reviewing multiple documents in IOS

2016-01-11 Thread Phil Halton
A while back I asked if there was a way to have multiple documents open in IOS and flip through them like you can in OS X with TextEdit and the command grave accent key. The consensus was that it wasn’t possible, and that the best you could do was to have multiple text apps open, each containing

Re: Question about multi-tasking on I O S

2016-01-14 Thread Phil Halton
What about audio ducking? Isn't that lowering the background sound when voiceover is speaking?. Sent from my IPhone > On Jan 14, 2016, at 8:01 AM, Christopher Gilland > wrote: > > Guys, > > I've got a question. I have recently acquired a very nice bluetooth case for > my IPad Air 1st gen

Re: Question about multi-tasking on I O S

2016-01-14 Thread Phil Halton
> but it's looking like I might not have a choice. I really don't like my > music going up and down in volume. Call me weird, but, yeah... > > Chris. > > - Original Message - From: "Phil Halton" > To: > Sent: Thursday, January 1

Re: Question about multi-tasking on I O S

2016-01-14 Thread Phil Halton
Well, you did say to call you weird and I'm nothing if not obliging.🤔 Sent from my IPhone > On Jan 14, 2016, at 2:25 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > Why thank you! I take it as a complement. Ha. > > Chris. > > - Original Message - From:

Is red laser still usable

2016-01-18 Thread Phil Halton
I can get red laser to scan barcodes, but I can never find the descriptive text that tells me what I just scanned. This never used to be the case, it always worked great and I could read cans of soup etc. What is happened to good old red laser? Is it still usable? Sent from my IPhone -- The

Re: Is red laser still usable

2016-01-18 Thread Phil Halton
; > Sent from my Mac, The Only computer with full accessibility for the blind > built-in > > Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray, > > Still a very happy Comcast XFinity Voice Guidance, Mac, Verizon Wireless > iPhone6+ and Apple TV user! > >> On Jan 18, 2016, at

Re: Is red laser still usable

2016-01-18 Thread Phil Halton
rus-free >> computer protected by Avast. > href=""; >> target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;"> >> >> >> > height=&

Re: Is red laser still usable

2016-01-18 Thread Phil Halton
pe right until you pass the Scan button and you will > hear a dollar amount. Swipe right one more time for the description. > > From E.T.'s Keyboard... > > Many believe that we have been visited > in the past. What if it were true? > >>

Re: help with podcasting

2016-01-19 Thread Phil Halton
Hands-down I suggest Amadeus pro. Although, and this is not a plug, I wouldn't try to figure it out without the good tutorials put out by Jonathan Mosen. The various audio and editing cursors, as well as a few other issues, will give you fits unless they are properly explained to you. I mean, wh

Re: Numbers questions

2016-01-23 Thread Phil Halton
Alas, no! There is no go to cell function in numbers that I have been able to find. The only thing you can do is to search for some unique information that might get you close. Even that though is a bit of a pain. As far as inadvertently adding rows, this happens whenever you use the option key

Accessing FlashPlayer on a Mac

2016-01-25 Thread Phil Halton
I have need to access flashPlayer on my new favorite website from Safari. the website “ ” relies heavily on FlashPlayer for audio tutorials, and though I can resort to a windows7 VM to use the Flash portion of the website, I’d like to avoid windows if

Re: Pages templates

2016-01-25 Thread Phil Halton
Hi Ann, wondering when your book on pages is coming out? I know I'll be a buyer. Sent from my IPhone > On Jan 25, 2016, at 2:49 PM, Anne Robertson wrote: > > Hello Jim, > > The seven lines are in a list style, so you can add as many as you like. > > Cheers, > > Anne > > >> On 25 Jan 2016

Re: Disconcerting DropBox issue

2016-01-26 Thread Phil Halton
I'd check the synchronization in the account settings first. You'll need cited help unfortunately, this is one screen that you can't see the check/unchecked status with voiceover. Anyway, if you can get a cited friend to look at that synchronization screen you can look at the left side of each f

