Re: what's the latest generation intel I want to look for in a macbook pro?

2016-07-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Scott, To my knowledge, the MacBook pro both 13 and 15 inch haven’t been refreshed in over a year. I would keep an eye out for something this fall.. hth > On Jul 30, 2016, at 12:35 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > > So I’m wondering if the pro available on the apple site now is the latest > des

Re: Very creepy experience with Siri

2016-08-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
Interesting point, and your definitely not alone in that concern. I will say this though, a little over 100 years ago, people have the same concerns about machines in factories taking jobs. > On Aug 7, 2016, at 9:36 PM, Ryan Mann wrote: > > The thing I worry about with artificial intelligence i

Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
IDK, It might not be bugs but, I see some inaccessibility in IOS mail. For example, voiceover doesn't read the preview of the message like you can do on the Mac. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:30 PM, &q

Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Why didn't you just go back to Mails classic layout then? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote: > I updated to Lion a few weeks ago. Mail was awful under Lion, which is why I &

Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the message to view it in a different window. This will then mark the message as read. Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore

Re: 2 more questions about the mac mini

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, from the finder, press command option L to go straight into your downloads folder. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:56 AM, Jamil Zuleta wrote: > hey all. i have two more questions about the mac mini. 1. how

Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
mouse. If using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna" wrote: > Ricardo, > > Do you remember how to do this? I

Re: Moing Emails To A Different Mailbox

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, its even easier if you take advantage of the favorites bar in Lion. Here all you need to do is press control command and the number of the folder or inbox you want to move the message to. I explain this in a podcast I did when Lion first came out. Ricardo Walker rica

Re: Moing Emails To A Different Mailbox

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Its Apple to the core episode 3. You can find it at hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote: > Ricardo, > What is the name of that podcast? >

Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
No, your looking for a vertical splitter. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:41 PM, "Goodin, Donna" wrote: > sounds right to me. > Donna > Donna Goodin, Ph.D. > Academic and ADHD Coach &

Re: Command For the Mac

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I just press F11 on Lion. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 28, 2012, at 7:35 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > There may be a built in mac command for this, but the voice over command is > control option shift d > On Feb 28,

Re: Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
Yes. If your not running IOS 5, you need to update the operating system through iTunes. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 29, 2012, at 5:51 AM, Jenny Keller wrote: > I only have an ancient version on my 3GS. Will I have to w

Re: iMovie drag and drop problem

2012-02-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, This might be a silly question but, have you tried restarting your computer? It sounds like your cursors are just out of wack. This happens from time to time. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 29, 2012, at 12:04 AM, Michael

Re: Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Plug in your phone to your Mac, open iTunes, and in the sources table, arrow down to your iPhone. Now, VO right arrow until you reach the scroll area and interact. You will find an update button in here. Just press it and follow the prompts. Ricardo Walker

Re: Wouldn't it be nice if Apple built a rugged version of the iPad?

2012-02-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
I couldn't see Apple changing their design standards for something like this. But, I bet someone has probably come out with a rugged iPad case? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 29, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Mr. L. Alexander

showing user library in time machine backup

2012-02-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
igure it out on time machine. Thanks. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@g

Re: Watching Sports Games On The Mac

2012-02-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, You could actually pay for NBA league pass? I believe they stream. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 29, 2012, at 8:14 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: > Hey guys. I'm having a bit of a problem. I've been using

Re: if interaction went away

2012-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker
, oh well. You still have to navigate through all that stuff. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 1, 2012, at 12:30 PM, "Goodin, Donna" wrote: > Personally, I think that would be absolutely *fabulous It's not t

Re: if interaction went away

2012-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker
Can you say that again? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 1, 2012, at 4:54 PM, Pete Nalda wrote: > O yhink yhis males semce. To my inderstanding, interaction is a eay to tell > vo where to focus. Ymmv. > > -- > E

Re: Mac + Chrome + Netflix = html5?

2012-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Chrome works just fine on the Mac now. You can just use it with voiceover. The screen reader plugin isn't necessary. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 1, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote: > I do

Re: if interaction went away

2012-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I rather have that than be forced to have the screen reader rattle off information that I don't care about. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 1, 2012, at 8:06 PM, Mary Otten wrote: > I've never used Itunes on W

Re: showing user library in time machine backup

2012-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker
I don't believe so. I'm trying to get to user/library but on a time machine backup. user/library is hidden. I know how to unhide this on my Mac HD but, not in a backup. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 29, 2012, a

Re: Mac Book Air & cooling fan?

