The update is very good, except for a few things. I haven’t looked in the whole
VO utility but the annoying pitch changes for data detectors in Mail and search
boxes are still present with the Nuance voices. On the other hand, I’m glad
that Vocalizer Expressive is on this thing now, although I f
Staying with Windows in VMWare Fusion, I’ve noticed that after installing
Mavericks, I can’t connect to the internet. It’s saying that it’s connected,
but I get a message saying that Internet Explorer can’t display the page which
is google, my homepage. How do I fix this? I’m using XP with Fusio
That’s good for Safari, but it would be nice if the Mail app did the same thing
where if you click on something that says clickable, like in this digest, it
would bring you to that thread instead of me having to issue the find command
to get there.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 23,
No Ray, I would suggest deleting them before you install the Vocalizer
Expressive voices or else, like I found out, it’ll bugger up the new ones.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 23, 2013, at 4:09 AM, wrote:
You received this message because you are
Hi May. You can download the Vocalizer Expressive voices 2 ways. In the VO
Utility, go to speech, and under the popup button with all the voices, select
customize. There you’ll find a table and you can select the voices you want.
The other way is in System Preferences. Select dictation and speec
Hi guys. I just downloaded the new update to iTunes. I noticed that under the
internet radio button that has internet radio stations, first letter navigation
no longer works. Are people also seeing this?
Sent From My White Mac Book
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Ok, what’s going on with my emails. I made sure that my subject line had the
right subject to a thread I’m replying to, but ever since upgrading to
Mavericks, it’s sending irrelevant messages to threads that aren’t talking
about the topic I’m replying to. I’m wondering then if I should just have
Eric, can this also happen on a VM of Windows? As I’ve stated before, after
upgrading to Mavericks, I went on to Windows, and I can’t get an internet
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 23, 2013, at 9:30 AM, wrote:
You received this message
Hmmm. I don’t really want to mess around with Bootcamp. I guess an alternate
solution would be to reinstall XP on this thing which is gonna be a pain in the
A** to do. I hope it’s not a VMWare problem because, like I said before, a
friend told me that if I wanted Fusion 6, more ram is needed to
Hi Eric. How do you install that driver then? I’m gonna try to restart my
router to see if it makes a difference. It kinda doesn’t make sense though if
that is the case because my Mac can connect to the internet just fine.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 23, 2013, at 1:34 PM, macvision
Hi Anouk. I don’t think you have to turn pages, as with the book I’m reading it
looks like the entire chapter is on the screen. To go to a chapter, press
Command+Shift+Left and right arrow keys. HTH.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 24, 2013, at 12:54 PM,
Hi Chris. Sounds like a restart is in order for you. I ran into the same
problem as you did and I found that a simple reboot did the trick. Hope that
solves your problem, and talking about Daniel, I wasn’t impressed with his HQ
voice sample. It sounds like he made him more robotic than ever.
Hi guys. Have any of you noticed that Voiceover automatically interacts with
the toolbar when you launch the Mac App Store rather than automatically
interacting with the HTML content? I know there’s probably nothing we can do
about it, but just thought I’d ask to see if it’s not just me.
Hey all. I’m having a little bit of a problem here. I want to create a bootable
installer for Mavericks now that I’ve updated it, but the problem is that the
darn thing won’t download. No matter how many times I click on the download
button in the purchases section, it won’t download it. It just
ed Psychologist
> Training and Coaching.
> Because individuals of groups matter!
> On 25 Oct 2013, at 18:02, BBS wrote:
>> Hey all. I’m having a little bit of a problem here. I want to create a
>> bootable installer for Mavericks now that I’ve updated it, but the
Hi Courtney. That’s a personal preference to update or not so you’d have to
decide that for yourself. Personally, there are some bugs in Mavericks but
they’re only tiny ones so it’s not a show stopper for me. But like I said, it’s
a matter of personal preference and if you find any bugs, don’t h
Hi guys. I kinda figured out why Mavericks was free and that I can’t
re-download it to make a bootable version. I just got off the phone with a
gentleman of Apple and he stated to me that Mavericks isn’t an OS, but an
update. He’s gonna send an article about it to me through email and when he
My favorite voice for Vocalizer Expressive is Karen because she sounds more
human than the rest of them. I kinda find it funny that Nuance put the original
Loquendo voices, (Alison, Kate, and Susan) into Vocalizer Expressive. Funny and
a little bit saddened that they didn’t keep the ability for
Hi Nick. No, there aren’t any new Australian voices, but Karen sounds new and
improved. More human than she ever was.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:24 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> Two questions:
> 1. Are there any new Australian English voices?
