Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> Thunderbird is one of the major reasons I have been toying with going back
> to Windows as my primary OS on my iMac. It might not be Mozilla's fault
> that Apple's APIs aren't easy to use in portable code, or it might, but
> Thunderbird is another one for those who
It's not peachy, but I'm fairly optimistic. Although for various reasons I
don't believe Ofcom has real teeth, we do have social acceptance of
audiodescription and subtitles on public broadcasts, which goes a long way to
making the case for it. That's one genuine advantage of having taxpayers
I actually own a domain hosted through Linode. It's a somewhat
professional domain, though I've always preferred using internet
e-mail services (don't ask me why).
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to migrate things to a more personal
address (I do indeed own one of these as well, but it's DNS records
On 11 Jul 2014, at 19:28, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Second, The Freedom Scientifics, GW Micros, and Humanwares, of the world are
> a thing of the past and becoming less and less relevant every day as they
> refuse to adapt and find ways to grow in a world where accessibility is in
> the mainstrea
Try Using a VPN. Hot spot shield is only 30 bucks for a entire year.
~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 727-266-5283
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"
On Jul 11, 2014
Hello, do you have a backup of your VM saved somewhere? I don't use windows
often, but when I do, whenever I make a major change, or get things set the way
I want. I save it to one of my USB drives, or to my time capsule. That way if
something happens, I can delete the messed up copy, and ju
I have been using the mac for a little over 4 years, and would be glad to help
you on skype if you like. My contact info is below. Feel free to contact me
in one of those ways.
~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
You cannot use it in the traditional way. You have to go to the share tab in
VMware settings, and share it threw the mac. That is the only way windows is
going to see it. At least since fusion 5. It worked in fusion 4, but in 5 and
six this is the way it has to be done. If you need any help
You'll be locked in no matter which one of the big providers you go with.
Remember, though, that iCloud is not specific to Apple devices. Sure, it's
easiest to set up on them, but in the end it's just a basic IMAP email
provider, so you can set it up on any IMAP-capable mail client you want, on
Hi there,
That worked like a champ, and I've got the carom working. Will the vm save
those settings, or am I going to have to redo those settings whenever I need to
use the carom drive?
On Jul 12, 2014, at 6:40 AM, Kliphton Senior wrote:
> You cannot use it in the traditional way. You have t
When my Mac is on battery it goes to sleep very
soon. How do I change the timing of this?
I've looked all around system preferences and I can't seem to find a
setting for this. the closest I can find is to decide if I should
have to reenter my password when waking.
When you don't want the Mac to sleep, you can do the following
1. Go to utilities with command+shitft+U In the finder.
2. Open Terminal.
3. Type:
pmset noidle
Until you press ctrl+C, your MacBook will not sleep.
I alsor recommend learning more about the pmset command, as that does
permit you to ch
Alex you are amazing! you just saved my day :)
On 7/11/14, Alex Hall wrote:
> It comes in only one flavor, and I find it to work quite well. There are
> some tricks you need to know going in, though.
> 1. Use left bracket and right bracket to mark sections of audio. Once
> marked, you can save
Under the Apple menu, or on your doc, go to system preferences and then energy
saver. You will find a slider there for when it's on power and when it's on
God bless our troops and God bless America again.
Jimmy Podsim.
Yahoo messenger, jp.kd5...
The NFB Resolution is very important for all blind and low vision all over the
world. We all want accessible digital future.
A link to a comment from the president in NFB:
Take care
You received this message because y
It will stay that way until you change it.
> Kliphton
> ~iMessage,Email&FaceTime-Audio~
> ~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
> ~Text only~ 727-266-5283
> “Personal blog-read at your own risk!”
> On Jul 12, 2014, at 8:5
Go to the energy saver section of system preferences, there are 2 tabs there,
one for when it's plugged in and one for running on battery.
On Jul 12, 2014, at 8:01 AM, Kevin Barry wrote:
>When my Mac is on battery it goes to sleep very soon. How do I
> change the timing of this?
yes, but it doesn't offer the option of setting sleep timing.
At 11:01 AM 7/12/2014, you wrote:
Go to the energy saver section of system preferences, there are 2
tabs there, one for when it's plugged in and one for running on battery.
On Jul 12, 2014, at 8:01 AM, Kevin Barry wrote:
What is that schedule dialog for then? I thought you could schedule a tine?
Matt Dierckens
Macintosh Trainer
Blind Access Training
1-877-774-7670 ext. 3
Introduction to the Macintosh Operating system and voiceover course available
Will have to do so this week, as I keep forgetting about it since I am not
running the program
On Jul 11, 2014, at 5:00 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> I can't remember if this has been brought up, but have you contacted the
> developers? When I first discovered Launch Bar, I contacted them about
I've been organizing my iTunes library and adding some albums with the idea of
subscribing to iTunes Match when I have everything organized. I have some
albums that are showing their album name and artist correctly in iTunes and the
names of the tracks are correct but track numbers apparently di
Can someone tell me how I can intergrate Facebook with Twitter please? I went
on the desktop site Twitter/settings, and could not find anything there. I am
using Tweetlists and another Facebook client. Is it better to use the I phone
client for Facebook?