2012-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker
I must say I'm surprised. I figured the MBA would run cooler since its using a SSD. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 1, 2012, at 9:31 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote: > Hi > > I must admit to being surprised at just

Re: managing mail on the IPhone.

2012-03-02 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, you can't disable mail from downloading messages upon launch of the app. It just assumes, if your opening mail, you want to read mail. So, it retreives mail from the server without no further prompting. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2th

Re: redirecting voice over?

2012-03-03 Thread Ricardo Walker
If your using Lion, yes. If not, no. Look in VO utilities under sound. There is a pop up menu to choose what sound card VO uses. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 3, 2012, at 8:39 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Say, can some

Re: dowload page

2012-03-03 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Its still command option L. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 4, 2012, at 12:07 AM, May McDonald wrote: > Good evening. > With lion, how do you get it to show the download page now when you are > downloadi

Re: problem with iPad Messages

2012-03-04 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Why not just setup iCloud to sync your contacts? This way you don't have to do anything. When you add or, edit a new entry, the change will be reflected across all devices. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 4, 2012, at

Re: Still trying to get Fusion running

2012-03-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
You believe allocating 2GB of RAM is sufficient to run an OS with a screen reader virtually? IDK, That sounds like the low side of acceptable to me. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 5, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote

Re: problem with iPad Messages

2012-03-06 Thread Ricardo Walker
How about e-mailing it to the iPad then? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 5, 2012, at 3:12 PM, Shen wrote: > Hi, > It's not my iPad. > Also, I want to get to the bottom of this. It's so strange that I > d

Re: VoiceOver on my iPHone suddenly gets silent

2012-03-06 Thread Ricardo Walker
This is a confirmed IOS 5 bug. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 5, 2012, at 8:19 PM, David Philip Martin Babula Hole wrote: > I also have this issue :( most often this happens in the twitter app, but > i've seen it o

Re: Siri and voice over coexisting not peacefully all the time

2012-03-06 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I honestly haven't had this happen to me. Siri and Voiceover are not tripping over one another. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 5, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Becky Knaub wrote: > Maybe for the next IOS they need to have

Upgrading RAM in a Macbook Pro

2012-03-06 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello list, I have a stock mid 2010 Macbook Pro. I want to upgrade the memory from 4 to 8GB of RAM. Has anyone on list done a similar upgrade? If so, How difficult did you find the task? Lastly, what tools did you use, and what advise do you have to properly do this? Thanks. Ricardo

Re: Upgrading RAM in a Macbook Pro

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Ah! Great. BTW, do I need any special screw drivers? I Just ask because the screws seem mighty small to me. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 2:50 AM, "Mr. L. Alexander" wrote: > the upgrade is very s

Re: Is the I phone 4s worth it?

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
I would be shocked if Apple allows the developer to add the feature to use this with the iPhones native messaging app. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 3:55 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: > Hey guys. I just had to j

Re: Upgrading RAM in a Macbook Pro

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Ah! Great. I just order my 8GB of RAM which cost $39, and I should be doing this early next week. Thanks. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 5:32 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: > no 1 pozi / phillips driver. you

Re: Upgrading RAM in a Macbook Pro

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Ah! I would like a Solid state drive but, they're still a bit too expensive for me. I'm fairly certain I will have one in my next Mac. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 6:18 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: &g

Re: can some one record the ipad live streaming coverage for me?

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Its not being streamed live. You can just watch it later when they put it up. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Hank Smith wrote: > hello I am going to be in school when the coverage of the ipad 3 sta

Re: accessible iMovie?

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Aren't those music files? I don't understand. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Paul Hunt wrote: > Hello. I need to make a video in the .wav or .wma format. Can I use IMovie or > Quick

Re: iOS: how to use Siri correctly?

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Say the type of number in the original command. For example, Call bob mobile. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote: > Hi > sorry if I am a bit silly in questions: > how does Siri

Re: accessible iMovie?

