Hi, guys,
I was poking around for system requirements and found this useful page on the
Apple site. It lists compatible computers, system requirements, and the apps
Mavericks has built in.
Slow down; you'll get there faster.
You received this me
Hello Colin.
I love my Aftershockz headset. I use it every day. I would not be without it.
No problem with using it. However, I do not like using it with blind square as
the voices are too loud. I can't wait to get the Sendero App when it's out in
Sent from my I phone
> On
What does this Docking thing do? My volume on my I phone is still stuck at 35%
even though I reset it once someone said on this list that I should do so.
Sent from my I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 03:27 am, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Correct.
> This can be toggled on/off in Voiceove
Hello everyone,
Has anyone figured-out the button labeling in iBooks?
Also is there a way to sync ePub files between both clients? (Mavericks OS X,
and iOS 7.3).
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Waaw great news
Can i do the upgrade alone or i need sited assistance
And how can i upgrade from ml?
I have a bootcamp will it be affected
. Thanks so much
Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 23, 2013, at
hi, all,
I’m using an upgrade from Mountain lion on a late 2009 Mac Mini with 4GB ram.
The specs indicate that i should be ok to use this, but i notice that apps are
taking at least twenty seconds to open. I might be mis-estimating the time, but
I certainly notice the slower load times. Anyone
You didn’t have to turn classic view on for that. You could have whent to
preferences, viewing, and then went to header. There is an option in that
setting to customize what you hear. The one thing I haven’t been able to get
rid of, is voice over saying “imbedded” before reading each email,
How you read messages in mail now ever since I'm fine ever since installing
Maverick I haven't been able to do anything with my mail messages not read not
reply not forward not anything thanks Kaitlyn
Sent from Caitlyn's I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 04:54, Kliphton --- wrote:t
> You did
Can't you do classic view for mail? I use the classic view in ML but will be
installing Mavericks od Saturday.
Sent from my I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 10:33 am, Caitt Furness wrote:
> How you read messages in mail now ever since I'm fine ever since installing
> Maverick I haven't
That’s good for Safari, but it would be nice if the Mail app did the same thing
where if you click on something that says clickable, like in this digest, it
would bring you to that thread instead of me having to issue the find command
to get there.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 23,
No Ray, I would suggest deleting them before you install the Vocalizer
Expressive voices or else, like I found out, it’ll bugger up the new ones.
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 23, 2013, at 4:09 AM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
You received this message because you are
DoesvDOJ still working maverick I can't seem to get it to work thanks Kaitlyn
Sent from Caitlyn's I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 01:51, Alex Hall wrote:
> Fair enough, everyone uses apps in different ways. I just wanted to make
> people aware of the alternative.
>> On Oct 23, 2013, at 1:11 AM
Hi May. You can download the Vocalizer Expressive voices 2 ways. In the VO
Utility, go to speech, and under the popup button with all the voices, select
customize. There you’ll find a table and you can select the voices you want.
The other way is in System Preferences. Select dictation and speec
Hi guys. I just downloaded the new update to iTunes. I noticed that under the
internet radio button that has internet radio stations, first letter navigation
no longer works. Are people also seeing this?
Sent From My White Mac Book
You received this message because you are subscribed
Yes I am trying to delete it from my apps folder is that special?
Cait Kaitlyn
Sent from Caitlyn's I phone
> On 22 Oct 2013, at 22:26, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> are you trying to delete the app from your apps folder?
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2t
22 okt 2013 kl. 22:35 skrev Michael Marshall :
> i just don't want to update the OS to find it so buggy that i can't use it.
And when has that ever happened on the Mac? This ain't windows, ya know. I have
had a Mac since 2008 and i've never ever seen an unusable OS.
You received t
Hi all:
i have my macc mini with mountain lion installed, and i have windows 64 as a
boot camp, now i need to install the mavericks,
1, will i need sited assistance to do so?
2, what about my booot camp, will it be affected??
