RE: Skype on the Mac made accessible?)

2012-05-01 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi folks My husband and I got our macs only recently and I have just joined this list. My skype starts in the home screen, but my husband's starts in the contacts table. The only difference between us is that he has skype credits and voicemail activated, and I don't. Could this be the reason? We

Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?)

2012-05-01 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Mark Thanks for this answer. But how do you even know someone, or who, has sent you a message? Lisette On 2/05/2012, at 6:36 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > Lisette: > > Please permit me to answer your question. Once you have selected the contact > who sent you the message in the tabl

Lost my mailboxes table in mac mail

2012-05-01 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi all Please can somebody tell me how to get my mailboxes table back. I can only see my inbox and tabbing doesn't get me to my mailboxes table. It just takes me to message content group. I've probably just pressed something I shouldn't have. Thanks so much. Lisette -- You received this messag

Re: Lost my mailboxes table in mac mail

2012-05-01 Thread Lisette wesseling
I be in full screen mode? Thanks for helping a new user. On 2/05/2012, at 11:21 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote: > THere should be an option in the View menu, but the shortcut is > command-shift-M. > > > Jonathan C. Cohn > > > > > On May 1, 2012,

Deleting voices

2012-05-03 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Is it possible to delete the many compact voices one doesn't use? Do these compact voices slow the Mac computers down at all? I have downloaded a few of the premium ones but really can't see a use for most of the pre installed voices. I suspect the answer will be no but thought it worth askin

Re: deleting reminders from the I phone 4S

2012-05-04 Thread Lisette wesseling
Jenny It's really easy. Go into the reminders app. Find the reminder you want to delete. Just double tap on the reminder where it says "double tap to edit details. ". Then there's a delete button pretty much in the middle of the screen. On 5/05/2012, at 2:00 PM, Jenny Keller wrote: > Hi, > >

Sound studio questions

2012-05-04 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi I just recently got this programme and understand it's accessible. Sometimes I can get the space bar to work as the play button, and sometimes not. The command p does work consistently. The manual says 3 is supposed to work as the record button but it doesn't. And sometimes the 1 and 2 button

Re: free m4a to mp3?

2012-05-05 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Stacy I have recently purchased a very accessible mp3 converter called "mp3 converter" from the app store. It was about $5 NZ so not expensive. You have to go into the app, add the files you want to convert and it does it. Very easy to use and not expensive. It takes all sorts of formats and

Re: ColorVisor, color identifier for iPhone

2012-05-07 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi This Question is to the developer of this app. Will it be made available on other iTunes stores worldwide? It appears not to be available in the New Zealand iTunes store. Lisette On 8/05/2012, at 7:17 AM, Cheree Heppe wrote: > Cheree Heppe here: > > If somebody designed and published an a

Sound studio questions

2012-05-11 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi I'll try to keep these questions brief. 1. Once you've set two marks, how do you delete what's in between them? Pressing command shift g and selecting set start selection to mark 1, and set end selection to mark 2, then pressing delete key results in everything outside the two mark

Understanding Finder

2012-05-29 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Folks I'm having real trouble understanding how to use the finder. What is the difference between the side bar table and the list view table? Mine both seem to show the same thing. Does finder show all your files in some kind of random order? I'm used to Windows XP with everything being in s

Re: Understanding Finder

2012-05-29 Thread Lisette Wesseling
own gives you a sorted list. One issue with browser mode is it is difficult to get filesize or dates. Hope this helps you along the way. Jonathan Jonathan C. Cohn +1 *(703) 573-6956 On May 29, 2012, at 7:45 PM, Lisette wesseling wrote:

Mac Mail behaving oddly

2012-06-01 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Folks I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what's going on. In Mac Mail, I used to be able to tab and shift tab between the mailboxes table and the message list. I have tab set to automatically interact. For the last few days, tabbing between the two doesn't work anymore. If I'm in the m

Re: Mac Mail behaving oddly

2012-06-01 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Mark Any hints on what the vertical splitter should be set at? When I interact with it, sometimes it says 100 per cent. Vo up arrowing changes it to 97 and then 93 per cent. It never goes any lower than that. If I down arrow with vo it just says "mail busy" forever and I have to close the wi

turning view pane on in mac mail

2012-06-02 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Where do you change the view pane setting for Mac Mail please? Lisette __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 7188 (20120601) __ The message was checked by ESET Smart Security. -- You received this message beca