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Stumbling block? You can buy iMovie and the other iLife apps individually in the Mac app store for $15. You've been able to do this for over a year now. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

Re: IOS 5.1

2012-03-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
ve to play around with it a little more to really see whats what. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 7, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Mike Malarsie wrote: > Anyone update to 5.1 yet? Any details? > > Mike Malarsie > > >

Re: IOS 5.1

2012-03-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
Yup. There is 1 little bug I've noticed. After unlocking the phone, if you quickly press anywhere on the screen, I mean before the last app you were on is announced by voiceover, an item in your dock is launched. Very odd. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2th

Re: Messages beta question

2012-03-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, On your IOS devices, you have to set them to use an e-mail address to receive iMessages. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 9, 2012, at 9:51 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > Hi: > How do you clear conversation hist

Re: IOS 5.1

2012-03-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
Speak hints? I remember that being around for forever. Is this not so? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 9, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: > What does the 'speak hints' feature do? > > CB > >

Re: IOS 5.1

2012-03-10 Thread Ricardo Walker
dock. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 10, 2012, at 6:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote: > I finally encountered this. I cannot reliably reproduce the issue, but I have > seen it. Not sure exactly what conditions if any need to exi

Re: IOS 5.1

2012-03-10 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I think it always was, its just that your now being informed. In truth though, its not really 4G. Your not using AT&T's LTE network but, 3.5 G which is HSPA +. I thought the carriers did consumers a disservice calling HSPA + and WIMAX 4G networks. Ricardo Wa

Re: IOS 5.1

2012-03-10 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 10, 2012, at 8:35 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: > Hey Lou. Sounds good. What is the email address to report this issue to? > Thanks. > > -- > You receiv

Re: Shutting Down with Lion

2012-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, you can also get the shut down dialog to appear by pressing control eject. I find this to be much easier than arrowing through menus. JMO. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 12, 2012, at 6:03 PM, Emilio Hernandez wrote

Re: importing preffereces in osx

2012-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I think this is a known voiceover bug. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 14, 2012, at 6:43 AM, William Windels wrote: > Hello, > Since 10.7, I wasn't able to import all my preferences and specially the > trac

Re: Need to confirm the number of songs in iTunes library post MusicMatch

2012-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, have you tried resyncing all the music on your phone? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 14, 2012, at 1:31 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Henry, > All was as you describe. thanks. Now, how do I reconcile the > differenc

Re: Need to confirm the number of songs in iTunes library post MusicMatch

2012-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker
I'm not sure. I don't see why though. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 14, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote: > Would I have to disable iCloud sync and then sync from computer? > > -- > You received th

Re: iCloud question

2012-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, did you reactivate iCloud on yur Mac, and check syncing contacts? I would also open address book preferences and make sure your using the iCloud address book and not the addressbook on the Mac. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On

Re: Using your air in public.

2012-03-14 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I personally just put my macbook in my book bag when I travel. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 14, 2012, at 3:45 PM, Vivianna wrote: > Hi all, > so, i went out and bought myself this super cool, super fast macbo

Re: VoiceOver

2012-03-16 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, try doing a mouse click on the post button with VO shift space. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 16, 2012, at 9:32 PM, Dawn Johnson wrote: > Hi Eric, Yes. We tried using forms controls. it will highlight the post >

Re: Gmail via Exchange

2012-03-16 Thread Ricardo Walker
hi, do you have push turned on? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 16, 2012, at 7:03 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote: > Hi all. > If using google's exchange, do you get email push? I've tried this before but > have

Apple accessibility support phone number.

2012-03-16 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi folks, Good news. Apple now has an accessibility support number. it is, 1-877-204-3930. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries"

Re: Recording Audio

2012-03-18 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, how about the voice memo app Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 18, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Jamie Tachiyama wrote: > Hi All, > Does anyone have a suggestion for an accessible IPhone app to record audio? > Thanks > >

Re: Can the iPhone be used as a Magnifier?

