Maintenance Programs For The Mac

2016-08-04 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi folks, I hope all is going well with everybody. I haven't posted for a considerable period of time, so if this subject has been covered before, I apologize, but I'm wondering what programs out there are accessible to VoiceOver these days as far as Mac maintenance programs go? I frequently man

Restoring an image using disk utility with VoiceOver

2012-03-27 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, folks. I happen to have a 401 Windows desktop keyboard connected to my Mac, so I can take advantage of the VoiceOver numPad functionality. I'm trying to figure out when restoring images, how should I go about doing that exactly? I believe VoiceOver has mouse functionality, but that's not someth

Howdy, everybuddy!

2012-02-25 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi to all members, new or long-time to Mac Visionaries: I wanted to take a second to intraduce myself in general to the rest of you. Some of you, I've heard on Podcasts, voice wise at least, and I've even talked to some of you throughout the years in several online forms, Skype being the latest met

Mavricks 10.9.2 and FaceTime Voiceover Problems

2014-02-28 Thread Keith Hinton
Hello, It's been some time since I've emailed any of you folks about problems or strange behavior, but I'm not able to figure out what's going on. I don't know if it's VoiceOver specific, or something else. So, could somebody explain maybe what's going on? My plan was to add somebody to FaceTime s

Tips For Using TeamTalk for Mac With VoiceOver?

2014-02-28 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, folks: I'd thought I'd reach out again before I head off for the evening, and find out if their are actually people who use TeamTalk with VoiceOver. Secondly, as part of my subject states, I'm wondering if their's any tips I need to know to use the application. All the TeamTalk experience I hav

Re: Mavricks 10.9.2 and FaceTime Voiceover Problems

2014-03-01 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, thought I'd clarify. Adding contacts through FaceTime/Contacts on the mac with 10.9.2 is possible. But nobody's email address and possibly other information beyond name/company (at least) not properly, ends up in wrong feeleds all over the map. This seems to be a serious oversite and bug on App

Re: Mavricks 10.9.2 and FaceTime Voiceover Problems

2014-03-01 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi folks, happily have resolved the issues. On 2/28/14, Keith Hinton wrote: > Hello, > It's been some time since I've emailed any of you folks about problems > or strange behavior, but I'm not able to figure out what's going on. > I don't know if it's V

Re: Mavricks 10.9.2 and FaceTime Voiceover Problems

2014-03-02 Thread Keith Hinton
24 hours a day, but sometimes, it feels that way. Regardless, you can be sure you'll get a response if I notice it. On 2/28/14, Keith Hinton wrote: > Hello, > It's been some time since I've emailed any of you folks about problems > or strange behavior, but I'm not able to

Adding items not running to the dock?

2016-01-13 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi folks, I'm curious, but how does somebody go about adding an application that might not currently be running to the dock? The dock is a feature of OS Ten despite having used OS Ten for over two years now that I've never really used. Usually, I've always gone in to the applications area and laun

RMS DB Value Suggestion in Amadeus when normalizing music files?

2016-03-04 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi list. I'd like to see what suggestions you folks have, but thought I'd direct this question to Jonathan Mosen, since he did produce an awesome Amadeus Pro tutorial back in 2014 which I still enjoy using. But while I've learned quite a bit, there is one Amadeus situation I find myself trying to

Web Browsers

2015-12-17 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi folks, I was just curious, but what web browsers on the Mac platform tend to be the most accessible these days? I know Safari obviously is, but I was just curious if any of you have tried others such as Firefox, etc? Also, I was just wondering if anybody knows how to reset Safari back to factory

Accessible Bible Apps For The Macintosh That Are VoiceOver Compatible

2013-10-22 Thread Keith Hinton
Hello, everybody: Mike did podcasts several years ago back on BlindCoolTech (wich is now a site with loads of 404 links), so since I can longer get his podcasts on the Mac, I thought I would write out here to see if anybody could reply back to this message, and tel me something: What applications e

