Just to say on an UK keyboard the at symbol is shift apotrophe. Shit 2
is an open double quote.
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!
On 17/03/2014 01:22, Teresa Cochran wrote:
It's hard to review what you do on any screen-reader, but this method has worked
Chris and all,
On the UK Apple keyboards, at is indeed shifted 2.
On 17 Mar 2014, at 08:12, Chris Apple boy wrote:
> Just to say on an UK keyboard the at symbol is shift apotrophe. Shit 2 is an
> open double quote.
> Regards Chris
> Clap along if you feel like a room withou
Sorry, that didn't even occur to me, being in the US. Glad you pointed it out.
Winging its way from my iPod
> On Mar 17, 2014, at 1:12 AM, Chris Apple boy wrote:
> Just to say on an UK keyboard the at symbol is shift apotrophe. Shit 2 is an
> open double quote.
> Regards Chris
Thanks, Keith, I now have it working well with Hazel and PDFPen Pro, though I
find that PDFPen's results are definitely not as good as ABBYY FineReader's,
especially for languages which PDFPen does not support. But having this batch
perform OCR on all files in a folder is fantastic, so I'd reall
Hi Tim,
Thanks very much for your detailed response with appropriate commands and the
steps involved and explanations. Just wondering, how do I jump to the lcd
panel? and what is that exactly? I haven't heard that term before. *smile*
Hope you have a great day,
On 17 Mar 2014, at 2:47
Hi all,
I downloaded 2 albums from itunes today. One was not downloading properly due
to poor internet. When the internet was restored, I tried check for available
downloads, in the hope the album would finish downloading. After this, the
album was still incomplete. I decided to remove the albu
What version of ABBY are you using? I have seen much out there about ABBY
FineReader Express. I am sort of interested in which one you have as PDFPen is
using a version of ABBY itself but you seem to be getting better results with a
stand alone version.
Anyway, you may want to take a loo
under Mountain Lion, when I opened the lid of my MBA in the morning, I used to
hear a notification saying x files were updated in my dropbox folder. (I run a
file migration system at night). Now under Mavericks, I no longer get that
notification. Is it a mavericks thing? I checked that I do have
Hello. I am helping somebody learn the Mac and they want to know how
to use Garage Band with VoiceOver. I don't know anything about Garage
Band or audio editing in general. Are there any tutorials that give
an introduction to using Garage Band with VoiceOver? I Googled
tutorial Garage Band Voic
This could be useful to me as well.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 17, 2014, at 10:53 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
> Hello. I am helping somebody learn the Mac and they want to know how
> to use Garage Band with VoiceOver. I don't know anything about Garage
> Band or audio editing in general. Are th
Have you closed dropbox and then reinstalling it?
On Mar 17, 2014, at 9:49 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
> under Mountain Lion, when I opened the lid of my MBA in the morning, I used
> to hear a notification saying x files were updated in my dropbox folder. (I
> run a file migration system at night).
There is a podcast on applevis that shows you how to use garage band. The link
On Mar 17, 2014, at 9:53 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
> Hello. I am helping somebody learn the Mac and they want to know
We are new to Apple and bought an iPhone 5, 5S and MBP less than a year ago, or
as recent as November 2013, yet already much of the sync-ability is gone.
We sadly divorced from Nokia thus also Windows, because Lumia is not supported
by Nokia Suite.
The purpose of this post is to a) clarify how
Hi everyone.
I have a very odd and irritating mail issue. If anyone could assist me in
possible fixes this would be great.
For some reason, whenever I delete e-mail messages from my iPhone, there's
still on my computer. Is there a way to fix it so it's not doing that anymore?
Also, I used to hav
Hi all, thank you for the continued replies and assistance.
I’m still not successful. :)
I can easily open a text document and write a couple lines, then save to iTunes
as spoken text, but I won’t have the sound beforehand.
I tried this earlier and not sure where I went wrong.
set soundFile
Is there any reason why I cannot run a virtual machine in Fusion created
with the more seamless option? I seem to be having trouble, I cannot turn
VO off and on while the VM is open, and neither command tab nor option tab
seem to be moving me from the VM back to Mavericks. Perhaps I am doing
Hi all
I have done my first application upgrade on this mac, I upgraded from Vmware
Fusion 5x to 6x. The process was straightforward. All I had to do was:
1. Open the disc image in the Finder.
2. Copy the single .app file to the Applications folder.
3. Ran the copy from the Applications folder.
Have you tried using control and option to switch you back to mavericks.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:22 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> Is there any reason why I cannot run a virtual machine in Fusion created with
> the more seamless option? I seem to be having trouble, I cannot turn VO off
> and on
Hi I was wondering if anyone have a MacBook Pro or air that you want to sells
Sent from my iPhone
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Open Preferences click keyboard and mouse button in the toolbar click mac
shortcuts tab and look in there perhaps one or more keys are disabled
(unchecked) giving the VM to grab the keys. Hope I'm making sense.
