Hi ET,
In most cases that I know about all you half to do is to "transcribe" the audio.
in other words what I've done in the past is to type the whole conversation 
into a text document.
A transcript of the conversation not audio which has different laws pertaining 
to whether you notified the other party or not.
Before you all get to excited remember!
talk soon

On Jul 25, 2016, at 4:22 PM, E.T. wrote:

>   Maybe, maybe not. That would be for a legal team to determine. We are not 
> legal experts.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>  Are We Alone in the Universe?
> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
> On 7/25/2016 1:12 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>> Recorded messages of that nature are inadmissible as evidence.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 11:12, E.T. <ancient.ali...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>>  I am floored by the type of questions HR was asking. Even John and Jane Q. 
>>> Public do not get this low.
>>>  It's too bad you did not see this coming and have a voice recorder turned 
>>> on.
>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>> Are We Alone in the Universe?
>>> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
>>>> On 7/25/2016 8:48 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>>> So I don’t want to respond to this to much, it’s off topic and I don’t 
>>>> want to push the envelope any more than I already do.  Mark and Kara are 
>>>> pretty tolerant of my special brand of insanity at times and that is 
>>>> appreciated.  I don’t want to ware out my welcome.
>>>>   I did however want to say thank you for the many kind words I’ve 
>>>> received on and off list, off list ones I’ll respond to individually but I 
>>>> wanted to thank everyone here once and hopefully not take up to much list 
>>>> traffic.  I’ve gotten universally supportive messages here and on the eyes 
>>>> free android list where I asked the same question and that really does 
>>>> help.
>>>> We should go back to our usually apple based conversations but if anyone 
>>>> has any other specific suggestions or just wants to talk about the topic 
>>>> in general or has other ideas feel free to ping me off list.
>>>> I appreciate everyone’s flexibility and understanding for the off topic 
>>>> traffic.
>>>> Scott
>>>>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 11:28 AM, Ann Smith <cradlingarm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Good morning, I could've written your post 22 years ago at this time. I 
>>>>> was more than qualified to do the work that I was hired to do. They knew 
>>>>> it, but after three days they said I was not doing the work quickly 
>>>>> enough.
>>>>> I have been through the same thing. They would ask how are you going to 
>>>>> get here if you're blind, who dresses you, you know the drill. Anyway I'm 
>>>>> not sure who to refer you to for any legal help. I wanted to write an 
>>>>> offer you more support and best of luck.
>>>>> I might know of someone that my direct me to someone to give you some 
>>>>> guidance with the situation. I will contact her this afternoon, and try 
>>>>> to get back to you as soon as possible.
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Jul 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Scott,
>>>>>> write me off list about this and perhaps I can direct you to some 
>>>>>> options. It really depends on your goals of course.
>>>>>> Kare
>>>>>>> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016, Scott Granados wrote:
>>>>>>> I’ll make this quick.  I’m aware of the Massachusetts commission for 
>>>>>>> the blind and the commission for equal opportunity and I’m also 
>>>>>>> familiar with the federal agency but that’s not specifically what I’m 
>>>>>>> looking for even though I know they are part of the process.
>>>>>>> I recently had an employer, after I had received the highest interview 
>>>>>>> rating (according to them), and even though I had executed a contract 
>>>>>>> and started on site, come back on day 2 and say I “was unqualified for 
>>>>>>> the position because of my vision problem”.  Literally that directly.  
>>>>>>> This work was right with in my experience and I have 25 years of work 
>>>>>>> history, positive references and track record to back up that position. 
>>>>>>>  There are no accessibility issues, no parts of the job that require 
>>>>>>> vision specifically and the new engineer who started the day I did as 
>>>>>>> well as our manager all seemed fine with working with me.  One of the 
>>>>>>> engineers was also highly placed in the Rhode Island Libertarian party 
>>>>>>> and strongly against discrimination as a matter of principle and the 
>>>>>>> other fellow seemed equally on board.
>>>>>>> I’m being jerked around by an HR person who is making me describe the 
>>>>>>> most mundane things that I would accomplish.  For example, I’m being 
>>>>>>> grilled on how I would get to the job site when in fact I along with 
>>>>>>> the new engineer who joined me showed up 15 minutes early and our 
>>>>>>> manager couldn’t have bothered to have been on time.  So go ahead and 
>>>>>>> ask me questions but make sure your own staff live up to the same 
>>>>>>> standards or am I crazy here?
>>>>>>> I’m struggling whether to just let HR do their thing although even if 
>>>>>>> they did come back and offer me the position back I have lost all trust 
>>>>>>> in the team and work environment. I don’t know that I’d want to walk 
>>>>>>> back in there, especially now.  On the other hand a big part of me 
>>>>>>> wants to hire the equivalent of F. Lee Bailey and bleed the company 
>>>>>>> dry.  I’m not sure that’s a rational response either.  So I’m wondering 
>>>>>>> if anyone can refer an attorney that can practice in Mass who is an 
>>>>>>> expert on this subject matter?  I have deep pockets and can pay.  Even 
>>>>>>> if I have to start with the state or federal agency I’d like to have 
>>>>>>> someone advising me who knows the right moves to make.  Again, I have 
>>>>>>> deep pockets so I don’t think I should have any issue motivating 
>>>>>>> someone sufficiently.  I won’t mention the company’s name at this point 
>>>>>>> but may in the future if we don’t get anywhere.  For now anyone who has 
>>>>>>> any ideas of someone who could give me good advice on how to proceed 
>>>>>>> would be appreciated.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Scott
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