RE: swift playgroupnd

2016-07-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Actually it appears to be an item on the menu of the iPad It’s called playground I hadn’t spotted it when looking through my apps. But it’s already there in the IOS 10 beta install. Guess that’s why I couldn’t find it in the app store Which makes sense really as it’s not a full production app

RE: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Marie, The downloaded installer should be called " install os x el" However if it's in a DMG then you may have to open it to find the .app installer file. Try a command o on it and see what happens. Otherwise I'd delete the file you have and then try downloading it again and

RE: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Marie, For the app installer file to run correctly it really needs to be in your applications folder so if anything it will be there. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Marie Lyons Sent: Monday, 25 July 2016

RE: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Marie, If you had an installer file in your trash it wouldn't effect the content of your applications folder. As I stated in an earlier email, check to se what type of file the one in your applications is and if it's a DMG then command key and O will open it and with any luck you will fin

RE: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi mary, I think this depends on where you get it from on the planet, You do have to put a sim card in an iPhone to get it up and running otherwise it tells you that there is no sim card and spits the dummy. However once you have it up and running you can take the sim out and use the phone

RE: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Google aren't as retentive as apple are. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mary Otten Sent: Monday, 25 July 2016 3:40 PM To: Subject: Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
Mary, this is not a big deals, your carrier will give you a sim for free if you ask nicely or just reuse one if you have one handy. It’s not needed to have valid service on the sim just that something’s in the slot. > On Jul 24, 2016, at 9:56 PM, Mary Otten wrote: > > I recall seeing somewher

Re: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
That means it’s still trying to or needs to have the download resumed. > On Jul 24, 2016, at 5:00 PM, Marie Lyons wrote: > > No such item. The only thing in my app folder is “os 10 El Capitan app store > down load” When I click to open it nothing happens. > > Marie Lyons >> On Jul 22, 2016, at

Re: Very warm Mac Air and its recharger

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
There’s warm and then there’s warm.:) So what I’d say is if you can hold your hand on the adapter for example and not pull away you’re probably fine. Apple adapters, at least the one’s I’ve owned tend to be warm. Same with the laptop it should warm but not get to a point that I’d call very h

Re: OT: custom sound works for Mail, not Messages

2016-07-25 Thread Alex Hall
Oddly, I don't seem to have a Private Frameworks under either /library or ~/library. But then, I'm on the Sierra beta, so maybe these files have moved. > On Jul 24, 2016, at 22:45, Jonathan Cohn wrote: > > It looks like the file type should be core audio file > > I found the Bamboo sound in th

Re: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Kimber Gardner
That's what happened to me. For some reason my download had paused, so no matter how many times I tried to download the installer (because I didn't realized I had one that was suspended), I wasn't able to get it done. Finally, I had some sighted help who told me the download had paused and once it

OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
I’ll make this quick. I’m aware of the Massachusetts commission for the blind and the commission for equal opportunity and I’m also familiar with the federal agency but that’s not specifically what I’m looking for even though I know they are part of the process. I recently had an employ

Re: To Unified English Braille Readers

2016-07-25 Thread 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries
M. Taylor wrote: > Quite Correct, E.T. > > So far, I cannot get type form indicators to appear on the display on either > the Mac or via Jaws in Windows 10. I am not aware of any screen reader that supports this feature. They should all support it, and not just with UEB. -- The following i

Re: Very warm Mac Air and its recharger

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
It's gonna get warm, no doubt, but when you say very warm, what're we talking. I mean is it painful to touch? If you do so, does it hurt? If so, then yeah, you definitely probably would want to have it looked at. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. clgillan...@

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Not true. I've used an IPhone without a sim, and it worked just fine. The biggest thing is just make sure that it's on wifi. Even if it is isn't, it'll work, but it'll just be extremely limited. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Good point. When I had my -phone with no sim in it, it did initially have a sim with activated service. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan" To: Cc: Sent: Sunday, Ju

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
This only works if you don’t need to do the first time setup. If it’s a blank iPhone it needs a sim to setup the first time and then it can be used with out the SIM until it’s reset again. > On Jul 25, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland > wrote: > > Not true. I've used an IPhone wi

Re: OT: custom sound works for Mail, not Messages

2016-07-25 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
My primary idea was to let you know to try core audio instead of an AIFF for the file type. ghe location. I used the find commad in termibal. To get Best wishes, Jonathan Cohn > On Jul 25, 2016, at 7:18 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > > Oddly, I don't seem to have a Private Frameworks under either

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Actually, I don't want to get off topic here, Mary, but you know what's weird about that? With my Nexus 6, I had no sim in the thing at all. Not just a dead sim. I literally had, *no!* sim. When I tried with both KitKat, and with Lollypop back in the days to boot the phone and hold two fing

