RE: saytext is available

2010-06-30 Thread Bryan Smart
There are other differences, too. Those Nokia phones use a Xenon-based flash for the camera, and KNFB Reader includes a two-stage polarization filter. These work together to be sure that the object that you scan is lit well and evenly. Without the Xenon flash, the little LED flash in most phone

RE: How do you drag a file or folder from one location to another?

2010-06-30 Thread Bryan Smart
There is actually a technical reason, or there was, at one point. If you cut/paste a file, that should be a move of the file. Except, if you cut/paste to another hard drive, in which case, instead of a move, the Finder must perform a copy to the new drive, then delete the original. Supposedly,

RE: How do you drag a file or folder from one location to another?

2010-07-01 Thread Bryan Smart
When you move a file, the computer just changes info stored on the drive about where the file is stored. It doesn't have to spend time actually making another copy. That's why people want to move instead of copy. Copying a 1GB folder takes as long as is required to copy 1GB of data. Moving a 1GB

RE: How do you drag a file or folder from one location to another?

2010-07-01 Thread Bryan Smart
m one location to another? For as advanced as the finder is, I don't see hwo this could have been an issue at all, especially now. and especially considering how fast machines are nowadays, with multicore processors, why is this still an issue? On Jun 30, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

RE: cut, copy, and paste files

2010-07-05 Thread Bryan Smart
I'll have a better way to do this stuff in about a week. Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 5:55 PM To: Subject: Re: cut, copy, a

RE: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions?

2010-07-05 Thread Bryan Smart
I do something like this, but I map the right command key on the Mac to the caps lock key in Windows. Then, the caps lock becomes the Jaws keys when in Jaws laptop layout. And, throwing your VM in to full screen, and turning off VoiceOver will get your keyboard focus in to the VM. VMware is a

A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Bryan Smart
I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes. I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not recognized. I mean that the code was not even detected as being in the image. I'd tap the scan button

RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Bryan Smart
llow for additional opportunities, such as someone who maintains inventory etc. Perhaps you have and if not, share your experiences and suggestion. On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: > I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes. > > I tried it on my iPhone 4, w

RE: voice over scripts Would Quick keys work?

2010-07-08 Thread Bryan Smart
Yep. People have used it before in situations, such as the now non-functional scripts for Logic. I'm using it to assemble a generalized system of script add ons that will be a bit more like what people may have experienced with Window Eyes or Jaws. Download it, if you like. It's fairly accessib

RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-10 Thread Bryan Smart
ually, I'd disagree with that last statement. We have a lot of incentive to improve it because we want our customers to be happy and if you are not happy, we are not happy either. Nancy Miracle Digital Miracles, L.L.C. On

RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-11 Thread Bryan Smart
each the same level as some of the "Blindness" products, then spend the $1,000 or more for the "Blindness" products. Then that is me and of course you do what works best for you. So, we can agree to disagree and move on to other topics, this thread has run its course as far as I

RE: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-07-11 Thread Bryan Smart
's no signal, I am not sure why it still thinks there is!! On Jun 28, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Frank Carmickle wrote: > Hello Bryan > > On Jun 28, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Bryan Smart wrote: > >> Because apps like Safari decide how much information that they can show at >>

RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-13 Thread Bryan Smart
Well, I have an iPhone 4, am a left-handed person, and haven't had any problems. Of course, I'm using an extremely thin hard plastic slip-case to protect my $700, mostly glass, phone, as just about anyone reasonable would that doesn't have a bottomless bank account. Yes, it looks nice, all glass

RE: Bluetooth serial port profile on iOS 4.

2010-07-13 Thread Bryan Smart
Because of the Braille display support, I also thought that this was possible. However, I can't tract down any information about SPP in iOS 4. Besides Braille displays (which are supported), there are GPS receivers that work, too. They have to be using a serial connection. There doesn't seem to

RE: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-16 Thread Bryan Smart
Well, 4.01 came out, and I tried to install it. Half way through, iTunes gave me error 3004 (what-ever that is), and stopped. Now, the iPhone won't talk, won't reboot (black screen), and, when I attach it to the Mac, and iTunes starts, iTunes says that it is unable to connect to the iPhone softw