> 2. Do the new voic
Hi guys. Since command+option+T now hides or shows the toolbar, is there a new
hotkey to place apps from the Finder to the dock?
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Oops, I meant to say that it now hides or shows the tab bar, not the toolbar.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 27, 2013, at 12:00 AM, BBS wrote:
> Hi guys. Since command+option+T now hides or shows the toolbar, is there a
> new hotkey to place apps from the Finder to th
Hi Chris. I don’t know why, but my system bonks every time I try using the
control+F2 command.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 27, 2013, at 6:46 AM, Chris H wrote:
> Open the menu bar - control f2
> open the dock - control f3
> open the status menu (Lion) and extras menu (Mountain Lio
Nick, what I’ve done for all the voices, including Alex and the Vocalizer
Expressive voices, instead of having it change pitch for capital letters, I
have it beep for capital letters. I prefer this behavior because the pitch
changes are freaky.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 27, 2013
Hi Ann. Yes I have.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 27, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Have you switched the FN key from the default? If not, press FN-Ctrl-F2.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 27 Oct 2013, at 23:28, BBS wrote:
>> H
Hi John. That depends. Have you made a bootable copy of Lion? If not, and if
you upgrade to Mavericks, you’re pretty much screwed because Lion isn’t in the
App Store anymore.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 27, 2013, at 9:13 AM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
> Hey all:
> I'm considering u
Hi all. I’m finally able to download Mavericks which makes me wonder in these
past few days was the server jammed with people downloading it? And yes,
obviously the guy at Apple didn’t know what he was talking about because he
told me that if this Mac ever bit the big one, I can use recovery mod
Hi Nick. It’s true that the Nuance voices still say capital before the capital
letter. It also says that on the iPhone.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 28, 2013, at 7:08 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> With the exception of Alex, doesn't it still say the word "capital" before
> each l
Yes Chris, I do think Karen is very human sounding but I’m not going to go as
far as deleting Alex. Vicky maybe, but I like Alex’s ability to take breaths.
Karen does take breaths sometimes but not all the time. I just wish there was a
way of getting rid of the pitch changes for data detectors a
Hi all. I haven’t been paying attention to this thread because I don’t read the
bible, but isn’t there a bible you could buy that would work with iBooks? Just
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 28, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Helena Fehr wrote:
> The thing is, that I'm going up North in
Hey guys. I’m having a bit of a problem here. Using the latest version of
Skype, 6.9 under Mavericks, Voiceover is slow to the point where it sometimes
unresponsive. I get the Skype busy messages often and I notice that my Mac is
getting hot to the touch. Is anybody else having this problem? It’
ve the problem, just someone else who's noticed this as
> well. So it may be a skype 6.9 issue, unrelated to the operating system
> version you're running.
> HTH,
> rachel
> On Oct 28, 2013, at 10:12 PM, BBS wrote:
>> Hey guys. I’m having a bit of a problem h
Hi Nick. That’s what I did to get the new version of Karen. A restart may be
required though because it won’t let you empty the trash sometimes.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 29, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> I downloaded the Karen voice update but haven't noticed an
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 29, 2013, at 3:55 AM, "Kawal Gucukoglu" wrote:
>>> No problems with Skype for me. But then my memory is 32 Ram.
>>> Kawal.
>>> Sent from my I
Hi Nick. In your Mackintosh HD volume which should be located on the desktop,
go to system, library, speech, voices, and delete the Karen voice that way. HTH.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 29, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> Thanks, Shawn! And how do I delete it? Is it
On a similar note, when I use Text Edit, I’m noticing that I can’t open a big
folder anymore. All Voiceover says is browser when I tap the right arrow to go
in the folder.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 30, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Ray,
> To reset the PRAM
Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk
Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I really
hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive last night
with sighted help like I said. Sorry.
Sent From My White
e that.
> Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.
> The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without
> having to use any other resources.
> Please let me know if this works.
> Hope it helps!
> Best
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone
I can tell you my answer right now. Voiceover doesn’t need to be like Jaws or
Window-Eyes updating all the time. Even if Voiceover were updated constantly,
that wouldn’t solve anything. The apps that have been inaccessible will remain
inaccessible until the app developers fix those issues themse
Ok, Chris and Mario, let’s be logical here. That idea will not work. But let’s
play devil’s advocate for a minute. Let’s say that it did work. Let’s say that
syncing Voiceover preferences to all Apple devices worked. That would mean that
every voice from the Mac would have to be installed on the
> for mac what is the mac, and ios what is ios.
