Hi Mike,
When I first got my mini, I tried an old Windows usb keyboard I had lying
around the house. The Mini didn't see it. I haven't a clue why.
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And don't macbook pros, even the cheapest one, start with 4 gb of ram, whereas
the macbook has 2? Mac Mall has the Macbook for $969 as of the last price i saw
earlier this week.
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s, my Mac still worked just
fine. I wonder if that's because it was authorized via ITunes. anyway, you do
know that you authorize your Mac via ITunes, right? Good luck.
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a book scanning solution, not something that will let me scan
a single page now and again. From what I've been told by people using FR
express who have used K1000 previously, there is no comparison, and FR express
can't do the things I listed above. Is that info out of date?
Hi Chris,
I thought vo a was suppose to read from top of page to your cursor.
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I just did this in my email messages table
that has several hundreds of messages in it and it worked like a champ.
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enus, lists can be useful tools for
learning, so if there is such a list somewhere, I hope it will get posted here.
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numpad or regular arrow keys, that
doesn't happen. I turned quick nav off and then moving the regular arrows
doesn't do anything, which, I suppose, is what I suspected would happen.
Surely, there must be a way to do this.
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Yes, I am interacting with the table before trying to read down one of its
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I really like QN for quickly getting through lots of mail, because I can just
get the subject as I arrow down through the table with QN. I'd love to see that
within tables on the web, but it would conflict with the web rotor as things
stand right now.
Mary Otten
. Tapping the button that sounds like icon_igear also
doesn't seem to do anything, and I'm not seeing icons across the bottom that
somebody else mentioned in another message either. what the heck am I doing
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Of course, after sending my last message on this topic, I went back one more
time and tried the cobo app, and it worked as described. I don't get it, but I
hope it continues to work.
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xperienced this problem? and if so, how did you fix
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rfoil doesn't
think I have any other apps on my system that it could use.
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as my application choices in
it. this use to work like a charm.
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site, I'm sorry to say.
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'm in there.
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ht be technically usable if
you jump through hoops. but how many hoops before you say nuts and just go back
to what works without the hoops? If Apple fixes the Word table issue with
pages, that seems like a better solution, even though it costs, and Open Office
is free.
Mary Otten
g. no downloaded
books. Safari still works, thank goodness. But I can't imagine what could have
changed in webkit. Has anybody noticed this problem?
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Really? the Open Office spreadsheet works well with vo? Can you use xls and
xlsx spreadsheets? I don't need to make them; I just need to read them.
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f that helps. I did check my settings to
see if something had gotten changed that might somehow prevent windows from
opening, and I didn't see anything. I have tabs set to never. I even turned off
the pop up window blocker to see if that was the problem.
Mary Otten
a new window will open and you will see the
list of subchannels. I am going to try forcing a new window as you suggested in
a previous message. but this again just works in Safari as expected without
such measures.
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According to a story on today's macrumors, Apple has taken out the ability to
create custom ring tones from songs you purchase via ITunes. If this capability
is something you value, you may wish to hold off on that upgrade.
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perhaps do it again to undo the
mistake in future and not have to resort to sighted help? Thanks.
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of the pickle.
Now just now my trackpad confused a rotor gesture with a three finger double
tap is another matter. I don't claim to be the best at gestures, but those seem
pretty different to me, and I've been using the Ipod touch for months and never
had that happen.
Mary O
s m t w etc and the numbers for dates all in a string, I couldn't get focus
on any one thing to try to select. Getting the numbers and letter abbreviations
read out was further than I or she got with windows screen readers, but it
still didn't do us any good.
Mary Otten
s not available for
IPhone or IPod touch. I have my fingers crossed for it becoming available soon.
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Were you in dom or group mode? That's the only thing I didn't think of, trying
the other mode. I was in dom mode. I had no problems with the pop up buttons to
select my city. But the calendar fields certainly didn't appear for me as you
Mary Otten
rrows for anything resembling
dates. No go. Don't know what I'm not doing, but since Colin managed, it seems
like I ought to be able to do that too.
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s not like Kurzweil 1000. It also
doesn't cost as much.
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a solution that is
hopefully not going to involve terminal or some other unix-like action that
neither I nor my partner will feel comfortable doing.
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stuff itself.
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To po
other than download itunes,
the program opened and all seems to be well now. Thank heavens!
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Do they have a page where you can go to hear samples?
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to macv
Docuscan plus is alive and well, but doesn't the demo time out after a certain
number of days? So unless you just got your demo, it may well be at its end and
timed out.
