Hi all,
Do you know of any lists for discussing the availability of audio
described movies and TV shows?
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you
feel th
I agree with Andrew. Apple's quality control has been deteriorating
ever since Steve died and it's not just accessibility. There have
been countless posts on sites like MacWorld documenting bugs that have
been reported for years with no fixes. However I can't justify
switching to Android because
Hi listers,
I finally decided to give Chromevox a try. For the last two days it
worked reasonably well, but today I attempted to go to the next
heading and must have hit the wrong keystroke. I think I accidentally
disabled Chromevox, and I can't figure out how to re-enable it. A
google search k
> HTh,
> Teresa
> "On the other hand, there are different fingers."
> On Mar 8, 2012, at 7:42 AM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> I finally decided to give Chromevox a try. For the last two days it
>> worked reasonably wel
I hate to bump my own thread, but Chrome is still unusable on my Mac.
Am I the only one having this problem? Is everyone else on this list
just sticking with Safari/Webkit?
Thanks in advance.
On 3/8/12, Eric Brinkman wrote:
> I removed the browser, re-downloaded and installed it, and
>> > I can still use it on mine. I'm puzzled that it still wouldn't work for
>> > you after you reinstalled. I am stumped. Sorry I can't be of more help.
>> > Teresa
>> > "On
Going to the main Facebook site on the Mac seems like an increasingly
frustrating and pointless exercise. As I read through the list of
status updates, VO's focus is repeatedly jerked around, often moved
back to the top. Chat seems totally unusable as well. As a result,
when I want to check Face
With Chrome, do you use Chromevox or Voiceover?
On 6/23/12, Krysti .Power wrote:
> I use chrome on my mac and I find facebook totally inaccessable with voice
> over
> On 2012-06-23 4:03 PM, "Eric Brinkman" wrote:
>> Going to the main Facebook site on the
I decided to take the plunge and join EHarmony, but I have become
quite frustrated with their "guided communication" feature. I sent a
match several multiple choice questions, and she responded, but when I
try to read her answers, I just hear the choices. I can't tell which
ones she has selected.
> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2012-07-08, at 4:16 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> The answers are in bold, if I remember right, but I'm not sure how to set
>> VO to automatically tell you that. Would love to know how to do this
>> without
Hi listers,
When I go to an album's page on rateyourmusic.com, it seems impossible
to rate the album using a screen-reader. The section where you select
your rating just contains a set of graphics with very confusing
labels, and clicking on them doesn't seem to produce meaningful
results. The on
I am attempting to use Apple's recycling program to get a gift card
for my old iPhone 4, but apple's form for selecting the product seems
unusable with VO. I just hear "apple_combo_left.png image" and
"apple_combo_right.png image". Jaws and Window-Eyes didn't work with
it either. Here is the add
ou select. I agree
> writing the accessibility department was a good move, however.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Eric Brinkman
> Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 11:09 AM
I've seen quite a bit of discussion about Chrome and Chromevox on
here, and Chrome seems to be what most sited people use now. I don't
really want to learn a new screen-reader right now, but there are
sites which Safari and/or VO just don't handle very well. Chrome with
VO seems highly inconsiste
rome and VO or
> ChromeVox and want to provide some tips/insight on how to make the
> experience nearly as good as using VO that would be great. I'm always
> willing to learn a new trick, but needless to say I removed the entire
> package because of the reasons I have already dis
I was on the blind movie buff list back in 2008 and would like to get
back on it and have access to the described content that it offered.
However the list seems to be gone now. Does anyone know what happened
to it and whether there is a similar list?
I apologize if this is too far off topic for
It doesn't look like they do. The page for The Force Awakens on iTunes clearly
says audio description is available, but the pages for the other films do not.
Perhaps when Disney releases the unaltered theatrical cuts of the OT in three
or four years, they will have audio description but for now
Does anyone know if the Lord of the Rings films on iTunes or the
blu-ray discs have audio description? I'm thinking this is a good
time of year to bite the bullet and finally watch the trilogy.
On 1/2/16, Anders Holmberg wrote:
> Hi!
> Can you see this on an iphone?
> /A
>> 2 jan. 2016 kl. 00:38
I've had this issue as well, and I'm running an Air with the same
configuration. Window-Eyes seemed to work slightly better, but I need
to do more testing. I'd be curious what experiences others with the
Air have had with Windows 7 64 bit.
On 6/9/11, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
> I'm no exbert,
Hi listers,
I bought Windows 7 to use with VMWare Fusion. I'm thinking about
purchasing a new Mac, and would like to run Windows on it. Is there
anything special I need to do with regard to authorization (as in
Jaws)? I will only run Windows on my new Mac, so is there anything I
should do to "u
Hi all,
After I bought my MacBook, I messed around with the VO commands to
move the Safari window around. I would really like to revert its
appearance to the way it was when I first purchased my Mac. Is there
an easy way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
You received this message because
I am experiencing the same issue and have the same configuration of
the MacBook Air as the initial poster. Another problem I have is that
I can no longer select an artist via the first letter of his/her name.