> cheers.
> Em 31/10/2013 09:01, BBS escreveu:
>> Ok, Chris and Mario, let’s be logical here. That idea will not work. But
>> let’s play devil’s advocate for a minute. Let’s say that it did work. Let’s
>> say that syn
Hi. If you don’t mind me asking, what is Launch Bar?
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Nov 2, 2013, at 11:17 AM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m a big fan of Launch Bar & typically, I use it constantly. Since
> upgrading to Mavericks, every time Launch bar starts up, user notificati
surface. It is one of my favorite ways to shutdown; I
> just begin typing shut, and it is the 1st result to pop up.
> I highly recommend. ;)
> Traci
> On Nov 2, 2013, at 11:31 AM, BBS wrote:
>> Hi. If you don’t mind me asking, what is Launch Bar?
other than through
>>>> “Supplemental” sorts of things.
>>>> JMO.
>>>> Later…
>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>> On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:17
Hi Mario. Sorry to correct you but the thing that you’re referring to isn’t
called Siri Accessible Workflows. It’s actually called Speakable Items, and
it’s been on the Mac since Snow Leopard. So to the other person that was
wondering if this can be done on Mountain Lion, yes it can.
Thanks for the verification, can you please instruct me step by step on how
> to make it work in my macbook pro?
> I am just a Mac learner.
> - Original Message -
> From: BBS
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 5:54 PM
Hi Traci. I actually demoed Ava for a while on Windows and I found her to be
robotic. She’s probably the same thing on the Mac.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was listening to a podcast earlier, and I liked the voice the
Hi all. I’m having a bit of a problem here. When I use Windows XP in Fusion 5,
it won’t connect to the internet. Therefore, that tells me that I might be
forced into upgrading to Fusion 6. I do have some concerns about that though. I
heard something from a friend of mine that he tried using Fusi
c at 16 g of ram.
> As far as your xp not connecting to the internet in fusion 5, have you made
> sure that your vm is sharing your internet connection?
> Cait
> On Nov 7, 2013, at 3:07 PM, BBS wrote:
>> Hi all. I’m having a bit of a problem here. When I u
at 16 g of ram.
> As far as your xp not connecting to the internet in fusion 5, have you made
> sure that your vm is sharing your internet connection?
> Cait
> On Nov 7, 2013, at 3:07 PM, BBS wrote:
>> Hi all. I'm having a bit of a problem h
Hi Richard. Try interacting with the text. HTH.
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Hi Anouk. Do you have the latest version of Type To Phone? I thought I
read in the latest update that they fixed that problem.
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Hi Alex. Personally, instead of turning up the volume in Windows is a
better approach than turning the Mac's volume up. Also, I think the
reason why you're having lag problems is because in my opinion having
VMWare use 3 gigs is a bit overkill. I'm not sure how much ram my
Windows 7 is using bu
Hey Kaitlyn. When I installed Windows 7 onto my Mac, I just told Fusion
to use the Iso file that was located in my downloads folder. So the
answer to your question is no, you don't have to burn it onto a DVD.
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Hi Daniel. In Mountain Lion it's Vocalizer Automotive version 5.
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Hi Daniel. Well, in Vocalizer expressive they've made more voices,
including 4 voices that used to be in Loquendo, Alison, Susan, Kate and
Vina. Also they improved the voice quality to some of the voices like
the Australian Karen voice.
Sent From My White MacBook Using SamNet
Hi Brian. Starting with OS X Lion, to download the Vocalizer Automotive
voices in ML, open the Voiceover Utility. In the categories select
speech and look for the popup button that has all your voices in it.
Arrow down once in the pop up or press C U for customize. There you
should see a table
Hi Daniel. I can't remember but I think Jaws used version 4 of
RealSpeak solo. As for those extra voices you talk about, they're
available in Mavericks.
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Hi Daniel. I think that it's version 4 because Nuance after that made
Vocalizer Automotive which you can also download in Jaws. But if you
have any other questions about voices for Jaws I'd suggest you write me
off list as we're kinda straying off topic here.
Sent From My White MacBoo
Yeah I don't know who told you that but they are misinformed. I have
Windows 7 Ultimate running on my Mac using Fusion and other than it
heating up sometimes when Windows is performing a task that uses up
CPU, it runs normally.
