least once a day) using
anacron. The anacron tool is available as a package.
You would trigger anacron with a "@reboot", and possibly also with a
"@daily" cron job.
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 10:02:47PM +0300, Mario Galindez wrote:
> hello,
> i have set my own app as the shell of a user on a remote host. My app
> reads from stdin, and prints output to stdout.
> If I do:
> ssh u...@remotehost.com
> and manually type multiple lines of text,the app works a
On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 09:50:48AM +0200, Andre Stoebe wrote:
> On 29.08.2019 01:59, Steven Shockley wrote:
> > So, many thanks to everyone who put together the new -stable updates for
> > packages. Is there a command I can put in the crontab that will only
> > output if there are updates? Simila
On Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 11:39:06PM +0500, JohnS wrote:
> Hi, all!
> Why next construction doesn't work?
> read x; while [ "$x" != [abc] ]; do echo "Not a, b or c"; break; done
> I tried many variants but can't make it work. Moreover I don't understand WHY
> it
> doesn't work?!
> Thanks
On Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 08:55:10PM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 11:39:06PM +0500, JohnS wrote:
> > Hi, all!
> >
> > Why next construction doesn't work?
> >
> > read x; while [ "$x" != [abc] ]; do echo &q
On Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 02:38:18PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> > On 2019-09-06, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> >
> > >> read x; while [ "$x" != [abc] ]; do echo "Not a, b or c"; break; done
> > >
On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 10:56:38AM -0700, Mike Larkin wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 01:41:55PM -0400, Patrick Coppock wrote:
> > Hi, All:
> >
> > I am new to OpenBSD; I recently installed 6.5 on a Dell Inspiron 6000
> > and upgraded to 6.6 yesterday. Suspend did not work in 6.5 and still
> > do
> > > acpicpu_idle()...
> > > shed_idle(81ceff0)...
> > > end trace frame: 0x0, count: -6
> > >
> > > ddb{0}> show locks
> > > exclusive kernel_lock &kernel_lock r = 0 (0xffff81e37b10) locked @
> > > /usr/src/s
can be set by application)
> https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/src/usr.bin/tmux/screen.c (revision 1.56)
Could you also explain why using #T or #{pane_path} in place of
#{pane_current_path} does not make the keybinding listed above work?
> Can't see nothing about removal
kernel doing here?
See the sysutils/dtb port.
> $ egrep '[0-9]{9}$' distfiles.txt | sed 's|\(.*\).*
> linux-4.20.tar.xz 0.104258G
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
that you want te install these completions for. The aliases would have
no dashes in their names.
alias ssh_add=ssh-add
set -A complete_ssh_add_1 -- -D -l -L -v
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
> And each time syspatch (re)installs the kernel, should I get the error
> "reorder_kernel: failed", because I modified (disabled inteldrm) kernel?
> Any words on "kbc: cmd word write error" when I tried the 'boot -c'?
> I thank you for your time in reading all these,
> And many thanks for your suggestions, in advance!
> Best,
> Özgür Kazancci
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
Thu Jan 16 13:52:56 MST 2020
> dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
that option
completely unsupported from now on?
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
On Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 09:29:16AM +, gil...@poolp.org wrote:
> February 1, 2020 9:11 AM, "Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri"
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > With the latest snapshot on amd64 (6.6 GENERIC.MP#627), using a "|"-line
> > in one's
aviour? I can't reproduce it with the code I'm
working on (which includes ctype.h from /usr/include) using clang(1) on
It would be difficult for anyone to point out what you're doing wrong
without having a look at what you're doing.
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
ason for any individual to have a computer in his home."
The point is, time moves on.
:: Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri, Bioinformatics Developer, BILS,
:: Uppsala University, Sweden
:: My other car is a cdr.
ltra-DMA mode 5
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
vscsi0 at root
scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
root on wd0a (c6815a37518dd0cb.a) swap on wd0b dump on wd0b
:: Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri
:: Bioinformatics Developer
:: Uppsala, Sweden
2) set -o allexport
... at the top of $ENV. Sets the shell option 'allexport' which
means all new variables are automatically exported. This may have
unwanted side-effects.
3) env LOCATE_PATH="$LOCATE_PATH" locate
... each time you execute locate.
4) Write a shor
t OpenBSD). I'm
also on iTerm2, on a MacBook Air. No special configuration of tmux or
iTerm2 done.
When you say "desired effect", you mean "scrolling up and down", right?
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri, Bioinformatics Devel
> > iTerm2 done.
