Re: e bay, safari, and voiceover...

2013-04-14 Thread Danny Noonan
I know this isn't what you want but I know several people who do all their selling and buying on the iPhone app. Good luck. Danny. Sent from my iPhone On 15/04/2013, at 6:12 AM, Cameron Strife wrote: > Hi everybody. I'm hoping there is at least one person on list who has > been able to li

Re: strange behavior with apple tv remote

2013-04-17 Thread Danny Noonan
2 things. Firstly, it isn't your apple ID password but rather your mac system password so unless their the same, make sure you put in the right one. Secondly, There is a way to lock the remote to specific devices. You can lock it to the apple tv instead of turning off remote functionality on th

Re: best way to produce high quality sounding youtube video

2013-04-17 Thread Danny Noonan
I can't suggest much but would suggest syncing iPhone video and a separate audio recording is more trouble than it's worth. Either a good quality mike for the iPhone and I don't know of any suited for recording an acoustic instrument but there may well be some out there. The other alternatives a

Re: Quick look not working correctly with more than one attachment; please assist

2013-04-17 Thread Danny Noonan
This seems to be an ML bug or at least I and others have found it so. The solution is to save the attachments from the message headers group. Interact and vo to the picker list and select save all I think it is. This always works for me. Danny: On 17/04/2013, at 8:26 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote

Re: garageband for iphone and mac

2013-04-19 Thread Danny Noonan
I'm happy to go into more detail when I'm at the mac later on. I'm using GB on the phone a lot and just starting to use it on the mac again so mac I'm a lot more rusty. With loops on iPhone, double tap and hold to drag into your project. Make sure your in the right track and position though as

Re: [Bulk] Re: garageband for iphone and mac

2013-04-19 Thread Danny Noonan
f the > irig apps, we decided to get the jam. So we won’t need to run the keyboard > in to it, just my Apx500-2. I’ll probably post stuff on fb if it’s good > enough, the stuf you posted was pretty cool. > > Thanks again, > > Tammy > > From: Danny Noonan

Re: [Bulk] garageband for iphone and mac

2013-04-19 Thread Danny Noonan
So we won’t need to run the keyboard > in to it, just my Apx500-2. I’ll probably post stuff on fb if it’s good > enough, the stuf you posted was pretty cool. > > Thanks again, > > Tammy > > From: Danny Noonan > Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 6:41 PM > To:

Re: [Bulk] garageband for iphone and mac

2013-04-20 Thread Danny Noonan
similar apps. We > wouldn’t even worry about irig keys but we want to jam together and I need a > keyboard for that since i’m not good enough on guitar not to embarrass > myself. grin > > > Tammy > From: Danny Noonan > Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 11:49 PM

Re: iOS Garageband: deleting tracks and expanding loops

2013-04-20 Thread Danny Noonan
Much of this you may well know but I'm putting in extra information for anyone new to GarageBand on iOS because if someone had told me this it would have saved me from having to work everything out myself and saved much time and frustration in the process. As far as I'm aware you can't remove

Re: App Accessibility: Please Read!

2013-04-21 Thread Danny Noonan
I'm sorry you had that experience but I've personally never had such an issue. Both when my daughter managed to somehow rack up 170 via in app purchases and when I've payed for inaccessible apps, on explaining my situation was given an instant refund no questions asked and no attitude what so

Re: Does anyone use Logic for music creation?

2013-04-23 Thread Danny Noonan
I also herd the next version will be the last and if that's true, I wonder if accessibility will have a chance to become good enough before all development stops. Danny Sent from my iPhone On 24/04/2013, at 1:02 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote: > Hi. > > Unfortunately logic is not accessibl

Re: Mac Volume Dying randomly

2013-04-24 Thread Danny Noonan
I use a free app called Audio Switcher and one of the nice things about it is that you can set default input and output for sound so if for example you unplug usb speakers or any sound output device like an external sound card, the system will default to which ever sound path you want. In my cas

Re: Where is the search box in my iPhone's version of YouTube?

2013-04-24 Thread Danny Noonan
So the Youtube app accessibility has improved then? When I tried to use it the app crashed and had very limited accessibility but granted that was a while ago,. I'm using McTube pro and find it very good. I will go have another look at the youtube app though. Regards, Danny: On 18/04/2013, a

Re: frontstage and vo?

2013-04-26 Thread Danny Noonan
To start the downloads it's a menu option and the menus are accessible. The download progress window can also be read and gives status of each pack. Also if you have to stop dl just open the app and you'll get a notification to continue the download. I assume once you have the packs you can re

Re: closing an app that has no windows?

