Hi everyone. Just a reminder that we'll be doing a Live Stream this afternoon
covering the Apple WWDC keynote. The keynote starts at 1 PM eastern, and we
should be starting our stream at around 12:30 PM. If you would like to listen,
you can point your media player to
ortunately, so if this is the case, it would be very appreciated. Thank
> you.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> msn: matt...@live.com
> skype: blindman3221
> On 2012-06-11, at 9:31 AM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi everyone. Just a reminder
Hi. I use NewsRack both on the Mac and on iOS. Both work really well with VO,
and they both sync with Google Reader which is useful.
On 2012-06-19, at 11:45 AM, Steve Vandecar wrote:
> Hi,
> What is a good rss reader for the Mac?
> Thanks
> Steve
> --
> You received this messa
On 2012-06-19, at 8:54 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli
> Hi:
> Why don't you use the RSS reader in mail? If Newsrack syncs from iPhone to
> Mac, what do you want Google Reader?
> On Jun 19, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi. I use NewsRack both on t
> Do you know if NewsRack allows a person to read RSS content offline?
> Sometimes, I like to download a lot of content when I have a Wi-Fi connection
> but then read it later, when the Internet might not always be available.
> Best regards,
> Mike
> On
Hi. Love Hazel, been using it for years.
Basically the way you set up a rule in Hazel is the same way you set up a rule
in Mail, or a smart playlist in iTunes. Once you've set up a condition, you
can press the menu button to add another condition.
You can filter based on the kind of file, or it
in dropbox. Searching for tutorials has been
> semi-fruitful, but I guess I am needing a step-by-step guide because
> while I understand the ease of this program, it is proving most
> challenging.
> Any other feedback or sites where detailed explanations are provided
> would be grea
Hi Matt. What you want to do is do a VO shift m on the sources button. This
will bring up a menu where you select the source you want.
On 2012-07-10, at 9:08 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I'm trying to mess with airfoil and airfoil speakers touch, and having little
> success
e: blindman3221
> On 2012-07-11, at 5:41 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi Matt. What you want to do is do a VO shift m on the sources button.
>> This will bring up a menu where you select the source you want.
>> Darcy
>> On 2012-07-10, at 9:08 PM,
Hi. I'm using Remember The Milk here. I use the iOS app on my iPhone, and a
dashboard widget on my Mac. There are many other ways to use Remember The
Milk, including the web, email, sms and twitter. However, Remember The Milk
does not have dependencies, so it may not meet your needs.
Hi. I've been using id3 Editor for a number of years now.
On 2012-07-13, at 1:05 PM, trahern culver wrote:
> hey all does any one know of any accessible mp3 tagging software for
> mac os10? your help with this question would be most welcome kind
> reg
down a quick sticky note.
> That is impossible now. Anyways, I used to use IWantSandy.com but they shut
> down and I loved it. I would just send a quick e-mail and viola. This
> remember the milk sounds similar.
> Thanks,
> Christina C.
> On Jul 12, 2012, at 8:06
t Mountain Lion for sure but I just have not upgraded to lion
> yet.
> Thanks,
> Christina C.
> On Jul 13, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> On the Mac, I use a dashboard widget. That's the only thing I use the
>> dashboard for. So if I need
Hi Christina. It's been a while since I moved to gMail, so I could certainly
be wrong here, but I believe the only way to move a mailbox from the "on my
mac" section to the gMail section is to use drag and drop.
When I first made the transition to gMail, I found the following article from
Hi Paul. I've been trying to do this recently myself. You can create lists
from within YoruFukurou, but I don't believe you can delete them. I think you
need to do that from the Twitter web site. I could certainly be wrong though,
and I hope I am since I prefer to not go to the twitter web s
Hi. I use Tunesify to convert audio files. You do have to buy it, but I think
it's only a couple dollars in the Mac App Store. There is a free version of
Tunesify, but I believe it only converts flac files. It might be worth
grabbing though, so you can see what the UI for the program is like
; Thanks for replying. I truly appreciate it.