The only way to browse the playlist browser is to VO-arrow up and
down. Before I upgrad
> It seems to me that vo isn't tracking the keyboard focus at all within
> tables or other objects that you have to interact with.
> Barry Hadder
> bhad...@gmail.com
> On Jul 30, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> I am experiencing the
So I've been using GMail in my web browser for the last six years, but
the large amount of discussion of apple mail as well as its ability to
read RSS feeds has made me consider using it with my GMail account.
Do you think it would give me a significant advantage over just using
GMail in safari?
7;s all a matter
> of personal preference.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On Jul 30, 2011, at 11:10 AM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> So I've been using GMail in my web browser for the last six years, but
>> the large amount of discussion of apple mail as well as its ability to
How are you using Spotify on the Mac via the mouse pointer? I can do
this on windows via the Jaws curser, but haven't been able to do it on
the Mac. I am going to instal Spotify on my virtual machine just so
that I can use it on my computer since I do love it on the iPhone.
The fact that so many
I am having the same problem. It's been at around 65% for a good two hours. I
am going to go to sleep now and hope it will be finished in the morning.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 28, 2013, at 9:49 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
> Really bizarre. OK, I'm sorry then for the warning. Doe
Hi all,
I was reading a message about the OKCupid app on the iPhone list, and
was wondering if there is a google group or other forum for blind
users of online dating sites. I remember there was some discussion of
OKCupid on this list a while back so I wasn't sure if anyone on here
would know. I
Hi listers,
I am running a MacBook Air with 4 gigs of ram and a 2.13 GHZ core2 Duo
under Lion. I currently use Fusion 3 with Windows 7 and Window-Eyes
7.5. I remember reading a boatload of negative comments about Fusion
4. Are there any positive aspects of Fusion 4 that might make it
worth upgr
I just went to hops top.com to plan a NYC trip, but found that I was
unable to adjust the transportation method preferences when entering
information. Adjusting the time of departure was also unnecessarily
difficult as I had to mouse-click randomly to get it to select the
time I wanted. I eventua
I would like to watch this show with audio description as well, so please reply
on the list. I have been trying to get into the series but find it very
confusing without narration.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 7, 2017, at 3:40 PM, Daniela Rubio wrote:
> Hello all!
> Sorry for this
eries 7 with ad
>> On Sep 7, 2017, at 1:14 PM, Des Delgadillo wrote:
>> Here you go, courtesy of Lee, our fearless leader.
>> https://www.sendspace.com/file/qlyjxu
>>> On Sep 7, 2017, at 12:43 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>>> I would li
Hello all,
I am running windows 10 in VMWare Fusion on a late 2012 MacBook Pro.
When I select 'shut down' via the start menu, Windows just shifts
screens for a minute or two as though it is going to shut down, then
goes back to the desktop. The only way I can shut it down is to go to
the menu bar
Hello listers,
When I press VO-spacebar to open an application in the finder, I hear
"open finder item" but the application does not open. The only way to
open it seems to be to press Control-Shift-M and then select open.
Have any of you experienced this?
The following informat
Hello all,
I opened iTunes on my MacBook Pro this morning, and ever since then it
has been dinging every minute or so. By ding, I mean the sound that
it usually makes when it finishes SYNCing or downloading an update. I
have tried closing and re-opening iTunes and rebooting but it
continues to d
> wrote:
>> Manually sync your iPhone with your computer in the iTunes panels, and
>> that should go away.
>> When this was happening to me it was after I upgraded to a new computer
>> and an upgraded the operating system.
>> Best wish
Hello all,
I have a MacBook Pro with a 750 gig solid state drive, 16 gigs of ram,
a 2.7 GHZ Intel Core I7, and an Intel HD 4000 graphics card. I have
been using it since late 2012 with Windows 7 as a virtual machine, but
am becoming increasingly unhappy with the performance. VoiceOver has
> The bootcamp setup is very easy with vo and all you need is a dvd or ISO of
> windows to install from.
> Good luck and hope this helps,
> Surely someone around work could give you a hand for 30 minutes.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@goog
Hello all,
I've always been disappointed by how choppy and breaky Jaws is when
running in VMWare fusion. I just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows
10 and Jaws is still choppy. I will be reading a line and Jaws will
suddenly stop, sometimes with a bit of a stutter, and will resume but
miss a few
how many cores do you have and
> how many cores and memory do you have dedicated to the VM? Most people don’t
> edit the default settings and they are under powered.
>> On Apr 9, 2017, at 2:14 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I've alwa
as well for each
> VM.