Re: Mac Mail behaving oddly

2012-06-02 Thread Lisette wesseling
Ronald How did you manage to change the size of the vertical splitter? When I try to go below 93 per cent, mail just says "busy" and I have to close and restart mail for anything to work. I've let it say "busy" for half an hour in case it really was busy doing something, but eventually I closed

Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-04 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Chris I agree with Veronica here. I'm a new Mac user and don't really get interacting either. But I'm learning by trial and error, and not stressing if I don't understand the concept. Your ring binder analogy and the zoom camera one actually really helped me, so thanks for those. I do know th

getting mailboxes to show up[

2012-06-09 Thread Lisette wesseling
HI I seem to have lost my "on my mac" mailboxes. I can see they must be there when I go to the menu and look for "move to mailbox". But I can't see them when I down arrow through the list of mailboxes. Any ideas welcome and thanks in advance. Lisette -- You received this message because you

Re: getting mailboxes to show up[

2012-06-09 Thread Lisette wesseling
HI Mark Thanks for your suggestions. I can expand them fine - I just can't even see the on my mac inbox, collapsed or otherwise. I've looked in the account settings in preferences, but can't see anything there. Should I have the favourites bar on or off? Lisette On 10/06/2012, at 10:23 AM, Mar

Re: getting mailboxes to show up[

2012-06-09 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi Mark Yes, that's right. No on my mac mailbox shows up, not even collapsed. The vertical splitter seems fine at present, so don't really want to mess with it again ()grins). But nice idea though. Lisette On 10/06/2012, at 12:32 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > So, when you're in the Mailb

"on my mac" inbox not showing up in mail

2012-06-10 Thread Lisette wesseling
Hi again Mark, Matt et al So just to be clear, I can see an "on my mac" mailbox under trash, which is empty. There is no other "on my mac" mailbox anywhere. Yet when I go to create a new mailbox, I can see the names of the two mailboxes I've created under "on my mac". I can't get into them from

Re: OCR for iPhone 4s or iPad

2012-06-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
My understanding is that Prismo is not worth bothering with unless you have an iPhone 4s. On anything lower the camera isn't good enough. That's why I haven't bought it. I hear it's quite good on the 4s though Lisette - Original Message - From: "Anne Robertson" To: Sent: Tuesday, J

Moving to top of message table

2012-06-20 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi all, Is there a way of quickly getting to top of message table in mail? When I do vo, fn shift left arrow, I get to a button called "select by date menu button". I'm still at the bottom of the message table. I can obviously arrow up but that takes a while with a large mailbox. Any suggestions?

Re: Moving to top of message table

2012-06-20 Thread Lisette Wesseling
for the bottom! > That command is set to keep me in the same column so if I start in Subject I > stay in Subject! > hth Colin > PS. I'm still on Snowy Kitty! > > On 20 Jun 2012, at 21:44, Lisette Wesseling wrote: > >> Hi all, >> Is there a way of quickly get

Re: Moving to top of message table

2012-06-21 Thread Lisette Wesseling
fari! >>>>>>> Next to the table is the add button select it! >>>>>>> 5, The 1st field is where you put the key you wish to use [have the key >>>>>>> in mind]because it must be put in 1st! >>>>>>> 6, Next is the men

Re: right or left mouse button

2012-06-22 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Jerry I don't know the full answer to this either, but you can get an applications type of menu by doing vo shift m a lot of the time. On 23/06/2012, at 3:01 PM, Gerry Cook wrote: > Hi everyone I hope your having a nice day where ever you are, and whatever > your doing. on the mac i wonder

Copying a disk

2012-06-24 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi I want to make an identical copy of a disk. I understand I need to use the disk utility app in order tocreate a disk image on my hard drive, and then burn that onto a blank disk. In Disk Utility, do I just go into new/image? Or do I use open/image? Any steps gratefully received? I assum

Re: MBP battery

2012-06-25 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Johny Press vo m twice and right arrow along that menu. On 25/06/2012, at 7:46 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote: > Hi all, > > Good morning. > > Is there a quick and easy way to review the battery level on my MBP? > > Thanks, > > Johnny > > > Not of this world, > I am born of The forty-second gen

skype answer dialog, was Re: is a paid screenreader for the mac a option?

