Much of this you may well know but I'm putting in extra information  for anyone 
new to GarageBand on iOS because if someone had told me this it would have 
saved me from having to work everything out myself and saved much time and 
frustration in the process. 

As far as I'm aware you can't remove a track completely. You can delete the 
audio and then reuse the track however. Just select the track in settings 
tracks and double tap the menu button and select a new instrument if required. 

As for extending loops, when I loop a loop it then plays for the entire length 
of the section.  Some times VoiceOver doesn't read out position when moving 
extending or shortening track sections. Either wait a bit longer after the 
tritone before moving the handle, move it more slowly or if all else fails, 
save the project by tapping menu songs and then exit GarageBand remove the app 
from the app chooser  via double home button and try again occasionally I will 
take all open apps from memory and restart the iDevice. GarageBand like much 
apple software doesn't always play nice with VoiceOver and only saving and 
trying again helps.  A drink or a cup of tea can often help with GB frustration 
I've found and add a nice walk in the fresh air when required. (Smile)  

Instead of selecting loop from track settings  try double tapping on the loop 
section. The handles should appear  and you can expand with out having to set 
loop at all. My understanding is that setting loop will make any audio repeat 
until the end of a section with out having to stretch  anything. 

Some hints by the way.  When using the track mixer I've found vertical 
navigation is great to move up and down through same controls across multiple 
tracks. Great for tweaking multiple track levels etc. probably obvious to most 
but I'm a bit slow with these things. Hints are invaluable along with chooser 
in GarageBand too.  Also it's very helpful to know how to use volume and other 
such controls in iOS. Some people only know flicking up or down to move by 
larger increments like 10%. Double tap and hold until the tritone and moving 
left or right will decrease or increase and moving up or down the screen will 
decrease or increase the amount of change. Ie double tap and hold till tritone 
and move to the right and volume etc will increase very rapidly but if you 
first slide your finger up and then to the right and you can increase by as 
little as 1%.  Move slowly as there can be a lag in VoiceOver giving an audible 
response. I move a bit and then wait a second to here how much and repeat  
until I get what I want.  

Hope some of this helps and let me know if any doesn't make sence and ill go 
into more detail. Danny. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 21/04/2013, at 12:48 AM, Jürgen Fleger <> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> could anyone explain how to delete a track in Garageband in iOS completely? 
> And does anyone know how to expand a loop corecctly? I set the rotor to 
> "loop", tabbed double and moved the apeared right border button by double 
> tabbing it and pulling to the right. It worked but I didn't here anything how 
> long the loop is right now. So I suppose there should be a better way to 
> expand a loop. Could someone explain how to do it right?
> Thanks and
> all the best
> Jürgen
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