I'd like to know what is gained by using the Lightening port for audio
input/output. If it is improved audio quality; I'm not sure it is worth it.
If it is just to make the iPhone thinner, I think it is too thin already.
I also don't want to use an adapter because it is yet another thing to ca
Hi Folks,
How does one add a file/folder to the Dock in Lion?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
I feel really stupid but I can't figure out how to select contiguous items in
the finder. There used to be a procedure where one selected the first item,
moved to a second item and everything in between would be selected by pressing
the appropriate keys. I can't seem to find the new proced
Hi, Deb
I would recommend taking it to the Apple Store. I spilled Coke into my MBP and
our tech guru disassembled it to clean the resultant mess. He said there were
240 itty btty screws that had to be removed to perform the procedure which toke
him a full day to complete. Your case doesn't so
I don't see any preferences for the App Store. Am I stupid or what?
> On Apr 14, 2015, at 12:26 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
> wrote:
> Oh
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group an
r. Sorry about that.
> Chris.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Marshall Scott <mailto:mfsc...@mac.com>
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 9:36 AM
Hi, Tracy,
if you really want security on a USB drive, you should check out the hardware
encrypted USB drives. I use Kingston drives and they are accessible on OS X
and Windows 7. The advantage is that these drives require a password to mount
the drives. The disadvantage is that if you forget
raci Duncan wrote:
> Thank you for this. Do you know if you can use the Kingston secure drives on
> public or computers of friends? I wouldn’t have admin rights.
> Thanks,
> Traci
> On May 19, 2015, at 2:19 AM, Marshall Scott wrote:
>> Hi, Tracy,
The Mac version has major accessibility problems. The iPhone version seems to
work OK and is accessible.
> On Jun 10, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Caitlyn Furness
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was recently pointed toward an app called things. It’s for the mac, and
> they have an i phone version.
Hi, I guess you missed my post. The Mac version of Things (possibly
misspelled) is notaccessible. There are items marked as unknown in the windows.
> On Jun 12, 2015, at 6:50 AM, Shaf wrote:
> I'm going to download a Mac copy from somewhere and see if it's accessible.
> Will g
Hi Folks,
I'm about to take the plunge and install Windows 8.1 into a virtual machine.
Since I've never done a Windows 8.1 install before I have three questions.
1. Can this installation be done without sighted help?
2. Are there any gotchas in the installation process?
3. How do I turn on Narrat
Hi Nancy,
CAVI teaches a course on building a web site. The cost is $150. Their web
site is http://http://wiki.cucat.org.
> On Jun 22, 2015, at 4:29 PM, Nancy Badger wrote:
> Hi,
> I am thinking of building a very simple website. I have never done this
> before. I have no idea
Is there any possibility that the Mac hard drive was encrypted?
> On Jun 28, 2015, at 3:50 PM, Mauricio Molina
> wrote:
> At this point, and I do not have sighted assistance at this time, I will say
> that I have continued to try using the command+R suggestion to no avail; the
> lo
Hi, Christie,
I use the Connect to Server" item in the Go menu after I make a VPN connection.
Then the volume on the remote network is used like a regular volume on your
Mac. You'll need to have a user account that gives you access to the
appropriate area on the remote machine.
As a last resort,have you tried resetting the PRAM or the SMC? See
Note: When I clicked the above link, there were a couple of videos that played.
The actual information is on the web page.
> On Ju
Is there any possibility the user has put the browser in full page mode?
> On Aug 4, 2015, at 8:34 AM, george b wrote:
> I have noticed if you left arrow up the page it skips past the tool bar and
> gos to the 3 colored buttons for close mim. And then when you are on close
> right a
I've never had any problems using the Superdrive on my Mac Book Pro. When I
insert a disk into the drive the drive grabs the disk and sucks it into the
drive. When the disk finishs burning the drive spits it out. If I'm just
reading a disk I press the eject button.