RE: A new mac accessory

2010-07-27 Thread Bryan Smart
He is right. I have spent a lot of time in the last few months studying different software development technologies on the Mac, including Applescript. VoiceOver can be controlled from scripts, but those scripts must be manually activated. VoiceOver has the keyboard commander, and scripts can al

RE: accessible screen sharing software

2010-07-27 Thread Bryan Smart
No. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of chad baker Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 12:26 PM To: Subject: accessible screen sharing software Hi is there any accessible screen sharing

RE: NAS and Time Machine

2010-07-27 Thread Bryan Smart
Hi Kevin. I looked in to this a while back. It's too bad about its limitations, as Time Capsule would be great for this task. It's an all-in-one appliance for most home-server tasks: router, wireless access point, print server, and simple NAS. If it could work as an FTP server, and could work

RE: screen curtain

2010-07-27 Thread Bryan Smart
Yep. It doesn't turn off the screen, it only displays solid black. The backlight is still on, using power, though. To prove that, get someone sighted to look at the screen from an extreme angle (it will glow), or look at the Apple logo on the back of the monitor (it is lit by the display backlig

RE: Magic Trackpad

2010-07-27 Thread Bryan Smart
This is true, but and important thing to know is that the Magic Track Pad is 80% larger than the MacBook track pad, which is already quite a bit larger than the typical laptop track pad. VO is easier to work with the MacBook track pad than with the iPhone, due to the increased size, and I expect

RE: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-30 Thread Bryan Smart
Simon, it is usable, but you may not actually want to use it. I had an iPad, and I tried this stuff, but I didn't do it a lot, and I haven't tried it in a while, so I'll probably make some mistakes in my description. There will undoubtedly be some iPad people that tell me that I overlooked some

RE: accessibel navigation app for the iphone

2010-07-31 Thread Bryan Smart
I know that this doesn't help you, but I use it routinely on the iPhone 4, and it is working fine, at least on this model. Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of joseph Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 9:15 AM To

RE: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-31 Thread Bryan Smart
d. Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:59 AM To: Subject: Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad If you have a mobile me accoun

RE: Is there a blind mac programmers list?

2010-07-31 Thread Bryan Smart
There is a Google group. It's called "mv-dev". Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:33 PM To: Subject: Is there a blind mac program

Interface Builder is accessible. Programming and creating your own user interfaces

2010-01-08 Thread Bryan Smart
Hi everyone. First, I'm new to this list, so I'm not sure if someone has already posted about this here. I'm writing to the list to make you all aware of an exciting development over on the MV-Dev Google Group that will impact all VoiceOver users positively, and will impact VoiceOver users that

RE: Interface Builder is accessible. Programming and creating your own user interfaces

2010-01-08 Thread Bryan Smart
7;t find mv-dev. CB Bryan Smart wrote: > Hi everyone. First, I'm new to this list, so I'm not sure if someone has > already posted about this here. I'm writing to the list to make you all aware > of an exciting development over on the MV-Dev Google Group that will impact

Using Automator with VoiceOver

2010-01-09 Thread Bryan Smart
Has anyone here spent much time with Automator? Most of the program works well, but there is a very big hole. It seems almost impossible to use variables. When you create a variable by adding a Set Variable action to the workflow, and then try to use pop-up menus in other actions to select the

RE: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-27 Thread Bryan Smart
t right now. Regards, Nic Mobile Me: Skype: Kvalme MSN Messenger: AIM: cincinster yahoo Messenger: cin368 Facebook Profile My Twitter On Apr 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Bryan Smart wrote: > Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd

RE: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-27 Thread Bryan Smart
ac I thought exchange had a web interface. Can those couple thinkgs like mail rules and filters be set up that way? CB Bryan Smart wrote: Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd sure like to be able to run a version of Outlook on the Mac. Mail and ICal

RE: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-28 Thread Bryan Smart
: cincinster yahoo Messenger: cin368 Facebook Profile My Twitter On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Bryan Smart wrote: > Office on the Mac is fairly inexpensive when compared to the PC version. > > Mail won't do any of that stuff. Apple doesn't want to license the full tech > that w

RE: iPad and bluetooth refreshable braille

2010-04-29 Thread Bryan Smart
Would really be cool if one of the display companies made their own keyboard dock with integrated display. The iPad battery would support running it for a long time. I suppose that the Bluetooth model is better for them, though, as one model can be used with lots of different devices. In genera