Sent From My White MacBook Using SamNet
You received
Hi Gina and Lee. If your escape key doesn't work, you can also program
it to listen for a key word. For example, if you wanted the keyword to
be Siri, you could program it to respond everytime you say Siri. After
you say the keyword, it'll make a sound and then you can issue the
command you wan
That's odd. On my keyboard, the Windows key is the command key.
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This also happens to me, not only on the Mac, but on Windows as well.
It's on and off which is really annoying. I might consider using
another email account if this keeps up for emails.
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Hi everyone. I've CC'd this also to the Viphone mailing list because
this is a question for both lists. Lately, Gmail when using POP has
become erratic. Sometimes I get a good week when all my emails are
coming in and sometimes I don't get emails for like a week or two. I'm
coming to the conclu
Hi Moris. If you read the original posters email, he wasn't asking about
anything that would break the NDA of beta testers such as new features or
bugs. He was asking how he would go about installing Yosemite when it's
released to the general public. That's not breaking any agreements.
Hi Anita. I don't remember if you were on this list when I joined 4 years ago,
but if so, welcome back. If you end up buying a new Mac, odds are whenever you
do, it'll probably be preloaded with the new OS, Yosemite. If it doesn't,
Mavericks has done what I need it to do. As for older OS's I don
No one can really say if an app works or doesn't work on Yosemite since it's
still in beta and we're covered by an NDA. All I can really say is that if
you're really concerned about the app not working on Yosemite, there's
another client out there called TWBlue and it's quite good with Voiceover
The way I subscribed, I just sent a blank email to and I was immediately subscribed.
Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message -
From: "mário navarro"
To: "mac visionares"
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 7:46 AM
Subject: help to subscrib
Also, did you check if your volume could possibly be turned down? To check
this, have Voiceover read something with a 2-finger swipe down and use the
buttons on the side to turn the volume up. HTH.
Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message -
From: "alia robinson"
Hi guys. I got an email from Cepstral today saying that they have released
version 6 of their voices. At first I thought they were only released for
Windows but good news, they're also available for the Mac. Unfortunately, for
users that have bought version 5 like myself, they want you to pay fo
Hi Jurgen and Zoe. Yes, you can only use the iPhone's voices that are built in
to the iOS and unfortunately, you can only download one HQ voice at a time.
Also, the device needs to be plugged in for a voice to download. So if you want
the English voice, either Daniel, Samantha or Karen, you woul
Hi Zoe. The HQ voice should automatically be downloading. You won't see it on
iTunes or your iPhone that it's downloading, but rest assured, it is
downloading. Just be patient and it will come. Also, do you have the compact
voice turned off?
Sent from my white MacBook
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Hi Bill. In my fusion, the option key acts like the alt key so if you want to
do an alt+Tab, use option+Tab. HTH.
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Hi all. Is there any way of adding Facebook to my Skype accounts anymore? If
so, how is this done?
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Hi all. Subject says it all. I want to know if there's a way to make Voiceover
to read all continuously without pauses like Windows screen readers do. What I
mean is, in some threads by people, Voiceover would read a line, then pause,
then read the next line and that is annoying sometimes.
Hi all. I have the latest version of Skype and for some reason, Command+Shift+H
doesn't hang up the call anymore. Is anyone else experiencing this?
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Hi all. Is there a way with Voiceover to click on same page links like you can
with Windows and its screen readers? For example, for those of you that are in
digest mode like I am, You'll see links at the top with all of the threads in
the email, and when you click on them in Windows, they bring
Hi Georgina and Alex. I tried to do what both of you said and still nothing.
Are you sure these are the proper ways to open same page links in an email?
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Jul 3, 2013, at 4:18 PM, wrote:
> Same Page Links In Emails
You rece
Hi Alex. When you use Digest mode for this list, the threads are organized as
same page links at the top. On Windows or using Google Chrome, when you click
on those same page links, it jumps you to that thread so that you could read
it. Also, the iPhone does this too. It doesn't sound like Voice
Hey Alex. Will do. Apple Accessibility will hear about this. Also, I did that
stuff you said to do with the mouse and still no result.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Jul 4, 2013, at 4:43 PM, wrote:
> Same Page Links In Emails
You received this mess
Hi Vick. I haven't been running into the problems you say you're having on your
iPhone. Last time I read an email on it and clicked a same page link, which was
last year on iOS5, Voiceover jumped to the thread I wanted to read. The only
annoying issue I'm having is when I do the 2-finger swipe d
Hi Jean. To put it bluntly, you can't add another contact to a call with Skype
on the iPhone. I suggest to anyone that wants this feature implemented to bug
the Skype team because we should be able to do it on both our computers and our
iPhones. I would be one of those people to do it but I can'
Hi Kimberly and Stacy. I don't know about the 2009 white MacBooks but mine is a
mid 2010 model and Mountain Lion works with no problems. I'll also be getting
Mavericks when it comes out and that'll be most likely my third and final
upgrade unless OS XI is supported. As for Lion, since the releas
Hey. I was wondering if anybody has ran into this bug with Adium where it shows
your Facebook contacts as numbers. An example of this would be something like If anyone has, have you reported this to the Adium
team? I know that the previous ticket with this issue got
Hi Jodie. There's not really a setting to get the MacBook to use Voiceover, all
you do is use the keystroke Command+F5 and there you go.