2012-03-18 Thread Ricardo Walker
Yes indeed. There are a bunch of magnifier apps. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 18, 2012, at 7:04 PM, Mike Busboom wrote: > Hi. > > I am totally blind, so this wouldn't help me. I was asked by a physician &g

Re: Please help with dimmed button

2012-03-18 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, This is not the case. You can zoom windows with voiceover with no problem. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 18, 2012, at 6:58 PM, Gigi wrote: > Hi guys > It seems to me that I remember that you can't run zoom and

Re: apple accessability phone number

2012-03-19 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, 1-877-204-3930. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 19, 2012, at 4:44 AM, Walter Harper wrote: > Hi fokes, > What is the number for the apple accessibility line again > > -- > You received this message

Re: download window with lion

2012-03-19 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, wrong command. Its command option L to bring up the downloads window. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 20, 2012, at 2:58 AM, May McDonald wrote: > Good evening everyone. > > Can someone please tell me how I

Re: Help on keyboard problem

2012-03-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, try going to settings/general/bluetooth and have the phone forget the other BT keyboards you've paired and restart the phone. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 20, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Moses Choo wrote: > Dear all, >

Re: how to open an attachment in an incoming mail?

2012-03-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, You can go to the file menu and arrow down and press enter on Save attachments. If you just want to view the attachment, you can press command Y on the e-mail in the messages table. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 20

Re: Help on keyboard problem

2012-03-21 Thread Ricardo Walker
Lol, I'm glad it was something as simple, and easy to fix as that. Thanks for sharing. This really did have me confused. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:38 AM, Moses Choo wrote: > Hi Ricardo and all

Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-21 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I've been seeing this all day as well. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen wrote: > hello all.. > > I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and >

Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-22 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, have your tried using the google chrome browser? It might work a little better on that site. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen wrote: > oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
ke an extra buck off blind folks. JMO. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 22, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > That's not quite true. It's not because of copy right. The truth is this. > It's bec

Re: Using your air in public.

2012-03-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
Are you serious? Its faster, has USB ports, supports flash, has a physical keyboard, a larger screen, Runs Mac OSX apps, etc, etc, etc. Now, that doesn't mean its better than an iPs product but, you really are compairing apples to oranges here. Ricardo Walker rica...@appletothecore

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
Right, Its about getting money, not necessarily screwing blind people over. We just happen to be the major losers in the entire mess. I never said it wasn't about money. I just don't think its about our money. Our, being blind and print impaired consumers. Ricardo W

Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
in the iPads favor if you have a Macbook and an iPhone. JMO. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote: > let's compare the iPhone 4s against an iPad 3... > > first off, th

Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
extra half a gig of RAM would count when playing those resource intensive games. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 24, 2012, at 6:33 AM, Eric Oyen wrote: > the iPad has more computing power and also uses a solid state drive. th

Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 24, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Traci wrote: > Hi all, > > I have a bit of vision and I like to use screen curtain from time to time. I > always thought screen curtain turned the screen dark. Are t

Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
Its only effecting pop accounts as far as I can tell. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 24, 2012, at 5:52 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote: > No problem here at all. > On 24 Mar 2012, at 21:28, Sean Murphy wrote: > >>


2012-03-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
I wonder what cause this bug. I use wireless syncing reliably. I've been doing so since IOS 5.0, with few instances of trouble. Usually, just closing iTunes and launcing it, along with a restart of my 4S fixes the issue. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2th

Re: Help me verify a bug and maybe report to apple

2012-03-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
information. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 25, 2012, at 4:57 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote: > Hi > > I am trying to create an email from address book. In help I understood that I > have to click on the email header of the email

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
lol, Isn't this getting a bit out of hand? Your asking this 1 person to defend himself? IDK, either he's telling the truth, or he's not, either way, what does it change? Sounds like your trying to put the guy up on perjury charges. lol. Documentary evidence? come on. JMO.

Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-26 Thread Ricardo Walker
blind fold for a year, will also be asked to sit in a wheel chair for a year. Wear ear pluges for a year, etc. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 26, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Eric Oyen wrote: > at least you had stuff to sell. I don

Re: Is Piezo Accessible?

2012-03-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Wow! If its basic, why does it cost $10? Especially since you can use garageband for free? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 28, 2012, at 2:13 AM, Ezzie Bueno wrote: > Hello, > > Piezo is a basic recording app. I fo

Re: iTunes/Apple TV remote issues

2012-03-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, Why just not turn off the IR sensor on the Macbook? I figured that would be a lot easier. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 27, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: > I think you need to do what they call "Pairi

Re: Lion Questions

2012-03-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, you need to interact with the messages table before doing the command to get to the top of the table. About Voiceover not talking at start up, I don't think there is a sure fire way to get rid of that. At least, not away that I know of. Ricardo Walker Tw

Re: Lion or snow leperd

2012-03-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I would upgrade. If you don't like it, you can always go back after all. Just plug in an external drive and creat a time machine backup of snow leopard before upgrading. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 28, 2012, at

Re: importing vo-preffereces in osx-lion

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
though the new voices do that pitch change thing, I would not have wanted Apple to devote all there time fixing it and never adding activities, 1 letter navigation, a new drag and drop method, etc. JMO., Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On

Re: to those who use google chrome

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
The thing that I find annoying in chrome is, you can't jump to links found in tables. You have to actually navigate with VO plus arrow keys to get to these links. On certain sites, I've noticed chunks of text are just missing as well. Ricardo Walker

question about Apple wired keyboard with num pad.