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!
On 17 Mar 2014, at 1
Is your mail account set up as an iMap or POP? If you are set up as POP than
your devices will not match.
Sent from Christina's iMac :)
On Mar 17, 2014, at 10:14 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I have a very odd and irritating mail issue. If anyone could assist me in
> po
No, I'm set up with iMap.
Matt Dierckens
Macintosh Trainer
Blind Access Training
1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
On Mar 17, 2014, at 1:10 PM, Christina C. wrote:
> Is your mail account set up as an iMap or POP? If you are set up as POP than
> your devices will not match.
It also depends upon how you have set up your options even for POP in Gmail.
Best is to use IMAP.
> On 17 Mar 2014, at 19:10, "Christina C." wrote:
> Is your mail account set up as an iMap or POP? If you are set up as POP than
> your devices will not match.
> Christina
> Sent from Chris
Yes I have a 2012 Macbook Pro, and I love it.
More details on what you are looking for? You can look at Ebay, Craiglist, or
Microcenter, or even look at Apple for one. Are you looking at a used, new?
Could you please explain what you are looking for?
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macb
Randomly I will suddenly not be able to expand my email threads. The thing that
always works for me is to turn quick nav on and then turn it off again. Go
figure. :)
Teresa, thanks for the tips, I was unaware of those. :)
Sent from Christina's iMac :)
On Dec 23, 2013, at 10:07 AM, Teresa Cochr
And I meant to say "third party applications" and not "elements". I type in
Safari on iPhone so I cannot always see when it alters what I have typed.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Will do, as soon as the display comes home.
On Mar 16, 2014, at 6:44 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi Caitlymn,
> Give it a shot and let us know if you were successful in getting it to emboss.
> My guess is when you open it from your applications file you'll get a lot of
> java errors.
I use left and right arrow to expand and close disclosure triangles.
It works 100% of the time.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Christina C. wrote:
> Randomly I will suddenly not be able to expand my email threads. The thing
> that always works for me is to turn quick n
I think you should confirm this on both devices to make sure. Also, once you
know for sure that you are set up as iMAP on both devices there are all kinds
of settings on both gmail and on your devices to make sure your mailbox
behaviors are too your liking. There is even the whole confusion of d
Yes, this is normally what I use as well. However, sometimes the key strokes
just won't work. I have no idea why though and it's very randome, I just
suddenly cannot expand my email threads.
Sent from Christina's iMac :)
On Mar 17, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Jessica wrote:
> I use left and
Hi Chris, let us know if you find any advantage in upgrading as far as
performance and such is concerned. I run windows7 64bit as well running fusion
V5.4 on mavericks.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 12:26 PM, christopher hallsworth
> Hi all
> I have done my first application upgrade on this mac,
I followed these steps but once I get into the widget place, I am stuck in
calculator and I can't figure out how to get out of it and get to the
dictionary/thesaurus. I'd really love access to a thesaurus.
Thanks so much.
>>> On Mar 16, 2014, at 6:48 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
why would I do that? Are you saying to exit dropbox from its menu or uninstall
it, then reinstall it?
On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:01 AM, isaac wrote:
> Have you closed dropbox and then reinstalling it?
> On Mar 17, 2014, at 9:49 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> under Mountain Lion, when I opened the li
I have a 2012 Macbook Pro and love it. Wouldn't trade or sell it to anyone or
for anything else.
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!
On 17 Mar 2014, at 16:52, Trey Bradley wrote:
> Hi I was wondering if anyone have a MacBook Pro or air that you want to sells
> Se
Isn't it control command? That's what VoiceOver says when the VM is in full
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!
On 17 Mar 2014, at 16:35, isaac wrote:
> Have you tried using control and option to switch you back to mavericks.
> On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:22 AM,
changing the integration won't affect those problems. perhaps look into the
global short cut key preferences in fusion settings. I cammand tab back and
forth between Mac and Windows all the time, and I can turn VO on and off
regardless of the VM state. It must be something in your global shortcu
I stumbled across this this morning when I decided to play around with this
again and thought I'd share it. You have to check the checkbox that allows
bluetooth to show up under the menu bar, then when you select it under the menu
under extra's all your devices show up as submenu's, which then
I am trying to download a new dashboard widget from the apple website.
