Actually, as far as I’m aware, VO-T simply describes the attributes under the
VO cursor.
"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
On Dec 5, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi!
> You can also just hit VO+T to toggle them on and off!
> Colin
> On 5 Dec 20
I experience the new finereader as very accessible. If you have a supported
scanner, you can scan directly from a supported scanner without vuescan, this
is a major step forward.
There could be unlabled buttons but the helptags works, but most of the buttons
are labled correct. In my exper
My Bad you are right *smile*
On 6 Dec 2013, at 08:43, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Actually, as far as I’m aware, VO-T simply describes the attributes under the
> VO cursor.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Dec 5, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Red.F
Do you know if Finereader Pro supports wireless scanning? The Express version
didn’t but if the pro version does, then i’ll have to go grab it.
6 dec 2013 kl. 10:09 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen :
> Hi.
> I experience the new finereader as very accessible. If you have a supported
> s
Excuse my ignorance, but i can`t quite understand why you need Vuescan in use
with Abby Finereader, so, if you can explain step by step for a dummy i will
appriciate it.
Take care
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To uns
Hi Annie,
Which scanner do you have that is not supported by find reader? I was doing
some looking, and it appears they don't support any of the Plustek scanners. I
also found that there is apparently a driver for the plustek 3800 that works
Onamac, but I guess it is only with plustek software.
Hi Mary..
I have an opticbook 4800, I can not find a driver that works on the mac exept
for vuescan, but it is very slow, and I get terrible scanning results with
vuescan I do not know why.
I also love book edge scanners, and there are not many of them on the market.
If you have a plustek opti
Hi Terje.
I do not think many of us need vuescan anymore with the new finereader. The old
one only let you scan 1 page at a time, so therefore many people made a tif
file with vuescan, and recognized it with finereader afterwards. I still wonder
how people gets good results that way, I tried it
Where do you get onformation about which scanners is supported.
Best regards Annie.
Den 06 Dec 2013 kl. 14:47 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen :
> Hi Mary..
> I have an opticbook 4800, I can not find a driver that works on the mac exept
> for vuescan, but it is very slow, and I get terrible scan
I found a link on that Abby site but took me to the Apple Store. And there was
an extensive list of supported scanners. Plus tech was not in there. I'm on an
iPhone right now, so I don't have that link. But you can probably find it by
going to the site.
Sent from my iPhone
On De
I followed the links to the abbyy website from the app store. on the page for
the pro version of abbyy finer reader, under the tab for "tech specs" in the
hardware section is a link to the apple website for supported ICA scanners.
I think this is it.
see the list on the Apple web-site
On Dec
Hi Annie,
I do not have an optic book 3800. I have a 3600, which I have been using a long
time with Kurzweil 1000 on Windows. But I would like to move to the Mac if I
can find a scanner I like with this new find reader. I saw a knowledgebase
article on the plus tech website which had a link to a
Can anybody tell me what the difference is between Finereader Express and
finereader pro? Since I already paid for the Express version before it was in
the app store, I would like to know what added benefits I am getting before I
pay for the Pro version. I don't object to paying something; I jus
Deer List, got my enhanced voices installed. what is the best way to update
with voice over? When you go to software update on IOS it says you have IOS
7.04 your software is up to date but on the mac it takes you to the ap store.
Do you have to get all your OSX Updates through the ap store? If
I did troubleshooting with somebody using vuescan a few weeks ago. The problem
was that media was not in "text". I suspect you do have a setting wrong
somewhere if you are not getting good results when you scan with vuescan but
you are with Abbyy; there are several incorrect settings that could
Hi, all,
I’ve noticed recently that the regular Facebook site doesn’t show comments on
the newsfeed. I get email notifications of them, but don’t find them on my
wall. Is there something to click on to expand the comments with the story?
"Everything is interesting if you go into
Hi there
This is one of the things I mentioned earlier. It used to be that if you
pressed command option i it would imply say Inspector and you could do
formatting that way. I've been told it comes up, but VoiceOver does not say it
and I haven't yet figured out how to get to the Inspector anymo
Ok Tim. If the Inspector doesn't work the same way, how do you do it? It's
confusing because VoiceOver, if I remember right, says Hide Inspector or Show
Inspector when you press command option i.
On Dec 5, 2013, at 10:51 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> To change the name of
The inspector is visible by default. In fact, I'm not sure if it can be hidden.