Re: Disconcerting DropBox issue

2016-01-26 Thread Phil Halton
that all of your dropbox folders are checked. Sent from my IPhone > On Jan 26, 2016, at 10:51 AM, Mike Busboom wrote: > > Hello Phil, > > Thanks for the advice. Are these account settings in the “Menus Extras” > section of the Mac, where there is a DropBox dropdown m

Re: VMware fires US dev team behind Workstation and Fusion

2016-01-27 Thread Phil Halton
I still have a virtual machine running Windows 7 on my MacBook air, but I only use it for those rare occasions when I need access to a flash player-based website. It's really bad when you can't play flash content on a mac system. I've run google chrome and Safari, but they can't even see the fla

Chrome box and flash player content

2016-01-28 Thread Phil Halton
Is a Chrome box. Enabled chrome book a viable option for accessing flash player content on websites? I just listen to the access world review of a chrome book and it seems like it's at least good enough to access websites. I need to access flash player content on websites and it's impossible Ona

Re: easy video editer that works with Voice OVer anybody?

2016-01-29 Thread Phil Halton
Frankly Ray, I think you want to much. Honestly we've been banging away at this not for a long time and nobody's cracked it yet. If you do find something that works better than iMovie or has more features than QuickTime please do let us all know. Good luck Sent from my IPhone > On Jan 29, 20

Re: Chrome box and flash player content

2016-01-29 Thread Phil Halton
gives same UX as ChromeVox on Chrome OS. > >> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 7:50 PM Phil Halton wrote: >> Is a Chrome box. Enabled chrome book a viable option for accessing flash >> player content on websites? I just listen to the access world review of a >> chrome book

Re: Search again command?

2016-01-31 Thread Phil Halton
When in the search field, the word "listen "may be in there, but you'll have to arrow down wants to actually activated. Then just hitting enter will cause a search for that term. Another way is to use the bow and the G for find again command and of course adding shift to vote G will find the pre

Re: Suggestions for anti-virus

2016-02-01 Thread Phil Halton
Aren't you going to tell us what into virus program cause you so much trouble? Maybe we'd all like to avoid it. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 1, 2016, at 8:45 AM, N2KPV wrote: > > Hello, I will try to make a long story short. I have been a mac user since > 2011 and have been using a well know

Is Java safe to install in Windows VM's?

2016-02-02 Thread Phil Halton
I am using a website that relies on Adobe flash player and Java applets. I remember from the days of windows before I went completely over to mac that Java was replete with security holes. I remember it was recommended to uninstall java for a while there. Has it been fixed to the point where it

Re: Activity Monitor

2016-02-02 Thread Phil Halton
I believe activity monitor will show process is active in the last eight hours or so. At least that's what happens on my MBA. That may be a selectable item you know, show process is active in the last day or only active now etc. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 2, 2016, at 11:10 AM, Daniel Chavez

Re: Is Java safe to install in Windows VM's?

2016-02-02 Thread Phil Halton
ast radius by being with a VM. Maybe someone more > development minded would respond with greater clue but if it were me I’d say > this is the reason or a reason we use VMs to help keep isolated environments. > > How’s that? > >> On Feb 2, 2016, at 10:24 AM, Phil Halton wrote:

Re: Windows 10 Push Goes Up Another Notch

2016-02-04 Thread Phil Halton
I'm kind of rusty at Windows updates, but here's what I've done to avoid this so far: One, changed windows update settings from "download and install automatically" to notify me before downloading 2, I unchecked the "give me recommended updates the same way I get important updates" box. Three, w

Re: VoiceOver Manual

2016-02-05 Thread Phil Halton
Or, you could send it to the entire list. I know other people would probably be interested in having that as well. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 5, 2016, at 5:46 AM, Sandy Finley wrote: > > I would really like to find a copy of the VoiceOver manual for El Capitan. > Can someone either tell m

Re: learning numbers

2016-02-11 Thread Phil Halton
There is no such podcast that I am aware of. When learning numbers the numbers help system is your best friend. May, do you have any experience with spreadsheets? Have you used XL for example? Numbers is a different concept from Excel spreadsheet. Instead of one large sheet of cells as with XL,