2012-06-25 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Really??? When somebody calls me on skype, I can just vo right arrow to the accept button and it's there. I'm runing the latest skype and Lion. On 26/06/2012, at 3:14 PM, Eric Oyen wrote: > that key assignment was not set as default and in Skype 2.8 (which I use on > OS X 10.6) it doesn't even

Re: NFB Convention -- who is coming

2012-06-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Sorry but what does this have to do with the Mac? On 28/06/2012, at 9:48 AM, Hank Smith wrote: > I am coming to the nfb convention. > I will be with the saavi grou. > southern arizona asocian of the visually impaired. > On 6/27/2012 1:23 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote: >> Hi Nancy. >> First, we have AC

Re: Strange mail issue: "this message cannot be sent by the server" etc.

2012-06-30 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi I have this too with my pop account sometimes. Usually, they send eventually. I haven't found a work around, except to just wait, or use another email address. I would be interested in anybody else's experiences. Lisette On 1/07/2012, at 2:17 PM, Christine Grassman wrote: > Why are some of

safari question re heading navigation

2012-07-08 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi I wonder if anybody can explain why, very often, safari reports there are no next headings to be found, but when I continue to arrow right using quick nav, I hear all sorts of headings listed. I thought that by pressing h, or the number, it would jump to the next heading. Sometimes, it work

Re: Page up? Page down?

2012-07-10 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Johny Page up is fn shift up arrow, page down is fn shift down arrow. With the vo keys. A bit of a fist full in my view but that's what it is. The keyboard helper announces them if you want to practice getting it right. Lisette On 10/07/2012, at 7:02 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote: > Hi all, > >

Keystroke for moving between windows within same application

2012-07-11 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks Can someone please remind me what this is? I should have written it down when posted earlier. I know about command tab, but there's another one somebody mentioned earlier this week. Thanks. Lisette -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisio

Mountain Lion Mail

2012-07-26 Thread Lisette Wesseling
> Hi folks > I'm afraid I got a bit confused with the flurry of emails on this subject. > Has anybody found a way to get rid of those buttons between the mailboxes > table and message table? I like to be able to tab from one table to the > other, and not have to hop over "sort by date" , "hide

Making notification short cut

2012-07-26 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, How are people making the notification short cut? I tried to do this using the voice over keyboard commander but notifications wasn't one of the apps you can choose there. Please can someone describe how they made a short cut to take you straight to the notification centre? Thanks. Lisette

Re: Weird mail problem with Mountain Kitty

2012-07-26 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi I had this problem too and fixed it by 1. turning on quick nav briefly. I heard blank, blank, blank, as I arrowed down underneath my trash folder. 2. I turned quick nav off again. Then I did vo backslash on where the first blank was and everything got expanded again. Sometimes vo backslash do

Re: where are my contacts?

2012-07-26 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Alex My contacts is in my doc somewhere near the left. Hope you find yours. Lisette On 27/07/2012, at 9:55 AM, "Daniel Miller" wrote: > It’s in applications, trust me. Or are you talking about your actual contacts. > > > From: > [mailto:macvisionaries@goog

Re: where are my contacts?

2012-07-26 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Alex, If you update to Mountain Lion contacts will be more like on the iPod. Same goes for the calendar which is a joy in ML. Lisette On 27/07/2012, at 10:15 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > The only thing now is that, in Lion at least, information is annoying to get > to. I search for a name, then hav

Re: notification question:

2012-07-26 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Chenelle Just press the actual keys you want to use for the short cut. I held down command option and then added the n. You may even be able to press them all at once but I held down the first two and then added the third, then let them all go. It really is easy. You won't hear any feedback,

Re: voice over voices inside mountain lion:

2012-07-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Ricardo Karen premium and Serena still change pitch randomly. The pronunciation is better though. Cheers Lisette On 27/07/2012, at 6:37 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > There the same voices but, they have been improoved a bit. There is really > no more instance of the premium voices pitch chan

Re: Busy, busy everywhere

2012-07-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Alex I would actually say the opposite. There is less busy busy on my 2011 MacBook pro with 4 gb ram than in Lion. Start up is definitely faster and I think VO is a bit snappier. Lisette On 28/07/2012, at 4:17 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > Has anyone else noticed this? I went through enough of tha