RE: logic 9 express help

2010-04-30 Thread Bryan Smart
Hi Chad. You asked about Logic support a month ago when you ordered it, and we told you that it didn't work with VoiceOver. You can't assign instruments to tracks. You can't work any mixing features. You can't manipulate the regions list in order to edit. You can't use Logic's instruments in G

Returning my iPad

2010-05-04 Thread Bryan Smart
OK. So, I've had my iPad Wi-Fi+3G for less than a week, and I've already decided not to keep it. There is so much of a euphoric glow on some of the lists about the wonderfulness of this device. I'm the type of person that is always eager to investigate new technologies and ways of working, and s

RE: Returning my iPad

2010-05-05 Thread Bryan Smart
sagree with the review don't go postal on us. Pleas. lol. >> I hope someone can put together their disagreements in a logical, >> respectful, and concise manor. I think the list would benefit greatly from >> such a post instead of a emotion filled rant. lol On May 5, 20

RE: Returning my iPad

2010-05-05 Thread Bryan Smart
with the review don't go postal on us. Pleas. lol. > I hope someone can put together their disagreements in a logical, respectful, > and concise manor. I think the list would benefit greatly from such a post > instead of a emotion filled rant. lol On May 5, 2010, at 1:23 AM, B

RE: Returning my iPad

2010-05-05 Thread Bryan Smart
;> respectful, and concise manor. I think the list would benefit greatly from >> such a post instead of a emotion filled rant. lol On May 5, 2010, at 1:23 >> AM, Bryan Smart wrote: >> >>> OK. So, I've had my iPad Wi-Fi+3G for less than a week, and I've

RE: Returning my iPad

2010-05-05 Thread Bryan Smart
>>> it was like the Kindle where you still need a lamp to read, great. >>> >>> Third, I just don't think the iPad is right for me. I want something >>> small like my iPhone that can do all these things already, and I >>> just can't justi

RE: Returning my iPad

2010-05-05 Thread Bryan Smart
c Mobile Me: Skype: Kvalme MSN Messenger: AIM: cincinster yahoo Messenger: cin368 Facebook Profile My Twitter On May 5, 2010, at 9:58 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: > Olivia, I like the concept of the four finger swipe for navigating between > sections, but it see

Accessible iPhone/iPad apps and refunds

2010-05-06 Thread Bryan Smart
Hi. There are so many apps available. As we know, some are completely accessible, some are accessible with some workarounds, and some not at all. With free apps, this isn't a problem. You install them, check them out, and, if they aren't accessible, you can just delete them. With paid apps, th

RE: Accessible iPhone/iPad apps and refunds

2010-05-06 Thread Bryan Smart
ara :) --- View my Online Portfolio at: Follow me on Twitter! On May 6, 2010, at 1:29 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: Hi. There are so many apps available. As we know, some are completely accessible, some are accessible with some workaround

RE: Mack Mini and Monitor?

2010-05-06 Thread Bryan Smart
If there was an FAQ for this list, the frustrating and repetitious subject of Minis and monitors would probably be at the top. I know that there is no reason to assume that newbies should know this, so there is no reason to blast them, but it gets so old covering this over and over again. We lit

RE: making dvd player in the newest incarnation of the mackbook pro region free

2010-05-06 Thread Bryan Smart
Sorry, but that isn't possible, by design. You're supposed to be locked to one region. That's so, for example, that Japanese publishers can overcharge people in the U. S. for imported DVDs, and so that Hollywood can make Europeans wait months after a U. S. release before they can buy a playable

RE: Accessible iPhone/iPad apps and refunds

2010-05-07 Thread Bryan Smart
eria for refunds on apps is going to cause a lot of > problems. And, more importantly, I worry that if we have people constantly > holding apple to different standards of "accessibility", it might sideline > any further efforts they put into improving the platform for blind users.

