Dan, if you receive this e-mail, would you please write me privately. I
exported the help file into a word document for the VoiceDream Reader and would
like to email it to you. I was out of town when you wrote yesterday and didn't
keep your message. Thanks.
You received this message
I too reckon you should just get the iMac. I love my iMac, and I can't even see
the screen. When I did the calculations to decide the same question you're
considering, it worked out to be cheaper and easier to just get an iMac rather
than buying the Mac Mini, the keybaord, the TrackPad or Mouse,
An alternative if you have a TrackPad:
• Tap twice on your TrackPad with three fingers.
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HI Jean,
How extensively have you used your Jabra Clear with your Mac now? Have you had
any dificulties? Will you lose VoiceOver if you turn the Jabra Clear headset
off and then on again, or if it runs out of batteries? When you first boot up
your Mac and the OS loads, will VoiceOver default to
Good morning, or evening everyone, depending on where you're located.
In the past, there has been a lot of discussion both on and off list about
the accessibility and use of ProTools from an accessibility standpoint with
Voiceover. I've been asked to appear on certain podcasts and then due to
Yes, I think your right. through lots of conversations with various people
and messages from this list, I have decided to go with the base imac and
since someone mentioned the upgrade to mavrick might be twenty or thirty
dollars or even maybe free, I think I can't go wrong. From the messages
Here you go.
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To po
Hi all,
My name is Becky Sabo. I have pages loaded on my mack pro computer. It helps
me a little but still frustrated with it. How do you write college papers on
it? So I was wondering if I should load book camp or vm solution? I have had
my mack pro computer for two in a half months.
I was able to get Windows 7 working under a VM window, using my bootcamp
drive. But I have a few more questions.
First, what do I need to do to be able to alt tab through my Win 7 windows?
Second, when I do leave the Win 7 window and turn VO back on and do a bit
with the Mac, when I r
Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part of
your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation (i.e.
bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is inaccessible
have actual
I purchased a gift cirtificut, and he hasn't received it yet.
On Jun 15, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't believe so, but you can purchase a Gift Certificate through the
> iTunes Store that is eMailed to the recipient. The Gift Certificate usually
> can be used for anyt
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Yes, Nick, that is a quick and easy one. I'll add, though, that you first must
have Trackpad Commander turned on for this to work.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On 2013-06-16, at 4:00 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> An alternative if you have a TrackPad:
> • T
Thank you! Have you figured out how to search Twitter?
On Jun 15, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Direct messages are in their own tab. Either cmd-right twice from the main
> timeline tab, or press ctrl-3. Incidentally, mentions are one tab right of
> the timeline, or ctrl-2, and, of
Personally, I prefer using the MS Office suite with JAWS. I don't think
anything comes close to the accessibility of jaws and MS word/Excel. I'm also
new to the mac and have a bootcamp installation on my HD with JAWS and office.
I Plan, like alot of others, to get VMWare fusion running so I can
This helps, thank you! I disabled auto fill the first day. I found it annoying.
On Jun 15, 2013, at 10:44 PM, ppowell...@aol.com wrote:
> I sincerely hope this helps. Everyone is so helpful on this list, I save the
> answers I am given that work at the time.
> When you start it, the focus
Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws. As I said
the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to go
especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the pro
Hmmm. I've only did the Gift Certificate thing once or twice and don't
remember exactly how long it took for the recipient to receive it. I thought
that it was more or less instantaneous other than if you were specific about
when it was to be sent.
The iTunes Store should send you a receipt f
No, it's not always instant. It can take up to a few hours.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 10:21 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hmmm. I've only did the Gift Certificate thing once or twice and don't
> remember exactly how long it took for the recipient to receive it. I thought
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Hi all,
Just a quick question. If I have iTunes match on, and a CD has been imported
into iTunes Match, what happens if I then delete that CD? Does iTunes Match
still let me play the iCloud version?
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When you delete songs from your local machine, a dialog will appear asking you
if you wish to remove it from only the local machine or from iCloud as well.
So, essentially, you can play all items that are in iTunes Match from the Cloud
if you wish. You'd just be using up data in the strea
OK, that's what I thought. thanks for confirming.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 1:54 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> When you delete songs from your local machine, a dialog will appear asking
> you if you wish to remove it from only the local machine or from iCloud as
> well. So, essentia
Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. Apple
would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult to
impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager,
letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machi
Hi all,
I'm trying Prizmo again, now that I replaced my scanner with one that works.
However, it takes around three or four minutes to scan one page, yet making a
photocopy with the same printer/scanner takes no time at all. Is the scanning
process different, or is Prizmo just slow? If the latte
Hi all,
Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for only
$15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how long it will last, so if
you need Fusion (as I do), go grab it now! Here is the link:
In brief, the situation is as follows: Two different accounts for OSX and
Windows both, one for personal and one for work, to keep things nicely
separated. Tried to share the VM between both OSX user accounts by placing the
VM in /users/shared, and now Sharpkeys mapping for right optio
OK, is there a way to play the chess game on my Mac? If so, can I play
against someone on my local network running a Mac as well?