> >
> > When you say "desired effect", you mean "scrolling up and down", right?
> >
> >
> > Andreas
> >
> > --
> > Andreas Kusalananda K??h??ri, Bioinformatics Developer, Uppsala, Sweden
> > OpenPGP: url=https://db.tt/2zaB1E7y; id=46082BDF
> >
7;ve done in the past is to follow the FAQ for "Building a Release"
(http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Release). It will leave DESTDIR
with a base system that you can move to the correct location and modify
for your diskless host. It's an alternative at least, if you are ok
$ doas anacron -s -d
Anacron 2.4.3 started on 2016-01-09
Normal exit (0 jobs run)
$ doas rcctl start anacron
I'm not sure how to fix this. It doesn't break anything, but it delays
the boot process.
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri, Bioi
CC}" needed-list
config.status: Makefile.in configure
PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" \
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri, Bioinformatics Developer, Uppsala, Sweden
OpenPGP: url=https://db.tt/2zaB1E7y; id=46082BDF
ost:LISTING)) called at /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/dpb
line 251
Invocation of DPB:
doas dpb -c -u -U -s \
-b "%f/build-stats/%a" \
-S "%L/size.log" \
-D BUILD_USER=_pbuild \
-D FETCH_USER=_pfetch \
-P subdirlist.txt \
-p 3 \
-J 0
(I realized this thread should possible been sent to ports@, sorry)
On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 09:42:47PM +, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> On 2016-02-08, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> > I'm trying to get DPB to use the _pbuild user, but I'm failing. I
> >
On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 04:25:53PM +0100, Marc Espie wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 12:01:19PM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> > (I realized this thread should possible been sent to ports@, sorry)
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 09:42:47PM +,
ain dnsmasq 2.71
> > | dns-nsid:
> > |_ bind.version: dnsmasq-2.71
> > 513/tcp filtered login
> > 514/tcp filtered shell
> >
> > Could you tell how to close these services on 53, 513, and 514?
> > Or a http link so that I can learn?
> >
> > Thank you for your help. And for your awesome work.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Romain
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri, Bioinformatics Developer, Uppsala, Sweden
OpenPGP: url=https://db.tt/2zaB1E7y; id=46082BDF
;m very happy with OpenBSD (*honestly*) in the technical as well
> as in the human aspect. The *only one* negative point I found till now
> in this project is your attitude. The next time you want to insult me
> do it in private, in that way you won't harm the project (taking in care
(I'm on a
Dvorak keyboard).
I'm running an up-to-date -current installation on amd64.
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
; builtin therefore is a no-op in Vi-mode.
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 03:05:38PM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering whether "bind" works at all in ksh, in Vi-mode.
> I'm currently using the default (unchanged) key bindin
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 02:22:58PM -0600, Kris Katterjohn wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 07:52:06PM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> > It looks as if the "bind" builtin lives, along with the bindable
> > functions, in emacs.c and that the command line editing
use (like the one on the OpenBSD
Wikipedia page maybe?).
I do not personally gain in any way from doing this.
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
; about your idea.
> >
> >> If ok, I wonder if there's a verison-agnostic image that I could
> >> use (like the one on the OpenBSD Wikipedia page maybe?).
> >
> > https://www.openbsd.org/art4.html
> >
> >> I do not personally gain in any way from doing this.
> >
> > Yours,
> > Ingo
> >
> >
> Well said on all counts, I totally agree.
I appreciate the quick response, and the clear outlining of your
thoughts on this matter (Ingo).
I definitely understand this standpoint, and I agree. I will not do
I'm happy I asked.
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
with Ctrl+A).
Are you pressing Ctrl+X, or is something sending this to your Vim
session upon starting Vim? Is there something in your .vimrc file that
causes the equivalent of pressing Ctrl+X to be applied on startup?
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
virtio2: irq 6
virtio3 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "OpenBSD VMM Control" rev 0x00
vmmci0 at virtio3
virtio3: irq 7
isa0 at mainbus0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16450, no fifo
com0: console
vscsi0 at root
scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
root on sd0a (f6308a15e65f934e.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
WARNING: / was not properly unmounted
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 12:10:47PM -0700, Mike Larkin wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 09:22:26AM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I recently set up a VM on my Lenovo Thinkpad x230 to build ports. With
> > yesterday's sources, the clock in
ould I find pkg_add logs ?