> Christina C.
> On Jul 16, 2012, at 9:52 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi Christina. It's been a while since I moved to gMail, so I could
>> certainly be wrong here, but I believe the only way to move a mailbox from
Hi. Since I started using iTunes, I've maintained a separate library for
Christmas music. My reasons for doing this were that I didn't want my
Christmas music syncing over to my iDevices, and I also wanted that music
sorted in to multiple genres. At the end of each year, I create a disk image
Hi Shannon. Bring up the tab management screen by pressing command p. In the
table, select the tab of the list you want to edit. Press the list members
button. From the dialog that appears, you can add and delete people from your
On 2012-01-07, at 3:54 PM, Shannon Curry wrot
Hi Jürgen. In Nightowl pressing the spacebar will take you to the oldest
unread tweet. So if you're at the top of the list, pressing the spacebar
should do what you want. As a matter of fact, I mainly use the spacebar to
browse tweets. What I do when launching the app, is hit control 2 to go
Hi. You might check out the Markdown service tools by Brett Terpstra. They're
a collection of system services that add markdown capabilities to any cocoa
app. I do most of my markdown stuff using TextEdit and these services. You
can get them here.
Hi. A number of years ago, I did an automator podcast. Keep in mind this is
back in the Leopard days. I think it could still be useful though. It's
possible that the layout of the automator window may have changed slightly
since then, but all the concepts of how you do things haven't changed.
Hi. I think the game you're looking for is called Change Reaction, and yes
that is in the app store.
> On Jan 23, 2016, at 5:17 PM, ben J. Bloomgren
> wrote:
> It costs a bit of money, but it is quite worth it. It's one of the hardest
> games to play, but it's one of the funnest as w
I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but I really like remember the
milk. There's not a native mac app for it, but there are a lot of ways to get
tasks in to it including the web, e-mail and twitter. I use a dashboard widget
which allows me to quickly enter tasks, and check them off
Hi John. If you put the tag in to your search tab, it should stay there until
you replace it with something else. Alternatively, you could create a new
search tab for that tag. Do command p to bring up the tab manager, and you can
create new tabs from there.
On 2011-07-06, at 9:2
Hi. I'm curious what you're using this script for. I have an entry in the VO
keyboard commander to toggle between dom and groups mode, but there's a
built-in VO command to do that without using a script.
On 2011-07-08, at 3:01 PM, louie wrote:
> Apple script to toggle between dom or gr
Hi Krister In YoruFukurou, you can always get back to your timeline by
pressing command k. The time line is the only table in the window, so you
could also use VO command t to get there.
On 2011-07-11, at 11:18 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Ok, this got me curious although this drif
You might try quitting it from activity monitor. Find it in the process table,
and then interact with the toolbar and select quit.
On 2011-07-16, at 12:37 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> I have found an update in the Mac App Store but, I can't install it until I
> close Move Adict. Can anybod
Hi. I also prefer Carbon Copy Cloner. There was one time however where CCC
wouldn't do what I wanted, and the free version of Super Duper would. I wanted
to clone the disks that came with my Mac to an SD card. CCC couldn't manage
this for some reason.
But that's the only time CCC didn't meet
When you find the action you want, press return on it. That will add it to
your workflow. If the action has any settings, you must interact with the
workflow, then interact with the action to set them.
On 2011-07-31, at 8:15 AM, David Hole wrote:
> Hi folks.
> Can someone here tell
Hi Cam. The most important thing about Sound Studio is to make sure you've got
VO cursor tracking off. You need to make sure you've done this before working
in a sound studio window. If you're running Lion, you might consider setting
up an activity for sound studio that does this.
On 2
If you've selected the second radio button, which gives you your contacts in
list view, then you can do VO shift backslash on the status column to sort your
contacts by status. Then your online contacts should be at the top.
On 2011-08-10, at 9:05 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> one thing i h
Hi all. My apologies if this has been mentioned already, but I didn't see it
in any past moveaddict related messages on the list.