Bible Programs Revisited

2014-09-14 Thread Keith Hinton
Hello folks, I'm doing some bible studdy training programs and need an accessible bible. (Not web based) if at all possible. I'd prefer ot run an application. My teacher who is training me found a program called Mac Sword, but I'm wondering if there are other applications out there for the Mac? Wou

Alternative options to VMwareFusion

2013-07-29 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, folks: I'm curious if any of you actually use VirtualBox. If any of you on this list are the command line geek type, and have delbt with VBoxManage to setup and configure, a VM. I'd be curious, once ht emain VM is powered up, how you've delbt with things like: Grabbing your keyboard input, so t

Latest Dropbox on Mountin Lion causes an odd issue with show desktop notifications?

2012-12-09 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, folks: Whenever I use the latest Dropbox version, on the Mac, I find that VoiceOver does something odd whenever any notification comes up. All I've done, is relink my system following a previous group of settings I had, so can't determine as to why this happens. Specificly, what happens is that

Re: GarageBand

2014-12-24 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi folks, GarageBand is a pretty cool app, however what I can't figure out ever since GarageBand10 was written anymore is how to extend the recording time. In GarageBand6 that was accomplished at least on OS X using a "song value end indicator" but in the latest version I have no clue how to go abo

Disabling the Preview pain in Mail in the latest OS X release

2015-02-03 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi folks. I can't figure out how to stop mail that I'm arrowing thorugh from automatically being opened and marked as read. I would like this behavior to be turned off. when I asked another friend of mine who has worked with Mail longer than I have, he said I coudl disable the preview pain, but

Recording audio

2015-02-09 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi guys. The previous app that I used, in conjunction with Sound Flower, a program called Ladio Cast, seems to have disappeared. I did notice that the program formerly called Audio Highjack Pro, now has come out with osmething called audio highjack. No more pro anything at the end of the program

Audio Highjack 3 Rocks with Voiceover!

2015-02-11 Thread Keith Hinton
Wow, I must say, I am impressed with Audio Highjack 3. I must say that the demo that Jonathan Mosen put together on AudiOboo was pretty awesome. However, the one thing you never described in that demo was what you had the channels connection popover set to to avoid getting echo in the earphones,

Safari Selection Issues And Google Hangouts Question

2015-02-13 Thread Keith Hinton
Hello folks, The first problem I'm encountering with the latest OS X update is Safari text selection issues. An example where I encounter this problem is when I'm in any web edit box, I type a word, and lets say that word gets a typo. I highlight the word to corect it, press VoiceOver shift M, b

Log on screen Screen Saver And VoiceOver Problems On Mountin Lion

2013-03-08 Thread Keith Hinton
Hello, folks: I'm wondering if anybody can advise me on what steps to take on this issue in future without holding the power button down on my Mac and forcing a restart? The problem: I occasionally log out of the Mac for a while if I don't plan on using it. While gone off in the other room doing wo

MacBook Pro For Sail

2013-04-01 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, folks: I've reached a point with the MacBook Pro itself (hardware build and similar things) to the point where I'm going to be selling it. Even got an add already posted up. You're free to ask me why I'm selling it, but it's not something you should need to ask once you read the posting or see

Disk Recovery Programs And VoiceOver Support

2013-05-10 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, folks: I'm curious if any of you techy /Power User Mac types know of any current application developed in the Coco programming language that has enough VoiceOver compatibility to recover lost/corrupted files off drives and such. I'd considered Disk Drill, but do not know if that's useable. I lo

Voiceover Navigation in audio/MIDI setup utility combo boxes

2012-10-31 Thread Keith Hinton
Hi, folks. I'm trying to figure out exactly how to properly navigate in thecombo boxes presented in audio/MIDI setup utility, specificly for changing the sample rate (I.e. 44100HZ, etc). I know how to select the proper source for sure, but I'm not clear on how to navigate the combo box properly. I'