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Docuscan works with only english, no other languages, sadly.
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Docuscan plus runs on a poc or a Mac, not IOS.
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I thought the male voice sounded like a much nicer version of Tom than I'm use
to hearing. They did mention having French and German voices too and
demonstrated those briefly. And they said more hq languages were coming.
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Well, I'm thinking of the docuscan from Serotek. If that's the one you're
talking about, it is not on the iPad. It is on the Pc and the Mac.
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trip to the Mac store is the
way to solve this, although it'd be nice not to have to go that route.
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Google has a better voice? Which google voice are you referring to? Surely not
the awful google tts? If I had to use that, I'd throw my Nexus 7 against the
wall. Horrible.
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I wonder if there is a resource somewhere that I can use to educate myself
about the changes in voice over and major applications between SL and ML.
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so be able to run
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of itunes than the one I
have. After years of flawless operation, I think I have an evil poltergeist in
my Mac. Clearly, there is something going on here that it just more than a
simple file corruption problem. It just shouldn't happen again that fast.
Mary Otten
Well, the notes for this latest version of iTunes say it is compatible with
Snow Leopard. And since my original download came via software update, I think
it is reasonable to suppose that at least Apple thinks this version is ok to
run on SL.
Mary Otten
Mac when I opened time machine, so I focused in
finder on my itunes folver under the users/username/music path, but then when I
opened TM, that didn't help.
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brary, and no way of
having playlists, iTunes match would seem kind of clunky with respect to coming
up with nice mixes of various artists etc. I must be missing something here.
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all to me. But it is what happened. And no, I am neither
drinking, smoking or otherwise under the influence of strange substances.
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I'm not aware of any other copies of itunes application, but I didn't look for
any; sounds like a good idea.
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It would appear that you can upgrade straight from SL to ML. At least, the Mac
store guy said I could, and the application shows up in my Mac app store.
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licates. Actually, I got sighted help, since
the app isn't accessible with VO. So there shouldn't be any duplicate records;
I wonder what caused the difference in number of songs and how to tell which
didn't make the grade, so to speak.
Mary Otten
a 5400 rpm, like laptops and the Mac
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Interesting that the 27 inch iMac is seen as the better deal. But how much of
that is based on the display, a factor that interest blind people not at all,
unless, of course, you have enough vision to be able to take advantage of it.
Mary Otten
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ore ssd storage. I'm attracted by the
idea of using sdxc cards to extend the storage of a 128 mba, but you couldn't
do that with an os on the card, I don't imagine.
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possibility in the iMac is a good argument for that
one for future proofing, I suppose.
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and I didn't see
anything like that. So perhaps I'm crazy. Is all the stuff still foun in the
voice over utility?
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e for getting rid of
the control key on the right, but since that's not practical, I'd be curious
how you MacBook owners who also have desktops with a full keyboard dealt with
the transition. Do you miss the vo keys on the right and the num pad?
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Ray, it is probably just some memory glitch here. As one ages, these things
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still have a Windows laptop
with the full keyboard. Life will certainly go on.
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I use docuscan with an Epson scanner that uses twain. It is an older model, but
it does use twain.
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s who work for Apple who have experience with other operating
systems. I say that not because I want to see some other approach duplicated,
but because I've seen too much tunnel vision coming from folks whose only
experience is with one or another os.
Mary Otten
While this is possibly straying off topic, I wonder if NVDA with its object nav
isn't rather similar to the interaction model with VO.
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Isn't the voice guidance $10 a month not just $10? That would mean $120 per
year for turn by turn and the whole set up is not as convenient as having it
all in one app, which is what you get with seeing Eye, which ends up being
cheaper, if my supposition about cost for Motion X is right.
I have looked on Apple's site for the voiceover manual and the only thing I
find is from 2008, getting started guide. I was hoping to find something that
reflects the current VO but have come up empty. Does anybody have a link?
Mary Otten
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Thanks, Barry. I did go to the accessibility page, which is where I found the
little blurb on VO but I missed the link you sent. Found the old VO manual
under the support/manuals link.
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apps under VMware or bootcamp? Also, I have only a magic
track pad, not a mouse. I assume that's not going to work on the Windows side.
I personally don't care, but my sighted better half would.
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Has anybody used this app? It costs 30 bucks and is recommended by MacWorld if
you use a bootcamp partition. Back up, move to a different Mac etc. Since it is
30 bucks, I was wondering if it is VO-friendly.