RE: Feature for voice over

2010-05-08 Thread Bryan Smart
Agreed. We need global hot spots, and hot spots that are specific to an application or window. It would be useful to set and go to hot spots by name, in addition to the 10 quick hot spots that we have now. That way, we could save more than 10, and could refer to them in a meaningful way. They

RE: making dvd player in the newest incarnation of the mackbook pro region free

2010-05-08 Thread Bryan Smart
rogram is > very old but still launches and the UI appeared to be accessible. Give it a > try. I had to google around a bit to find a download link. Here was one: > > > bc7daf2ddd1a4a145cf6c49 &g

Here is a new iPad VoiceOver bug

2010-05-08 Thread Bryan Smart
OK, those of you with iPads, check this out. I've noticed how swiping just doesn't work sometimes on my iPad. I thought, hey, maybe it's me. It wasn't like this on my iPhone, though. I thought, maybe the screen is just not as good. Turns out, though, VoiceOver just isn't as good. I finally have

RE: Here is a new iPad VoiceOver bug

2010-05-08 Thread Bryan Smart
e On May 8, 2010, at 9:47 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: > OK, those of you with iPads, check this out. > > I've noticed how swiping just doesn't work sometimes on my iPad. I > thought, hey, maybe it's me. It wasn't like this on my iPhone, though. > I thought, maybe t

RE: o.t, maybe. Nokia sues Apple in Wisconsin for infringement of Nokia patents

2010-05-08 Thread Bryan Smart
The article says -- During the last two decades, Nokia has invested approximately EUR 40 billion in research and development and built one of the wireless industry's strongest and broadest IPR portfolios, with over 11,000 patent families. -- Not 11,000 patents, but 11,000 patent

RE: Here is a new iPad VoiceOver bug

2010-05-09 Thread Bryan Smart
ur experiencing, which is > interesting. > On May 8, 2010, at 9:47 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: > >> OK, those of you with iPads, check this out. >> >> I've noticed how swiping just doesn't work sometimes on my iPad. I thought, >> hey, maybe it's me.

RE: o.t, maybe. Nokia sues Apple in Wisconsin for infringement of Nokia patents

2010-05-09 Thread Bryan Smart
I know we love our iPhones here, but to act like Nokia is terrified and on the ropes is silly. Do you know that 2 out of every 5 smartphones in the world are Nokias. Their 40% market share is mamoth when compared to Apple's 17%. BlackBerries stil out-sell iPhones. It's great that Apple sold near

RE: Here is a new iPad VoiceOver bug

2010-05-09 Thread Bryan Smart
ry this experiment, but I really think the software versions will be the same, but still something to try. It would be pretty curious if they are slightly different software revisions. On May 9, 2010, at 11:11 AM, Bryan Smart wrote: > It is possible. There could be some small OS revision betw

RE: Here is a new iPad VoiceOver bug

2010-05-10 Thread Bryan Smart
I noticed that, on my iPad, the hiss is there, even if VoiceOver is off. When I first start the iPad, if I immediately lock the screen, the speaker will shut off in about 10 seconds. That's fine. After I've toggled VoiceOver on/off once, from that point forward, when the screen is locked, the hi

RE: Jacob Nielsen article on testing the iPad

2010-05-11 Thread Bryan Smart
Pete, This is not a product review. It is a summary of an academic study. In the summary that you read, he isn't expressing his personal like or dislike for the iPad. His conclusion is based on the results of the testing of the people in his study. The way those tests work is they tell the pers

RE: Jacob Nielsen article on testing the iPad

2010-05-11 Thread Bryan Smart
You're right. It isn't a tab bar. However, lots of iPhone and iPad apps try to use it that way. Have you used the App Store or Skype? They put buttons at the bottom of the screen, where the dock should be, that are used for switching between pages of the current view (tabs). Those tab buttons s

RE: Mack Mini and Monitor?

2010-05-11 Thread Bryan Smart
Hope this helps. CB Bryan Smart wrote: If there was an FAQ for this list, the frustrating and repetitious subject of Minis and monitors would probably be at the top. I know that there is no reason to assume

RE: Jacob Nielsen article on testing the iPad

2010-05-11 Thread Bryan Smart
able out of the box without some form of study. > That's why there are quick start guides and the like. Also, I think that the > majority of iPad buyers will have had experience with another Apple product, > thus allowing them the ability to figure out the interface. > >

RE: improvements for garage band with latest build of 10.6.4

2010-05-15 Thread Bryan Smart
10.6.3 was supposed to do something with VoiceOver, though no one could tell exactly what that something was. It would be real cool if Apple could include detailed change logs or something when a new OS version comes out. Maybe they do, but I haven't seen them. Anyone have one that lists VO chan

RE: an Imac and voiceover?