> On Aug 14,
Hi, Ilene,
When you are doing an installation,
Try pressing the Function+Control+F5. The OS X installer doesn't have the
ability to switch the function keys from the default.
Hope this makes sense.
> On Aug 16, 2015, at 1:47 PM, Eileen Scrivani wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been needing
Hi again Ilene,
I'd recommend that you don't use these features until you are more familiar
with OS X. They would only confuse you and in the case of Filevault, could
cause you to lose data.
> On Aug 16, 2015, at 5:26 PM, Eileen Scrivani wrote:
> In the set-up process of os on my M
I'm trying to get VMWare Fusion 7 up and running under Yosemite. I can't seem
to get into the Windows 7 window. I googled and found an article on AppleVis
but it isn't helpful. Any suggestions?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
10:38 AM, george b wrote:
> Do you have windows installed on your v m machine?
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marshall Scott
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 09:33
> To:
Hi Sharon,
There are external card readers that connect via USB. I think they would work
with a Mac. I routinely use the card slot on my Mac to load books from
Audible, Bard and Bookshare. I think you could also download podcast to the
Victor Reader Stream if you wanted to do so.
I'm not exactly sure of the details but the 3.5 audio jack on Mac computers is
different from other types of headsets. I think it may have to do with the
audio controls on the Apple headsets.
> On Jan 24, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Strange. I just tried it with a
Hi Folks,
Is it possible to change the order of Podcasts in iTunes in Yosemite? I'd like
to move the Recent Updates item from the top of the list of podcasts to the
bottom of the list. I tried using Drag and Drop with Voiceover but it didn't
You received this mess
> Hi,
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS. This
> seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem. It also
I checked this earlier this year and the problem wasn’t with running JAWS
within Parallels. The problem was with The Mac interface to Parallels. The
Menu bar wasn’t accessible with Voiceover. I didn’t test any further.
> On Nov 13, 2014, at 6:36 PM, Faisal ali wrote:
> I hear
I believe you can set up the Empty Trash function to perform a secure erase
where the deleted data is overwritten. You pay a time penalty to do this but
it will be more secure.
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 11:27 PM, The Believer wrote:
> Unlike Windows, there does not seem to be a way
VMWare has released Fusion 3. It's main claim to fame is Snow Leopard
compatibility. The upgrade cost is 39.95 and the URL is:
You received this message because you are subscribed to th
I found out the hard way that a certain multi finger tap will mute
speech. I think it was a 3 finger double tap. Anyway, I think it's
similar to the turn screen curtain on/off command.
On Nov 3, 2009, at 10:56 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> The speech muting pr
I'm not sure it's a dream. Two major university libraries have refused to use
electronic books on the Kindle because its not accessible. Also, a suit has
been filed against Arizona State University for the same reason.
On Nov 18, 2009, at 6:29 AM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Keep dreaming. T
Hi Donna,
Checking this box expands the dialog to include things like the choice of view
in the table and some other navigation aids. Try clicking it. You won't hurt
On Nov 19, 2009, at 7:09 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the Save as Dialog in Text Edit, there is a
Hi FOlks,
I need to redesign a server based multiuser relational database I designed for
my work. Does anyone have any experience with Oracle under Voiceover? Any
other suggestions?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
; Apache for web serving, PHP to glue the web stuff to the database and MySQL
> (or Oracle) for the database all hosted on Linux (or Mac OSX). The UI should
> just be a web browser, unless this is some old-school thing with a
> proprietary front end.
> CB
> Marshall Scot
Hi Olivia,
Have you tried clearing the cache and reseting Safari in the Safari menu? How
about turning off the pop-up blocker?