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi folks, I haven't used the wired Apple keyboard with num pad in years. I was wondering, does it have an FN key? If so, where? I ask because I use the f1, f2, keys etc as standard function keys. So I need the FN key to do thins like adjust volume. TIA. Ricardo Walker

Re: question about Apple wired keyboard with num pad.

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
Ah! Thanks. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 30, 2012, at 8:01 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote: > The FN Key is located in the grouping of keys between the keyboard and the > Numpad. It is the key in the middle row, far left. &g

Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
check the time that really can enhance the user experience of a product. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote: > HI there, > > I am going to create some controversy probably wit

Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-31 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, not a bad idea. I would make 1 small correction. Instead of the person stating their disability, or, the fact that they are even disabled, I would just ask if they use any accessibility features, and have them check off which ones. they use. Voiceover, zoom, etc. Ricardo Walker rica

Re: shortcut query please.

2012-03-31 Thread Ricardo Walker
So, you have all functions keys to be used as standard checked in keyboard preferences? If not, the person might had to add the FN key to the VO F2 twice command Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 31, 2012, at 10:43 AM, Lewis

Re: shortcut query please.

2012-03-31 Thread Ricardo Walker
No problem, Go to system preferences/keyboard, and select the keyboard tab. Now, checked Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys. The VO F2 twice command should work after this. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Mar 31

Re: iTunes Files?

2012-04-01 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, You can also press command shift R on the item in iTunes and the finder will open on that file. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Apr 1, 2012, at 9:23 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote: > If you bring up the context menu on one

Re: question about Apple wired keyboard with num pad.

2012-04-02 Thread Ricardo Walker
Thanks. I'm talking about the thin aluminum keyboard with the 2 USB ports. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Apr 2, 2012, at 6:55 AM, David Griffith wrote: > You need to be careful though. This applies to the modern th

Re: apple accessability telephone

2012-04-03 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, It's 1-877-2043930 Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Apr 3, 2012, at 5:02 PM, Walter Harper wrote: > Hello listers, > What is the apple accessibility telephone number > > -- > You received this mes

Re: A Question Regarding OCR

2012-04-03 Thread Ricardo Walker
in my eyes. JMO. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Apr 3, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Gigi wrote: > Hi guys > It really bothers me that a company that makes specialized software would > make a remark about not doing software for us

Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-04-03 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I get your point but, how does using voiceover identify your disability? I mean, you could have a print impaired or be blind after all. Thats like saying opening garageband makes you a musician. :) Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore

Re: iPhone 4 or 4S

2012-04-04 Thread Ricardo Walker
the latest and greatest Apple has to offer. hth Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Apr 4, 2012, at 9:52 AM, Jim Gatteys wrote: > Hi all! > Not sure if I can ask this here but I am considering getting an iPhone and > was wonde

Re: ITunes converting to MP3

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, open iTunes preferences and under general, press the import settings button. choose mp3 as the file type for conversion, and press ok. Press ok again, and then select the songs you wish to convert. then go to the advance menu and select convert to mp3. hth Ricardo Walker rica

stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
the Stanza app via dropbox? I'm appreciate it. TIA Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, sen

Re: Text edit and Lion

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, this is because text edit is opening with no document. So, if you want a new document, press command N. If you want to brows and open an existing document, at launch of text edit, you should be placed into the browser. if you press the down arrow, this should be confirmed. Ricardo

Re: stanza for the Mac.

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Esther, Yup. I did. Are you running Stanza on snow leopard or Lion? I'm starting to think their is a compatibility issue with Lion. Thanks for any further assistance you can provide. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Apr 5,

quick Numbers question

2012-04-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I just picked up Numbers for the Mac today and I was wondering, how can you jump to different cells? Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVision

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