Re: another numbers question

2016-02-13 Thread Phil Halton
Yes you can, set the voiceover cursor on to the pop up cell, and then go to the formatter group. In their select "sell" and then move over to the cell formatting scroll area. in there you will see that "pop up menu" is selected in the cell data type, and to the right there is a table with all th

Re: another numbers question

2016-02-13 Thread Phil Halton
Hoops! That junk command isn't command option Jay, it's VO plus J control option Jay. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 13, 2016, at 9:23 AM, May McDonald wrote: > > Good day. > > Ok, I think I figured out how to get a spreadsheet going using the baby > record layout with numbers with the daily

Re: does any one know how i can get them with out paying for them?

2016-02-13 Thread Phil Halton
Hey dude, grateful enough to do it the honest way? The point is not supposed inquire about illegal activity on this list. What kind of old-fashioned that way. Get a job get honest and get the crack stuff off this list. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 13, 2016, at 7:07 AM, Matthew Dierckens wro

Re: Numbers Has Gone Backwards with VoiceOVer

2016-02-16 Thread Phil Halton
Brian, I'm using the latest version of numbers on Yosemite and I have absolutely no problems with it whatsoever. There was a change where in era going through the table video now reads the lines or the row numbers which is slightly annoying, but that's about it. Aside from that, everything works

Re: Numbers Has Gone Backwards with VoiceOVer

2016-02-17 Thread Phil Halton
fully verbose. But, I've learned to live with it. Good luck it sounds like some kind of corrupted in stall. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 17, 2016, at 12:52 AM, Brian Fischler wrote: > > Hey Phil, > > According to my app store there are no updates, so I believe I am r

Re: Using VMware on Macbook, any Advices?

2016-02-19 Thread Phil Halton
There is one problem getting our screen readers to work. There is no insert key on the Mac keyboard, and, the Mac OS X will not pass the caps lock key through VMware to the running OS. Therefore you need to find another way to assign a Jaws modifier key. I, and many others, have used a program c

Re: Using VMware on Macbook, any Advices?

2016-02-19 Thread Phil Halton
t; but how will i use it? i tried it but can not understand > >> On 2/19/16, Phil Halton wrote: >> There is one problem getting our screen readers to work. There is no insert >> key on the Mac keyboard, and, the Mac OS X will not pass the caps lock key >> through VMware

Re: Accessible Mac Video Editor?

2016-02-21 Thread Phil Halton
I use QuickTime to record and trim videos, I then import the file into Amadeus pro and normalize the audio there. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 20, 2016, at 11:58 PM, Kevin Chao wrote: > > Audio balance = normalizing multiple audio channels. > Are there any podcast for iMovie or Final Cut? >>

Re: Accessible Mac Video Editor?

2016-02-21 Thread Phil Halton
pple TV user! > >> On Feb 21, 2016, at 7:53 AM, Phil Halton wrote: >> >> I use QuickTime to record and trim videos, I then import the file into >> Amadeus pro and normalize the audio there. >> >> Sent from my IPhone >> >> >>> On Fe

Re: Taking a backup from my system with VM ware

2016-02-23 Thread Phil Halton
VMware recommends that you do not use Time Machine to back up your virtual machines. This is because you will be backing up a file in an active state at random intervals and thus you cannot count on it to be in a correct state for reinstalling. That is, you will be backing up windows in an activ

Force loading desktop websites in safari iOS

2016-02-24 Thread Phil Halton
I heard about this little tip and thought I would pass it on. In Safari, when on a "mobile" website, you can force load the full "desktop" website by the following means. A pass-through gesture on the reload button (double tap and hold) will bring up a context menu with the option to load full w

Re: VMware Fusion

2016-02-27 Thread Phil Halton
You need either an insert key or a caps lock key to act as the modifier key for the Jaws or NVDA screen readers on the window side. There is no insert key on a Mac keyboard other than the full-sized one, and due to some internal circumstances the caps lock key is not passed through to the VM by