Removing mailboxes from your favourites group

2012-07-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks Thanks to all for answering the questions' we've all had. I've learned so much over the last few days thanks to all the keystrokes and detailed instructions. I learned how to drag and drop things into my favourites bar, but how do you remove things from there. I've got 7 mailboxes there

Removing mailboxes from your favourites group

2012-07-28 Thread Lisette Wesseling
he list.. I use whatever method I can, >> whether it's the VO-command-space method or the VO-comma, period, less and >> greater methods, or the trackpad. These are simply shortcuts to the actual >> mailboxes. >> >> HtH, >> Teresa >> >> On Jul

Deleting tone

2012-07-28 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Can this be changed from the very high pitched tone to something else? I like to have a tone when I'm deleting something, but the only option available is a very high pitched one which hurts my ears. The one for mis spelled words is better, and I seem to recall choosing that somewhere once b

Re: Removing mailboxes from your favourites group

2012-07-29 Thread Lisette Wesseling
tter:@apple2thecore > > > On Jul 28, 2012, at 5:40 PM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >>> Hi Teresa >>> Thanks for this. I wanted to remove drafts from the favourites bar but >>> apparently it's not removable. Do you know how

Ttrackpad gesture to open notification center in ML

2012-07-29 Thread Lisette Wesseling
> Hi > Slight correction. If you leave track pad commander on, you need to use ctrl > with the two finger left swipe. Without the track pad commander on, you don't > need to use the control key. > This may be standard practice, but I just tried it and that's what I found. > > > Lisette > On 30

Re: Mountain Lion- missing mailboxes on my Mac

2012-07-29 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Sharon This appears to be a problem for many people. I had some success by Pressing the zoom button at the left of the screen. I get to it bu uninteracting with everything and vo left arrowing past the tool bar. 2. Then I right vo arrowed to the mailboxes list and went down to where I knew the

Re: problems with macbook air and/or mountain Lion, help needed pls!

2012-07-30 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi William I'm not trying to be funny, but have you tried turning up the volume on your speakers? I know Apple devices can sometimes turn the volume down. It happened on my iPhone a few times. Have you tried plugging in a head set to see if the sound works there? You can all shoot me now, but it

speakable items

2012-07-30 Thread Lisette Wesseling
How are you guys calibrating your mic? I see the phrases you're supposed to say and the slider is at 100 % but I don't get how to actually calibrate things. Thanks. Lisette -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this grou

Re: speakable items

2012-07-30 Thread Lisette Wesseling
ases you are saying get > recognized. Mine worked best around 60%. > Best, > Donna > On Jul 30, 2012, at 10:45 PM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >> How are you guys calibrating your mic? I see the phrases you're supposed to >> say and the slider is at 100

Re: making appointments in 10.8

2012-07-31 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi William I use command plus n exclusively for entering appointments. In english I write something like "dinner with x on Friday 3 August at 7 PM." I write it exactly like that. It puts everything perfectly into the right places in the calendar. I don't know how it would be in Dutch, but you co

Re: speakable items

2012-07-31 Thread Lisette Wesseling
> Eugenia Firth > > > > > On Jul 30, 2012, at 10:52 PM, Donna Goodin wrote: > >> You just kind of have to move the slider till the phrases you are saying get >> recognized. Mine worked best around 60%. >> Best, >> Donna >> On

Re: utterly in barest: question about mail Olmac OS X 10.8 Mountain lion

2012-07-31 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Have you tried pressing the zoom button? On 1/08/2012, at 2:12 PM, Chris Gilland wrote: > as I stated in my initial message, yes. I have tried this as well. I have > tried VO\, right arrow, VO right arrow, the oh space I have literally tried > everything. Nothing seems to be doing the trick. Ev

speakable items - system dialogs menu

2012-08-01 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Folks Ever since playing with the speakable items I've got this system window on my screen called "system dialogs menu". When I do command o to open it (the only thing which seems to do anything) it says "speech feedback survey". I can't close this or do anything with it. How do I get rid of

Re: utterly in barest: question about mail Olmac OS X 10.8 Mountain lion

2012-08-01 Thread Lisette Wesseling
the zoom button it scales down to about maybe half the screen. Either > way though, it's not having any baring. > > Chris. > > - Original Message - From: "Lisette Wesseling" > > To: > Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 2:49 AM > Subject: Re: utterly i