I just downloaded MoveAddict. Inside the disk image, there is an accessibility
folder. In there is the MoveAddict preferences app, as well as a brief
Hi. I had trouble with tivo decode manager as well. My guess is that it
doesn't work with Snow Leopard. What I ended up doing was uuse the web
interface to download the shows I wanted, then I used the tivo decoder command
line tool to remove the drm. Tivo decode manager is actually a graphica
It's an app for listening to satellite radio. You need either an xm or sirius
account to use it.
On 2010-07-15, at 3:24 PM, clarence griffin wrote:
> What's this?
> Looks like a media player? What all does it do?
> GF
> GF
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
Hi all. I know this is extremely short notice, but today at 1 P.M. eastern, 10
A.M. pacific, we'll be doing a live stream where we'll be giving commentary of
today's Apple press conference. We'll start shortly before the conference.
You can listen at the following streaming URL.
> http://stat
Hi Al. This doesn't directly answer your question, but what I do is set growl
to use the Speech display style. This will cause all notifications to be
spoken by growl itself. I use the zarvox voice to differentiate growl messages
from anything that VO might say.
On 2010-07-23, at 11:20
in the Applications tab that it is available for Dropbox and Skype but
> how would the notifications be of use?
> Eric
> On Jul 23, 2010, at 11:30 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi Al. This doesn't directly answer your question, but what I do is set
>> g
Hi. This update just came out today. Check your software update, it should be
On 2010-07-28, at 1:41 PM, Carolyn wrote:
> Excuse me for asking, but when was that update issued? Don't know if I have
> it yet. Thanks
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Kimberly thurma
Hi Linda. Are you using imap with gmail? If you are, I'd suggest reading this
excellent article from tidbits.
When I was setting up gmail, it made things much clearer.
On 2010-07-31, at 8:29 PM, Linda Adams wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> There was a posting
Here's how I get to the dropbox menu. It's not ideal, but it does work. I'm
using a macbook pro with a track pad. If you're on a desktop, you'll probably
have to use mouse keys.
Here are the steps.
1. If you're using trackpad commander, turn it off.
2. Go to the status menu by pressing VO-m tw
Hi. I can't remember the name of it, but there's a google labs feature you can
enable which allows you to have specific folders restricted from imap. You
would use this to have it not show the all mail folder. When I first set up
imap on gmail, I found an excellent article from tidbits on the
Hi Mary. You need to do VO shift space on the sources button. This is the VO
context menu command. It brings up a menu where you choose your source. If
the app you want isn't listed, you can select other applications, which
presents a dialog where you can choose from any app.
On 2
Hi Mary. Sorry that was my fault. I meant to say vo shift m. Not sure why I
said space there.
On 2010-08-29, at 5:16 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Darcy,
> vo shift space brings up the apple menu, not the audio source menu for me.
> audio source is a button, just like effects. Muscle memo
Personally I prefer the airport series of routers. I definitely prefer the
airport utility over any of the web interfaces I've seen.
On 2010-09-07, at 8:53 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Hi all, well, I might be looking at getting a new router, mine has started
> having some strange problems
Hi Alison. Yes the airport utility is used with the airport series of routers.
You use it to make changes on those routers instead of using a web interface.
On 2010-09-07, at 11:06 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> What is the Airport utility? Is that just a router for the Mac?
Hi Corey. What you need to do is find the preview pane with VoiceOver, and
then VO left from it. You'll be on a splitter. Press VO command f5 to route
your mouse to the splitter. Then double click. If memory serves you need to
use the actual mouse button here, rather then use the VO mouse c
Hi. Earlier tonight, I listened to Jonathan Mosen's excellent demo of the new
Audio Hijack 3. Jonathan mentioned that it was possible to record just
VoiceOver and the microphone without recording system audio. Well I managed to
accomplish this, so I thought I'd write up how I did it, in case
Hi Rob. Yes you can definitely have both versions of Audio Hijack installed
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 7:43 PM, Rob wrote:
> Hello,
> Can both versions of Audio Hijack be installed?