Re: It's finally here, a comprehensive guide to Pages on the Mac with VoiceOver

2016-02-29 Thread Phil Halton
And why do you think they should go to the bother of sharing their heart one knowledge if there is no incentive for them to do so. I'm talking about earning a living here. If you've ever had to earn your way in this world you'll know what I'm talking about. Innovation doesn't come cheap and neit

Re: It's finally here, a comprehensive guide to Pages on the Mac with VoiceOver

2016-02-29 Thread Phil Halton
After reading through all the messages in this thread I am heartened to see the Goodcents shown by the majority of the listers. It looks like our friend Jason is getting a "free" education today on how the world really works, 😉 Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 29, 2016, at 9:54 AM, Scott Davert

Re: It's finally here, a comprehensive guide to Pages on the Mac with VoiceOver

2016-02-29 Thread Phil Halton
Don't do me any favors Jason. Your offer has a taint to it. Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 29, 2016, at 4:45 PM, Jason Shaw wrote: > > I have the book, and I'll happily share it for free with anybody who > asks. Contact me if you want it. > >> On 2/29/2016 12:55 PM, Basioli George wrote: >>

Re: It's finally here, a comprehensive guide to Pages on the Mac with VoiceOver

2016-02-29 Thread Phil Halton
I really hope that's true, because I'm getting tired of having to put up with these little thieving, Disagreeable little brats I'm list. The last one tried to bring us all down for disagreeing with him. now this one wants to tell us how great thievery is Sent from my IPhone > On Feb 29, 2016

Re: Moderator NOTE: Regarding Anne Robertson's New Book and Copyrighted Material, in General

2016-03-02 Thread Phil Halton
Are you saying that you have band the offender? Is your decision retroactive or will he be allowed to stay. I know, and admit, that I overreacted a bit to his taunting, "in-your-face" actions, but I cannot abide the presence of thieves on this list. Sent from my IPhone > On Mar 2, 2016, at 2

Re: I need some help with accessible career planning.

2016-03-03 Thread Phil Halton
Honestly, as far as resume writing goes, I would google the topic and I'll bet you'll find many great resources on the topic over the web. Also, consider pages as a glorified TextEdit app. Really that's all it is and it has some nice features that you can use but if you can use TextEdit, you're

Re: solving captchas on the mac

2016-03-03 Thread Phil Halton
There's that word again! Romola is the captcha solving app for the Mac, but it isn't "free". Nothing in life is actually. If you have windows or a Windows VM on your Mac, you can install webvisum in Firefox and that doesn't excellent job. I use webvisum anytime I need to solve a captcha on a web

Re: Understanding the VMware concepts with windows

2016-03-03 Thread Phil Halton
That's odd, I have a Windows VM on my MBA with eight gig and fusion recommended I only assign one gigabyte to the VM. That's what I have done I just followed fusions recommendations, and windows works fine as does Mac OS X. Course, I'm not running any high-powered apps on the windows, just Inter

Re: Romola captcha solver

2016-03-03 Thread Phil Halton
Did you say that web visumm is gone? I used it just last month to submit my taxes. Sent from my IPhone > On Mar 3, 2016, at 2:01 PM, Jenine Stanley wrote: > > Thanks so much Jonathan. I grabbed it for the Mac and will send this to my > husband for our Windows machines. We do use Firefox and I

Re: Romola captcha solver

2016-03-04 Thread Phil Halton
Mosen >> Mosen Consulting >> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training >> >> >>> On 4/03/2016, at 9:50 AM, Phil Halton wrote: >>> >>> Did you say that web visumm is gone? >>> I used it just last month to submit my

Re: Radium on the Mac

2015-09-19 Thread Phil Halton
Mary, here's the trick, Press that unlabeled button, and then press vo plus command plus T to move to the table. Interact with the table and you will find your favorited stations. Pressing the unlabeled button changes the search categories scroll area into the saved stations table list. You wil

Re: Dropbox on Mac (was: Scanning text on the MAC)