2010-05-19 Thread Bryan Smart
Hi. The accessibility support for Pro Tools will be in an update to Pro Tools 8. In order to run Pro Tools 8, you need an Intel Mac (the Power PC support stopped with Pro Tools 7). You must be running Leopard (10.5.5) or later. Actually, you might need a later version than that for full accessi

RE: an Imac and voiceover?

2010-05-23 Thread Bryan Smart
i 002, and am told by other sources that the unit will be supported in this up coming edition. Once it is here, I can get my new mac based on just what I will require to meet my professional needs. any estimate on when this is really happening? Karen On Wed, 19 May 2010, Bryan Smart wrote:

RE: request for the logic scripts

2010-05-27 Thread Bryan Smart
One thing to keep in mind is that Logic, and Pro Tools too, for that matter, aren't and won't be like packages like Sonar/CakeTalking for Windows. The Logic scripts are a skelital effort to see even if things could be made to work at all. Nothing has been done to make it easy to learn or compreh

RE: any news on pro tools?

2010-05-30 Thread Bryan Smart
I'm involved with Waves in a project to fix access for their entire line of plugs. There stuff isn't the most affordable, but it is very high quality. The access improvements will help in Pro Tools, but will also be just as useful for anyone using them in GarageBand, Logic, or Windows DAWs like

RE: any news on pro tools?

2010-05-30 Thread Bryan Smart
Slau, does this mean that it is cool for us beta people to talk about details now? If so, I have a lot of questions to answer on other lists. Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn Sent: Friday, M

RE: any news on pro tools?

2010-05-30 Thread Bryan Smart
In a lot of ways, the Radar should be just accessible out of the box. Not in terms that it will speak to you, but just for the fact that it has a physical control for just about every function. It isn't a full DAW, but is mainly just a multitrack digital recorder. The really popular thing about

RE: any news on pro tools?

2010-05-30 Thread Bryan Smart
The base systems usually come with roughly the same set of plug ins, whether you buy MPowered, LE, or HD. You typically buy a base system, and then add on the features that you need through upgrade packs. For example, they have one upgrade pack targeted at people using Pro Tools for editing and

RE: Very cool voip

2010-05-30 Thread Bryan Smart
I tried to use this on my iPad. It would never sign in to my SIP provider. It sounded cool, but never functioned. Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Pete Nalda Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 7:36 PM To: macv

RE: Best App for Streaming Sirius?

2010-05-31 Thread Bryan Smart
You probably need to press buttons on the flash player to control it. Flash is inaccessible, so VoiceOver can't see those. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Al Puzzuoli Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 7:05 PM To: m

RE: Snow Leopard dvd

2010-06-01 Thread Bryan Smart
Chris, I didn't know that you were using the install DVD that came with a computer. The OS X install DVDs that you get with a Mac will only install OS X on that specific model of Mac. If you want the full version, that can install on any Mac, you must go out and buy the retail version of OS X.

RE: hard drives in macbook pro.

2010-06-03 Thread Bryan Smart
However, taking the MacBook apart to put in the drive will be a frustrating experience. You've never seen screws that tiny, or that strip that easily. I upgraded my memory to 8GB, and will never again open my MacBook if I can help it. Bryan -Original Message- From: macvisionaries@googl

RE: Can you set application specific settings with Voice Over

2010-06-03 Thread Bryan Smart
No. This isn't possible. You can save and load VoiceOver settings, though. Look in the File menu of the VoiceOver utility. I have different settings that I use when programming, for example. Bryan -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegro

RE: hard drives in macbook pro.

2010-06-03 Thread Bryan Smart
s with stripping screws or such. > > Which model is yours, by chance?. > > Smiles, > > Cara :) > --- > View my Online Portfolio at: > > > > Follow me on Twitter! > > > > On Jun 3, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Bry

RE: Programmers Editor

2010-06-03 Thread Bryan Smart
ditor do you use for writing code on the Mac? Thanks, Doug On 2010-06-04, at 2:27 AM, Bryan Smart wrote: > No. This isn't possible. > > You can save and load VoiceOver settings, though. Look in the File menu of > the VoiceOver utility. I have different settings that I use wh

RE: [bcab] End of Freedom?

