It is possible. There could be some small OS revision between the Wi-Fi and 3G 
that introduced a problem. It is, like you say also possible that something 
might be a bit electronically off with my touch screen. This is the only iPad 
that I've ever used, other than a brief play with one at a Best Buy, so I don't 
know if the behavior of mine is atypical or not.

It is frustrating, though. If I knew that I could swap it to resolve the 
problem, that would work. If I knew it was just a software problem that could 
be resolved soon, that might be fine, also. I just don't know.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Here is a new iPad VoiceOver bug

Maybe we haven't heard about it because he is using the 3g model of the iPad.  
Every voiceover related review and podcast I have come across had featured the 
wifi model.  So, Maybe the behavior Bryan is experiencing is only on the 3g 
model.  Or it could just be his model imparticular.  
On May 9, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Bryan,
> Nice to know your the only one. :) So, have you brought your concerns to 
> Apple's attention? The issue with the words being cut off is not a result of 
> the iPad implementation. This is very apparent on the iPhone and I am quite 
> certain the iPod Touch as well. It is an issue with the speech and I have 
> filed this issue quite a while back and hope it will be addressed in the next 
> version. I will be curious if others have experienced your issue and I find 
> it hard to believe that if this is a bug, that no one else would have 
> mentioned it. So, hopefully if it is a bug, people report it and I am sure 
> Apple did not rush the product to market. You know that most products pushed 
> out the door will have some issues that may not have been found. However, you 
> are correct, I have not read anything about what your experiencing, which is 
> interesting.
> On May 8, 2010, at 9:47 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> OK, those of you with iPads, check this out.
>> I've noticed how swiping just doesn't work sometimes on my iPad. I thought, 
>> hey, maybe it's me. It wasn't like this on my iPhone, though. I thought, 
>> maybe the screen is just not as good. Turns out, though, VoiceOver just 
>> isn't as good. I finally have a way to consistently show this crud. Wish 
>> that I could come up with good repros for the other problems, though.
>> Anyway, here is a good example of swiping not working.
>> Go in to settings. Double-tap Wi-Fi.
>> Now, on the right side, double-tap the on/off switch on the right side of 
>> the screen.
>> Now, try just once to swipe. Nothing will happen. If you try again, you'll 
>> be swiping just fine. Return to the switch, though.
>> Double-tap to toggle it. Swipe once. Nothing will happen.
>> Double-tap to toggle it again. Swipe once, again. Nothing will happen.
>> The thing is, each time you toggle any switch, not just this once, swiping 
>> doesn't work the first time that you try. Not only with switches, this 
>> happens with radio button type controls where you select one in a group.
>> Exploring further, I discovered that, for most things you do, the first 
>> attempt to swipe doesn't work. In Safari, when a new page loads, the first 
>> time I swipe never results in focus moving. In settings, when I double-tap a 
>> button on the left to show another category of settings, the first swipe 
>> never moves the focus. This isn't the case in absolutely every place on the 
>> iPad (the home screen isn't like this), but it is very prevalent, and I can 
>> make it happen over and over again. I'm only mentioning these apps because 
>> these are the ones that everyone else has to try the repro.
>> Between this, and the deal with the screen not refreshing to VoiceOver, I'm 
>> starting to understand why it seemed like the interface wasn't responding 
>> like I'm used to with the iPhone and the MBP track pad. I feel like I'm 
>> fumbling a lot trying to get things to work, rather than being able to 
>> follow consistent patterns to get to where I want to be. Now that I know 
>> what's happening, I should have better luck, I guess. Like, every time I 
>> press a button, I have to make a fake swipe before I start to swipe for real.
>> Today, while reading a web page, I also had the speech totally die. I would 
>> still hear the VoiceOver navigation sounds as I moved around, but no speech. 
>> Fortunately, I can always use the triple-tap home key approach to cycle 
>> VoiceOver off and on, but, as I was doing so, I couldn't help thinking of 
>> how constantly having to reload a screen reader is supposed to be par for 
>> the course in the Windows world. I couldn't help but angrily think how it 
>> seems that Apple has finally brought that feature to the iPad, also. I 
>> suppose it's to their credit that I don't expect this on OSX and the iPhone, 
>> but I really like not having an unstable screen reader. I can't say that 
>> I've never had to toggle VO on OSX, but that is pretty rare. I've had to do 
>> that quite a little bit on the iPad to work out various problems. The 
>> speech, in general, seems like its been tweaked for the iPad. Maybe that's 
>> why it chops off the ends of some words when running at full speed.
>> Oh, and don't forget the bug with the speaker constantly running, draining 
>> your battery while you sleep.
>> What's the deal? Was this thing rushed? Is the iPad running some hacked 
>> intermediate version of VoiceOver? As I said in my other thread, I've 
>> already setup a return for the iPad. I'll be sending it back on Tuesday. We 
>> barely have 14 days to kick the tires on it before the return period is up. 
>> I'm not really happy about how things have gone so far.
>> I'm also really surprised that, so far, I seem to be the only one that has 
>> found iPad VO bugs. These haven't been hard to find. Maybe others have, and 
>> just haven't said so, or I haven't noticed their reports. Still, I've had 
>> mine for just over a week. Other people have had the iPad for a month. 
>> Blindness orgs have reviewed it. Has just no one else noticed any of these? 
>> Maybe, like me, you just feel that the user interface doesn't respond 
>> correctly, and don't know why/can't give a repro.
>> Supposedly, the only updates that will be available are new OS versions. The 
>> next one is supposed to come out in the fall. Thought the first one will be 
>> free, versions after that will cost.
>> Bryan
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