2015-09-19 Thread Phil Halton
Eileen, one of the very best and most up-to-date tutorials on how to use voice over resides right there on your Mac in the help system. Press VO plus H to bring up the voiceover help system and arrow down until you see QuickStart guide. Press vo enter on that and you will be brought into the tut

Re: Radium on the Mac

2015-09-21 Thread Phil Halton
It's really not so hard if you simply press VO space on that button, and then vo command plus tea. That brings you straight to the stations table and then you can interact. If you use the right finger combinations you don't even really have to move your left hand it's just too quick movements vo

Re: Importing files into voice dream writer

2015-09-24 Thread Phil Halton
You can import text files only into writer. Find the "add documents" button at the top left area and follow those props. You can either create a new document or import one from a different location i.e. dropbox. A workaround to the text files only limitation is to open your document in voice dre

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Phil Halton
Just recently, within the last few weeks, this question was answered by the moderator Mark Taylor. This list is now and pretty much always has been and "all things Apple" list. That includes the watch iOS operating system OS X etc. it makes a good deal of sense as the entire Apple line of produc

Re: other mac accessibility mailing list?

2015-09-28 Thread Phil Halton
thing similar. > > >> On Sep 28, 2015, at 6:40 AM, Phil Halton wrote: >> >> Just recently, within the last few weeks, this question was answered by the >> moderator Mark Taylor. This list is now and pretty much always has been and >> "all things App

Voice stream writer improvement

2015-09-30 Thread Phil Halton
I see now that Voice stream writer remembers the last known reading position in files. This reading position synchronization was something that was really lacking and now it's here. Has anyone else noticed this improvement? Sent from my IPhone -- You received this message because you are subsc

Re: Awful Mail Bug in El Capitan

2015-10-03 Thread Phil Halton
I also experienced this running Yosemite from time to time. Believe it or not I've also seen it happen on iOS 8. It used to upset me, now I just ignore it and delete the messages in another session.. Sent from my IPhone > On Oct 3, 2015, at 6:10 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > > Hi Brian, > > Th

Battery life improved under IOS 9

2015-10-04 Thread Phil Halton
I heard that battery life was substantially improved under IOS9. Today I used Blind Square, all features, under ios9 for an hour and was surprised to see the battery usage was only 12%. Normally, that hour would have drained off 20 - 30% under IOS8. Maybe I won’t be needing the Mophie juice pac

Re: cursor tracking in Finder is broken

2015-10-08 Thread Phil Halton
Does cursor tracking work anywhere else on the Mac question that is, is it only happening in finder? Do you have quick nav on? Have you tried toggling cursor tracking with VO plus shift plus F three? Sent from my IPhone > On Oct 8, 2015, at 9:16 PM, Christina C. wrote: > > Hello, > > I am s

Re: cursor tracking in Finder is broken

2015-10-09 Thread Phil Halton
t;> sometimes it doesn’t work. :( I am at a loss and very frustrated. I also >>> deleted my fancy voices in case that was causing a problem. I’ve heard of >>> people resetting their voice Over settings and how that fixes some >>> problems. How do I do this and what kinds o

Need iPhone alarm app recommendations

2015-10-09 Thread Phil Halton
Imagine my surprise to find that the built-in alarm in the clock app cannot be routed to external audio equipment. I tested the alarm with a Bluetooth connection to a Bose sound link Bluetooth speaker, and although output from voiceover is routed to the speaker, the alarm sound comes out the i

Can't route iPhone alarm through Bluetooth speaker or through earphone jack

2015-10-10 Thread Phil Halton
as the subject line states, the iPhone alarm, which is a tab in the clock app, cannot route through either a Bluetooth connection or even through the external ear phone jack of the iPhone. Try it and see. The alarm will only sound through the iPhone speaker, Even with earphones connected. I'd l

Re: Need iPhone alarm app recommendations

2015-10-10 Thread Phil Halton
; even totally sure how to spell it. It's called Yocto Clock. Basically, it > used to just be called Alarmed, but then the dev updated it to do so much > more than it used to. > > It's definitely very very very worth it! > > Chris. > > - Original Message -