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Uh, news for you. I have an IPhone 6+ over here with no sim, and it's not prompting me that there is no sim installed. And yes, this is a sim based network phone which initially was through AT&T. It's not jailbroken, no sim unlock, nothing. It's jsut as it was from the AT&T store... no beta

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Mary Otten
Well, my Nexus six started life on lollipop and definitely had no Sim. But excess ability came on as you would expect it should. No idea why. I'm not sure if the sim in the nexus six will fit an iPhone. But it certainly easy enough to check. Given that they had the Devils time getting the sim in

Re: To Unified English Braille Readers

2016-07-25 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
it only supports got 7 and8. For Jaws there an attributes area of settings center, but i believe Best wishes, Jonathan Cohn > On Jul 25, 2016, at 8:04 AM, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > M. Taylor wrote: >> Quite Correct, E.T. >> >> So far, I cannot get type form indicators

apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Berry
I don’t remember who did the scripts for all the cool things for Apple script for Vo. But does anyone have a zipped copy they could send to me I need some of those scripts. -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questio

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Cheree Heppe
You're not alone by any means. Try the two blindness Orgs for referrals. ACLU might work. Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 25, 2016, at 04:54, Scott Granados wrote: > > I’ll make this quick. I’m aware of the Massachusetts commission for the > blind and the commission for equal opportunity and I

Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK guys, Hopefully one of you can help me with getting around this. So, here's the situation. I have an mp3 file which I want to burn on to an audio CD. Burning the CD isn't the issue. I have several applications I can use like Anyburn, Simplyburns, etc. for doing that task. The problem how

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Mary, Yes. The sim in the Nexus 6 will fit an IPhone 6+, as well as a 6S, and I'd imagine a 6S+. I don't know about an S E, nor a 5C/5. I know however it will fit the 5S, as I've done it. Chris. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Karen Lewellen
Hi Scott, write me off list about this and perhaps I can direct you to some options. It really depends on your goals of course. Kare On Mon, 25 Jul 2016, Scott Granados wrote: I’ll make this quick. I’m aware of the Massachusetts commission for the blind and the commission for equal opportu

Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I'm thinking it was Alex Hall, but don't quote me on that. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: "Scott Berry" To: "Mac Visionaries" Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 10:34 AM Subject: apple

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Ann Smith
Good morning, I could've written your post 22 years ago at this time. I was more than qualified to do the work that I was hired to do. They knew it, but after three days they said I was not doing the work quickly enough. I have been through the same thing. They would ask how are you going to get

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Tim Kilburn
Chris, Did you try QuickTime? Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Jul 25, 2016, at 09:17, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: OK guys, Hopefully one of you can help me with getting around this. So, here's the situation. I have an mp3 file which I want to burn on to an audio CD

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Ray Foret jr
Easy to solve. Use Amadeus Pro to split the file. You can judge where you are on the tool bar and that will show you exactly where to split the file. Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray Still a very happy

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Mary Otten
Thanks, Chris. When I got the sim from AT&T, which came in the mail, we couldn't get it in. So we took it to a local store, and they ended up having to cut it. I husband didn't want to do that, because he thought he would wreck it. And even after they cut it, they had a hard time getting it in.

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread michael babcock
And or get Amadeus light if you want to save some money, use command+G to jump to the point, command+Y, to move your insert insertion point to play head, command+right arrow to select to end of file, command+X to cut, command+N to make a new document,Command+V to paste into that new document. H

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I thought about Quicktime, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it in there. Can you give me some specific steps? I confess, as many years as I've used the mac, I've not really done much at all with Quicktime; guilty as charged. I figured it would probably do it, but I just wasn't totally sure

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
So I don’t want to respond to this to much, it’s off topic and I don’t want to push the envelope any more than I already do. Mark and Kara are pretty tolerant of my special brand of insanity at times and that is appreciated. I don’t want to ware out my welcome. I did however want to s

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Can you give some specific steps, Ray? I've never used Amadeus before. I've always wanted to try it though. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: Ray Foret jr To: macvisionaries@g

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Wow, cutting the sim card? That was pretty stupid! Why couldn't they just replace the sim, for God sake! Maybe I don't know the whole situation, but you'd think that if you went to a local store, they'd just say, whoops? You have the wrong size sim. Hold on, we'll get you one that'll fit.