There is an option to hide/show Inspector in View > Inspector,
command-option-i, but this doesn't seem to have any effect for VoiceOver at
least. You can, however, choose to toggle between the format inspector or the
HI Gigi,
I can get to the format inspector fine and I have no problems formatting a cell
as a popup menu. What I'm having difficulty with is activating the popup menu
and setting it to a particular value. If I VO-Space on the popup menu it simply
allows me to edit the text. Option-return seems n
Hey fellow Mars Edit Users,
When I got a little free time a few hours ago I opened Mars Edit to
make a change to one of my pages at When I finished the changes I
hit send and got an alert saying my password was wrong for some odd reason. I
typed it in and hit send. It didn’
I need to find some budgeting software. I was trying to use Mint, but it is
rather inaccessible. I'm also looking at Quicken, but afraid to pay the $49 for
it without knowing if it will be accessible.
Any recommendations?
Shared, reseller, VPS and dedicated hosting at a
Hi, all,
I want to use my Bluetooth Braille display on a virtual machine (Linux) and I
have to know the device address, which is some sort of hexadecimal value. where
on the Mac can I find this? i looked in system Information and Bluetooth
preferences, but I can’t locate it.
I cannot give you specific recommendations. However, I would stay away from
Quicken. I use that software package for over 20 years on the Windows side.
Their budgeting software is an accessible, at least it was the last time I
tried to use it.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 6, 2013, at 2:33 PM,
I know this because I needed it to use brltty on my Mac with bluetooth for my
braille edge. Correction: I knew how to find bluetooth addresses on Mountain
Lion, and this might just be the last straw if I can't find them with
Mavericks! In Mountain Lion, I opened System Preferences > Bluetooth an
Hi, Cheryl,
Yep, I got exactly the same results for Mavericks. I saw a way to do it on the
linux CLI, so maybe I can try it on the Mac, though the Unix vs. Linux commands
may be slightly different. anyhow, I’ll keep digging and see what I come up
"The Golden Age of scienc
I want to run vinux in a vm. I have a apple wireless keyboard and need access
to the caps lock key to use orca. On the windows side people are using sharp
keys to remap the caps lock key. Is there a comparable solution for linux?
I could plug in a full sized USB keyboard but was wonde
You can scan multipage documents directly from finereader pro, and you can
convert to a wide range of formats, and the quality is exelent. You can also
split double sided scannings automatic, and it works quite good.
Best regards Annie.
Den 06 Dec 2013 kl. 17:04 skrev Cheryl Homiak :
> Can
Hi Cheryl.
I have followed Annes guidelines for setting vuescan up. I am happy that
vuescan works for anybody else, but I am sad that it does not work for me. I
have checked the text setting and a lot of other things, nothing works.
Best regards Annie.
Den 06 Dec 2013 kl. 17:54 skrev Cheryl Hom
My wife and I use Pocket Money on our I devices. Both the checkbook and budget
are accessible.
> On Dec 6, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to find some budgeting software. I was trying to use Mint, but it is
> rather inaccessible. I'm also looking at Quicken, b
I had Fusion running Windows 7 on my MBP under Snow Leopard perfectly. I was
running Fusion 4. I got a new MBA and installed Fusion 6. I moved my Virtual
Machine file from the MBP to the MBA, which I’ve heard can be done. When I
launch Fusion, iI get no Windows start up music, but I think so
Good Afternoon,
I just got two new Christmas CD’s and realized that this is the first music
I’ll be importing since I signed up for iTunes Match. Will the new music I add
in this way go directly to iTunes Match? Or, is there something I need to do
to make sure that it does? Thanks in advance
You will have to disable global Mac keystrokes in the machine settings, command
E. this way, any modifier key should work. You can still command-tab out of
Fusion and load vO in order to suspend the virtual machine if you need to.
Slow down; you'll get there faster.
On Dec 6, 2013,
there's an option to update iTunes Match in the store menu as I recall, which I
assume forces an update. Otherwise, I think updates of your library occur
Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 6, 2013, at 3:32 PM, Desi Noller wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I just got two new Christmas CD’s
Well, I haven’t found out much about how to use command line to scan for and
display bluetooth Mac addresses. Most Linux distros use hcitool, but Free bsD
uses hccontrol, which I haven’t even found man page info on yet. I did get the
braille display working, because I found the address via hcito
I had what I thought was an insight about how to handle a bunch of movies I
I want to add some movies to my i tunes library. right now, they are mp3
files. they are described movies, though. I don’t want them playing with all
my other music.
If I just rename them to m4r, and then p
Hi, Caitlyn,
This is what I’ve done for my DVS movies. I put them in their own playlist in
ITunes and called it “DVS movies”. It ends up in the music folder, but they
stay together as a playlist.
"We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
On Dec 6, 2013, at 3:47 PM, Caitlyn a
Hello list,
How do you set focus to windows when using Fusion? So far, the only method I
have found that works reliably is to physically click the mouse, hoping that my
mouse pointer is focused somewhere inside of the Windows window. Is there a
trick I'm missing? Control-command and coomand-g bo
Hi all.
My finder is going busy all the time when i column view, does anyone have the
same problem, and is there a solution for that problem, it is driving me crazzy?