Re: Need iPhone alarm app recommendations

2015-10-10 Thread Phil Halton
to just be called Alarmed, but then the dev updated it to do so much > more than it used to. > > It's definitely very very very worth it! > > Chris. > > - Original Message - From: "Phil Halton" > To: "Macvisionaries" > Sent: Friday, O

Re: Attention Phil Halton: Here is the link to the Alarmed App

2015-10-10 Thread Phil Halton
Thanks Chris, I've got the app and it appears that it will do what I need. Thanks again Sent from my IPhone > On Oct 10, 2015, at 11:33 AM, Chris Gilland wrote: > > This isn’t Yocto clock, but it’s the other app mentioned called Alarmed. > > My driver’s here so I gotta go, but here’s the li

Re: Thinking of Falling Back To Yosemite

2015-10-11 Thread Phil Halton
Sean, I'm using iOS nine with Yosemite and experience no difficulties. Sent from my IPhone > On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:56 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote: > > Hi guys. Well, I think you'll be shocked to hear this, so grab a chair > because you may faint after hearing this. Normally, I'm the type of pers

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Phil Halton
Personally, I do all my word processing in TextEdit, and then transfer that draft file into a pages document. I use the pages document to add features that are not available in TextEdit such as headers and footers, tables, and some formatting as well. I consider the TextEdit as the draft editor,

Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?

2015-10-16 Thread Phil Halton
Windows is starting to look like an option again. Glad I never left it and kept it as a VM on my MBA. Maybe it's time to get a Windows machine with NVDA and Jaws Sent from my IPhone > On Oct 16, 2015, at 4:31 AM, Brian Fischler wrote: > > Oh yeah, and I can’t tell you how much I love the ne

Re: Something to ponder regarding Siri

2015-10-18 Thread Phil Halton
Maybe your sleepless state is affecting your sense of humor Chris. I also see the humor in it. Sent from my IPhone > On Oct 18, 2015, at 4:50 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > Not sure what's amusing about it. I only asked a legitimate question. > > Chris. > > - Original Me

Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?

2015-10-18 Thread Phil Halton
As to text editing and edit fields on Safari, I can verify that I can no longer use the basic UNIX text movement in navigation and editing commands in edit fields. Under the prior OS I could at the very least use option left right up-and-down arrows to move around text fields. This is no longer

Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?

2015-10-18 Thread Phil Halton
nd right, etc. > were brought over from Unix/Linux? Now how cool is that! > > Chris. > > ----- Original Message - From: "Phil Halton" > To: > Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2015 9:36 AM > Subject: Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever? > > > As to t

Re: Pages: inability to select text across page boundaries fixed

2015-10-18 Thread Phil Halton
Wow! That was the one bug that kept me from relying on pages as my main, go to editor. Sent from my IPhone > On Oct 18, 2015, at 10:36 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: > > Hello everyone, > > The really horrible bug in Pages that prevented the selection of text across > page boundaries is now fixe

Re: Something to ponder regarding Siri

2015-10-18 Thread Phil Halton
my IPhone > On Oct 18, 2015, at 12:23 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > I don't. Again. I asked a truly valid question, I feel. > > If yall don't wanna answer it, then, OK. Whatever. > > Chris. > > - Original Message - > Fr

Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?

2015-10-18 Thread Phil Halton
be possible that that open source package is just not playing nicely > with editting in general, or is that actually doubtful. > > Chris. > > - Original Message - From: "Phil Halton" > To: > Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2015 2:54 PM > Subject: Re: Safari on

New OSX Numbers V3.6 too verbose

2015-10-20 Thread Phil Halton
Working in Numbers V3.6, VoiceOver is giving way too much cell reference info as I move around a spreadsheet. It announces the Row# along with the cell contents and the cell coordinates, i.e. “row 7, blank, B7”. It never used to give the row# which is an annoyance now. In addition, it announces

Re: New OSX Numbers V3.6 too verbose

2015-10-20 Thread Phil Halton
avigating with the arrow keys? I know how that feels, > plenty of buttons in Garageband say "a button that opens the "new" dialog" or > something like that. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Oct 20, 2015, at 4:40 PM, Phil Halton wrote: >> >>

Re: update on voiceover issue.