3, if you please, i need a tutorial or something on hhow to install
Hi all:
i have my macc mini with mountain lion installed, and i have windows 64 as a
boot camp, now i need to install the mavericks,
1, will i need sited assistance to do so?
2, what about my booot camp, will it be affected??
3, if you please, i need a tutorial or something on hhow to install
Hi all:
i have my macc mini with mountain lion installed, and i have windows 64 as a
boot camp, now i need to install the mavericks,
1, will i need sited assistance to do so?
2, what about my booot camp, will it be affected??
3, if you please, i need a tutorial or something on hhow to install
Hi all:
i have my macc mini with mountain lion installed, and i have windows 64 as a
boot camp, now i need to install the mavericks,
1, will i need sited assistance to do so?
2, what about my booot camp, will it be affected??
3, if you please, i need a tutorial or something on hhow to install
Hi all:
i have my macc mini with mountain lion installed, and i have windows 64 as a
boot camp, now i need to install the mavericks,
1, will i need sited assistance to do so?
2, what about my booot camp, will it be affected??
3, if you please, i need a tutorial or something on hhow to install
Good Day:
The terminal works as it always has in Mavericks. You need to make sure
that you are interacting with the text where the contents of the terminal is,
but I have no problem reviewing the screen if that condition is met.
Education never ends. It is a series of lessons
How then do you delete them?
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Oct 23, 2013, at 4:42 AM, BBS wrote:
> No Ray, I would suggest deleting them before you inst
Hello everyone,
Has anyone been able to successfully delete a note with the latest update to
EverNote? Additionally, has anyone been able to successfully move a note from
one folder to another with the latest update to EverNote?
Finally, what are the ways in which users are incorporating EverNot
Yes, I noticed this as well and I have a macbook aire 2013.
May and Prince Noah
On Oct 23, 2013, at 4:53 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> hi, all,
> I’m using an upgrade from Mountain lion on a late 2009 Mac Mini with 4GB ram.
> The specs indicate that i should be ok to use t
I have the same issue with my Macbook Pro from 2011 with 8 gigs of ram, and a
dual core I7 processor.
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
Sent from my Mac Book Pro
On Oct 23, 2013, at 6:19 AM, May and Noah wrote:
> Yes, I noticed
Hi. Email me off list and I can help you.
Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area
On 2013-10-23, at 6:18 AM, ramy moustafa wrote:
> Hi all:
> i have my macc mini with mountain lion installed, and i have windows 64 as a
No it won’t affect your bootcamp partition, and no, you don’t need sighted
help. Go to the Mac app store and the first item in the html area is OS X
Mavericks. press that and then press the download button. After that, just
follow the prompts. When your computer restarts, wait about 10
No. I just thought you might have being to delete something from your dock.
Yeah. pressing command delete still removes apps to the trash from me.
Ricardo Walker
On Oct 23, 2013, at 6:01 AM, Caitt Furness wrote:
Hi all,
I saw a comment on the Apple viz. sight indicating that you can no longer use
command left arrow to return to the previous page and Safari on Mavericks. Is
this true? If so, how do you go back to the previous page? It seems rather
silly for Apple to of taken this easy method away.
Ok, I finally got vo j to work, but for some reason, I’m having to hit it twice
for it work.
anyone know the reason for this?
On Oct 23, 2013, at 1:11 AM, Jonathan Mosen wrote:
> I don’t like to hear read or unread status, because it just slows things
> down. Similarly, openin
I never knew you could go back with CMD left arrow. I always used CMD left
Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area
On 2013-10-23, at 9:02 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi all,
> I saw a comment on the Apple viz. sight
Yep, you can upgrade independently (yay Apple!) Just go to the App Store, find
and download Maverix, and follow the instructions. The download is over 5gb, so
have a solid internet connection and some time to kill. Your Bootcamp should
not be affected at all, though it is always, always, always
Thanks, I'll pass that along.