Dowloading VLC

2012-08-03 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks, I've got the link for the VLC page, but don't know which version to download. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro with 4 GB ram. Should I download the 32 bit or 64 bit version? I just don't want to mess things up by trying to install the wrong one. Thanks. Lisette -- You received this mes

Making VLC the default player

2012-08-04 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, How do I do this. The Readme file says something about checking the box in the VLC app but I can't find one. Lisette -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To

Re: Making VLC the default player

2012-08-04 Thread Lisette Wesseling
y you remove the plist file for VLC thus when you > start VLC again, it may just ask the question again. The above method should > suffice though. > > > Later... > > Tim Kilburn > Fort McMurray, AB Canada > > On 2012-08-04, at 5:55 PM, Lisette Wesseling >

Setting activities

2012-08-07 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks, I'm not having much luck setting up an activity for Safari. All I want is that when Safari starts, quicknav be turned on and turned off again when I leave Safari. I've gone into VO Utility with vo f8. I've chosen activity which is the last row in the table. I've entered Safari in the

Re: Setting activities

2012-08-08 Thread Lisette Wesseling
id you actually pick the activity to be used with Safari? You didn't > mention that step in your message. > > Ricardo Walker > > Twitter:@apple2thecore > > > On Aug 8, 2012, at 2:06 AM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: &

Re: safari question please shortcut

2012-08-10 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Command left arrow. On 10/08/2012, at 6:51 PM, Egbert wrote: > Hi, > in lion i could give a backspace to go a page back in safari. > but that key seems not to work anymore. > i can backspace what i like, but no page back at all smiley. > its kind of frustrating. > Can you tell me what i do wrong

turning on attachments viewing in ML Mail

2012-08-11 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks Sorry, I can't find the attachments setting in the view menu in Mail so that I can tell whether a message has an attachment. I'm pressing vo m, right arrowing to view, and looking for columns in that menu. It's not there. I'm doing this from within ML mail. Is there somewhere else I sho

Re: turning on attachments viewing in ML Mail

2012-08-11 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Mark Are you talking about the view menu in ML mail? My first item is message attributes. There is no column item anywhere. How weird is that? Lisette On 12/08/2012, at 3:36 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote: > Actually, I just did it, and thanks for that. In my View menu, Columns > sub

Re: Technically speaking, How Does Screen Curtain Actually Work?

2012-08-15 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi If the brightness is set to zero, will the camera still work on a skype call? I realise I wouldn't be able to see the other person, but I can't see anyway so that doesn't matter. But I want them to be able to see mee, so wonder if the camera still works when the brightness is set to zero. Lis

Re: Fleksy

2012-08-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
I bought Fleksy at the full price and think it is worth every cent. I can type as fast as a sighted person on my phone. On my iPad, I can have my fingers spread out like qwerty fashion and go really fast. I wish some smaller words would be ordered differently in the suggestions list (like but) b

Re: Text Detective

2012-08-20 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Anyone got any hints on using this app? I have an iPhone 4 and just got rubbish results when I scanned something. I know the lighting was ok but obviously the camera on the iPhone 4 is not the best. How close do you hold the camera? I was holding it still and, I think square on. Does it mind

Bookle question

2012-08-22 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi How do you skip between books in the bookle library sidebar table? I can move through each chapter within the books, but not very easily from book to book. I have two books in there at present, so this is not too arduous. But I imagine if I had ten, it might be a little trying to arrow betwee

Re: Magic Track Pad and iTunes Gesture

2014-01-22 Thread Lisette Wesseling
I have my track pad set to automatically interact with things. Maybe that would help. On 23/01/2014, at 7:28 am, Brian Fischler wrote: > Seriously. You have to do all that just to get a song to play? If that is the > case, I guess I will just stick with the keyboard. Would have thought it was

Re: Magic Track Pad and iTunes Gesture

2014-01-22 Thread Lisette Wesseling
don’t see anything unchecked that should be > checked. Thanks > On Jan 22, 2014, at 1:43 PM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >> I have my track pad set to automatically interact with things. Maybe that >> would help. >> On 23/01/2014, at 7:28 am, Brian Fischler wrot

Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-17 Thread Lisette Wesseling
The subject says it all? Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful. Thanks. Lisette -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to macvisionaries+unsu