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Hi Traci. Yes, I also think Lisa is cool. I went ahead and bought her for the 4
voice credits it requires so I have her forever. I showed her to a friend and
we're both amazed at how well she emphasizes words if you put an exclamation
beside them. I think she does more words like that than the o
Hi everyone. I've been meaning to send this out to you guys but I was catching
up on around 85 emails so here goes. I have an explanation of why the old
Norweigion voice that people are used to is no longer used. I actually read
this on the Viphone list and I wanted to inform you as well. The re
Hi Jurgen. Yes, you can still use HQ voices with iOS7. Simply go to settings,
general, accessibility, Voiceover, and in the language roter double tap on use
HQ voice or something like that. I also found that you don't have to plug in
your iOS device in order to download the voices and more than
Hi Jurgen. I don't have an iPad that can be updated to iOS7 but I don't think
it should matter. The method I gave to turn on the HQ voices should work. Did
you also turn off Use Compact Voice?
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Hi Devin. The only reason why RS Games is now self-voiced is because they
were having too many problems with it working with Voiceover. I do hope that
Office accessibility does come to the Mac.
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Hi. I use Google Chrome primarily for SamNet. Tables don't work with
Voiceover in Chrome so I also use Chromevox. Works pretty good most of the
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Hey everyone. The Nuance voices are tolerable, but I wouldn't use them all the
time. As for Acapela, I've lost interest of them because their voices, as I've
said, don't sound as good as they used to. They took away too much from the
voices. I like how I was able to get someone on here hooked on
Hey it's me again, I forgot one thing. Alex and Mary, I found out that if you
have a copy of Snow Leopard, you can copy the better-sounding Alex voice and
use it on Mountain Lion. I recently downgraded because I only had Fusion 3 but
had to upgrade again to ML because I had too much problems wit
Well, I do like some of the voices from Cereproc, specifically Jack, Sarah,
Katherine and Nathan. Although I don't know if they've released an update to
them, there are some bugs with them, such as repeating sentences over and
over and word echo doesn't work either. If you'd like to hear samples
Samantha in Yosemite is Samantha in any OS. Haven't noticed any changes to
her voice. It seems the only voice to make a little more human sounding is
the Australian Karen voice. Although I don't know if this is still present
in Yosemite 10.2 but the Nuance voices were very laggy.
Sent Fr
Yes. I agree that *some* voices from Infovox are good. Mostly Ryan, Tracy,
Lisa, Rod, Grahem and Lucy. That's pretty much it. All of the others sound
very robotic to my ears and I have great ears, especially Tyler who is
Australian as well as Lisa, and their new Scotish voice Rhona. As I said
Hi Mike. Great to see you finally upgrade to Yosemite. Yeah, I wouldn't have
flash player on here either but I watch a lot of live TV online and I
haven't found a website that doesn't use flash. I don't have cable so this
is the only way I'm able to watch TV. I'd still like to know of a website
If you're talking about Chromevox, the command to disable it is
command+control+A A. HTH.
Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message -
From: Barry Abbott
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: where to download goo
Hi Matthew. Personally, I think if you have the money, you should buy Fusion.
At least installing Windows is accessible with it. Just my opinion.
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Hi JP. I just signed your petition. I also forwarded it to my friend that also
uses an iPhone. It's like Samsung wants us to all go back to using 3rd party
screen readers. Well I'm not going back to that. I like my iPhone and I like my
Mac. So yeah, I hope Samsung reads my comments in the petiti
Hi guys. I'm a little confused here. Today I got an email with a link stating
that Samsung's lawsuit against Apple for Voiceover was overturned. Now I don't
know what to believe, is it overturned like this link says or is it stayed like
the rest of the internet says it is. Here's the link.
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