I can see the board, can see the pieces, but can't seem to figure out how to
make moves and such.
Thanks in advance.
You received this message because yo
h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add it
on for me? Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall"
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 201
I believe in the menus there is an option to speak moves, but I've not done
much wit hthe game.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 2:07 PM, Dave wrote:
> OK, is there a way to play the chess game on my Mac? If so, can I play
> against someone on my local network running a Mac as well?
> I can see
Lucky Americans. Grin. I've got to grab it but it'll be the $50 down under.
Sent from my iPhone
On 17/06/2013, at 5:53 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> Fusion is normally $50 i believe, but Dell has a DVD of the program for only
> $15! I don't know if this is a sale and, if so, how
As near as I can tell, you play against others only through Game Center.
I have found that I can move a piece by first moving vo to the piece and
vo-space, then move vo to the destination and vo-space again.
Hope that helps.
Barry Hadder
When the chess program is open, it is set to play human against computer.
Just type in your move, example: e2 e4 and the computer will reply its move.
You can change the settings to play computer against human but it's a little
bit tricky, just play around the chess menu to find how to do it.
Tim and All:
I think I've got it! Maybe.
Navigating on the right side of the screen is clearly one key. I was having
trouble scrolling through the alphabet because if I didn't scroll in exactly a
straight line I would end up somewhere else. Also, being able to choose the
fields on the right s
No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. Jaws
can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a
computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no
screen reader can possibly be loaded.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe
Yes, setting "speak moves" to on is helpful. what I do is enable Quicknav, then
interact with the board grid and set my navigation to rows. I can then left
arrow to go left, up arrow to go up, and so on. I can also simply press up-down
on a pice, move to where I want it to go, and press up-down
You don't need to hit "done" until you are happy with the contact details. That
is, only hit "done" when you have filled in every piece of information you
want, not after each edit field. Double tapping a field to edit it will stop
editing the previous one, so you will not end up with multiple f
What's Dell doing selling a MAC version of VMWare? Of course, I know little
about these things, but could that be a PC-based version of VMWare fusion?
Will it run on a MAC?
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall"
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:53 PM
Subject: VMWare Fusion for $15
Zoey, once the computer is running either in Mac or Windows, you can select
the other OS from one of the utilities in MAC and also in Windows, then
reboot. The computer will then reboot into the desired OS - that's how alot
of people get around the problem of having no speech at boot time. The
Oh ok got it now. One more question that I thought of and please accept my
appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them
scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions
as they come. Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be
It states that it is for OS10. I don't know why they are selling it, but I'm
trying it out.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> What's Dell doing selling a MAC version of VMWare? Of course, I know little
> about these things, but could that be a PC-based version of VMWare fusion?
It is not a problem, we have all been there. With bootcamp, the drive is
partitioned; with Fusion, it is not. I don't know why Apple charges that much -
any halfway decent computer geek can partition a drive in two minutes. If you
decide to go bootcamp, I'd just enlist the help of some local tal
ok thanks will try the local way if i decide on the bootcamp but honestly it
looks like the fusion is the better way.
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall"
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
It is not a problem, we have all been there. W
Hi all,
I was wondering where I could fine out what apps are accessible for the mack
computer? I went to app vis to look and it it was not very easy to fine which
one were free and accessible.
Any help would be great.
Becky Sabo
On Jun 11, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Devin Prater wrote:
> Oh my gosh th
Would you please post the link for the 4th tutorial again. I got the
message, but it accidently got deleted, and now I can't find the deleted
Thanks very much!
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
Hi Chris:
I for one am really looking forward to checking this out, especially
since I never did manage to find any of Kevin's stuff. I've seen links
that claim to be for it, but they go nowhere. I'm currently mostly using
windows but am seriously considering switching to mac, right now I have
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Sure thing. One second...
- Original Message -
From: "David Tanner"
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 7:09 PM
Subject: RE: Here is Part 3 of A Look at ProTools.
Would you please post the link for the 4th tutorial again. I got the
message, but it accidently got delet
OK, upon request, here is part 4 again.
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You wrote:
Will you be posting further parts to the list, or your own site, or
somewhere else?
Or is it a four part thing?
Trust me, it's going to wind up being way way way way! more than 4 parts by
the time it's over. I'd say more probably upwards of 10 or so.
Yes, these will be posted o
With microsoft word, with my braille display, i can see on the status bar
precisely what line of text i am working on in a page and at what page number
that is. Is there something like this in pages on the mac as well?
Greetings, Anouk,
You received this message because you ar
Hello, I have been playing with win8 in vmware fusion 5. With nvda everything
works great but when i install jfw 14 demo (i have 13 myself) the braille does
not work correctly, i think the speech does. While in nvda everything works
fine. I dont think it is a driver issue because stuff does get
Hi Nick:
I have not used it with the mac that extensively so I don't know if I can
answer your questions. I have mostly used it with my i phone.