On Oct 23, 2013, at 6:28 AM, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:
> Good Day:
> The terminal works as it always has in Mavericks. You need to make sure
> that you are interacting with the text where the contents of the terminal is,
> but I have no problem reviewing
Hi Mary,
command left bracket has always been the actual documented command to go back
in Safari. If your still running Mountain lion, look in the history menu and
you will see that command left bracket is indeed the default command.
Backspace and command left arrow I think were just convenie
I also keep a copy of the installation file around. After the OS is finished
downloading, you will have an app in your app folder called something like
Install OS X Mavericks. I usually take this and save it on an external drive.
Ricardo Walker
So what did people think of the I Pad Air? Would people buy it if they had the
money? Do you all think this will change the Tabllet competition? I'm just
curious as to people's thoughts.
Sent from my I phone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Hi there,
This is not necessarily a complaint, but, has anybody noticed that now, when
you are sitting on the main drive volume, Voice Over no longer says “selected”?
For example, with mine, when ever I land on the Macintosh volume, I’d here
“Macintosh Volume selected”: but now, I just hear t
Also, I noticed that when moving through messages in mail, I get the status as
to whether a message is read or unread last of all. I’d like to get that first
of all. Any way to do that?
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constan
Since I came over from Windows, command left Earrow was an easy keystroke. It's
position is like alllt left arrow in windows. Left bracket is just not
something I type very much. I also just tried cmd left bracket on Mountain
lion, and it didn't work. Go figure.
Sent from my iPhone
On O
Have you looked in the View tab of Mail's preferences? I am still waiting for
my 10.9 download to finish, so I can't confirm anything yet. Also, just how big
a deal is the slow app opening, and does it happen with VO off? Are there any
other major bugs I need to know about? Thanks.
On Oct 23, 20
Doing a clean install erases the hard drive and installs the operating
system from scratch. After that, you can restore your applications and
data, though I prefer to install them manually. It takes longer but
that way everything has a fresh start in the new version. Of course,
any content, suc
OK, I keep on hearing this thing with the blurry and no faces stuff, in mail,
in lists of files, etc.. what is it, and more importantly for my sanity, how do
I get rid of it?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" grou
A few things here. You might try changing to classic view instead of
conversation view, I think that's a bit easier. Second, the fastest way
to move through your messages is to interact with the messages table
and place your voice over cursor on the subject column, at that point,
you can just a
um, lol, ok! So, there’s no way to turn that off, then?
that’s neat in a sort of annoying way, I have to admit
thanks for explaining it for me, though. If I can’t turn it off, guess I’ll
just have to learn to tune it out and be happy with it for the time being.
On Oct 23, 2013, at 9:55
There is a setting in voice over where you can disable the announcement
of column headers, this should turn off the reading of the title of
each column.
Original message:
Thanks very much for that Alex.
I have never used Classic View before today, but you’re right, enabling
it has allowed me t
The only way to turn that off it seems is to disable help tags.
Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area
On 2013-10-23, at 9:57 AM, Cait and Maggie wrote:
> um, lol, ok! So, there’s no way to turn that off, then?
> that
Ah, Ok. thanks. Well, I’ll definitely learn to live with it, then, because
help tags are definitely worthwhile!
On Oct 23, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> The only way to turn that off it seems is to disable help tags.
> Matt Dierckens
> matt.dierck...@gmail.com
> Assistive Te
Reminder: vo-shift-h reads help tags. So, you could always disable the
auto-speaking of help tags, then just hit that keystroke, or set up a
commander, when you need the tag spoken. That's what I do, and I only
occasionally have to use the keystroke, mostly in new apps I don't know yet.
On Oct 2
I didn’t think so, either.
