Hello all,

I have a MacBook Pro with a 750 gig solid state drive, 16 gigs of ram,
a 2.7 GHZ Intel Core I7, and an Intel HD 4000 graphics card.  I have
been using it since late 2012 with Windows 7 as a virtual machine, but
am becoming increasingly unhappy with the performance.  VoiceOver has
numerous bugs, even with Apple native applications like iTunes.  Some
websites are extremely sluggish in Safari with VO.  I still can't use
Spotify with VO although I can use it with Jaws.  The virtual machine
has its own set of problems.  I am unable to open certain powerpoint
presentations, for instance.  I sometimes get errors when trying to
install applications.  Since I use Windows at work, I am thinking
about purchasing a Windows laptop.  However my MBP is still a powerful
machine from a specs standpoint, so I hate to abandon it.  Should I
consider trying Bootcamp?  My main problem with that is that I cannot
set it up without sighted assistance, and I live alone.  Should I
upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10?  Should I try NVDA instead of
Jaws?  Any suggestions from people who have used Bootcamp or NVDA
would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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