2010-06-06 Thread Bryan Smart
Window Eyes will get the Jaws refugees. They are the only other professional screen reader for Windows. System Access, NVDA, and friends are not professional. I know that lots of people that spend most of their time in a web browser and chatting with friends on IM will disagree, but professional

RE: Applescript for automatically dragging a loop to the timeline

2010-06-06 Thread Bryan Smart
Without commenting on the specific situation of copying loops in to GarageBand, just want to point out that learning AppleScript won't teach you anything about Objective-C. They're different, in practically every way. Java is more like Objective-C. Even is more like Objective-C. Bryan -

RE: Considering purchasing an iPad, but ...

2010-06-06 Thread Bryan Smart
Yeh. I wouldn't get an iPad for just books, when other devices will do that. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Kaare Dehard Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 2:19 PM To: Subject: Re: C

RE: Programmers Editor

2010-06-06 Thread Bryan Smart
mers Editor how about the simulator? is it accessible yet? I really want to make an iphone web ap for my business, but the last time i checked, the software for creating those wasn't accessible yet. any news? thanks, Max On Jun 4, 2010, at 12:24 AM, Bryan Smart wrote: > Xcode. It'

RE: Programmers Editor

2010-06-06 Thread Bryan Smart
You can set VoiceOver keys to trigger AppleScript scripts. AppleScripts can send commands to applications, including VoiceOver. So, working that way, you can make a VoiceOver key, that triggers a script, that tells VoiceOver to do something. Bryan -Original Message- From: macvisionarie

RE: Applescript for automatically dragging a loop to the timeline

2010-06-06 Thread Bryan Smart
OK. I wish you luck with it. For me, though, it would be confusing. The syntax is different. The APIs are different. I mean, Python is object oriented, too, but looks nothing like an Objective-C program. As long as it works for you, though. Bryan -Original Message- From: macvisionaries

RE: mail rules on iphone

2010-06-07 Thread Bryan Smart
No, it doesn't. And Mobile Me doesn't store your rules and process them server-side. If you don't have a Mac, somewhere, running, with Mail open, then none of your rules are applied, , and when you view your inbox on the iPhone, all of your mail will be left there, instead of being placed in to

RE: Programmers Editor

2010-06-08 Thread Bryan Smart
d of port to the iPHone os. I like RenaissanceX rather a lot. Well done on a great effort. Dónal On 7 Jun 2010, at 05:47, Bryan Smart wrote: > I haven't figured out a way to start it, but VoiceOver seems to be included > with the simulator. > > Won't do you much good, t

RE: a sign of things to come?

2010-06-09 Thread Bryan Smart
Unfortunately, I saw a blog post from a Verizon exec saying that they were also going to stop their unlimited data plan when they introduce their LTE network later this year. I think that unlimited data is just over. period. Bryan -Original Message- From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.c

RE: ibooks

2010-06-09 Thread Bryan Smart
Cause dropping an iPad, one side of which is entirely made of glass, isn't risky at all. *smile* I bet that a MacBook would survive a drop better than an iPad. Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Pete Nald

RE: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
Nope. 8.0.4 is the version with accessibility. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Pete Nalda Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 3:35 PM To: Subject: Re: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out So

RE: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
Hi Courtney. The three main editions of Pro Tools 8.04: MPowered, LE, and HD, all share the accessibility features. The version that you got is a taster version called Pro Tools Essentials. No one knows what is going to happen with the accessibility in those light/taster versions. Bryan -

RE: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
There is now a list for people that just want to discuss Pro Tools from an accessibility perspective. It's hosted on the Google Group PTAccess. To directly subscribe, send an empty message to: The group's web page is here:

RE: a sign of things to come?