I finally got it fixed by repairing disk permissions and running onyx. I
actually had to go and repair my start up disk too, so possibly something was
just really messed up all over.
stuff seems to be mostly working now, though.
some small weirdnesses, but there alwa
Wrong, your bootcamp part may in deed be impacted. Upgrading mac OS will cause
bootcamp and it's associated windows drivers to be updated. If this happens,
windows may decide you have installed on a new computer and deactivate itself.
This happens to my clients occasionally. Use magical jell
Thanks. I figured it was something like that, but wasn't sure. Mostly I
wondered about apps, because I really hate having to reset all my preferences
and settings. Still, if something goes crazy, it will be my only option I
guess. Anyway, I'll try a regular install first since I did that with 10
That's voiceover describing images
Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area
On 2013-10-23, at 9:49 AM, Cait and Maggie wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, I keep on hearing this thing with the blurry and no faces stuff, in mail,
> in l
Nothing in the view preferences window that seems to help with this.
I’d say that when I press the return key on Mail, it takes about five or so
seconds to open, although, this last time, it was only I think about three
seconds or so.
I did a disk permitions repair just in case that smoothed th
You are right, of course, my apologies! Yet another reason to prefer VM
solution, though similar problems, particularly where Jaws is concerned, can
still happen there as well. Using NVDA solves that, though - NVDA is a free
screen reader with no activations or licenses to worry about.
On Oct 2
I have never heard of this magical jellybean key finder. Eric, could you give a
little bit more information? I do have a boot camp partition, and I would
certainly not like to lose it. Thanks.
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 23, 2013, at 7:16 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Wrong, your bootcamp
I agree. The idea of buying a mac and then throwing jaws at it makes me
cringe. I honestly think nvda is the best thing going right now for consumer
level windows use and even in some corporate situations it performs very well.
There's really less and less reason all the time to be using a ja
And the best reason for going to the Mac is free operating system!
Sent from my I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 03:23 pm, erik burggraaf wrote:
> I agree. The idea of buying a mac and then throwing jaws at it makes me
> cringe. I honestly think nvda is the best thing going right now for consu
from what I heard on the event broacast and read on line you can directly
upgrade from each OS.
so yes can upgrade from Lion.
Laura Ann
On Oct 22, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Kjsc Radio wrote:
> You will be able to upgrade from mountain lion. I'm doing my installation
> right now.
> Sent from my iPh
Ok, what’s going on with my emails. I made sure that my subject line had the
right subject to a thread I’m replying to, but ever since upgrading to
Mavericks, it’s sending irrelevant messages to threads that aren’t talking
about the topic I’m replying to. I’m wondering then if I should just have
For any one wishing to back up their microsoft product information including
windows and office product keys, Here is an installer for magical jellybean
Hope this helps,
Erik Burggraaf
Ebony Consulting will close it'
I use Rumola to solve CAPTCHAs. It's fantastic.
On 23/10/2013, at 11:00 AM, Rob wrote:
Dear List,
How do you solve captures
on a mac?
On my PC I use Firefox and Webvisum.
I have not received my ordered macbook yet, but I wanted to know the answer.
I also would like to know if any of you are us
Please tell me Nick where to get that from?
Sent from my I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 03:36 pm, Nicholas Parsons
> wrote:
> I use Rumola to solve CAPTCHAs. It's fantastic.
> On 23/10/2013, at 11:00 AM, Rob wrote:
> Dear List,
> How do you solve captures
> on a mac?
> On my PC
If anyone gets around to trying iBooks, I would be quite interested in what you
discover. As for me, my books show up in the library window, but they can not
be opened, not with command o, not from the file menu, and not with VO space.
If anyone has a different experience, I would love to hear a
You can get Rumola from:
It's a Safari extension. It fills in CAPTCHAs automatically for you. There's a
trial version and then I think it's something ridiculously cheap like 99 cents
for 99 solutions. I've never had to top up since installing it so now I can't
remember. :)
Eric, can this also happen on a VM of Windows? As I’ve stated before, after
upgrading to Mavericks, I went on to Windows, and I can’t get an internet
Sent From My White Mac Book
On Oct 23, 2013, at 9:30 AM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
You received this message
For those of you unsure how you want to upgrade, I recommend the book Take
Control of Upgrading to Mavericks (available on iBooks or Kindle) or MacWorld
has a number of great articles which you can Google for free.
