Easy to solve.  Use Amadeus Pro to split the file.  You can judge where you are 
on the tool bar and that will show you exactly where to split the file.

Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!!!!!

> On Jul 25, 2016, at 10:17 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK guys,
> Hopefully one of you can help me with getting around this.
> So, here's the situation.  I have an mp3 file which I want to burn on to an 
> audio CD.
> Burning the CD isn't the issue.  I have several applications I can use like 
> Anyburn, Simplyburns, etc. for doing that task.
> The problem however is, this mp3 file is over 2 hours long in length.  
> Obviusly, an audio CD is only going to hold 80 minutes.  OK, there is the 
> concept of overburning, but I'm not even touching that one.  LOL!  Even then, 
> I couldn't do it to the extreme this would have to be done, so there went 
> that idea out the window.
> Basically, what I'm therefore seeking is an easy way to take this file, and 
> split it into 2 mp3 files both of which would be less than 80 minutes.  
> Ideally, I'd like the first disc to be around 78 minutes.  I know I have up 
> to 80, but I'd rather leave just a bit of wiggle room to insure no disc 
> writing errors along the way.  Then, what ever is left over could go on the 
> 2nd CD.
> I know I could do this with ProTools, but then I have to create a whole 
> session, take that mp3 import it into the session, edit it down, bounce it 
> out, take the same mp3, make another session, import the mp3 again, edit it 
> to the second half, bounce it out... you get the idea... it's tedious, and 
> annoying.
> One may say, that's just part of audio engineering.  Yeah, you're right.  It 
> is.  I'll give that one to ya, but is there not maybe a program that could 
> split it at a marker point a bit more quickly and easily?  I don't have 
> Amadeus Pro, but I suppose I could buy it, if you all think it would help.  
> I'm a little low this month, but if I've gotta do it, I've gotta do it.
> I also do have Logic Pro X, but I'd really really rather not go that route, 
> as to me, Logic is very confusing.  It's doable, but it's definitely not for 
> the faint of heart.
> Before anyone asks, why not use Garageband, I guess I could, but again, that 
> would involve a lot of importing, bouncing, reimporting, rebouncing, etc.  I 
> just want something open the original file, jump to 78 mins even, select from 
> there to the end of the file, and delete, savbe that file with a different 
> name, reopen the original file, go to 78 mins even, select from there to the 
> beginning of the file, delete, save the file with another name for the second 
> half, and boom.  Mission accomplished.
> Is there not something that would make it that easy?
> Chris.
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