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Thank you, Mike! This was incredibly incredibly helpful! I assume that when you said command+right arrow to select to the end of the file, are you sure you don't mean shift+command+right arrow? Also, would left arrow go from the selection after hitting command+Y to the beginning of the audio,

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Michael Babcock
No, I ment command+right arrow, the command does a “extend to next marker” command, not “select” and this may be why your thinking about including the shift key. Command+Left will extend to previous marker, so yes this would extend to the start assuming you don’t insert any markers. *** Michae

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Michael Babcock
FYI, this page may be useful, the commands are mostly the same in the pro vs,lite. *** Michael Babcock Consulting B

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
Chris, cutting SIM cards is standard practice. They make specific cutters and tools that stores use to do this although you can do it yourself with a good cutting tool. Many times you’re directed to do so by the carrier, in other cases they give them away for free. T-Mobile is one that if you

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Mary, All the modern apple products use the nano SIM so once you have a right sized SIM you can use it between devices. T-Mobile will give you a nano SIM for free if you ask nicely you can go that route. Also I meant to ping you off list, they are offering a bunch of unlimited plans

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Mary Otten
Thanks, Scott. I hope these new unlimited plans are not for new customers only. I will have to give their page a look. I assume I should find in there. Right? Mary Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 25, 2016, at 9:04 AM, Scott Granados wrote: > > Hi Mary, > > All the modern apple products use the

Re: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
Yes, I read something I believe it was on Mac Rumors about certain T-Mobile plans being converted to unlimited so I think it’s worth you giving them a call. I’ll look back through my notifications buffer and see if I still have the screen pop. > On Jul 25, 2016, at 12:15 PM, Mary Otten wrote: >

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Never mind. You just answered my question. LOL! --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: Michael Babcock To: Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 11:59 AM

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Is there a place to look up all these keyboard shortcuts? --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: Michael Babcock To: Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 11

Re: To Unified English Braille Readers

2016-07-25 Thread Caitlyn Furness
Do you have status cells turned on? I am thinking that you have to set this up in the braille options of the vo utility on the mac. Not sure about windows… Cait > On Jul 25, 2016, at 2:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote: > > Quite Correct, E.T. > > So far, I cannot get type form indicators to appear on

Re: using caliber

2016-07-25 Thread Georgina Joyce
Hello Caitlyn, Oh yes, that will convert to .rtf. However, I got some strange chars and never looked into how to express the character set my mac uses or the conversion used but there was on a few books a minor problem. They may have been end of line chars used in the original. You could also f

Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread Caitlyn Furness
If that somebody could also post that file here, it’d be great! thanks! Caitlyn > On Jul 25, 2016, at 10:34 AM, Scott Berry wrote: > > I don’t remember who did the scripts for all the cool things for Apple > script for Vo. But does anyone have a zipped copy they could send to me I > ne

Re: using caliber

2016-07-25 Thread Caitlyn Furness
Hi Gina, I’m running the latest version of caliber. I can’t find the command line tools under the advanced settings-or anywhere in the app, for that matter! Are you using an older version? If so, which one? thanks a lot! Cait > On Jul 25, 2016, at 1:19 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote: > > Hello

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Ben J. Bloomgren
Maybe this is a bad answer, but won't ProTools do this? Ben On 7/25/2016 8:17, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: OK guys, Hopefully one of you can help me with getting around this. So, here's the situation. I have an mp3 file which I want to burn on to an audio CD. Burning the CD isn't the is

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread E.T.
Scott, I am floored by the type of questions HR was asking. Even John and Jane Q. Public do not get this low. It's too bad you did not see this coming and have a voice recorder turned on. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Universe? On 7/25/2016 8:

Re: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Marie Lyons
I called disability support and learned it didn’t finish downloading. It’s taking it’s own sweet time. The key combination for the application chooser is the function key +vo + F1 F1. Right now it’s at about 77%. That is why nothing happened when I clicked on it in the apps folder. Marie Lyons

Re: Burning an Audio CD, but I have a slight delemma

2016-07-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
That's what I just said, earlier, Ben. Yeah, it definitely will, but it's kind of a pain in the kneck. PT is a bit overkill for this task. --- Christopher Gilland JAWS Certified, 2016. Training Instructor. Phone: (704) 256-8010. - Original Message - From: Ben

Re: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Marie Lyons
El Capitan is successfully installed on my system! Man it took a long time! Marie Lyons > On Jul 25, 2016, at 4:26 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote: > > Hi Marie, > > If you had an installer file in your trash it wouldn't effect the content of > your applications folder. > > As I stated in an earlier

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Cheree Heppe
Recorded messages of that nature are inadmissible as evidence. Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 25, 2016, at 11:12, E.T. wrote: > > Scott, > I am floored by the type of questions HR was asking. Even John and Jane Q. > Public do not get this low. > > It's too bad you did not see this coming a

Strange changes Voice Over announces unread messages In Mail OS X

2016-07-25 Thread Ronald van Rhijn
Hello, After having some weird changes in the way Voice Over announces unread messages in the Mac OS X Mail program, I am wondering if there is some setting or condition which explains the behaviour i experienced. Let me try to explain what changed, without me doing something I think ;) Until

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread E.T.
Maybe, maybe not. That would be for a legal team to determine. We are not legal experts. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Universe? On 7/25/2016 1:12 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote: Recorded messages of that nature are inadmissible as evidence. Sent from my