Specifically, the american idol one. When I click the "download" link,
voiceover says,"press download link" after a few seconds, I go to my downloads
folder, but it never shows up.
Where are they put after download? I can
Yes try exiting it then reinstall it.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 2:14 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> why would I do that? Are you saying to exit dropbox from its menu or
> uninstall it, then reinstall it?
> On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:01 AM, isaac wrote:
>> Have you closed dropbox and then reinstalling it?
Hi. If anybody has a t mobile iPhone for sale, please write me off
list with details.
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Hi everybody. I'm looking for a program to batch convert the audio
from video files for example;start with 100 wmv and mov files etc and
end up with mp3 or another audio format.
GoldWave on the windows side does a very good job of this, but, I'm
trying to migrate this and other remaining tasks to
I used the spotlight function and went right to it.
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On the Mac, if the app uses the standard text edit widget you can select
a word using option-shift-left or right to select the word to the left
or right of where you are. Then you can pull up the contextual menu with
control+option+shift+M an the first item will be Look Up
Can we use this app offline? Obviously we can't use Apple or Wikipedia but can
we use the integrated dictionary or thesaurus without an internet connection?
If so this could be used as an offline reference tool should you not require
such a connection.
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like a
I use a program called Adapter. It's done a great job of this in every
scenario I've tested it with. Simply do a google search for adapter converter
for mac. I think that's how I found it, at least.
One note: The button to start the conversion isn't actually labeled. It's the
If you don't mind terminal you can use macports to install the ffmpeg
package and do
ffmpeg -i some_video.mov just_audio.mp3
which will extract the audio from the video and write it out as an mp3.
Then you can use a script to do a batch. Something like this:
for x in *.mov; do ffmpeg -i "$x"
Mine works too. Check the use Mac Os X shortcuts check box and make sure either
command key is selected in the popup button.
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!
On 17 Mar 2014, at 19:17, Phil Halton wrote:
> changing the integration won't affect those problems. perh
Same here any help with the dashboard would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Chris
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!
On 17 Mar 2014, at 19:14, Christina C. wrote:
> Hi,
> I followed these steps but once I get into the widget place, I am stuck in
> calculator and I can't figur
I can tell you that startup as far as Fusion is concerned is much shorter in
v6x than in v5x. Also, and this might just be my machine but Fusion keeps going
even if there's a lot of disc activity. In v5 the mac would either delay in
responding or report that Fusion is busy then ready. Again this
or just choose dictionary from the applications or find it with spotlight.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 4:12 PM, chris Apple Boy wrote:
> Same here any help with the dashboard would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards Chris
> Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!
> On 17 Mar 2014, at 19
If you are in the wrong widget you can do vo-f2 twice to get the widget bar.
You should then find the dictionary widget if it is installed.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 4:12 PM, chris Apple Boy wrote:
> Same here any help with the dashboard would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards Chris
> Clap along
Hi Jessica
It didn't work for me. I have that checkbox checked, and forget it. It totally
won't do it. At least, I'm glad it worked for you.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
> I stumbled across this this morning when I decided to play around with this
> again and thoug
Hi all,
So today while going through my usual routine of checking news sites, I found
out that Microsoft released their note taking app, one note, on OS X and that
it's free for limited time. One note existed for a while, but I never payed
much attention to it, until now. I figured that it's f
It is wonderful news that Microsoft has made OneNote available for Mac. It is a
fantastic, mature application under Windows, let us hope that it works as well
in Mac.
Another commendable paid app is DevonNote.
> On 17 Mar 2014, at 23:47, Piotr Machacz wrote:
> Hi all,
> So today while goi
Thanks, Keith, I'll check that out.
I am using FineReader Pro. I used the trial version from their website, but now
I have bought the version in the Mac App Store. I've heard that FineReader
Express produced much poorer results, hence I went with FineReader Pro.
You received this
Hello Bill,
I recommend you turn quick nav off (right and left arrows
simultaneously) which should negate the need for turnign VO off
entirely in the windows VM. I too had problems with grabbing the VM
keyboard in the outset but partly it was my lack of knowledge of the
quirks of running a VM and
HI all,
I'm really keen to solve the issue of interactive PDF forms on the Mac. I have
bought PDFPen Pro 6 but, unlike Gigi, still cannot get these to work properly.
