On Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 03:19:32PM +0800, Nan Xiao wrote:
> Hi all,
> Greetings from me!
> I meet a weird issue: there is a file which contains only "1":
> # cat a
> 1
> While use vim to open it, it displays "0". I find the number behind
> cursor will decrease 1.
> Does anyone bump into this issue? Thanks very much in advance!
> P.S., my OpenBSD is 6.2 release, and vim is 8.0.1476.
> Best Regards
> Nan Xiao

Vim will decrement the value under the cursor if you press Ctrl+X (and
increment it with Ctrl+A).

Are you pressing Ctrl+X, or is something sending this to your Vim
session upon starting Vim?  Is there something in your .vimrc file that
causes the equivalent of pressing Ctrl+X to be applied on startup?

Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.

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