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Cheree Heppe
Recorded messages of that nature are inadmissible as evidence. Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 25, 2016, at 13:22, E.T. wrote: > > Maybe, maybe not. That would be for a legal team to determine. We are not > legal experts. > > From E.T.'s Keyboard... > Are We Alone in the Universe? > ancient

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Karen Lewellen
Well that cannot be claimed we have a rather diverse bunch here. Even still the questions scott shared are illegal from an employment standpoint have been such for a grand while. Hidden recordings might be questionable, asking about travel for a job that does not require such is likely not

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread E.T.
Maybe, maybe not. That would be for a legal team to determine. We are not legal experts. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Universe? On 7/25/2016 1:32 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote: Recorded messages of that nature are inadmissible as evidence. Sent from my

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi ET, In most cases that I know about all you half to do is to "transcribe" the audio. in other words what I've done in the past is to type the whole conversation into a text document. A transcript of the conversation not audio which has different laws pertaining to whether you notified the othe

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread E.T.
We may be a diverse bunch but when it comes to serious issues such as this, wanna be legal experts do not fly too well. Even if this sort of thing is not admissible, it can still provide a backdrop should there be a case brought forward. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Uni

Re: Strange changes Voice Over announces unread messages In Mail OS X

2016-07-25 Thread sonar mate
Hi, Do yo0u by chance have the preview pain shown? If so, then what is happening is that the messages are getting marked as read as you arrow through there message list. You can turn this off by interacting with the spliter between the message list and the message viewer. Make sure it is

RE: To Unified English Braille Readers

2016-07-25 Thread M. Taylor
Jason, If you are correct, then I am completely appalled, as the primary argument for adopting the U, E, B, in the first place, was so that, among other things, fonts could be accurately identified and proofed, in Braille. Moreover, even though we here in the United States have only recently ad

RE: To Unified English Braille Readers

2016-07-25 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Jonathan, U, E, B type form indicators do not require the use of any additional dots. In fact, they are based on a 6-dot Braille cell. For example, In the sentence, "I am the cheese," where "cheese" is bolded, the U, E, B display would be as follows: "I am the [dots 45, 5] cheese," whe

RE: To Unified English Braille Readers

2016-07-25 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Caitlyn, Yes, I have tried almost every configuration I can think of, including enabling Status cells in the VoiceOver Utility. Mark -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn Furness Sent: Monday, July

Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread Alex Hall
Here's the link. Remember that, for reasons I've never discovered, the time/date script fails, as does the ram script. Ram I'm not worried about, as changes in the way 10.9 and newer manage it render the numbers not very useful. Time/date is oddly broken and I don't yet know why. The rest *shoul

Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Berry
Alex, Thank you very much. > On Jul 25, 2016, at 8:19 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > > Here's the link. Remember that, for reasons I've never discovered, the > time/date script fails, as does the ram script. Ram I'm not worried about, as > changes in the way 10.9 and newer manage it render the numbe

Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread 'Adrian Leong' via MacVisionaries
how can i use the skripps -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or moderators directly rather

Re: apple scripts for battery percentage and other things

2016-07-25 Thread E.T.
All you need to know is supplied in that archive. From E.T.'s Keyboard... Are We Alone in the Universe? On 7/25/2016 8:19 PM, 'Adrian Leong' via MacVisionaries wrote: how can i use the skripps -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac

Re: El Capitan

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
It’s a big file, if you have a slow internet connection some of these updates take a long time. Glad it installed for you. > On Jul 25, 2016, at 3:50 PM, Marie Lyons wrote: > > El Capitan is successfully installed on my system! Man it took a long time! > > Marie Lyons >> On Jul 25, 2016, at 4

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
So as I understand it, it depends on the state. You’re basically right though. It’s the whole Linda Trip thing right? She recorded Monica detailing how she Luinskyed bubba Clinton and got the stain on her dress. As I recall Linda Trip got in legal trouble for making the recordings. There ha

Re: OT: need referral for a top shelf labor law attorney in the Boston area

2016-07-25 Thread Scott Granados
I played it very carefully because if you start recording and doing crazy things that can have negative ramifications. The advice I got before I met with my attorney was play it by ear, listen to what they have to say, offer nothing and we’ll review during our meeting. That sounded reasonable

if there is anyone using the beta of OS Sierra could you please right to me off list?

2016-07-25 Thread Michael Marshall
hey, since we can not talk or ask questions about the betas of IOS or mac OS because of the ridiculous MDA i'm asking if any testers could contact me off list? I wish to compare notes on some things that i have found. thanks for any help Michael -- The following information is important for al

RE: Purchasing an iPhone and not having a Sim card

2016-07-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Yeah Chris, When I started up my phones, it prompted for a sim but once up and running it works if you take the sim card out but does say that the sim has been removed which I for one just ignore. -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionaries@googl