vo + j
13. feb. 2014 kl. 00:13 skrev Jenine Stanley :
I changed Mail to Classic view but now have one question. When in a
conversation or thread of messages, how do you get out of it? I end up deleting
the entire thread before I can get back to the main list of messages. I know
I'm not
Hi list.
My macbook pro charger is not working. The wire that connects to the
laptop is damaged from the inside and I was told that I will have to
replace the adapter with a new one. I wanted to know if there are any
3rd party adapters available.
Thank you.
Venkatesh Potluri
You receive
I"m not sure of any adapters, but you could always buy a new charger from Apple.
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When in the iTunes library it shows checkboxes are checked. I am assuming
these checkboxes tell iTunes what songs you want to hear but I want to uncheck
them so I can pick my on. They are in the song view just to the left of the
name of the song your playing.
On Feb 12, 2014, at 1:09 PM, Jür
How do I turn off secure trash? I notice a degradation in performance with
this on.
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Finder preferences, secure trash checkbox, uncheck that and it will be regular
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
to macvisionaries+unsubscr.
Thanks much to everyone for the tips.
Jenine Stanley
On Feb 13, 2014, at 4:58 AM, Terje Strømberg wrote:
> vo + j
> 13. feb. 2014 kl. 00:13 skrev Jenine Stanley :
> I changed Mail to Classic view but now have one question. When in a
> conversation or thre
There is also a feature in Mavericks whereby when you Shutdown or Restart your
computer, it will re-open windows and apps that were open when the computer was
on. This checkbox is checked by default in the Shutdown/Restart dialog. If
you uncheck it, it should remain unchecked from then on
Dear List after playing some mp3s through iTunes on the mac I found that they
had been automatically copied into my iTunes music folder even though I had
deleted them in their original location. I have consolidate files turned off
in preferences. I have tried pressing delete and command delete
In your iTunes preferences under Advanced, there is a checkbox called
'copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library'. Maybe
turning that off will give you the result you are looking for.
On 2/13/14 10:13 AM, Lee Jones wrote:
Dear List after playing some mp3s through iTunes on t
We are now the proud owners of a just unboxed iMac. It needs to come back up to
room temperature before I attempt to turn it on but is there anything I should
know about the initial setup?
I'm excited that it can be set up with VO. It will be my husband's machine so
it will also have Zoom inst
You can set up messages and iCloud during setup.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 13, 2014, at 10:01 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> We are now the proud owners of a just unboxed iMac. It needs to come back up
> to room temperature before I attempt to turn it on but is there anything I
> should kno
Did you delete them in iTunes in the sources table then go to music then songs
then delete the songs.
On Feb 13, 2014, at 9:13 AM, Lee Jones wrote:
> Dear List after playing some mp3s through iTunes on the mac I found that they
> had been automatically copied into my iTunes music folder even
what do you mean navigating with the messages on facebook'
On 11 Feb 2014, at 05:45 pm, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, guys,
> How do you navigate this area with VO? I'm finding it a mess.
> thanks,
> Teresa
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
option then press KVO + K, if you
VO means Ctrl +
On 11 Feb 2014, at 11:28 pm, Daniel Hawkins
> hello everyone!
> As part of my goal to to train others how to use the Mac, one thing my future
> job would do is also teach new users how to learn how to keyboard. So my
> question is,
Congratulations! Setting it up will be easy - just hit cmd-f5 once it is
booted, and go through the process. Make sure you know your wireless passcode,
or plug the iMac into the router directly, but aside from that it is a simple
matter. Of course, if you plan to give it your or your husband's A
Thanks much.
My office in New York was just closed due to snow so I get to play Mac this
Geek On! :)
Jenine Stanley
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:49 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Congratulations! Setting it up will be easy - just hit cmd-f5 once it is
> booted, and
That is excellent. I hope you enjoy you're mac.
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:22 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> Thanks much.
> My office in New York was just closed due to snow so I get to play Mac this
> afternoon.
> Geek On! :)
> Jenine Stanley
> dragonwalke...@gmail.com
> On Feb 13, 20
Hi may, right, for this to work, at least, for it to work for me, the headset
needs to be connected only to Windows.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
On 12/02/2014, at 6:39 pm, May and Noah wrote:
> Ok, maybe I have it set up w
The iMac setup went fine, save for a few glitches when setting up the email
accounts. My dear spouse only has 5 of them. :)
He did ask me if there is any way to change the behavior of VO in the password
edit boxes. He wants it to read what he's typing there instead of the security
feature of j
the "use voiceover on the login screen requires that you or your husband be the
dmim. if you go into system preferences, you'll find it under login options.