2015-11-08 Thread Phil Halton
You didn't read the message very carefully. It requires command plus option plus the letters are and P, not simply command RP. I have done this recently and it works as advertised hold command option RP until you hear the chime four times then release you'll hear the chime one more time as it re

Re: iMovie

2015-11-09 Thread Phil Halton
Von, have you considered using QuickTime as a video recording app? Granted it doesn't have all the features of iMovie, but what it does have is totally accessible. Basically you can record a movie and edit it down isolating spots and deleting them etc. Unless there's something about iMovie that

Re: iMovie

2015-11-09 Thread Phil Halton
ou need QuickTime > Pro to edit videos? Or do you have a quick store on editing videos in > QuickTime? > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Nov 9, 2015, at 3:29 PM, Phil Halton wrote: >> >> Von, have you considered using QuickTime as a video recording app? Granted

Re: behavior of keyboard commanders

2015-11-09 Thread Phil Halton
I'd set them back to the right option TNT, and see if that clears it up. It's just too much of a coincidence that the problem started once you change that. I don't know why it would, but it sure sounds like it did. Sent from my IPhone > On Nov 9, 2015, at 9:30 PM, Sandy Finley wrote: > > I h

Re: IOS 9.x strangeness

2015-11-10 Thread Phil Halton
I remember when version nine first came out there were significant bugs and glitches with audio routing. That sure sounds like those bugs have not been resolved. I think you can find more information about this on Apple vests going back to the date when 9X first came out. Sent from my IPhone

Re: Numbers question - Columns have moved

2015-11-10 Thread Phil Halton
It sounds like you inadvertently inserted a column. This happens when you press option and the arrow keys. if you press option right arrow you will insert a column to the right or to the left with left arrow a Row above with up arrow or a row below with down arrow. It happens a lot to me just by

using with Safari

2015-11-12 Thread Phil Halton
for the life of me I can’t find the “begin speed test button on this popular website. Has anyone ever used this connection speed testing service with Safari? Can you help? -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or conce

Re: using with Safari

2015-11-13 Thread Phil Halton
should work fine on ios > > Mvg > william Windels > > Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone > >> Op 13 nov. 2015 om 02:24 heeft Phil Halton het volgende >> geschreven: >> >> for the life of me I can’t find the “begin speed test button on this popular >

Re: VMware tweaks

2015-11-15 Thread Phil Halton
I'm curious, what screen reader are you using in windows? Sent from my IPhone > On Nov 15, 2015, at 2:51 PM, E.T. wrote: > > Ok I started with 2 and will work my way up and see what works best. Now I > need to learn to work with different views and the keyboard as well. Am using > the def

Re: Quick dictation with VoiceDream Writer

2015-11-17 Thread Phil Halton
David, I use this feature constantly and writer. I do extensive writing and editing using that to finger double tap to insert words here and there as well as full paragraph dictation. The only thing I can think is sometimes I have seen this fail. In those cases a race the program from the app sw

Re: Setting up Apple TV

2015-11-18 Thread Phil Halton
I know I'll be buying that book! Sent from my IPhone > On Nov 18, 2015, at 2:54 PM, Jonathan Mosen wrote: > > The Apple TV 4th generation is more difficult, but not impossible, to use > without a TV, because it no longer offers a separate audio optical output as > the third generation did.

Re: Bose Soundlink II speaker firmware update using the Mac.