Re: Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-17 Thread Lisette Wesseling
No sorr, it's not there for me. Lisette On 18/02/2014, at 9:18 am, Isaac Hebert wrote: > Go to the sources table and then you will find the playlist. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Feb 17, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling >> wrote: >> >> The su

Re: Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
somewhere because people talk about it, so it must be me. Thanks and sorry to be so dumb. Lisette , On 18/02/2014, at 11:45 am, Phil Halton wrote: > select "music", then select the playlists radio button. it is located in the > table of playlists. > > On Feb 17, 2014

Re: Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
e iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, and > you need to go further down in the sources table to playlists. a little > further down and you'll find the recently added list. > > On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:37 PM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >> Hi Phil, >> Thank

Recently Added playlist sorted

2014-02-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Thanks phil for your help. Looks like I'd deleted the smart playlist but a bit of googling told me I how to recreate it. I thought it was an accessibility thing but often these things are just normal user errors. All sorted now. Thanks for your patience. Lisette -- You received this message be

Re: Changing from Gmail to iCloud

2014-02-20 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi , You can also keep the old Apple ID but change the primary email associated with it. This is what I have done. I've kept my old Apple ID but changed the email address. A bit less hassle to change an Apple ID on all devices, and the emails still come through to your new active email address.

Re: quality of music output when played from an iPod

2014-02-25 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Donna, When you import CDS, you can choose to increase the bit rate to a higher quality. I always import at 192 kbps as I can hear the degradation and it bothers me. You can choose all these settings in iTunes prefs under the general tab. You'll have to re import your CDs again but maybe it's

Re: quality of music output when played from an iPod

2014-02-25 Thread Lisette Wesseling
; Cheers, > Donna > On Feb 25, 2014, at 7:16 PM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >> Hi Donna, >> When you import CDS, you can choose to increase the bit rate to a higher >> quality. I always import at 192 kbps as I can hear the degradation and it >> bothers me. >>

Re: Conversation threading with Mavericks 10.9.2 I think has broken

2014-02-28 Thread Lisette Wesseling
When this occasionally happens to me, restarting Voice Over always fixes it. Lisette On 1/03/2014, at 6:17 am, Daniel McGee wrote: > Hi all, after updating to Mavericks 10.9.2 and continuing to try out > conversation threading in mail. The next day after and which is still > happening now. No

Re: Folder Action New Item Alert Now Works In Latest Mavericks Update

2014-02-28 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Teresa, I want to thank you so much for telling us about this built in script. I had no idea having your downloads folder alert you was possible, or had been possible but was broken until now. I now get a dialog saying something has downloaded. I also seem to get one when it initiates the do

Re: Quick way to get the time

2014-02-28 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Yes option t. On 1/03/2014, at 12:51 pm, Jenine Stanley wrote: > When I do use Windows, I use Window-Eyes and there is a quick command, > insert-t which will give you the current time and date. It just speaks the > time and date and goes away. > > Right now I use the dashboard to get this inf

Re: Using FaceTime Audio

2014-03-02 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, I have the usual all, recents buttons, and then the table of all my recent face time calls. So whatever this problem is, it's not universal. I'm running 10.92 by the way. Lisette On 3/03/2014, at 7:14 am, Teresa Cochran wrote: > I have this problem too. No, Jim, it's a weirdness with Face

Re: The bug for Messaging on the I phone.

2014-03-13 Thread Lisette Wesseling
What's wrong with just touching the phone? I know it's a small bug but in the scheme of things it's surely not a show stopper. Yes Apple needs to know about it but to say it's "unacceptable" is a little strong methinks. On 13/03/2014, at 4:48 am, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > A point I myself have ma

Re: The bug for Messaging on the I phone.

2014-03-13 Thread Lisette Wesseling
r with full accessibility for the blind > built-in! > > Sincerely, > The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user! > > On Mar 13, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >> What's wrong with just touching the phone? I know

Re: an annoying little problem

2014-03-19 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Ray, It does work. I've had somebody on skype listen to me and the Mac through external speaker using the built in mic. By far the easiest way. Hope it works for you. Lisette On 19/03/2014, at 11:25 am, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > I am very much afraid that approatch just will not work. > > > S

deleting addresses from autofill in mail

2014-03-24 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, Hopefully somebody understands what I mean here. How can I delete recently sent-to email addresses from mail? I don' mean in the contacts, but somewhere in mail there's a place you can see a table of all email addresses the Mac knows about and you can delete them. This stops mail auto fillin

Re: deleting addresses from autofill in mail

2014-03-24 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Ah yes, thanks Alex. So easy to forget if you don't use it every day. Cheers Lisette On 25/03/2014, at 4:58 am, Alex Hall wrote: > It's in the Window menu. Go there and choose the Address Panel. > On Mar 23, 2014, at 12:35 AM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >&g

How do you follow someone in Night Owl?