On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:36 PM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> The iMac setup went fine, save for a few glitches w
Sory for a dumb question. I have a Skype account on my mac. but it's a
free account. I suspect that free accounts don't allow their owners to
have multiple participants on a conversation. Is that correct? If so, how
do I upgrade my account to enable this feature?
You re
Giant thanks Jessica.
Now I recall that and need to set him up as the Admin. Unlike my laptop, this
one will only have the one log in.
Jenine Stanley
On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Jessica wrote:
> hi,
> the "use voiceover on the login screen requires that you or you
I don't believe you can get VoiceOver to speak in password edit fields
which makes a whole lot of sense. To enable VoiceOver at startup this is
not necessary once command-f5 is invoked. Once VoiceOver is on it
remains on until turned off with the same keystroke. Now to have
VoiceOver speak
Forget it. Voice Over will only click when you type in a password field.
That is a security feature and cannot be changed.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
I thought Apple had patented the MagSafe connector so they are pretty
much the only supplier. That said, I found some cheap clones at newegg.
For example, here is a 60w one for $18:
Hi Kevin. You don't need to upgrade your Skype account to make conference calls
unless you're using video conferencing. To make a conference, simply select the
contact that you want to add and press enter. It'll open a conversation window
with the contact. There you should see an add to call but
Hi there.
So, do I need to disconnect the headset completely like unplug it from the mac,
plug it back in so that then it ask what to connect to? Or can I just go to the
usb settings and tell the headset to connect to the virtual machine?
And if we do it this way it means the mac will no longer
Thanks Chris. Now I just have to get the password that was set for this machine
to go in as Admin and life will be good.
I understand the reasoning behind having no speech with passwords and generally
I have my computers set this way but my dear spouse does not. His logic is that
his computers
How do I get a keyboard shortcut list for Pages is it in the Help Menu?
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Yes, it is.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 13, 2014, at 4:07 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> How do I get a keyboard shortcut list for Pages is it in the Help Menu?
> Scott
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscri
Hi Scott,
Instead of going through the effort of checking and unchecking songs every time
you wish to listen to a different set of songs, I suggest that you leave the
checkboxes alone and create iTunes playlists. You just go through the song
list, selecting songs you want to have in the playli
If that was the only user you set up on the computer, then it will
automatically be an Admin user. The initial user created during the setup
process is always an Admin user.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Feb 13, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> Thanks Chris.
Got behind on my reading. Is it possible to use VGA to the projector?
VGA being an old analog standard lacks all the DRM baggage.
On 1/27/14 8:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
We were using HDMI.
On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:40 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
Sounds a bit odd. What was the connection
Hi all, I relies that this isn't directly a Mac question but thought I'd post
here just in case it happens to be part of my Mac too.
Occourding to my iphone, under usage my Messages is displaying 370MB
Now, I have deleted all my messages in the iphone app but after doing this, it
is still displ
Yes the keyboard shortcuts are in the help menu first go to pages then open the
apple menu with vo shift m then press you're left arrow key to move to the
help menu then open the help center then interact with the table with vo shift
down arrow then vo right arrow until you find key board shor
Hey all,
Before doing a clean install I am trying to clean up my gmail folder on mac
mail. According to my all mail folder there are 97000 messages, I went in to
the delete and sent folders in my gmail in mac mail and between the two of them
there were 11000 messages which I deleted and of cour
I don’t think so Chris. Because the Mac uses the special adaptors to convert
to VGA, I believe the chip in the adaptor itself won’t allow the connection.
Could be wrong but, I believe that’s the case. Probably those folks purchasing
movies from other than iTunes might be doing it on a Wi
I believe that the Deleted Messages sit there for about 30 days before Gmail
removes them automatically. So, manually removing them through the Mail client
probably won't do much for you. If you're willing to give Chrome a try, it
works better with the Gmail interface, especially if yo
It should come up talking, but if nothing happens when you turn it on, hit
enter and that should bring up everything.
Cait and Maggie
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:01 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> We are now the proud owners of a just unboxed iMac. It needs to come back up
> to room temperature
if I remember correctly you need to do this from your Mac at the iCloud.com
site. I did it a month or so ago. I think I spat the dummy and got my sited
wife to help.
You need to go to the mail tab then find the accounts. From there if you are
lucky you will find alias. It will tell you you
remember to press command f5 to turn VO
On Feb 13, 2014, at 6:22 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie
> It should come up talking, but if nothing happens when you turn it on, hit
> enter and that should bring up everything.
