In your Apps folder, there should be a Sound Flower folder, in which is an
uninstall script. Simply open this and follow the prompts.
On 17 Nov 2014, at 05:32 am, Faisal ali wrote:
> Hi all,
> As the subject line states, I’m wanting to remove sound flower from my
> system. An
On Nov 16, 2014, at 11:22 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In your Apps folder, there should be a Sound Flower folder, in which is an
>> uninstall script. Simply open this and follow the prompts.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 17 N
Interesting, I’ve just found the same problem on exploring. I upgraded to
VMWare 7 ages ago so it isn’t related to that. Something must have happened in
a Windows update
On 25 Nov 2014, at 01:59 pm, Kjsc Radio wrote:
> Hello all, I have a question or two. Ever since I have upgraded to vmware 7
No, there is no such mode for Navigon. Your best bet for that is Blindsquare.
Navigon will only ever tell you when you need to make a turn or if you
specifically go to Where Am I.
On 30 Nov 2014, at 06:37 pm, Faisal ali wrote:
> Hi all,
> I purchased Navigon the other day and
Actually, XBMC is accessible on the Mac. You have to get the TTS add on first,
and put it in the add ons folder, but then it does work.
On 1 Dec 2014, at 11:09 am, Anders Holmberg wrote:
> Hi!
> Wow!
> Whats the name of that addon?
> I actually tried xbmc for windows at a time
Yes. You have to copy the files into the correct folders, but just use it like
any other SD card apart from that. Details of what files go where are in the
manual but should be fairly self evident.
On 4 Dec 2014, at 07:40 am, Lorie McCloud wrote:
> can you use a mac to put stuff o
All you do is format the card on the Stream itself, so it has all the right
folders, and use the Mac to do the copy. SD cards do tend to break after a
while, though I have one that managed 6 years.
On 4 Dec 2014, at 05:40 pm, BobH. wrote:
> I'd be careful of that, Mac is fastidious about for
To cycle between timelines, use command-right or command -left. Space takes you
to the oldest unread in your current tab, 0 the newest. There are loads of
keystrokes you can learn by looking through the menus.
To create new tabs, do command-p. You then go to add, and pick what you want to
There are no settings for those things, setting things up this way makes it
happen automatically. The tabs will appear in the order you set them up. I’ve
not found a way to change the order of them yet.
On 10 Dec 2014, at 07:56 pm, Kliph wrote:
> Okay, I can find the area where to
Does Current literally reproduce the website, like Menutab, or does it have
easier ways of skipping around or anything? I presume if it really is just like
the site, the shortcut keys work?
On 17 Dec 2014, at 08:28 am, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> But Menutab is much, much slower. But to each thei
This is the exact issue I am having in Menutab Pro, and was hoping Current may
fix it, but suspected it might not, so haven’t bought it yet.
On 17 Dec 2014, at 06:54 pm, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Ok, just bought Current which seems to be working for those who have got it.
> I am running a 2010 i
Interact with the App Navigation group and you’ll find it there, whichever app
you’re using the main site layout with.
On 18 Dec 2014, at 01:57 am, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hi, very strange as I get to edit profile and I VO right and the very next
> thing is App navigation then rem
A friend and I looked at it last year and gave up on it. We found Transmit to
be the only thing we liked, despite its price.
On 19 Dec 2014, at 03:31 am, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
> That is rather bizarre. So I can go to
> https://cyberduck.io/changelog/
> and
I would add a few things to this. If you use Fusion, you can keep a backup of
your VM, or VMs anywhere you like, so even if you have to reinstall OS X from
scratch, you don’t have to lose your VM, or have it backed up by Time Machine.
You can share files and folders between the two, and la
Just for added simplicity, since people complain about Mac keystrokes, you can
simply press space on the User Action menu and on Follow. This works on most
pop-up buttons.