On 24/10/2013, at 1:29 AM, Laura ann Grymes wrote:
from what I heard
Thanks Nick. Will write to you off list.
Sent from my I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 03:49 pm, Nicholas Parsons
> wrote:
> You can get Rumola from:
> http://skipinput.com
> It's a Safari extension. It fills in CAPTCHAs automatically for you. There's
> a trial version and then I think it's som
I recommend just doing the standard backup unless you are experiencing problems
with your system as it is. Either way, however, I recommend you create a backup
duplicate of your entire drive before upgrading. This way if anything goes
wrong, or you decide you hate Mavericks, you can restore to y
Hi, all.
I'm wondering what, if anything, people use to split large mp3 files into
smaller ones. I know there are several programs that work with windows, but I
have no idea what will work with the Mac. I have a MacBook running mountain
Thanks for any assistance.
You receiv
Return key will open books. Then you interact with scroll area, then with html
content. You may get more than one html area with an epub book, and I’m not
sure how that translates to the layout of a book. I sometimes get more than one
html area, and each one is a chapter.
The buttons have no te
Are you sure you're pressing the correct left bracket key – it's the one to the
right of the letter p.
On 24/10/2013, at 12:44 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
Since I came over from Windows, command left Earrow was an easy keystroke. It's
position is like alllt left arrow in windows. Left bracket is jus
This works on my Mac Mini running Mavericks. I had a little bit of a panic
earlier when I tried command-left-bracket and it didn’t work, then realized I
was on my home page and hadn’t opened any other web pages in that session. doh.
Slow down; you'll get there faster.
On Oct 23
I think the slimmer lighter design sounds awesome, but I'm just disappointed
they didn't include Touch ID. I'm keen to get an iPad soon, but can't now
decide which one I want. I think I'll have to play with them all in the Apple
Store once they're out to see which one feels best. If the iPad Air
or you can manually get help tags by pressing VO shift H on the item. If you
don’t mind doing this, you can set help tags to notification instead of turning
it off completely. So instead of bright, blurry, etc, it will say Maverick
image: there is a help tag for this, for example.
Well, theoretically it could, but this is more likely an issue with either a
driver or if you are virtualizing with fusion, a bad network setting. You
could download the latest bootcamp drivers for mavericks and install them.
Change your vmware fusion network setting to bridged mode and config
Yes, I am using the key just to the right of the P. I did try it again, and it
worked. So I guess it was just a fluke. Knows?
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 23, 2013, at 8:08 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> Are you sure you're pressing the correct left bracket key – it's the one to
> the rig
Hit VO-f8, in the utilities table go to speech. Outside of the table arrow
over to your default voice, the pop-up will say the default voice’s name, go to
the bottom inside the pop-up, which says customize. Hit that, which will bring
you to all the voice options.
I’m enjoying Oliver, the new
Yes. When I bring up the table of contents with command T, I bring up the item
chooser with VO I, and find the chapter I want that way. When you do it
straight from the table, it selects the first thing you land on. I personally
fin using the item chooser easier than turning off curso
Hi, all,
I’m using Mail in Mavericks. I’m probably in the minority, but I prefer to have
the number of messages in a conversation as the first column. this way, I don’t
delete 50 messages when I think I’m deleting 1. How can i rearrange the columns
so it’s the first one instead of the last?
I wish in modern view we could move around the columns. I too miss the number
conversation at the beginning, I relied on that pretty heavily. Sheesh, if I
saw a conversation was over 20, sometimes I skipped it. In classic layout I
don’t know how to get VO to announce the number inside the con
Oh, fantastic. Doh. thanks, Ricardo. that *is much easier.