> Enjoy!
> Cait and Maggie
> On Feb 13, 2014,
Wow, this just keeps getting worse and worse, so I just turned my Mac Air on
which I used for days with Mavericks and everything was fine. I hadn't used it
since Jan. 7 and guess what after ten minutes there is absolutely no mail in
gmail since Jan. 7. So not sure how so many of you are not havi
Hey Tim,
Thanks for the chrome suggestion. Just hung up with Apple, and they are telling
me a clean install will not fix the issue, my best bet is to get sighted
assistance and download hard copies of my mail and then delete it all which I
think I might do. Going to try chrome now. We deleted m
The is a way to download videos. However, you can consider it a pro feature, as
you must donate to the project before it will let you save. I haven't done this
yet, as I almost never need to save videos, but it can be done if you are
willing to give the developer a bit of money. This app is so w
Need a bit of help. Running Mountain Lion on Macbook. I cannot seem
to grasp what VO commands to use to move between, say the sidebar and
view browser in a Finder window. Been a Windows user for too many years.
Thanks for any assistance here.
Quote of the nanosecond . . .
A backward poet wr
The easiest way to jump between the sidebar and the browser window in
Finder is to use control-option-j. It automatically interacts for you and
saves you steps.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
Website, http://www.mac
Hi Robert,
Glad to see you here. I made the switch from windows a few months ago and
haven't regretted it.
Are you aware of the interactive tutorial for vo? To start the tutorial press
command vof8. It's divided into several sections with a section to practice
what's been discssed for that p
I will remember that one once I get past an issue that stumps me.
I put Dropbox on the Mac. Now when I want to access it, I am asked
for the computer password. Is that the same as the login password? I
never entered that as far as I can recall. I am really lost and am gonna
take a break
Hi Don,
We seem to both get around, dont we?
Yes I have played with the tutorial a few times, but due to hearing,
did not get a lot from it.
I wont have any regrets either once I get past this roadblock.
Quote of the nanosecond . . .
Oxymoron: Rock garden
Robert & Dreamer Doll ke7nw
Yes, it's your system or account password. You should only be asked this
the first time.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com
Good grief. I am given a hint that I probably entered but its too
vague. Heh. Will I get locked out after so many failed attemtps?
Quote of the nanosecond . . .
A smile is the same in any language.
Robert & Dreamer Doll ke7nwn
On 2/13/2014 8:04 PM, John Panar
Do you happen to have a bluetooth neckloop. Mine works very well. Don't
useit much now that I've lived with the speech for a while, but it was a real
when getting started.
Also I had to adjust some of the speech settings for better understandability,
especially the intonation setting
Yes, have done that and found Alex the perfect voice tho I usually
prefer female. Could buy more voices but was told Mavericks has better
ones already so will wait until I upgrade, which will be a while.
When I know what I will hear, I get it pretty well. Also have been
using the V
Yes I know the keyboard help. But in the job I am going into I am going to
teach someone how to keyboard. I know there are a few free ones for Windows or
Linux, but is there any for Mac?
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro
iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
Hey all,
So I had a buddy come over and help me delete a ton of messages from the gmail
web page. The good, mac mail at least for now is working a lot lot better.
Hopefully it still will be working in the morning. We deleted about 20,000
messages, but it looks like a lot of important messages m
Oh God, I think I just realized why my messages are missing in the folders
where I had everything labeled/archived. I deleted permanently in gmail all my
sent messages as there was 10,000 and I am always emailing myself stuff and
then apply a label and put the email in the proper folder. Phone n
they are probably either still in all mail or over in trash. they can be moved
from folder to folder pretty easily. So long as it hasn't been 30 days since
you last deleted anything, they should still be there.
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:24 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Oh God, I think I just
No unfortunately I permanently deleted them from the gmail. They should be in
all mail but are gone. I didn't delete anything from all mail just permanently
deleted my sent and trash folders. Praying that a Time Machine restore might
still have them, as they should but can't figure out time mach
Hey all,
I have never used Time Machine, but my computer has been backing up to an
external drive every day. I am trying to go back 24 hours and access my mail to
hopefully recover a lot of mail that I permanently deleted off the gmail
server, but had saved in mac mail in folders that are gmail
I’d like to introduce a small product our company makes for iOS VoiceOver
and Android TalkBack users. It's called RiVO. We have seen blind people use
their smartphones quite well with RiVO. I'm trying my best to make people
know about the availability of this product.
RiVO is a revolutiona
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