2014-03-29 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Subject line says it all? I can't find a keyboard shortcut to do this. Surely there's a way to follow someone!! Lisette -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an

Re: 30-second Delay Before Voiceover Speaks Time

2014-03-30 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, I get about a 5 second delay when I invoke the right option t command. This only happens the first time. Then it's under a second. I don't have speakable items on. I'm on a 2011 macbook pro. Lisette s very quick if I stay within the same app. On 31/03/2014, at 5:42 pm, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Re: Experience Switching to Mac

2014-04-06 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Another deficit on the Mac is braille translation and music braille translation. I have to continue to use Windows for this. I have also not found a way of importing my old Outlook Express emails into Mac Mail. Supposedly some expensive apps do this, but it's not guaranteed to work so haven't sp

Re: iSee - eBook on how to use Apple products from a blind perspective

2014-04-10 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, Coming late to this, but I absolutely agree. It's the worst example of iBook accessibility I've ever seen. Pity, because it's a great book but really very difficult to read with VO. Personally, I would not have released it in this state. Sorry if that sounds blunt, but it's how I feel. Lise

Selecting non-contiguous items

2014-04-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, Can somebody please explain how to do this? I'm not having any luck using vo enter. In finder, in list view, I'm interacting with the table of documents. I press vo enter twice on the first item. I move down to the next item but one (with or without vo keys held down), and press vo enter a

Re: Selecting non-contiguous items

2014-04-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
> do v/o and command and enter. that will work. > On Apr 18, 2014, at 8:08 PM, Lisette Wesseling > wrote: > >> Hi, >> Can somebody please explain how to do this? I'm not having any luck using vo >> enter. >> In finder, in list view, I'm interacting

Re: window

2014-04-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
If your braille display has no keys, you won't be able to do anything but read. You will have to use the Mac keyboard to quit apps. Lisette On 28/04/2014, at 5:54 pm, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote: > is it normal to have to have the voice over to say safari has no window, or > skype has no w

Re: iOS 7.1.1 and some problems

2014-05-07 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi William, Yes I have found the same as you. Sometimes, touching different parts of the screen and trying to find the start date etc manually helps sort things out. But I agree it is a bug and will report it to apple myself. Lisette On 5/05/2014, at 9:50 pm, William Windels wrote: > Hello, >

Re: expanding andfolders in list view

2014-05-08 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Dave, So what's the difference between opening and expanding. I mean, if you open something, why does one need to expand it as well? I find some folders in Finder need expanding, and others don't. Folders deeper in the file structure seem to need expanding, whereas ones closer to the surface

Re: how can i transfer all my icloud photos on my mac?

2014-05-14 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi, I've been wondering about this too, so am asking another question. So if my photos are on my Mac in photo stream, do I have to import them into iPhoto in order for them not to be deleted when I delete a photo from my phone's camera roll? I've been copying them to another pictures folder I mad

Re: how can i transfer all my icloud photos on my mac?

2014-05-14 Thread Lisette Wesseling
t;>>> Therefore, if your Mom deletes them from her iPhone, they are actually >>>>> only deleted from her iPhone, they will remain within the PhotoStream. >>>>> If she deletes them from the PhotoStream, then they will be removed from >>>>> the Ph

Reminders have gone a bit weird

2014-05-16 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks, Has anybody else experienced their reminders being an hour out over the last few days? I have a regular one which is showing correctly to go off at 8 AM, but it actually goes off at 9 AM now. Our clocks haven't changed recently or anything like that. Just curious if anybody else has not

Re: notification center

2014-05-25 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Jean, I think somebody answered your question about the image reports of no faces earlier. It's in the VO Utility / speech / help tags. By setting it to "do nothing", help tags, which is what those image descriptions are, will not be announced. You won't get any other help tags announced ei

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