Thank you.
You rec
Thanks for these tips.
My problem was caused by quick nav being turned on in this case.
Why is it a bad idea to have vo running when you are using fusion?
On Jul 11, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Tristan wrote:
> Generally it's a poor idea to run VoiceOver while in a virtual machine
> of any
The explanation has to be,
"We are apple. Our devices are accessible. our commitment to access is the
same as our commitment to secrity, stability or any other aspect of the user
experience. Apps will be accessible."
Sent from my android device.
-Original Message-
Regards, Feliciano
Sent from the Super-iPhone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
I am not able to access the app store. The App Store tabs are dimmed I
cannot activate them. What do I check? Week two of using a mac.
Regards, Feliciano
Sent from the Super-iPhone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" gro
Try VO MM to access the menu bar, and make sure you are on wifi.
Sent from my iPad
> On Jul 12, 2014, at 4:50 PM, Feliciano G wrote:
> I am not able to access the app store. The App Store tabs are dimmed I
> cannot activate them. What do I check? Week two of using a mac.
yes, go it.
Sent from my iPad
> On Jul 12, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Feliciano G wrote:
> Test
> Regards, Feliciano
> Sent from the Super-iPhone
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this
I use VLC for this, for now.
Devin Prater
On Jul 9, 2014, at 3:50 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi, I use max for this.
> Type download max into a google search and it is the first or second one.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my fund me campaign for your chance to w
I do have a back up, yes.
In this case, it was quick nag that was the culprit!
On Jul 12, 2014, at 7:33 AM, Kliphton Senior wrote:
> Hello, do you have a backup of your VM saved somewhere? I don't use windows
> often, but when I do, whenever I make a major change, or get things set the
Thanks :)
Regards, Feliciano
Sent from the Super-iPhone
> On Jul 12, 2014, at 1:57 PM, "Jessica D" wrote:
> yes, go it.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jul 12, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Feliciano G wrote:
>> Test
>> Regards, Feliciano
>> Sent from the Super-iPhone
Oh, you can do torrents in transmission?? That's cool; new to me at least.
Devin Prater
On Jul 11, 2014, at 8:41 AM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> Mmm. Unless you have a filtered Internet connection, which is unusual at
> home, I can't imagine why you'd be getting messages li
Hello all:
For those of you on both lists, sorry for the double post. I wasn't sure
if people had this issue before with other programs.
First, XCode likes to do indentation for me. This is fine, but when I
arrow to a new line voiceover always starts reading the spaces on a
blank line: "space s
I personally am not in favor of this resolution; not because I don't want
accessibility. Apple took the lead in making its products accessible without
government or organizational intervention. Microsoft, on the other hand,
allowed third-party vendors to do its work within accessibility.
Let me see if I understand this.
Apple who has built in innovation on its own must discuss with the nfb how
to now limit that innovation to fit the nfb's one size fits all definition
of blindness? as in all blind people are interchangeable, and the nfb is the
only source to tell you how to fi
I fully agree. It really does feel like we're slapping Apple in the
face, forcing them to conform. I really really hope this doesn't work,
because it's going to create a huge mess and totally redefine apps. Not
everything is accessible but that really is fine with me; usually I can
Nothing bad about it as far as I can tell. In fact, having it running allows
one to quickly toggle between OSes. This is a real luxury. There are times
when I disable it so that notifications don't interrupt my Windows screen
reader. Of course, there are other ways to prevent this from happe
Cheree Heppe here:
regarding the latest NFB resolution on technology under discussion, it is
definitely not always possible to get a right outcome by sweet reason or long
deliberations and conferencing with the various parties.
However, every year at the NFB's conventions, one or more resolution
I cannot imagine it being about anything else but nfb getting money in
exchange for building in limitations.
Granted I make no secret of choosing my own dictionary.
But why on earth in the 21st century is anyone still worshiping at the nfb
altar anyway?
So they pass a resolution...and?
The only
I feel the need to point out this article:
This gives me a largely new prospective on this; I was really inclined
to agree with everyone's opinions on this at first, but it honestly
looks like they're trying to work with, and
If you are one of the readers who are openly critical of the NFB's
resolution, I'm wondering if you Have actually read Jonathan Mosen's
excellent and balanced response? If you have not, may I kindly suggest
that you do so. Some of you may not care if all apps are accessible and
are willing to
Why certainly I read it. followed the link and read the posting from the
president explaining the resolution, the criticism still flowing etc.
And to answer your question, most certainly I know that innovation comes to
products outside of the nfb's dictionary of limitations. fortunately some
Hi Sheree,
I dare say that Organ investigation joins many others. again why the
double standard? If another business limited the use of service animals
in their would be an Ada complaint.
Apple should consider the practices of who chooses to preach.
Somewhere in a file I have
Cheree Heppe here:
Who do you know that doesn't read background material before responding?