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
t us to get on their > netowrk buy these expensive phones and data plans and then not USE them at > all i wouldn't do buisness with verizon if they were the last carrier on > earth! everyone I know who has ever had them has been screwed On Jun 9, 2010, > at 4:16 PM, Bryan Sma

RE: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
is finally out Is someone able to just get a USB hardware interface for Pro tools if they all reddy own pro tools? On 2010-06-11, at 2:36 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: > Nope. 8.0.4 is the version with accessibility. > > -Original Message- > From: macvisionaries@goog

RE: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
ly out > > Is someone able to just get a USB hardware interface for Pro tools if > they all reddy own pro tools? > On 2010-06-11, at 2:36 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: > >> Nope. 8.0.4 is the version with accessibility. >> >> -Original Message- >> F

RE: New list for Pro Tools discussion [was Re: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out]

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
they can join and post to for advertising --- that's what happened when the macvisionaries list started up, and it's why the list is not just open. Thanks, Esther On Jun 11, 2010, at 09:38, Bryan Smart wrote: > There is now a list for people that just want to discuss Pro Tools &

RE: New list for Pro Tools discussion [was Re: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out]

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart
was archived at the Mail Archive and finding out about the search and wild card options. For example, I can find any of your posts by typing: From:Bryan in front of my search terms. HTH Cheers, Esther Bryan Smart wrote: > Hi Esther. > > I don't really see a problem with a

RE: New list for Pro Tools discussion [was Re: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out]

2010-06-11 Thread Bryan Smart] On Behalf Of Bryan Smart Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 5:46 PM To: Subject: RE: New list for Pro Tools discussion [was Re: Pro Tools 8.0.4 is finally out] OK. That does sound like it would be useful to many people. I'll add it. Bryan -Origin

RE: Build 10F569 of Mac OS X 10.6.4 Seeded to Developers

2010-06-14 Thread Bryan Smart
They mentioned VO in the last few builds of 10.6.4. They talked about it in 10.6.3. Who knows what was actually changed. I've never found a list of actual changes to VO, so, when ever they list it, I pretty much interpret it as meaning "and other stuff, too". Bryan -Original Message-

RE: vinux 3.0 on bootcamp

2010-06-15 Thread Bryan Smart
Actually, Larry, it runs better in VMware. In VMware, you have a virtualized set of hardware that is visible to the guest, and VMware Tools includes Linux drivers for the virtualized hardware. Under BootCamp, though, Apple doesn't provide drivers for anything other than Windows. Linux has suppor

RE: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-17 Thread Bryan Smart
You know, I was angry about this. The more I think about it, though, the more I like it. Recently, when I travel to any large urban center in the US, network performance on my phone becomes degraded. Didn't used to be that way. Has become much worse in the last year or so. I know that is becaus

Re: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-18 Thread Bryan Smart
I like the Mac, too, but it can't do everything. For music and audio production, we now have Pro Tools, but, for many tasks, software systems under Windows like Sonar still have superior access. So, for now, I run Sonar in BootCamp. I run a small business, and use Outlook and Excel extensively.

RE: Install iOS 4 today!

2010-06-21 Thread Bryan Smart
yeah rich man most of us can NOT afford it especialy considering the i phone is the ONLY reasonable solution that is accessible. anything else costs twice the price for half the functionality On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Bryan Smart wrote: > You know, I was angry about this. The more I t

RE: installing windows on macs? What are the advantages/why do people opt for this?

2010-06-21 Thread Bryan Smart
Agreed. I think what I like most about the Mac is that I can run both at once. I like Mac for many tasks, but, honestly, Windows is better at several things. Doesn't matter. When using a Mac, I can run either. Of course, on a Windows machine, I could also run another OS like Linux, but, even as

RE: Economics and the Mac

2010-06-23 Thread Bryan Smart
Microsoft tried to make a full screen reader over 10 years ago. Between the National Federation of the Blind, and the various screen reader companies, they were threatened with all sorts of vocally loud press for putting blind people out of work at the AT companies. MS decided that hot potato wa

RE: Economics and the Mac

2010-06-23 Thread Bryan Smart [] On Behalf Of Rob Lambert Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 3:41 AM To: Subject: Re: Economics and the Mac In regards to your academia comment, the public school system, my high school's library, as well as mobile la

RE: Economics and the Mac

2010-06-23 Thread Bryan Smart
eally has no baring on Bryan's original comment. >> On Jun 23, 2010, at 3:41 AM, Rob Lambert wrote: >> >>> In regards to your academia comment, the public school system, my high >>> school's library, as well as mobile labs & many elementary schools around

RE: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-25 Thread Bryan Smart
Well, nice as it is, a Victor stream will play for 15 hours or more on a single charge. How long do you think that your iPhone will play? Bryan -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore Sent: Thursday, Jun

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