2013-04-27 Thread Danny Noonan
Force quit by cmd option escape or from apple menu. Select the app you want to quit and VO right and close it Sent from my iPhone On 28/04/2013, at 11:16 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > Hi all, > I opened Piano Pub to give it another try just now, and vo says it has no > windows. Worse, it has no menu

Re: Kindle now accessible on IOS with Voiceover.

2013-05-04 Thread Danny Noonan
I don't mind the page turn noise but do set the smallest font size to maximise the amount of text on each page though. Danny Sent from my iPhone On 05/05/2013, at 1:05 AM, Maria & Joe Chapman wrote: > I don't mind the page turning sound either. It kind of let's me know we're > on a new pag

Re: Kindle now accessible on IOS with Voiceover.

2013-05-04 Thread Danny Noonan
at 2:50 PM, Jane wrote: >> >>> One thing I have been trying to figure out is if the Kindle pages are any >>> bigger than the iBooks pages. >>> >>> Jane >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> On May 4, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Danny Noonan wrote

Re: Does anyone have been up to date audacity podcast?

2013-05-12 Thread Danny Noonan
They did improve accessibility this year I believe but how much I'm not sure. You can certainly use it with VO now. At the price, why not try it. Danny Sent from my iPhone On 13/05/2013, at 9:39 AM, "Chris Gilland" wrote: > Wait a minute. The last I heard, Audasity wasn't very accessible

MBP Drive issues.

2013-05-20 Thread Danny Noonan
My 2011 MBP has been taking longer and longer to boot up so on Saturday I booted to safe mode and opened disk utilities and did the tried and true repare disk permissions and repare disk. There were lots of disk permission errors that seemed to rep are properly but when it had all finished, I di

Re: extracting contents of zipped files on the mac

2013-05-24 Thread Danny Noonan
I love stuffit expander. The only issue I ever had was with a multi gig archive and I think it was a bad archive anyway. Danny Sent from my iPhone On 24/05/2013, at 7:14 PM, Gerry Cook wrote: > Hi I've found stuffet expander from the app store free to be very good as > well. It's opend som

Re: Expanding & collapsing mailboxes in Mountain Lion

2013-05-25 Thread Danny Noonan
Just a clarification but slash is next to the right shift. Forward slash to be fully correct. Back slash which is the key you use with VO to expand or in expand mail boxes in the mailbox list in apple mail is the key you were mentioning. Danny Sent from my iPhone On 25/05/2013, at 8:56 AM, B

Re: Deleting audible books

2013-05-26 Thread Danny Noonan
I know that if you get a book by mistake or dislike it you can return it if you haven't finidhed it and got it recently but I've never herd about returning books when you've finished reading them. Perhaps book rental is offered by audible in certain countries but I've personally never herd of i

Re: Deleting audible books

2013-05-26 Thread Danny Noonan
You delete from the main screen. If there Is a back button that'd the wrong screen. Press back until you have cloud device iTunes etc. the button is there. Danny. Sent from my iPhone On 27/05/2013, at 12:11 PM, Christine Olivares wrote: > I just looked, and there doesn't seem to be a delete

Re: Deleting audible books

2013-05-26 Thread Danny Noonan
Lamb Host > Shared and dedicated hosting > Hosting starting at only $2.22/month > > Twitter: @lambhost > > On May 26, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Danny Noonan wrote: > >> I know that if you get a book by mistake or dislike it you can return it if >> you haven't fin

Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-30 Thread Danny Noonan
It's accessible but you have to feel round the screen for the time and date pickers rather than swiping. To save some typing tap means double tap. Tap add reminder. Type the reminder name. Tap edit details which appears to the right of the text field. Tap on a day. Now a date will appea

Re: Problem hanging up my iPhone

2013-05-30 Thread Danny Noonan
2 finger double tap to answer and end calls makes the phone so much better with voice over and should be taught to us all from the start but your not the only one who doesn't or didn't know. Smile. 2 finger double tap starts and stops most audio and video and calls, face time etc are audio and v

Re: Basic Recording with Garage Band

2013-05-30 Thread Danny Noonan
Perhaps also space for play and enter to jump to start of the project or section. Danny. Sent from my iPhone On 31/05/2013, at 5:56 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Hi, > > Thats a very broad question haha. First off, I'm assuming your just wanting > to record spoken word? If so, open garage

Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-30 Thread Danny Noonan
n. > > Chris. > > ----- Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan" > To: > Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:11 PM > Subject: Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible > > > It's accessible but you have to feel round the screen for the time an

Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-31 Thread Danny Noonan
at moves me from completed, active, etc. > etc. > > Chris. > ----- Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan" > To: > Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:39 PM > Subject: Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible > > > I don't have that but i

Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-31 Thread Danny Noonan
e to look it up. > > On 31/05/2013, Danny Noonan wrote: >> Strange. I don't have it on my 4s. I have a show lists button instead. >> >> >> >> Danny. >> Sent from my iPhone >> >> On 31/05/2013, at 1:44 PM, "Chris Gilland"

Re: Is the reminders app on IOS inaccessible

2013-05-31 Thread Danny Noonan
ker, but once you know it's >>> simple to do. Thanks everyone. By teh way, what is speed dots? I'll >>> have to look it up. >>> >>> On 31/05/2013, Danny Noonan wrote: >>>> Strange. I don't have it on my 4s. I have a show lists button i

Re: calendar alerts

2013-06-04 Thread Danny Noonan
Their is an alert sound. If you tap on calender and swipe to alerts it will say the sound. Mine says alert, trill for example. Obvious but make sure do not disturb is off. Danny. Sent from my iPhone On 05/06/2013, at 8:36 AM, jean parker wrote: > Mark and all: > Jean > When I check in th

Re: a program that allows me to create new folders on the iphone and Ipad

2013-06-04 Thread Danny Noonan
I found over 300 responses to File Manager and none in the first hundred for that price. Do you know developer or have an AppStore address for it? Thanks. Danny. Sent from my iPhone On 05/06/2013, at 12:14 PM, Steve Holmes wrote: > I like File Manager; it is available in the App store of

Re: a program that allows me to create new folders on the iphone and Ipad

2013-06-05 Thread Danny Noonan
ould be easy enough. > Again, try File Browser. That is what what I'm using. > > On Jun 4, 2013, at 8:05 PM, Danny Noonan wrote: > >> I found over 300 responses to File Manager and none in the first hundred for >> that price. Do you know developer or have an AppStore

Re: calendar alert

2013-06-06 Thread Danny Noonan
Sounds silly but have you deleted the calender app in app switcher and all other apps for that matter and restarted your phone? If all else fails delete from me memory and restart iOS device in my opinion. Danny. Sent from my iPhone On 06/06/2013, at 2:38 PM, jean parker wrote: > Hi All:

Re: Is Apple's iCloud website now completely inaccessible

2016-10-31 Thread Danny Noonan
I'm currently stuck on iOS and for a lark spent some time trying to see what I could do. Some basic stuff like find my iPhone but no sign of anything male related. I did get better results in Crome on desktop page but still no joy trying to set rules. Sigh. Danny Sent from my iPhone > On 1

Re: Aftershockz bluez 2s headset

2016-11-17 Thread Danny Noonan
My head shape doesn't suit the blues 2's so mine were used maybe 20 times. If anyone wants to make me an offer. Danny Sent from my iPhone > On 18 Nov 2016, at 10:50 am, Larry Thacker Jr. > wrote: > > The Blues are a plastic band. They necessarily have some flex, but I broke > at least 2 p

Re: OS mac and vo

2016-06-15 Thread Danny Noonan
Every time I do f7 to spell check the app crashes and even with auto save on document is locked. That's my problem with office. Sigh. Danny Sent from my iPhone > On 16 Jun 2016, at 12:58 AM, Krister Ekstrom > wrote: > > Hi I’m not Simon but let me tell you about my experiences and i don’t k

Re: Search tab in iOS app store seems totally busted!

2016-09-16 Thread Danny Noonan
Perhaps it's evice specific as I'm having no trouble on my 6. Danny Sent from my iPhone > On 17 Sep. 2016, at 4:45 am, don bishop wrote: > > Yes, I've noticed that too. > > Don > > > - Original Message - > From: Christopher-Mark Gilland > To: >

Re: in public defense of those who beta test Apple software

2016-09-16 Thread Danny Noonan
Mail for me is now so much better. Reading threads is a smooth one handed option and I'm not even quite so upset about 3 finger tap for preview. That breaks the one hand option but still. Bring back hints preview for me and keep 3 finger tap as well so when I turn off hints in a fit of rage when

Re: Transferring and reading text files on iOS devices

2016-09-26 Thread Danny Noonan
The google docs iOS app is great and you can set files for offline access. I store in google drive and offline any documents I want access too any time. Danny Sent from my iPhone > On 27 Sep. 2016, at 12:06 am, Jenine Stanley wrote: > > Not sure if this works for you but I use Voice Dream Re

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