I have only begun experimenting with sound input and output in system
preferences. I know that I turn on bluetooth and connect the earpiece it
Alex, please let us/me know what you find. I'm in the market for VMWare
Fusion too, and this price will get me off the fence if its the correct
product. Where did you say you found it? Dell.com?
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall"
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:40 PM
Yes, here's the link again. This is why I wish people would include the
original message in replies...
On Jun 16, 2013, at 9:59 PM, "Phil Halton" wrote:
Bootcamp is set up by a program on the MAC called bootcamp assistant. That
program partitions the drive for you and starts the installation process of
Windows. That is, it partitions the drive then asks you to put the windows
disk in the CD drive, then reboots and begins the Windows inst
I don't recall if the iMacs still come with disk drives or not. If they don't,
you will have a few extra steps to get bootcamp working using a thumb drive, or
you can buy a USB disk drive and plug that in instead. I installed Bootcamp
from a thumb drive, but I had a lot of sighted help. It sound
Alex, I just ordered the Fusion5 DVD from Dell. Nothing like a fire sale to
get you moving on a project. Looks like we'll be comparing outcomes - I plan
to use the existing bootcamp partion from Fusion5.
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall"
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:03 P
Imacs do come with hard drives, or you can get the fusion drive or all flash
storage, for a price, of course. What surprised me was that the iMac hard drive
option is a 5400 rpm drive. †hat blew me away. I'd think they'd offer 7200 rpm.
But the Apple store site clearly has it as a 5400 rpm, like
On a side note, I read a recent article/review of the new iMacs, and the
reviewer felt strongly that the 27 inch model was by far the better deal.
And, yes, you'll now need an external CD drive (sold by Apple for around
$80) as they took them off the iMacs to make the thinner profile.
- Or
Interesting that the 27 inch iMac is seen as the better deal. But how much of
that is based on the display, a factor that interest blind people not at all,
unless, of course, you have enough vision to be able to take advantage of it.
Mary Otten
You received t
Hey guys that's exactly the one I'm thinking of getting, the twenty seven
inch, the gentlemen at the store though told me not to by the cd rom from
apple and that I could get a much cheaper one else where maybe for thirty
dollars or so.
- Original Message -
From: "Mary Otten"
Oh wait I think i'm getting tired or too much info has blocked my brain.
The gentlemen told me there is a 1tb of storage and that i would need an
external cd rom for installing software and windows that i would hook up via
- Original Message -
From: "Mary Otten"
Sent: Sunday
Hi folks. Is there any way to tell safari to put downloads in another folder
instead of the downloads folder? Thanks.
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Hi listers. What's the Mac equivalent of the windows 'my computer', and how do
I get to it from desktop? Thanks.
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OK guys, we have a lot of ground to cover here, so hold on to your hats!
This is where we're going to really start getting into more navigation, and
moving around within a session. Also, I'm gonna teach you the concept of
markers, and how they are used, and more, why they are so incredible! W
Use command shift C. That will give you the same list windows would if you
were in my computer.
Kliphton Senior
(iMessage&Email) kliph...@icloud.com
(Twitter,instagram,foursquare&Skype) kliphton72
(Text only) 914-820-2298
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!) http://kliphskorner.wordpress.com
In the General pane of your Safari Prefs, there is a pop-up menu where you can
choose where to put downloaded files. By default, it is on the Downloads
folder, select Other then choose where you wish them to be downloaded to.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On 2013-06-16, a
Hello Anouk,
VO-F3 should do what you want.
On 17 Jun 2013, at 03:43, Anouk Radix wrote:
> Hello,
> With microsoft word, with my braille display, i can see on the status bar
> precisely what line of text i am working on in a page and at what page number
> that is. Is there som
Hello Alex,
That seems ridiculously slow. I'm sure it was much quicker than that for me.
However, I don't like Prizmo for the Mac anyway.
On 16 Jun 2013, at 21:51, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying Prizmo again, now that I replaced my scanner with one that works.
> Howev
Hi, Chris. Thanks for posting these podcasts about learning ProTools using
Voiceover. I listened to part 1 of Kevin Reeves tutorial on PT a couple
weeks ago and it was excellent! The more I can learn about using PT the
I'll listen to your first episode tomorrow.
By the way, I listened t
Dear Becky,
Unfortunately, AppleVis is the best there is. There is no comprehensive,
authoratative source on accessible Mac apps. So, your best bet is to just
search the Mac App Store for what you're interested in. Then, check on AppleVis
to see if that app has been reviewed. If it hasn't, then
Thanks for this. Can you please try connecting it and using it with VoiceOver,
then turn the headset off and on again and see if VoiceOver still works?
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Yes, the new iMacs do not, I repeat, do not, come with CD drives. Of course you
can buy an external disc drive that will connect via USB. Apple sells them for
around $80 but you can probably get them cheaper elsewhere.
Also, just one note, while VM Fusion does have a lot of advantages over a due
Ahh, yes, thanks, Tim. I overlooked that step. YOu're right, and for the person
who started the thread you can turn the TrackPad Commander on by holding down
the control and option keys together and rotating two fingers clockwise on the
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