>> On Apr 9, 2017, at 8:48 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> I am using an SSD and have eight cores. Four are dedicated to the virtual
>> machine. Fusion does not recommend I dedicate any more than four cores to
>> Windows.
Hi listers,
I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech. But I've
found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time. The only
time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
time on the quarte
> Yes, Left Option plus T
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
>> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech. But I'v
d [ in my
> case ] right option+t!
> you will also have the option to make your own shortcuts and seeing you've
> got a mbp there should be trackpad options as well!
> anyway I hope thats some help!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 3 Mar 2011
and [ in
>> my case ] right option+t!
>> you will also have the option to make your own shortcuts and seeing you've
>> got a mbp there should be trackpad options as well!
>> anyway I hope thats some help!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj
Hello again listers,
Pitchfork.com is a music criticism website that I sometimes read.
However, when I go there on my Mac with VO, I can't seem to navigate
past the first couple of links before Safari crashes. Starting from
the top of the page, after the "playlist", I hear list end, and when I
e mac announce the time automatically at the hour,
> quarter etc?
> On 3 Mar 2011, at 22:43, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> This doesn't work. I only have one option key on my Mac (it's the
>> Macbook Air that came out at the end of October), but it's the second
>> ke
Another vote for the Air. When the iPad came out, I thought i would
use it with the bluetooth keyboard a lot, but as it turns out, I do
not. Carrying both the iPad and the keyboard around is pretty clunky,
and the Macbook Air is not significantly larger than the iPad when
it's closed.
On 3
I was just on the Facebook mobile site and clicked the "delete" button
on a message in my inbox. After I clicked the button, Voiceover began
saying "Safari busy" whenever I tried to press a key. It did this for
at least a minute, sometimes saying "Safari ready" and then "Safari
busy" again a seco
again. Have you tried webkit
>> to see if th eproblem goes away
>> On Mar 4, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>>> I was just on the Facebook mobile site and clicked the "delete" button
>>> on a message in my inbox. After I clicked the button,
I bought the 13-inch Macbook Air sorta on impulse when it came out at
the end of October as I was itching to try a Mac. However, now I'm
thinking that I should've purchased a Macbook Pro, since I'd really
like to use it as my primary computer. I was just looking at expercom
which seems to have a
After reading the latest response in my Pitchfork thread, I'm curious
how big of a problem people find the lack of Flash support with VO to
be. I can applaud Jobs' anti-Flash position, since I've always found
unlabeled buttons in Flash players to be annoying with Jaws. But
there is so much flash
Since I have some limited vision, I like being able to see the web
pages I view, and I see best when they take up the entire screen. On
the Mac, their doesn't seem to be a maximize button. There's just the
minimize and zoom button. Also, I find it sorta interesting that when
I first got my Mac,
Since Apple just released the latest Air at the end of October, I
wouldn't expect a new one anytime soon.
On 3/5/11, Denise Avant wrote:
> hi,
> thanks everyone for the input. i will do the air, though i may wait to see
> if apple releases a new one.
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Neil Jam
>>>> On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:25 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>>>> I had difficulties with FaceBook last night on the mobile site in
>>>>> WebKit. I would press VO/space on the see more stories lin
I love the remote app for the iPhone. When navigating the Apple TV
menus, I get the best results if I turn VO off on my phone. That
makes moving around the TV screen much easier. When I'm using the app
I really only turn VO on the phone on when I'm typing. I really have
no use for the included
off-list? My gestures
>> weren't working in the way that I had anticipated, but maybe that's
>> because I had VO on.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 6, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>>> I love the remote app for the iPhone. When na
I have the 13-inch Air with a 256 gig flash drive, four gigs of ram
and a 2.13 GHZ processor. It's my first Mac and it's very nice. I
love the fact that it turns on so quickly and is very light. But if
you don't care about weight, go for the pro.
On 3/7/11, Jim Barbour wrote:
> the prima
Firewire is another communication method similar to USB but apparently
faster. When I got my first iPod back in 2003, I needed a firewire
card for my PC for the pod, but I haven't needed it since then. I
know some people go for the Macbook Pro over Apple's other notebooks
because of the firewire
Hi all,
I purchased an album by Kanye West from the iTunes store. When I am
in the regular text view in iTunes and press "k" for Kanye, it first
gives me all of the tracks with just "Kanye West" as the artist names.
His albums have a lot of songs with guests which have "Kanye West
and..." as the
is right with the track number tags.. All of the music that I have
> that came from the iTunes store is tagged correctly.