2015-11-21 Thread Phil Halton
I have a Bose sound link speaker and it is great, although I've never bothered with any firmware updates. I don't see the need. It works fine as is Sent from my IPhone > On Nov 21, 2015, at 4:20 AM, Sadam Ahmed wrote: > > Hi all, > > Have purchased the above speaker and whilst I'm very happy

Siri getting stuck in your peace

2015-11-26 Thread Phil Halton
Lately series output has been coming out only through the earpiece and not through the speaker. The only way I seem to be able to fix this is by restarting the phone. Any ideas as to what might be causing this? Any suggestions for fixing it? I'm running the latest version of iOS 9 on an iPhone

Re: mail question

2015-12-01 Thread Phil Halton
Sometimes this happens to me as well. The right arrow key will not expand the thread as it used to. When this happens I simply close mail and we launch and that usually takes care of the problem. I've gotten used to things not working perfectly 100% of the time and this is my solution. Sent fr

Re: renaming a table in numbers?

2015-12-09 Thread Phil Halton
Eric, there is an apple script for this purpose that was developed by someone here on the list. Basically, it involves installing the script in a certain folder, and then turning AppleScript on in the extras menu through I believe the Script editor app. Then when in numbers and focused on the ta

Re: adding a column of numbers

2015-12-09 Thread Phil Halton
You would create a formula in cell C4 that uses the sum function. that is, it would some up the contents of B1: b9. this formula would add the contents of cells be one through b9 displaying its value in C4. =Sum(b1:b9) Typed the above formula exactly as shown into cell number see four, or whereve

Re: el capitan upgrade pod cast

2015-12-10 Thread Phil Halton
Hi Mike, I was under the impression that if re-installing the OS from the recovery partition, the latest Version of the OS would be installed. So, even if, as I’mn my case, you were running Yosemite and you reinstalled from the yosemite recovery partition, it would bring down and install El Cap

Smart TVs

2015-12-13 Thread Phil Halton
I may be in the market for a new TV to go along with the AppleTV fourth-generation. There's been a lot of chatter about Smart TVs, and I'm wanting if anybody knows anything about them, or white might be a good choice in TVs to take it vantage of Smart tech knowledge ease such as voice output me

Re: Showing all volumes on external drive on desktop

2015-12-14 Thread Phil Halton
I have an external USB hard drive which is partitioned into four volumes, and when I plug it in to the Mac all four volumes appear on the desktop. Sent from my IPhone > On Dec 14, 2015, at 3:11 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote: > > Hi, > > If I connect an external drive which has several partition

Re: Switching between VoiceOver and NVDA

2015-12-15 Thread Phil Halton
You cannot switch between these two screen readers when using Boot Camp because Boot Camp only allows one operating system to be live at any given time. You'll either be using voice over we're NVDA but you won't have the option to switch between the two. Sent from my IPhone > On Dec 15, 2015,

Multiple documents open in iOS

2015-12-16 Thread Phil Halton
Is it possible to have Multiple documents open in either iPhone or iPad. I want to be able to edit Multiple documents much like you would in TextEdit on Mac OS X. What pages for iOS allow Multiple documents to be open at once are there any other programs that would allow this Sent from my IPhon

iPhone versus iPad

2015-12-17 Thread Phil Halton
Is there any great advantages to using an iPad versus an iPhone? I see that there will be a larger screen area but that's about the only advantage I can see. This will translate into perhaps easier access to sections of an app like numbers or pages, but besides that is the iPad worth buying? Se

Text selection rotor

2015-12-18 Thread Phil Halton
Can anyone explain how the Text selection rotor item for voice. Over works? Sent from my IPhone -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is i

Re: My early Chrikstmas Gift from Apple

2015-12-19 Thread Phil Halton
Congratulations on the watch Chris, I know the feeling, I just succumbed to the desire for a new toy and bought myself an iPad air. it was actually more than just a whim, I'm hoping it will help me with productivity as well. hope the watch does the same for you. Sent from my IPhone > On Dec 19,

Bluetooth keyboard and dictation on iOS

2015-12-20 Thread Phil Halton
I've just started using a Bluetooth keyboard with my new iPad air two, and I'm finding that when I have the keyboard connected, I lose the capacity for dictation. This doesn't work out too well as dictation is a major feature for a drink text. Is there someway I can activate dictation in a nap,

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