On 29 Dec 2014, at 01:22 pm, Alex Hall wrote:
> You're close. Instead of pressing the drawer, interact w
Chrome itself is great, and it’s worth having both Chrome and Safari and just
seeing which you prefer, but Chromevox just gets in the way for me and I don’t
use it
On 4 Jan 2015, at 02:56 am, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> It is worthless in my opinion
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 3, 2
You can use software, or, you can format as X Fat, which works fine on both,
or, you could share the drive if using a VM.
On 4 Jan 2015, at 06:07 pm, Edward Green wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an external hard drive that I’d like to read and write to on both Mac
> and Windows.
I must admit, as a general rule, I dis able everything I can from the
menubar so it is as uncluttered as it can be, as I’ve often had times when I
couldn’t see things I knew should be there, whichever way I tried to get to
> On 4 Feb 2015, at 9:10 pm, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> You
I finally took the plunge too. I like the new features, but think there are a
few steps backwards here, and, even using Alex, still find things slower than
before and get many more busy notifications. Safari and Mental seem much more
stable though, apart from the annoying middle dot thing in Fac
Did you, by any chance, enable File Vault?
> On 5 Feb 2015, at 11:14 pm, Robert Cole wrote:
> Hi,
> As of last night, Voice Over no longer talks on the log on screen.
> There are no sounds at all. Command F5 does nothing.
> voice Over is running because I can interact twice, VO space, type
Can anybody tell me how to get this new Alex? I’ve even tried deleting and
re-downloading to get him.
> On 9 Feb 2015, at 1:54 am, Jessica Moss wrote:
> Fred? lol, that voice sounds aweful, reminds me too much of either the
> dectalk voices, or the Vera reading machine we u
Can anybody tell me what it is I need to do to make mobile calls from mac work
please? I have my texts sorted, but get call failed when I try to make a call
from mac.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsub
nt From My White MacBook
>> On Feb 8, 2015, at 7:58 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anybody tell me what it is I need to do to make mobile calls from mac
>> work please? I have my texts sorted, but get call failed when I try to make
>> a
e 6+ and Apple TV user!
> Sent from my Mac,
> the only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in
>> On Feb 8, 2015, at 7:56 PM, David Taylor > <mailto:e.david.tay...@icloud.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anybody tell
> the two devices need to be signed into iCloud using the same Apple ID for
> this, as well as all other continuity features work. If you need further
> help, please don't hesitate to e-mail me off-list.
> On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 8:58 PM, David Taylor <mailto:e.david
ey just don’t talk to each other properly until
> things have been fiddled with a time or two.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Feb 9, 2015, at 20:51, David Taylor <mailto:e.david.tay...@icloud.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
You have to make sure you are in your Search tab. Command-right until you get
there. It will be empty and when you press command-f it will say Twitter
Search, not just search. Use vo-f2 to work out which tab you are in if that
helps, and when you find it, remember how many across it is. Remember
When I press enter on a conversation it simply reads the first message for me
in Mail, so no. Calendar has hardly changed at all, so really not sure what the
issue is there I’m afraid.
> On 15 Feb 2015, at 10:10 am, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hi.
> Does anyone have bugs usi
I just set my view to month and tab from event to event as before.
> On 15 Feb 2015, at 11:32 pm, Faisal ali wrote:
> Alex,
> there is a major difference between calendar on Mavericks and Yosemite.
> Under Mavericks, one was able to navigate through all the events by
> interacting with a tabl
I managed to import all my mail into Apple Mail, but what I haven't managed to
figure out is how to reorder my folders using the keyboard? Whenever I'm on a
folder, I can't get a context menu or select it. Any help appreciated.
You received this message because you are subs
Clearly, at some point, you are going to transition to using magnification.
Potentially, further down the line, you may have to then transition once again
to using a screen reader. While this may well be a few computers later, you
would have to invest in both products on the Windows side! Y
My experience is that, in general, people who still have some sight spend so
much time trying to use that sight that they really struggle to use any other
sense. The beauty of buying a Mac now is that you can freely switch from method
to method of access right away, so you could use the Mac
Anybody know if there's a way of getting involved in testing that? Scanning and
reading is one thing I haven't yet shifted from Windows, though I haven't
actually tried anything else just yet for this.