> I'm using Audio Hijack Pro.
> I want to try the new version without deleting my current ve
Hi all. Tomorrow Apple is doing a press event, the focus of which is the Mac.
Maccessibility and Screenless Switchers will be doing live commentary of the
event. At this point we're not sure if Apple is live streaming the event or
not. If they don't, we will start when the event starts, at 1 P
Hi. I've noticed that under the address book section of contacts, you only see
one phone number. Before I would see entries for every phone number in my
address book. That is, if one of the contacts in my address book had a home
number and a cell, I would see them both. Now I just have the h
Hi. Personally how I like to do gmail filters is to put all the criteria in
the "has the words" field. This is mainly because I like to filter on the
replyto field whenever possible.
So when I set up my filter for this list, I put
"replyto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com" in the has words fi
Hi Justin. Do you happen to have either audio hijack pro or radio shift? I
ask because both of those programs can apparently control the radio shark. So
if the included software doesn't work, you still may be in luck.
On 2010-11-07, at 1:04 AM, Justin Ekis wrote:
> Hi ALl,
> I'm g
Linda, are you using pop or imap with gmail? If you're using imap, you can
have gmail just not show you the all mail folder. I can't remember the name of
it, but there is a google labs feature you enable that gives you more control
over what mailboxes are shown with imap. This is what I did,
Hey Allison. I've never tried recording face time, so don't know if it will
work, but one thing to make sure is that under the advanced hijacking options,
you have the mega mix mode radio button selected. This records all incoming
and outgoing audio streams for an app. This is what you have t
Hi David. I use a program called id3 editor. You can find it here.
Unfortunately it isn't free. There may be free solutions now, but when I first
needed to do this in 2006, this was all I could find.
On 2010-11-21, at 11
Hi. If you're looking to set up imap with gmail on the Mac, I recommend
reading this article from tidbits.
On 2010-11-21, at 7:20 AM, f10r14n wrote:
> Well,
> The fastest way would be coupling your account to Apple Mail ... hat
> is a real pain to set u
Google has started to make Chrome accessible. I've downloaded it, but haven't
played with it extensively, so can't really comment on how well it works. Here
is their accessibility page.
On 2010-12-05, at 6:24 PM, Caitlyn and N
Hi. There is the sling player app which is completely accessible. Of course,
to use that, you need a SlingBox, so that may not be what you are looking for.
On 2009-10-17, at 3:15 AM, Frank Ventura wrote:
> Hi does anyone know of a VO friendly program to watch streaming
> television o
. Am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2009-09-25, at 4:40 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi Eric. There is an opti
The save as plugin feature is no longer in snow leopard. It has been replaced
with the service feature which is a lot more powerful. You can read all about
services in automator by going to automator's help. You'll find instructions
on how to convert your old finder plugins in to services.
Hi. Here is an article from The Unofficial Apple Web Log about the VLC
Begin forwarded message:
> Date: December 17, 2009 1:00:00 PM EST
> Subject: Development of VLC for Mac 64-bit is on hold, project needs
> developers
> Source: The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
> Author:
Hi Scott. Is the article you're referring to the one from tid bits? This is
what I followed, and had everything work just fine.
On 2009-12-22, at 8:03 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Folks,
> I have two some issues with Gmail and messages appearing in different
> locations. I have tw
Hi. The sling player software is quite accessible on the Mac. There are some
unlabelled buttons, but there are keyboard shortcuts for everything, so it
works extremely well.
It is worth noting however that the slingbox itself does not record tv shows.
What it does is it takes a television sou
r it. Otherwise you should look in to another app/service.
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi. The sling player software is quite accessible on the Mac. There are
>> some unlabelled buttons, but there are keyboard shortcuts for everything, so
r it. Otherwise you should look in to another app/service.
