On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 04:13:33PM +0000, goleo . wrote:
> I was wondering how much space distfiles on "ftp" take, so because
> I couldn't see that in my web browser clearly, I downloaded the page
> https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles/ as distfiles.txt and
> then I was lucky with HTML layout which allowed me to go
> straightforward:
> $ egrep '[0-9]$' distfiles.txt | sed 's|.* \([0-9]*\)$|\1|' | awk '{
> sum += $1 / 1000000000 } END { print sum "G" }'
> 54.8126G
> Most of space is taken by distfiles which are at least 100 MB big:
> $ egrep '[0-9]{9}$' distfiles.txt | sed 's|.* \([0-9]*\)$|\1|' | awk
> '{ sum += $1 / 1000000000 } END { print sum "G" }'
> 34.5359G
> Most of them are games, but what is Linux 4.20 kernel doing here?

See the sysutils/dtb port.

> $ egrep '[0-9]{9}$' distfiles.txt | sed 's|<a.*>\(.*\)</a>.*
> linux-4.20.tar.xz 0.104258G

Andreas (Kusalananda) Kähäri
SciLifeLab, NBIS, ICM
Uppsala University, Sweden

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