> --FC
> On Mar 13, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I purchased an album by Kanye West fro
I can't answer your question, but I've noticed that if I use option-t
to get the time, voiceover sometimes seems to become unresponsive
afterward. This is inconsistent and sometimes I have to turn VO off
and then back on again. Considering this issue that your roommate is
having, it seems like th
Given the accessibility issues with Flash content, Firefox, and the
large amount of things I still have on my PC, I've decided to go ahead
and try VMWare Fusion on my MacBook Air. However, I'd like to use
Windows 7 since my current PC has vista and I don't want to put that
on my Mac. I'm leaning
ll of
> windows for you, so you can do that without sighted help. Once your virtual
> machine is up and running, you would install your windows screen reader the
> same way you would for a real PC. Of course, with JFW, you will need to go
> through the authorization nonsense as well.
Hi listers,
I received my first bluetooth braille display, the BrailleConnect 40,
this week. So far, I am quite happy with it when I use it via USB,
but I have gotten some odd results when attempting to use it via
bluetooth. On my first night with it, I was able to pair it with my
mac without a
I use webkit and still have these issues. Another serious source of
irritation is that when you move down through the news feed, and the
page expands to add more information, VO brings you back to the top of
the page. I remember someone suggested I try using group mode instead
of DOM mode, but th
I've had problems using this site with VO as well and have ended up
going back to the PC when I want to use it. The iPhone app for the
site doesn't seem to be accessible anymore either, although it was
last summer.
BTW, I've actually been wondering whether there is a list for blind
users of onlin
I believe you can get a MacBook Pro with a 500 GB SSD. Anyone have
one? Is it super fast?
On 5/15/11, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Oh, I know the price will drop, and the GB space will increase. That is when
> I'd conceder an air, right now, SSD is still a bit pricy though. I also need
> th
Hi listers,
I was just attempting to use Google Reader on the Mac but it didn't
seem fully accessible. It seems like it gives you a great collection
of news feeds, but I was having trouble adding additional
subscriptions. Do other VO users use Google Reader or the built-in
RSS feature in Safari'
Yeah I've only needed the external DVD drive with my Air once or
twice. With that said, there will probably still be quite a bit of
stuff that is only available on disc, at least for now. Netflix's
streaming library definitely leaves a little to be desired. For
instance, only the second and thir
I don't have Adium, but perhaps you might try mouse-clicking on the
"authorize contact" button (with control-option-shift-space). I might
give Adium a try based on this thread as I am considering a voice chat
On 6/3/11, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hello Sarai,
> Thank you for commenting
I own a VarioConnect with a dead USB port. It cannot be fixed because
of this, so I am having to buy a Braille Edge. This is very
disappointing as the build quality of the display was topnotch.
On 2/16/18, E.T. wrote:
> That is why its on my wish list. My Braille Edge is developing so
o sit
> send their devices out of the country. Were are you, I would hold off and
> see what support options you might have. Just my two cents.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 16, 2018, at 3:15 PM, Eric Brinkman
>> wrote:
>> I own a
Hi all,
I am hearing "Safari busy" way too often on my Mac. I just visited
allmusic.com and tried to look up an artist and read the bio and some
album reviews. When I first accessed the site, VO would say "Safari
busy" but would work eventually. Then when I got to the artist's
actual page, it j
s if it's completely overloaded. I'm not running catalina
> yet. a work around I have found is to turn vo off, wait for a few seconds
> and turn it back on again. sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't.
>> On Nov 2, 2019, at 12:38 PM, Eric Brinkman
I am having these problems when I browse a band's page and read the
biography and discography. Use the search box near the top of the
page to search for a band, say R.E.M. Then try to browse the
biography, discography and related artists sections. Each of those
sections needs to be expanded via
g Apple Music through the Music app rather
> than the web? If this is the only site where you have problems, it seems to
> me you can easily find work arounds.
>> On Nov 4, 2019, at 4:27 PM, Eric Brinkman
>> wrote:
>> I am having these problems when I b
Hello all,
I am working on my MBA, and my professor has been using power point
presentations that go along with his lectures. When I try to open
them in my virtual machine, powerpoint crashes and Jaws freezes. Any
ideas how I might be able to resolve this?
The following inform
Hello all,
Anyone have any ideas as to how I can resolve this? I am using
Windows 7 with Jaws 18.
On 11/15/16, Eric Brinkman wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am working on my MBA, and my professor has been using power point
> presentations that go along with his lectures. W
;t standing up to the job at hand.
> What are the specs on the VM you have this data in?
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Eric Brinkman
> Sent: Saturday, 19 November 2016 3:11 PM
Hello all,
Even with the volume as high as it will go, the sound on my AirPods just isn't
very loud. Every other headphone I try with the iPhone, including EarPods that
came with it, is much louder. Mac rumors has an article suggesting you cycle
Bluetooth off and on on your iPhone, but this did
Jun 8, 2017, at 2:37 PM, Oriol Gómez wrote:
>>> Yeah the airpods are quite loud. maybe you messed up your hearing
>>> because you set your headphones too loud... ^^
>>>> On 6/8/17, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>> No. Mine are plenty l
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