On 8 Oct 2010, at 11:06, Les Kriegler wrote:
There are various flavors of the Ey
Can anybody tell me what I need to do to finally delete this please? I've got
as far as selecting a reason for cancellation but can't get the Cancel Account
button to activate despite trying vo-space, enter, space and routing the mouse
to the button and trying shift-vo-space! I've tried it
Hi all,
I've managed to get Fusion installed and a VM supposedly set up, but when I go
into it, I can't do anything at all. It's Windows XP. I've tried what I thought
should get it working but with no luck.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
As somebody who has literally just switched, I would say two things.
Firstly, your analysis of the way people use computers doesn't take account of
the fact that any person using the keyboard can only do what the keyboard
allows. Voice Over does not reorganise content on the screen like W
OK, so in Windows, I could use the arrow keys and the tab key to navigate. They
are on opposite sides of the keyboard. If I don't have a number pad, which most
people don't any more, I can't do anything else at all with one hand. To
navigate many dialogs, all I can get to is the buttons, and I a
The additional VO commands are often just easier to reach, but why are you
denying yourself the OS ones? One point I will conceed is that the
documentation should tell us about both OS and VO keystrokes.
On 10 Oct 2010, at 19:58, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
so yo
Try just pressing space next time! It most often does work, and is the way to
access many controls! You'll find that simple things just do usually work. I
agree with your suggestion for modifying the Option key to open the menu bar
On 10 Oct 2010, at 20:12, Ian McNama
Further to this, in OS X you use the tab key to get to important items more
quickly, while you have the option of the VO keys to pass everything. I use the
item chooser a lot though. I had been wanting something similar in windows for
a very long time, something that worked in all programs, but
Yes, I think there must always be a place for this kind of dialogue. I'm only
two weeks in with my plain old MacBook, not even a pro, but find it far better
than I expected prior to purchase. I do have Windows 7 on a VM on here as well
and use it for Kurzweil 1000 and some chat sites that don't
Actually, if a thread is collapsed, just hit enter and every message is opened,
each one in its own window. This means that if you think you may want to reply,
you can simply use cmd-w to close the first message, then delete the others,
and reply at the end. I find this much better than any
If people can put it together, I'm sure bCAB will host it, and if it ends up
somewhere else, link to it anyway.
I agree it needs to be a navigable, readable document.
On 12 Oct 2010, at 11:00, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
what can I say, great minds think a like...
Don't bother with the menus for preferences, just use cmd-comma. Works in most
apps so worth remembering. You then need to select the accounts tab to get to
the relevant options.
On 12 Oct 2010, at 20:47, Scott Granados wrote:
Hi there,
You should be able to go to preferences
I must admit, I tried Sharp Keys earlier and successfully created my insert
key. I immediately ditched WE and was able to use NVDA again. I avoid Windows
so much I hardly need a number pad at all!
On 18 Oct 2010, at 22:37, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi, Key remap worked for me be
You need Mini Bluetooth Keyboard from Amazon.co.uk which cost £30 plus £10
delivery from Switzerland. It and a very similar one have been widely reviewed
on the lists. I love it when travelling. it's exactly the same size as the
iPhone 4. I'm not as fast as on my Apple Wireless, but glad I have
> the battery last? Who makes the keyboard you refer to?
> On 19 Oct 2010, at 20:44, David Taylor wrote:
>> You need Mini Bluetooth Keyboard from Amazon.co.uk which cost £30 plus £10
>> delivery from Switzerland. It and a very similar one have been widely
>> rev
Same here. The initial help screen with the lessons on will display, but try
searching or using the shortcut keys option in the menu and it gets very busy!