Best regards Annie.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To un
unity view won't affect anything. However, moving the VM from one machine to
another can be tricky. when I moved my VM from my iMac to my MBA, I was asked
by fusion if I wanted to copy or move the VM. Not knowing what to do, I
selected copy. This caused all my keys to be invalidated - windows, M
no problems here yet with Marsedit, I'm using ML and not mavericks
> Hey fellow Mars Edit Users,
> When I got a little free time a few hours ago I opened Mars Edit to
> make a change to one of my pages at When I finished the changes
> I hit send and got an alert saying my pas
It’s a bug. The only easy solution is to switch to list view. I’ve actually
gotten used to list view. If i want to locate myself inside a folder, I just
use command-down-arrow to open it and command-up-arrow to go back up to the
parent folder. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, as there’s been a
I usually run in full-screen mode and when I command tab into fusion, I use the
tab key or jaws "read current line" command to get windows awake and
responding. sometimes focus gets screwed up and in those cases I use command
control F to switch screen modes which usually shakes things up and le
Hi Teresa.
Ok I will try to get used to list view.
Best regards Annie.
Den 07 Dec 2013 kl. 01:51 skrev Teresa Cochran :
> It’s a bug. The only easy solution is to switch to list view. I’ve actually
> gotten used to list view. If i want to locate myself inside a folder, I just
> use command-dow
You know, Epson scanners are supported and work quite well in my opinion. Also,
you can pick one up for around $120 or so. There are many other supported and
cheap scanners that will do a good job. Basically any scanner that apple sells
will work for you.
On Dec 6, 2013, at 10:44 AM, Mary Otten
Hi Phil,
Yes, I know that a lot of scanners are supported. But when I scan a book on a
flat-bed the old-fashioned way, i.e. pressing the book down so as to get a good
view of both pages, I pay for it with all kinds of muscle pain in the shoulders
and arms. Too much typing for too many years and
You can leave the files in their current format if you want to. You can place
them in a playlist, or not. Simply select your DVS tracks and then select get
info. In the options tab you can check a box that says skip when shuffling. You
can also choose to check the box to remember your place if y
Yes, I usually change to icon view or at least I often do this.
Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
meet Immanuel (God with us),
Jesus, the crucified Savior,
Christ, the risen Lord.
On Dec 6, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen
> Hi all.
> My finder is going busy
Hi all
Is anyone else having problems in xcode 5 with mavericks, where when
navigating through either the inspector or library groups constantly
produces the busy indicator and forces you to wait a second or two. I've
gone to the extent of wiping the hdd and reinstalling everything to resolve
I am adding up to Nick's problem. Xcode quits when I try to expand
elements in the document outline view of a storyboard file in
interface builder. The same happens when I try to go to the inspector
section for some UI objects, A TableViewController in my case.
Any suggestions and workarounds
u cannot go back to mountain lion.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 6, 2013, at 10:50 PM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
> hi.
> I am adding up to Nick's problem. Xcode quits when I try to expand
> elements in the document outline view of a storyboard file in
> interface builder. The same happens when
I've seen this on mountain lion as well, good luck. Command tabbing out
and back in usually fixes the issue for me.
On 12/6/2013 10:19 PM, Nick Allan wrote:
Hi all
Is anyone else having problems in xcode 5 with mavericks, where when
navigating through either the inspector or library groups co
Hi Nick,
I have had this same problem from the first beta release. I’ve submitted a bug
report back in the summer and updated my findings, but have not gotten any
response. Feel free to file a duplicate.
As far as I can tell, the problem is with the movement of the keyboard focus
around the
Here's the deal. I have a Sony Blue Ray player, I don't recall the model, and
it came with software called Eye Connect. that's e y e connect. anyway, the
folks who make that will stop supporting it at the end of this year. Frankly,
I haven't gotten any real support. the curious thing
Hi all,
Just wondering what is the keystroke for moving between 2 open documents in
pages? when I command tab to the pages app, I see the last document I had open,
but I have two documents. How can I view the other doc and move back and forth
between the 2?
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 i
On Saturday, December 7, 2013 12:45:24 AM UTC-6, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
> guys,
> Here's the deal. I have a Sony Blue Ray player, I don't recall the model,
> and it came with software called Eye Connect. that's e y e connect.
> anyway, the folks who make that will stop supporting it at the
Sorry for the dual reply. I just realized that one of the requirements I have
for a DLNA server is that it must stream DRM content I've purchased from
Again, thanks for any ideas.
On Dec 7, 2013, at 1:20 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:
> On Saturday, December 7, 2013 12:45
The best thing I've found is the Personal Budget template in the new Numbers.
It works really well, is very accessible on both Mac and iPad and of course
syncs seamlessly between devices with iCloud.
Another app for the iPhone is TrackMySpend (though I can't remember if it's one
word or three).
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