On Jun 8, 2010, at 8:02 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
> Here's one of the links I've experienced the issue where VO constantly
> crashes and instead of inte
I had a similar problem when I had the mouse cursor tracking set to follow the
Voiceover cursor. You should try setting your mouse cursor to ignore Voiceover
cursor by doing the following:
1. Press F8 to bring up the Voiceover utility.
2 Press Shift VO downarrow to interact with the Utility
Hi Anna,
The simplest way to disable the trackpad is to plug in a USB mouse and then go
to the Universal Access pane in System Preferences, click on the Mouse &
Trackpad tab and then check the "Ignore Trackpad when Mouse is present"
On Jun 12, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Ana G wrot
I've also seen this problem. I assumed that it was just a latency problem
between the client and the server.
On Jun 15, 2010, at 7:33 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I understand and I have not seen it happen to often, but when it does, it
> makes one nuts. I have not seen this much la
I' used SharpKeys to remap the tilde key to the Insert key as well as
reassigning a few other keys. This works fine and is much easier than changing
the keymapping.
On Jun 27, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Thanks Kevin.
> Keep me posted and may be write off list so
Hi Folks,
I don't if this will help or not but there was an article that suggested that
upgrading Flip4Mac helped with some iTunes 9.1 problems.
On Apr 1, 2010, at 5:40 AM, Howard Dupuis wrote:
> Hello all. I may have found the reason why iTunes was crashing, for me
> at least. Perhaps o
Hi Jes,
Earlier this week, I expressed the same concerns. Since then, I've read enough
to convince me that iAd won't interfere with apps running on the iPhone. I'm
still concerned about security. I'm also concerned about the cost (to me) of
these ads. I've expressed my concerns to accessibil
Hi Folks,
Make it 4 votes. I really don't want another list. I fear that
people will have something that just has to be cross posted to every
list even vaguely related to a topic. I can use the delete key quite
effectively if the subject is not of interest.
On Mar 24, 2009, at 10:1
Hi FOlks,
Well, I couldn't stand it anymore. I broke down and ordered one of
the new 13 inch Mac Book Pro's. I'm looking forward to trying out the
trackpad gestures. Also, I needed a bigger hard drive as well.
Ah, heck, who am I kidding. I just wanted a new toy!
I'm interested in this as well. Plese post to the list
On Jun 19, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Wendy Mitchell wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if the person who sorted out the itv player can let ne know
> how to get it on my mac.
> might be worth contacting me off list so as not to cause clutter
V player is?
> Jane
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marshall Scott
> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 4:24 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: ITV player
> On 19/06/2009, at 23.23, Brent Harding wrote:
>> Analog cable will probably work, but digital gives trouble. If
>> you're like
>> me and have a box, you'd need an infrared blaster. I don't think I
>> could get
>> the Macbook p
Hi James,
I would definitely recommend the MBP. We are using 5 of them at work
and have had no problems as far as the OS X side of tthings. On the
Windows side of things, the only problem is that the keys don't map
quite right for JAWS. There are workarounds for this problem.
On Jul
because I don't travel much and therefore don't need battery power
very often.
On Jul 5, 2009, at 8:46 AM, James & Nash wrote:
> Thanks Marshall
> - Original Message -
> From: Marshall Scott
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, July 0
Another thing to remember is that WWDC is not intended for the general
public. You have to pay to get into the meeting and it's primarily
intended for developers. Also, I believe that most of the rest of
WWDC is under NDA. I've heard you can actually buy videos of the
other sessions but
How do you know it was lightening? What was the other problem you
were working on? Maybe the Mac was in the process of dying and the
lightening had nothing to do with the Mac dying.
On Jul 9, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
> Nothing else that was in the serge protector w
I don't use it much but once you get past the training it seems to
recognize speech fairly well.
On Jul 14, 2009, at 2:50 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am curious to know what the current state of play is for Mac Speech
> Dictate and Voice Over. Does anyone know?
> Th
but I could find the podcast.