On 27 Oct 2010, at 00:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering if anyone's tried to use itunes help lately. I tri
I did vo-h-h and typed speech on and, guess what! It worked! So, either way
On 29 Oct 2010, at 02:31, Barry Abbott wrote:
> Hello Julie. I have had this problem where VO was muted and it did not matter
> whether it was checked or unchecked in the VoiceOver utility panel
> s
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 10:39 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I did vo-h-h and typed speech on and, guess what! It worked! So, either way
>> works!
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 02:31, Barry Abbott w
Hi all,
Up till now, I've been really happy with Open Office Calc, but I've come across
a rather large spreadsheet that I would like to be able to use, which
completely crashes it every time I change columns! I was hoping not to have to
splash out on iWork, so can anybody tell me if they are aw
Hi all,
Another weird one from me!
I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the Mini
Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often enough to
really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth keyboard for
my Mac, mainly for multime
> just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with.
> However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go
> purchase another keyboard. :)
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> An
ish to interact
>> with, you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. Again, you
>> just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with.
>> However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go
>> purchase another
You rarely need to use the mouse to move things. There's a perfectly good Move
item in the context menu for each message if you want to move it to a different
folder, which you get with vo-shift-m. For installing apps, open them in
finder, copy to clipboard with cmd-c, move to your apps f
I must admit, I agree that using the control key with function keys is not easy
at all. I think that's why we were given the extra keystrokes. It is worth
getting into the habit of resting your left thumb on the VO keys and learning
where important keys are, since that gives you one-handed
hmmm, looks like it stops accessible flash from playing!
On 5 Nov 2010, at 22:49, Justin Ekis wrote:
> Hi all, I've stumbled across something that might just be very useful indeed.
> This is a safari extension called click to flash. Apparently it started out
> as a way to r
Is anybody else experiencing a big reduction in performance and speed with
this? I'm finding I'm getting Safari Busy announcements on a lot of sites,
including when trying to comment on status updates on m.facebook.com but plenty
of others too. Webkit seems to have the same problems now, ev
Tables in word files read fine if you use Quick Look Attachments, but that does
mean attaching them to an email first! How and why this should be who knows!
On 21 Nov 2010, at 17:06, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Hi everyone, I'm actually writing for a friend of mine, she needs to know if
I follow Mike Calvo so I tweeted him about this as he announced it on there. I
would encourage as many others as possible to do the same. He replied
appollogising and saying that my tweet helps prove the demand.
His username is rather easy to guess.
On 24 Nov 2010, at 19:14, heath
I can feel a tiny thing on my ordiary MacBook which you find by moving up and
left from the escape key. It's about a quarter of an inch in from the left,
about level with the centre of the power adaptor. Is that it?
On 29 Nov 2010, at 20:52, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Well, i'm not gett
I note that they don't believe Mac usage is as high as their last survey said,
as they seem to think the Mac community pushed people to fill it in! If
everybody on this list does it, it'll certainly change their figures! Let's all
show them how much Mac works for us. It's a very easy job to
I don't use Writer for the reasons you have stated, though I find Calc great
for all my spreadsheet needs. I'm still getting by with Text Edit for text work
as I don't create fancy documents, but there are free word processors, so I
just mix and match.
On 4 Dec 2010, at 14:26, Kris
Here's my take as a recent switcher:
Email: There simply isn't a mail client that comes close to Apple Mail for
responsiveness, stability or features. If you are a heavy email user, Mac is by
far your best bet now.
Media: iTunes is great on the Mac, but VLC media player is now pretty useful as
Disagree. The new Macbooks are perfectly powerful for most spreadsheet work. To
be honest, the only thing that ever taxes mine is when I run Fusion!
On 4 Dec 2010, at 07:15, Isaac Obie wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> Spreadsheets? You'd best go with a Macbook pro or an imac! Imacs are powerful
I love the online apple Store. It's simplicity itself, and given the number of
products in it that really is an achievement. I can't wait for the App store
either. Thank god they are pushing that out earlier than Lion! I really feel we
have so much more support and infrastructure than Windows us
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