On the other hand, there are different fingers.
On Oct 23, 2013, at 8:35 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hello,
> Yes. When I bring up the table of contents with command T, I bring up the
> item chooser with VO I, and find the
Actually those preferences are the first thing I played with. I’ve found no way
to silence the time every message was received as I arrow through the message
list. If you ahve found a way it would be great to get more info.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials an
Actually you can use columns is standard view. You just interact with a
message, move to a column, and then when you press the up and down arrows, only
that column is read.
"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
On Oct 23, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Traci Duncan wrote:
I thought there was a new American male voice, you know, the new male voice for
Siri? Anybody know what that one is or if it’s available yet?
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac an
That’s funny, I got a book to open using Command+o. Many buttons are
unlabeled, but, there are help tags on some of them. However, manually
labeling buttons appears not to stick consistantly in Ibooks. To get from
chapter to chapter inside a book, press the button to show the table of
Ah, didn’t think of that.
Wow! Seems to me like they kind of dropped the ball on this one ey?
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
On Oct 23, 2013, at 10:35 AM,
I’m right there with you! I also hate that the unread status is moved, since
that and the message count are two very important things for me. I have turned
on mail preview so I can hear the first part of a message without opening it,
so now I have to wait through the sender, subject, preview, an
Audacity will handle it. It is free, open-source, pretty accessible, and has a
mailing list for help and questions. I believe the link is
http://audacity.sourceforge.net but I could be wrong.
On Oct 23, 2013, at 10:58 AM, Shannon Dyer wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I'm wondering what, if anything, peop
My problem is, when I interact with the scroll area, I see a book title, but I
can’t open the book no matter what I do. Does this mean that my books haven’t
been properly sinked with iCloud? I’m becoming a bit unsure as to how to
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off!
Hi all,
I use KeyRemap4Macbook to use my caps lock as a set of vo keys, but in 10.9
that functionality seems to be broken. Is it just me? Thanks.
Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
You want I think to look for the table scrole area. Then, you want to select a
book just by using the arrows and nothing else. To open a book CMD+O should do
the trick.
Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted R
Ok, when I go through the sort options, both in the menu and in the popup at
the message table, there’s a “number” option that’s dimmed. I wonder if there’s
a way to make it available.
"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
On Oct 23, 2013, at 9:21 AM, Alex Hall wr
Hmmm. I don’t really want to mess around with Bootcamp. I guess an alternate
solution would be to reinstall XP on this thing which is gonna be a pain in the
A** to do. I hope it’s not a VMWare problem because, like I said before, a
friend told me that if I wanted Fusion 6, more ram is needed to
Oh, thanks, Ricardo!
I’ll try this, I might like that better.. won’t know until I try that.
On Oct 23, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> or you can manually get help tags by pressing VO shift H on the item. If you
> don’t mind doing this, you can set help ta
Hi Shawn,
I think you're getting confused between bootcamp and the bootcamp drivers.
They're basically two sides of the same coin. You don't need a bootcamp
partition to install the bootcamp drivers. In fact, although fusion provides
drivers that are adequate for practical purposes, you shou
Hello eric thanks this little app is very handy so again
Wayne c
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of erik burggraaf
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:36 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: OT, keyfin
I’m setting those two columns as hotspots, and they work fairly well, though
not entirely consistent.
Slow down; you'll get there faster.
On Oct 23, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Ok, when I go through the sort options, both in the menu and in the popup at
> the message tab
The only American male voices I know of are Alex & Tom. There are 3 new
American female voices, though to me, they just sound like variations of
Samantha. Lol!
On Oct 23, 2013, at 8:44 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I thought there was a new American male voice, you know, the new male voic
Hi Alex, this is working fine for me. Not sure what to suggest, but just wanted
you to know it isn’t a universal problem. It’s companion is also working fine
in JAWS in Fusion.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
On 24/10/2013, at
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