Hi Krister  In YoruFukurou, you can always get back to your timeline by 
pressing command k.  The time line is the only table in the window, so you 
could also use VO command t to get there.

On 2011-07-11, at 11:18 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Ok, this got me curious although this drifts off topic, but how do you get 
> back to the timeline and can you tell me (offlist if you don't want to 
> clutter up the list) the procedure for setting up this hotspot?
> /Krister
> 11 jul 2011 kl. 16.10 skrev Ricardo Walker:
>> Hi,
>> The time stamp is the last item found in the drawer.  I just assigned a 
>> hotspot to the time stamp.  I don't know why I didn't do this months ago.  
>> lol.  Now, the time stamp is just a keystroke away.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
>> www.mobileaccess.org
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 6:48 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>> Where do you go to see the timestamp, I was under the impression you 
>>> couldn't, period, berried or not.  Enlighten me.
>>> Chris.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
>>> <kris...@kristersplace.com>
>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 6:20 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Porting qwitter to mac?
>>> Yorufukuru does what you ask as i understand.
>>> The only thing i would want from Quitter is the ability to post tweets 
>>> without having to be in the main window. Nambu does that, sorta, and 
>>> Yorufukuru apparently also does this in a way although i don't really know 
>>> how that works. The one thing i want to see in Yorufukuru is the time stamp 
>>> in readable text beside the tweets, i don't want to go places to see just 
>>> the time a tweet was posted, i'm too lazy for that.
>>> /Krister
>>> 10 jul 2011 kl. 11.45 skrev Ashley Cox:
>>>> I see what you're saying. The only reason I wanted to see a port of 
>>>> qwitter was simply because it provides features that most of the other 
>>>> twitter clients do not, or if they provide those features they are either 
>>>> more hidden away or in the wrong place.
>>>> It would be great if someone would write a twitter client that had 4 
>>>> columns lined up; timeline, direct messages, mentions, and sent. Then you 
>>>> could add more columns for specific people who you are interested in, so 
>>>> only there tweets showed up. Then a simple tweet box. The ability to 
>>>> follow people, unfollow people, and a button to go to their twitter 
>>>> profile. You could customise the time before new tweets are received.
>>>> That's it; that, in my oppinion, would be the perfect twitter client. Many 
>>>> of the other clients (including qwitter itself) have a lot of unnecessary 
>>>> features. For example, not to diss qwitter in any way, but who needs to do 
>>>> a bing search from a twitter client? If I wanted audio tweets, I would use 
>>>> one of the services already available... and my twitter client definetly 
>>>> doesn't need a stopwatch build in.
>>>> Just my thoughts.
>>>> On 10/07/2011 10:20, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Look, i don't want to diss your product, Jonathan but i must ask the list 
>>>>> this: Do we really need a blind specific Twitter client? Wasn't it so 
>>>>> that we chose the Mac platform to get away from blind specific solutions 
>>>>> and be more standard, thus being able to more easily communicate with 
>>>>> sighted people on equal terms? I can understand the need for one or more 
>>>>> blind specific solutions in the PC world, but here? Am i naive, stupid, 
>>>>> living on another planet?
>>>>> /Krister
>>>>> 9 jul 2011 kl. 19.41 skrev Jonathan Chacón Barbero:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> there are some problems to develop a ported version of Qwitter:
>>>>>> * keystroke management is very different in OSX than Windows... We have 
>>>>>> to rewrite all modules about keyboard
>>>>>> * window dialog management is very different in OSX.
>>>>>> * there are few diferences in IO file system for OSX and Windows
>>>>>> well, I have a good news... I'm developing Blindtweet for OSX. It is a 
>>>>>> twitter client for OSX managed using keystrokes and it uses speech 
>>>>>> capabilityes to show the twiter information.
>>>>>> I hope finish it for september and it will be in the Mac app store
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Jonathan Chacón Barbero
>>>>>> Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant
>>>>>> Phone: +34 679953948
>>>>>> e-Mail: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
>>>>>> Blog: http://www.programaraciegas.es
>>>>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jonathanchacon
>>>>>> LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/jonathanchacon
>>>>>> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jonathan.chacon.barbero
>>>>>> Messenger: tyf...@hotmail.com
>>>>>> Skype: Tyflos_
>>>>>> FaceTime: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
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