On Jul 15, 2009, at 12:15 PM, william lomas wrote:
> but how do we get past the initial training
> On 15 Jul 2009, at 19:05, James & Nash wrote:
>> Thanks Marsh
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Marsh
Because of all the copyright things that have been discussed on list
recently, Ithought some Canadians may be interested to hear the news
and have a say in Canadian Copyright.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Bill
> Date: July 22, 2009 2:13:23 PM PDT
> To: van.
I didn't mean to send this message. I guess I need to have my morning
coffee IV.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisio
Hi Anna,
If you are running Fusion, go to the Virtual Machines menu and select
the Power Off item. QAn are you sure type dialog should appear and the
virtual machine should shut down.
On Jul 23, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I tried that, but nothing h
Hi Keith,
I own the new 13 inch MBP and I cannot tell any differench MBP and an
older 15 inch MBP. I cannot tell any difference between the volume
levels of the two machines. Your second question about quality of the
sound is too subjective for me to give you an answer. If you are
The one difference I know of is that the new 17 inch still has an
Express slot.
On Jul 25, 2009, at 4:41 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> To the best of my knowledge yes, you can get pretty much the same
> stuff on the 15-inch as the 17-inch. Of course check either on the
> site or call Apple
Anna,There are a couple of things you can check:
1. In Voiceover Utility, go to the Verbosity item and click on the
Announcements tab. Make sure the "Automatically speak text in dialog
boxes" checkbox is checked.
2. In System Preferences, go to the Speech pane and select "Text to
There is a checkbox in the Advanced tab in Safari's preferences that
allows you to turn on the Develop menu.
On Jul 30, 2009, at 3:10 AM, william lomas wrote:
> lol so do i how strange
> On 30 Jul 2009, at 10:03, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> No it is not, not on my Safari
I'm not sure if this will work or not but here goes:
1. On the iMac, go to System Preferences and click on the Startup Disk
2. Press the "Boot in Target mode" button.
3. The machine should restart.
4. Connect the iBook and iMac with a Firewire cable.
5 Boot the iBook.
Hi Josh et. al.
I agree on both counts.
On Aug 28, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
> Cheers Josh, really well written review, seems to be pretty thorough.
> I must, must, must make it to an Apple store today. This is the
> excuse I've needed to buy a book on Apple Script a
Also, I think pressing v will stop this feature
On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:00 AM, william lomas wrote:
> Hi for the person who did not want to be told to learn voiceover, at
> startup each time, turn it off in the general utilities settings of
> voice over
> >
I would be in favor of such a list.
On Sep 2, 2009, at 5:26 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> Hi,
> Since SL hit the streets on Friday there has been a bit of chatter on
> this and other general purpose VO/Mac related lists about AppleScript
> and other programming tools and issu
Hi James,
In Voiceover Utility, go to Navigation. There is a pop-up menu for
Mouse Tracking. I've set mine to Ignore.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:07 AM, James & Nash wrote:
> Do you know which options to change to fix the issue please?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jonathan
Forgive the cross-posting, but I know some of you use Open Office.
I noticed a message on a security list I'm on that stated that there
are two high level security vulnerabilities in Open Office. The
affected version is Open Office 3.1 and there patches available from
A spring loaded folder will open if you hover the mouse over the
folder for a period of time. I don't use them so I can't tell you
anything else.
On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:52 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> What are Spring Loaded Folders?
> Thank you,
> Mark
Try plugging in a mouse and then check "Disable Trackpad if Mouse is
present" in the Universal Access system preference.
On Sep 14, 2009, at 5:09 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> The trackpad is frustrating me, suddenly it starts up in text edit or
> in nisus write
Hi Kevin,
I just purchased an iPod Touch last week and have been playing with it
off and on since last Friday. I'm not having much trouble doing basic
navigation but I'm still having trouble typing text into the iPod.
I'm slowly getting better at it. I think there was a thread on this
uld work but it was a bit complicated.
> I really don’t remember what it could do but i remember trying it out.