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of all in one. And when he
tried Abbyy, he got nowhere with it. He's sighted.
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Thanks, Vinny. How disappointing that they now charge for a less accessible
program. Thumbs down on that. Does anybody know of an equivalent solution that
would be vo-friendly?
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Sorry, but I'm not familiar with the program you referenced, and I don't do man
Haven't looked at a man page and 11 years, and don't intend to do it now. I
want a simple easy one click if possible means of backing up a boot camp
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Looking forward to this, especially if tables will be navigable in this new
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 26, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Looking forward to the new accessible version. As far as I know there is no
> other accessible office suite other than Apple
;authentication", I can't interact tab space or anything.
Nothing has an effect. All I can do is turn voiceover on and off and nothing
more. Can anyone help?
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Hi Les,
Well, I just got home and tried the Mac again, and this time I'm getting VO
saying authentication has no windows. So I may have to power off. But then I'm
afraid it might come up in it's no window state. I don't know what else to do
though, so I guess that's the
Thanks, Tim. Your suggestion to click the trackpad to restore focus to the
authentication window did the trick.
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they're not. What am I missing?
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Ok, no luck. I sent that last message in this thread and didn't get my sounds
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d is no longer valid. How would I find that out,
I wonder.
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Hi Robert,
I don't have "power nap" but I do have sleep, so I set that to "never". So now
when I send this, I will hopefully hear the send sound.
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changes to the expected sonic environment
can be.
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Hi all, I wonder if this is possible. If I put the favorites folder onto a
thumb drive and then import that into Safari on Mountain lion. Is that doable?
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it is a confusing mess. Is there a way to deal with
this mess or change the view? I looked in the view menu but nothing else seems
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putting my finger on the
difference. All I know is, I'm using the number pad a lot more. Thank God for
extended keyboards.
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On Aug 31, 2013, at 9:59 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Hi Mary,
> I personally prefer to select the songs radio button in the group of s
Apple mail program. I can't compare it with Outlook Express,
because I never used that program. Good luck with the decision.\
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hat much attention to the discussion, because my
os at that time wouldn't let me use the app, and I have no idea if the current
version is the same, apparently accessible one, that people had been discussing.
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on top of an existing item, but
rather, on to a blank space on my desktop.
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in the U.S.
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To post
menu. What is the work around
for this lack of keyboard access? Or do you have to do everything from the web?
That would be off putting.
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f you running ML
and useing AirFoil, what functionality does it add that you don't get from
airplay or the extra functionality in apps like Radium that give you access to
the connected stereo or apple tv?
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to be true. Any
conformations or contradictions to this experience?
Also,m I accidentally told iTunes never to play a particular song that I
actually wanted to say "play more like this". I don't suppose there is a way to
undo such mistakes?
Mary Otten
nd f5. Then Hold the option key and
click the track pad.
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the same effect that it does in the
songs table. But no luck. Maybe I need to interact down at another level,
although I thought I was as far down as I could be in the interaction layers. I
still think Itunes radio is going to be pretty darned cool.
Mary Otten
You make a really good point. What is with us in this country and perhaps
around the world, that all of us think we have to have everything right now?
And we get really angry if we can't have it right now.
Chilling out is a good idea.
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 20, 2013, at
Sent iBooks is coming to the Mac when the new Mavericks operating system comes
out. Apple announced that back in the spring at WWDC.
from my iPhone
On Sep 24, 2013, at 5:48 PM, Helena Fehr wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've been hearing rumours that iBooks is coming to the Mac. A
You can still mute the voice over sounds, just not with the mute switch. I read
about that in Jonathan's book, but right now I can't remember where you go to
do it.
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 25, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> This is true.
> I wish they w
an in Windows after activating the same
control, which Windows sees as a combo box. I thought under SL, it was also
possible to use this sort of navigation. Am I nuts? Is there a setting I am
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have this problem. I haven't used my bt keyboard and iPad in a
while, so I may be wrong. But I don't recall having issues with first letter
nag on websites under IOS. Maybe they'll beef this up in Mavericks. One may
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Yes, there is a Kindle app for the Mac, and no, it is not accessible.
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, although it is not.
Very weird and confusing the first time it happens.
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To u
t the first few screens which are
apparently showing images of new features. Get to the last one, where the only
thing VO says is "try tapping this related article" and that's all she wrote.
There is no related article, and tapping that phrase gives nothing.
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I just sent an iPhone/iPad related message to this list by mistake. Sorry about
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