> Best regards,
> Damien Thiriet
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
PS1 to whatever value you want or need. Note that
PS1 does not need to be exported if it's set in the file pointed to by
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
xr-xr-x r
> > 1536
> > root login_passwd 507520 / 564 crw--wrw
> > ttyp1
> > root login_passwd 507521 / 564 crw--wrw
> > ttyp1
> > root login_passwd 50752 2 / 564 crw--wrw
Compile the RE. */
> if (re_compile(sp, ptrn, plen, &sp->re, &sp->re_len, &sp->re_c,
I'm assuming this is with the "extended" option set in vi, right?
Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden
in various settings. This does not automatically mean that
these projects are "endorsed by OpenBSD" or 100% supported. This is a
good thing, as it would otherwise severely restrict what other public
projects an OpenBSD could be working on.
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
int type from , use the printf()
format defined for that type in :
uint64_t freq;
/* ... */
printf("freq is %" PRIu64 " Hz\n", freq);
See e.g. https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/types/integer
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
scsibus2 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus3 at softraid0: 256 targets
root on sd0a (185c99a6fe432a06.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
WARNING: /mnt was not properly unmounted
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 10:25:03AM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> Hi,
> Today's snapshot, timestamped "14/01/2019, 08:18:00" on the
> ftp.eu.openbsd.org mirror, fails to do an upgrade on my VirtualBox 6
> amd64 installation (which I'm run
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 12:16:29PM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 10:25:03AM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Today's snapshot, timestamped "14/01/2019, 08:18:00" on the
> > ftp.eu.
o be followed by a newline in all of the above
cases. I can't for the life of me figure out how to insert that newline
without resorting to using GNU sed.
This is on
OpenBSD 6.4-current (GENERIC.MP) #634: Sat Jan 26 15:39:11 MST 2019
that mirror in the past too,
and this may be another one.
[1] https://spacehopper.org/mirmon/
Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.
On Fri, Feb 08, 2019 at 11:14:50AM +0100, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> Hi,
> The mirror status page at [1] says that the rsync mirror at
> ftp.eu.openbsd.org::OpenBSD is up to date as usual. This is good
> and I can get my snapshots from there with no issues. Howev
On Thu, May 02, 2019 at 04:29:20AM +, Adam Steen wrote:
> Hi
> In a shell script invoked by doas, is it possible to find which user invoke
> the script? my search a the moment has come up empty.
> Cheers
> Adam
Investigate the owner of the shell's parent process:
ps -p $PPID -o user
I'm building current ports in a chroot with dpb(1), and I'm keeping the
ports tree in /extra/ports which is mounted over local NFS to both
/usr/ports and /extra/proot/usr/ports (in my chroot).
Recently I've seen this happening:
$ ls -l /extra/ports/packages/amd64/all/wget*
-rw-r--r-- 3 _pbu
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 03:14:58PM -0500, Carlos Aguilar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having lots of problems to execute a shell script at boot time.
> My crontab is as follows;
> >>
> SHELL=/bin/ksh
> @reboot $HOME/bin/app-ferre
> <<
> My shell script is as follows:
> >>
> #!/bin/ksh
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 05:43:03PM -0400, System Administrator wrote:
> On 28 May 2019 at 15:14, Carlos Aguilar wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am having lots of problems to execute a shell script at boot time.
> >
> > My crontab is as follows;
> > >>
> > SHELL=/bin/ksh
> >
> > @reboot $HOME
On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 10:16:12PM +1000, Stephen Gregoratto wrote:
> When I'm writing new manpages, I like to draw inspiration from the
> documentation of similar programs. The problem is that many manpages
> have different ways of saying the same thing, probably due to their
> authors and time pe
When running under set -e, why does
eval false || echo ok
terminate the script with the execution of eval? As far as I know, the
OpenBSD sh(1) and ksh(1) shells are the only ones doing that.
If we take termination of the script as a given in the above scenario
(even if it feel a bit odd sin
On Wed, Jun 05, 2019 at 08:05:48PM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> When running under set -e, why does
> eval false || echo ok
Just to clarify:
OpenBSD's sh(1) and ksh(1) make it impossible to run code like
set -e
if eval "$string"; then
echo ok
With https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD in /etc/installurl, sysupgrade
currently fails:
$ doas sysupgrade
SHA256.sig 100%
2141 00:00
Signature Verified
Verifying old sets.
base65.tgz 100%
That's for amd64, sorry, forgot to mention.
On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 09:44:54PM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> With https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD in /etc/installurl, sysupgrade
> currently fails:
> $ doas sysupgrade
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