> /A
> > 28 juni 2017 kl. 17:42 skrev Marshall Scott > <mailto:mfsc...@mac.com>>:
> >
> > Hi Folks,
> > First of all, forgive me if this messa
Hi Mark,
I don't know why but a number of your messages are being marked as junk
messages on my MacBook Aire running High Sierra. They are then being moved to
my Junk folder. This isn't happening to other messages.
Any idea why this is happening to you and how to stop it?
Have you taken the recovery partition into account?
On Jan 12, 2018, at 10:13 PM, The wolf wrote:
> Hello yes I am using High Sierra
> On 1/12/2018 10:01 PM, E.T. wrote:
>>You are running High Sierra? If the drive is not an SSD then you are
>> probably using macOS extende
Why don't you call Apple accessibility support at (877) 204-3930. They may be
able to help.
> On Jan 15, 2018, at 11:45 PM, The wolf wrote:
> yes of course
> how big should the recovery partition be?
> surely not 127 gigs?
> On 1/13/2018 11:01 AM, Mar
I'm trying to use iBooks to read a book under El Capitan. I can't seem to
access the menu bar. Is this a bug or am I doing something stupid. Does
iBooks work better using Sierra? And please don't tell me to use my iPhone!
The following information is important for al
> Marshall
> Hi, Folks,
I hope you are reporting this issue to Apple Accessibility. I had a similar
problem a couple of weeks ago and after spending some time on the phone with
them, the Apple person was able to reproduce the problem. Something in the
website (Audible) was using up 100 perc
The model is the Samsung UN32J550AFXZA. It is a 32 inch model. I purchased
two of them to get rid of my CRT TVs. For convenience, I had a sighted friend
set them up but according to the ham who put me onto these items, this isn't
necessary. Here is a link to a podcast describing the unit
Hi Folks,
First of all, forgive me if this message is duplicated. I had a little trouble
with my network this morning.
My question is: Does Disk Warrior work with Voiceover? I tried calling
Alsoft and couldn't get any reliable information.
The following information is im
I haven't been following this thread too closely but is there a write protect
switch on the micro sd to sd adapter?
> On Jun 5, 2016, at 3:44 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> You could do worse than to try and manually unmount the disk (without
> ejecting it) before the erase.
It sounds like you have found a string that crashes Voiceover. Try using
another voice to see if this solves the problem. If the crashing stops, go
back to Alex and advance through the strings one at a time until you reach the
problem string and then change the string to something else and
Hi, Andy,
If you want to have a true portable computer, the Mac Mini is not for you. It
is basically designed to be used with a separate monitor and keyboard.
The Mac Book Aire is lightweight and is very portable but I don't know how well
you would like the keyboard. It also requires a dongle
Has anyone tried SHIPT grocery delivery service? If so,, what do you think?
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you
feel that a member's post is
The only thing I can suggest is to try to navigate around the problem area. I
realize this isn't of much help. The only other thing I can think of is for
everyone who has this issue to call Apple Accessibility every time it happens.
Unfortunately, this might have undesirable consequences in t
ng around the problem area”?
>> Everything freezes, and I have to wait for a few seconds up to a couple of
>> minutes before I hear a click and “VoiceOver on,” . . . and then if I
>> attempt again the task I was attempting, again, and again, and again, ad
>> nauseam.
Has anyone had any problems reading EPub books in Mojavi?
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, pleas
the easiest method is to use iCloud Photo Sharing. When using iCloud Photo
Sharing, your photos are shared between the iPhone, the Mac and iCloud with one
library. So, creating albums on one, creates the album on all locations. It
is a very slick operation. The main concern though would
I'm phasing out my Windows 7 OCR program and the associated flatbed scanner.
What are people using on the Mac to replace these items?
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the run
have a study where reading huge books is a must for me , and the best
> I have found so far is a book scanner, and windows running in a vm on
> the mac.
> It all depends on what you need it for of course , scanning a few
> pages, or a few hundred?
> On 7/1/
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