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi. The sling player software is quite accessible on the Mac. There are
>> some unlabelled buttons, but there are keyboard shortcuts for everything, so
Hi all. Have any of you tried the latest version of RadioShift from Rogue
Amoeba? I tried it when the program first came out a couple of years back. At
that time, it was completely unusable. Basically what would happen is it would
go in to the perpetual busy ready cycle.
But according to the
Hi. Interact with the guide scroll area and press the button at the top. This
will bring you to the home page for the guide. Explore the guide and you'll
find two unlabelled radio buttons. These control how you see search results,
most popular results, and favorites. The first radio button
Hi. Interact with the guide scroll area and press the button at the top. This
will bring you to the home page for the guide. Explore the guide and you'll
find two unlabelled radio buttons. These control how you see search results,
most popular results, and favorites. The first radio button
April 29th 2005 saw the release of Mac OS 10.4 Tiger. This was the first
version of the Mac OS to include VoiceOver. We've come a long way in these
past five years, and if you're interested in taking a look back, there are a
couple of things you might want to check out.
First, we did a retro
Hi. I'm curious, where are you getting this information from? I'm not saying
you're wrong, just that I follow a lot of apple news sources, and this hasn't
come up.
On 2010-05-02, at 4:28 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> Whoa, that's like...allout. I'm not sure what to say. Did I e
Hi Carlene. Go to http://www.youtube.com/html5. Their html5 player is still
in beta, so it's something you must opt in to.
On 2010-05-02, at 7:14 PM, carlene knight wrote:
> Where can I find a site with HtML 5? You say that youtube is using it but
> where so that I can check it out? T
Hi. Being annoyed by flash is definitely not exclusively a blind thing. If it
were, things like the click to flash plugin would not exist.
On 2010-05-02, at 8:01 PM, marie Howarth wrote:
> the truth of it only being the VI community is not exactly true. I have
> friends who are in web
x27;s not, since you can actually find this on Google quite
>> easily. Nonetheless, it was a very amusing read. It gave me the opportunity
>> to bring it up as a debate, actually, and it's very interesting to hear
>> people's thoughts, I'd say.
Hi. I have no first hand experience with this, but I've heard that vlc ignores
region coding on DVDs. I heard that a long time ago, so it may not still be
the case. Worth a try though.
On 2010-05-06, at 8:15 PM, DJ Nezumi wrote:
> hi all
> i was wondering does anyone have any advice on
It is worth noting that if you want to play the Pac-Man game, it will work.
You just use the regular arrow keys, making sure that quick nav is off.
Of course if you're anything like I am, you'll just munch a few dots before
quickly getting eaten by the ghosts.
On 2010-05-21, at 5:47 PM,
end of time.
> Carin
> - Original Message -----
> From: "Darcy Burnard"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 7:11 PM
> Subject: Re: What pops up On Google Homepage?
> It is worth noting that if you want to play the Pac-Man game, it will work.
Hi. At one point Rogue Amoeba were saying that the next major version of audio
hijack pro would have many of the program's components completely rewritten
from scratch. The effects area was one of these. So they said they won't be
making the current effects area accessible since it will soon
Hi. What I've been doing was to use mac the ripper to get the vob files from
the dvd, and then using mpeg stream clip to extract the audio.
However I'm definitely going to take a look at Annie's suggestion. Especially
since I have a purchased copy of rip it from the recent mac heist bundle.
Hi. It's worth noting that there has been no official confirmation of a
Verizon iPhone. There have been some pretty substantial rumours, so it's a
good bet that it will come out. Keep in mind however that up until just before
its release last year, the iPod Touch was rumoured to have a camera
Hi guys. I'm not having trouble with safari 5 and VO, so can't say for sure
that this will work, but one thing I'd suggest trying is to reset safari. You
can do this from the safari menu on the menu bar.
It will give you a dialog where you can select which things to clear. You may
not want to
Hi guys. If you are using safari 5, and you use youtube, then you'll want to
check out this extension.
This video gives you the html5 version of youtube videos instead of the flash
version. But the best part
Hi guys. If you're looking for safari extensions, there's a great blog which
is trying to list them all.