If anyone is using interactive PDF forms successfully, perhaps we would be able
to Skype or use Team Viewer or something to see i
Really? That's interesting, you might want to call Apple and tell them what's
going on.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 5:47 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Jessica
> It didn't work for me. I have that checkbox checked, and forget it. It
> totally won't do it. At least, I'm glad it worked for you.
> Gig
Hi all,
I am going to upgrade my Mac Mini from Mountain lion to Mavericks. I would like
to know, once the computer restarts, should I expect voice over to start
running automatically if it was running when the installation began with the
shutdown? Or do I have to wait for sometime and guess when
If VoiceOver was running prior to the update, it will come on automatically.
There will probably be a time of silence as the setup assistant completes the
installation, but you should end up with speech in the end.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Okay Nick already noticed two differences. First of all, I have 8 GB of memory
on my computer. Secondly, I am running Mavericks and not Mountain lion. I do
not know if this would make a difference, but I know that Windows is very slow
on PDF files, so maybe they take up a lot of memory. Just a g
Hi there
Believe me, Apple knows all about it. I have an open case, and it has been
referred to the engineer that does Accessibility stuff. I am supposed to talk
to the Accessibility line representative on Wednesday. If it worked by your
suggestion, I was going to ask if I could send him your su
Maybe both these together make the difference, but individually they obviously
don't. My MacBook is running Mavericks, and my iMac has 16GB RAM. For what it's
worth, I don't notice any lag or anything with the MacBook. I ill eventually
upgrade my iMac to Mavericks, so I guess I'll properly test
The LCD panel is actually now called the LCD Section. When in iTunes, I just
press VO-FN-shift-left arrow to move to the first item on the page. You could
probably just press VO-FN-left arrow since iTunes is really only one page but I
get used to pressing the other key combination, so tha
Go into iTunes Preferences, in the Store pane and make sure that the "Show
iTunes in the Cloud Purchases" checkbox is checked. Close your Preferences
window and the album should be listed in your Music Library and you should be
able to press the download button from there.Normally, whe
I guess it's accessible enough for sure but it's so cluttered i couldn't really
figure out how to use it. Definitely more accessible than the version in office
Someone may have to do a little tutorial though because it's so cluttered.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 2:47 PM, Piotr Machacz wrote:
I'm on a couple of lists that get into involved conversations. I have messages
grouped by conversation and for the most part I like it that way. But sometimes
the subject line is changed to keep in step with what has evolved in the
conversation. I don't see the subject change because all the
In Mail's preferences, in the Viewing tab, there's a checkbox that says
something like "group related messages". Try unchecking that, and see if that
does what you are after.
On Mar 18, 2014, at 12:10 AM, Deb Lewis wrote:
> Hi:
> I'm on a couple of lists that get into involved conversations. I
I am not sure how I changed the VoiceOver voice to British English on my iPhone
5S updated to IOS 7.1. The British English voice is driving me crazy. I wish to
go back to the Austrialian English for VoiceOver. How do you change the default
voice for VoiceOver? Thank you.
Angus MacKinnon
go to settings, general, accessibility, VoiceOver, Languages & dialects. you
should find default dialect there you can change to what ever you want.
Hope that helps.
On 18 Mar 2014, at 3:46 pm, Angus MacKinnon wrote:
> I am not sure how I changed the VoiceOver voice to British English
I have a file ripped from a DVD with a .DVD extension. Adapter doesn't see this
file at all. Is there something i can do to make it compatible? I suspect it
thinks it's protected.
I need to get it to a format that Adapter can convert to audio.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 1:55 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
I changed this in Mail preferences actually before I wrote. Forgot to mention
that. I don't see any change so far but maybe when more threads come in it will
make a difference. So far not though on the existing ones.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 9:33 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> In Mail's preferences, in th
The easiest way to change the voice is to find out if language is in the rotor
setting. Sometimes it's easy to forget that the rotor is set to language and
one flick down will change it. If you have languages in your rotor, then you
can change the voice to Australian by flicking down once you've
You could try going to the sort item in the view menu and sorting by subject.
this might help. This is kind of why there are a lot of friendly reminders to
folks to at least put something in the subject like "mail sorting, Was re:
conversations", just as an example. (not a reflection of this con
If you can open it with hand brake, you can convert the file to either mkv or
m4v. Adapter will see those and work with them just find.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Mar 17, 2014, at 23:02, Deb Lewis wrote:
> I have a file ripped from a DVD with a .DVD extension.
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