Like I said ... emotional triggers.
Cheree Heppe
Senior Case Specialist
Office of Disability, Adjudication and Review
Social Security Administration
Sent from my IPhone 4S
On 12 Jul 2014, at 1
Cheree Heppe here:
Is a blog article the same as a resolution?
Cheree Heppe
Sent from my IPhone 4S
On 12 Jul 2014, at 18:57, Tristan wrote:
I feel the need to point out this article:
This gives me a largely new
> Who do you know that doesn't read background material before responding?
It's a fair question. I guess I just had to wonder how many people who
seem so incredibly hostile about this decision actually looked into the
situation and considered the facts in a calm and rational manner. This
Yes, and the fact is, all companies think in terms of what is good for the
business. The message NFB is sending with this current bludgeoning resolution
attack is, when a company does more than any other company toward
accessibility, we are going to single you out and attack you. Will this
Look at any cult and ask yourself the same exact questions.
On 7/12/2014 9:51 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
I cannot imagine it being about anything else but nfb getting money in
exchange for building in limitations.
Granted I make no secret of choosing my own dictionary.
But why on earth in the 21s
Not sure I understand what you mean? There is a setting on twitter, that
enables your tweets to show up on your face book page. But I don't think it is
the same for face book, having your posts show up on twitter. Be a little more
specific and maybe I have the answer. HTH
Are you a Christia
It is probably more like, NFB attempted to dialogue with Apple. Apple rebuffed
NFB, like Apple rebuffs any organisation doing something similar. NFB passes a
resolution which they can then take back to Apple and say, See, the blind are
behind us because we are the blind and this resolution was p
Cheree Heppe here:
How do you define your terms?
Anger does not seem to be in play in the responses I have read. Unless you
consider my mention of an emotional trigger to be akin to anger. I don't
consider any of these previous posts to be angry. Insulted, concerned,
worried, yes, but not an
The text of the resolution is in the blog...which was shared before unless
this is different.
In fact I read this before writing my comment on the resolution myself.
Does not matter really, any comfort that might presently be enjoyed with
apple products individually is at
risk of going out of t
Oh indeed?
And to think the president in the before referenced blog demonstrates the
sweetness of this idea by noting that the NFB gave awards to Apple.
Failed to mention that Apple did not show.
This is seeming more good natured by the moment.
Still my greater point is this. No apple user on
You just topped the Sundae with a cherry.
A cult indeed.
On Sat, 12 Jul 2014, Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
Look at any cult and ask yourself the same exact questions.
On 7/12/2014 9:51 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
I cannot imagine it being about anything else but nfb getting money in
I am changing the subject because I think it's high time I said something. I
well remember how many Mac users strongly criticized the NFB for their June
2009 Braille Monitor article on Voice Over. That criticism was fully
justified: let there be no doubt about that. On the other hand,
sabahattin, how to contact you off list=
On 12 Jul 2014, at 07:57 am, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> You can install BitTorrent clients on either platform, Mac or Windows. It's
> not clear to me why you'd be getting issues on either side.
> Which client are you using? What software did you d
hi, i think and i can be wrong, at the same time i am pretty amazed,
keep reading and find out why.
NFB, is mostly like DBS in denmark, in norway and sweeden it is no
doubt called something else.
Some else talked about stereotypes, she got a good point.
For not long ago a person from DBS was visiti
I'm writing this from a sock-footed perspective, so take that for what
it's worth...
None of this is "hate" directed at NFB. I don't agree with their
philosophy. I don't believe that one organization should have the power
to "resolve" to make a company like Apple do anything. This isn't a
Actually ray, I am personally indifferent to the nfb.
Your suggestion that a balanced mature discussion about apple products is
at least in my view, what such a resolution aims to prevent.
The nfb is presenting itself as a major authority, representing a single
concept of what the experienc
Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay.
> I am changing the subject because I think it's high time I said something.
It appears from some of the opinions expressed in this thread that the
politics surrounding blindness-related advocacy organizations in the U.S. are
very divisive. Were there always
I don't think any of the conversations and dialogue within this thread has been
about hating anything or anyone. I read Jonathan Mozen's article. I thought it
was fair and balanced. However given the reasons I made in my initial post I am
not in favor of this resolution. It should've been a bla
Wow, what happened? Did I get sucked into a political forum and
dragged out of a Mac forum? Ok so Apple is memtiomed in the NFB thread
but holy cow Batman! If poliitics and philosaphy and religion is allowed
here, I am outa here. There are plenty of forums elsewhere better suited
for that nc
If you do a web search for Twitter for Facebook, you will get taken to the
correct page to set up so that your Twitter updates show on Facebook. This is
doable on Mac browsers. i remember having an issue with it, but can't remember
what it was, but I may have had to use Chrome rather than Safari
Hey Ray,
Don't think anyone is hating, especially on you. You're a pretty positive
contributor & have been since before I was on the list. i think what you're
hearing is people saying, "don't represent yourself...NFB I the voice
of all or even most of the blind people in the world.
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