There is an rss link over there, plus you can follow the blog on twitter.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
Hi Mark. In the case of the youtube extension, look for a toolbar on the web
page while a video is playing.
On 2010-06-10, at 7:30 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Okay, so how do they work now? I've installed them, but what toolbar am I
> looking for?
> --
> You received this me
The safari 5 and audible bug still happens for me even with clicktoflash
installed. Doing the workaround of coming in to audible from a google search
works for me though.
On 2010-06-10, at 1:13 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Hi,
> I wan't to add that sense installing this way, it seems muc
Hi. There was "tivodecode manager" but I haven't used it for a while, so can't
say for sure if it works under snow leopard.
On 2010-06-11, at 9:41 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi guys:
> On my Windows machine, I use Tivo desktop utility to wirelessly transfer
> recorded shows from my T
Hi Allison. So I assume you unzipped the file and moved the resulting solona
folder to your documents folder?
If so, open up the terminal and type the following line.
cd Documents/solona
That will put you in the solona folder, and you should be able to follow the
rest of the instructions in the
Hi Chris. The reason I suspect that iChat broke when upgrading to Safari 5, is
that it's not just the browser that gets updated. The html rendering engine is
also updated. Many Mac apps use this engine, including iChat.
As for the bugs themselves, I will be surprised if they're not fixed in sh
Hi. In audio hijack pro, the location for saved recordings is set on a per
session basis. So what you want to do is select the session you want in the
table, and then select the recording tab. You can see on that screen where the
recordings are saved, and if you want to change that location,
Hi. The audio jack on newer mac books can actually serve as an input or output
jack. At least I know the macbook pros can do this, I assume the mac books can
as well.
In the sound section of system preferences, you can set which mode you want the
audio port to be in.
I've done this before when
the headset.
On 2010-06-14, at 8:16 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi, Thanks so much. It worked, and I'm recording a TV show, so would a USB
> headset work?
> Courtney
> On Jun 14, 2010, at 8:13 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi. The audio jack on newer mac
by session in this case? I am kind of lost as to how they
> are using that word. I see a list of "sessions" can I go back to one of those
> and resume recording or something?
> GF
> On Jun 14, 2010, at 7:58 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi. In audio h
On Jun 14, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Each session is basically a preset for audio hijack pro.
>> Each session can include things like: the audio source (often an application
>> or hardware device), the output (an audio device or silence output),
I use mpeg stream clip to extract the audio from video files.
However, if the iTunes videos you're talking about have been purchased from the
store, mpeg stream clip may not be able to work because of the drm.
On 2010-06-19, at 11:11 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any program
Hi. Yes the applescript utility is indeed now a part of script editor.
On 2010-01-11, at 4:43 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am looking for the Apple Script Utility. I can't seem to find it in either
> the Applications or Utilities folder. Has it moved in Snow Leopard? Or has
Hi. If any of you were considering the purchase of Radioshift, Rogue Amoeba is
offering a 5 dollar coupon until the end of the month.
This will take the price down to $27.
When checking out use the code NEWSRADIO in the coupon field. Note that the
code is in all caps. I don't know if that's im
Hi Mary. You set up your airport express with the airport utility. When you
first plug it in, it will be it's own wireless network. You change your
network to it, then launch the airport utility. Through there, you tell the
airport express to join an existing network. You also tell it the t
Hi Mary. You probably won't ever need to use sound flower in conjunction with
air foil. Sound flower allows airfoil to grab all of the currently playing
audio, and send it to the airport express. This would include your radio
stream, but it would also include VoiceOver. This makes the mac mo
Hi Mary. The way to make this work is to have airfoil transmit the system
audio to your airport express. This should be the last option in your airfoil
sources list. You do need to have sound flower installed, but this isn't the
option you pick, system audio is what you want.
I really would
Hi Mary. The way to make this work is to have airfoil transmit the system
audio to your airport express. This should be the last option in your airfoil
sources list. You do need to have sound flower installed, but this isn't the
option you pick, system audio is what you want.
I really would
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