Hi Paul,
When you press the Advanced button, a drawer opens immediately to the right of
the OK button. If you have VoiceOver set to mute its sound effects, nothing
will appear to happen when you press this button because no new windows or
dialogs pop up. This drawer has 3 items. The "Additional
Hi list,
Does anyone know of a way to add signatures in the all signatures category to a
particular account? I'm speaking of Mail in Mountain Lion here.
I've tried navigating to the name of the signature in question, turning off
curser tracking, then dragging the name of the signature and dropp
Hi there!
I've copied and pasted mine!
>From the [All ] then opened the account I wish to put the signatures into and
>put it into the area for that one!
On 15 Feb 2013, at 10:28, Nicholas Parsons
> Hi list,
> Does anyone know of a way to add signatures in the all signatures category
Thanks. I looked on the 2 sites you mentioned. On Htb2.com there were a few
things for garage band, but not on the Apple To The Core one.
Amazingly I've learned how to record at least 1 thing so far, but can't figure
out how to do a voice only recording.
I'll play around and figure it out though.
There is a drag and drop technique that you can use with Voiceover in
situations like this.
In all signatures, interact with the names table and move vo to the name you
want and route the mouse to vo.
Turn cursor tracking off and lock the mouse down with vo-shift-command-space.
Interact wit
I have an account will think about upgrading. Apparently you can get
unlimited skipping. I am still trying to figure out how to create a new
station. Thabnks.
On Feb 14, 2013, at 7:26 PM, ppowell...@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> There are two tiers Of slacker subscriptions.
Oh yes, on www.appletothecore.info
there are five podcasts for garage band.
You must do a search for "GarageBand" note the spelling, it's all one word.
unless ricardo has pulled the podcasts which I doubt, they'll come up with
that search.
On www.htb2.com
Mike has put up at least four recent
good luck, if you can figure out GB without help, then you're a better man
than I Gunga din.
- Original Message -
From: "Daniel C"
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Garage Band 11 Getting Started Guide
Thanks. I looked on the 2 sites you mentioned. On Htb2.c
I'd start by doing a permissions repair from the recovery partition.
If you don't know how, let us know. Maybe there's a better starting point,
but that's where I'd go first.
- Original Message -
From: "Sarai Bucciarelli"
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 8:51 PM
Subject: HELP!
I will double check, but I don't think that's it, since the replay on the
Skype test call is very loud, including the recording of my voice.
Email: b...@bholton.com
P: 386-624-6309 C: 386-624-3255
Home Office:1520 Loughton ST
OT: iOS 6 disappointment!
Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in
October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has had
so many issues.
First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks, App, iTunes store. In the
first release the
For most of you, the concept of a smart phone actually being smart is
relatively foreign. However, as a follow-up to a previous episode that we did
on our podcast, jailbreaking your iOS device. I wanted to record a brief audio
podcast explaining a new app I utilize on a daily basis. This applica
I did find the podcasts you were talking about. Turns out I put the search as 2
words before.
I've figured out the voice recording and how to mix loops into it, now I'll
just need to put them to a real test for my 9th episode of my podcast.
Appreciate the help.
You received this message beca
I've seen a lot of people who've been asking about Garage band, and getting
started with it. Our company has produced over 3 hours worth of traning
audio on the use of Garage Band. We'd strongly encourage you to take a
listen to Ricardo Walker's tutorial, but if you feel that isn't gi
I've just downloaded a widget, how do i place it on the dashboard?
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
Sent from my Mac Book Pro
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
And what about the one where a hole was discovered like Sarah A said whereby
one could bypass the lock screen if there is a passcode set. That really!
dissettles me!
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
E-mail: ch...@clgproductions.com
Phone: 803-760-7136
Agreed Chris... I tend to think Stebe is rolling over in his grave with some of
this. No disrespect to the dead!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
Just open it and it'll ask you if you wanna install it.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
E-mail: ch...@clgproductions.com
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Mess
You wrote:
No disrespect to the dead!
LOL! None taken.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
E-mail: ch...@clgproductions.com
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Mes
The only thing that really gets to me sometimes is that Apple just had to side
with Neuance, just to get international voices. Now we all know how good Alex
is. We all love Alex. But Apple just had to stop making new voiecs, although I
think they still adjust the old ones and stuff, but still; M
Hey all,
I know Google docs have been discussed on this list and I could have
sworn I saw a bunch of mentions on Google Plus, but I couldn't find
what I was looking for in the macvisionaries groups directory, so
pardon me for posting this.
I have to use Google docs and plus for a new work assignm
Hi Gavin,
Yes that exactly did the trick. Thanks a lot.
On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> When you press the Advanced button, a drawer opens immediately to the right
> of the OK button. If you have VoiceOver set to mute its sound effects,
> nothing wi
From past discussions it seems like the best (only) way to use Google
Docs well is to kick VO to the curb and use ChromeVox with the Chrome
browser. It's the Google way and you have to buy into their entire
ecosystem for it to work.
On 2/15/13 4:04 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
Hey all,
I kn
Hello there,
I jail broke my ipad and got in to a sticky situation and I need to
return my Ipad to the original Apple firmware and rejail break again. I
actually put an app in that I should not have so now when I shut down my
Ipad it doesn't want to reboot correctly. I have IOS 6.1 as my upd
Hi all, I tried ibiz two years ago or so and it was pretty much totally
accessible. That was two operating system versions ago though. I'm just
wondering if any one uses them and whether or not they've kept up with the
times accessibility wise?
Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of art
Hi. I now have nisus writer express and am enjoying it. I have a few
questions though. Can someone explain how to create headings? Also is there a
way to modify the heading style and save it somewhere? I created a document and
opened it up on a laptop that has word, and it all read ok but so
I'd boot into safe mode, then remove the offending app. Raul posted how to do
this a few days ago, but a quick google search should tell you as well. If you
are intent on re-installing iOS, google can tell you that as well, but I think
safe mode will do the trick in your case. I say google inste
I would have to agree. Apple has lost some of their magic ever since the
middle of last year. Things just seem to be breaking a little too often.
iCloud, bugs in iOS 6, the maps fiasco... Who knows what'll happen next. Of
course Tim's just taken over, so maybe after a while things'll sm
I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or
eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is the
best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether you're
talking mobile or PC.
Sent from my iPhone with dictation softwar
I would like to add that Apple also got rid of the driving force behind iOS.
This dismissal should help to return iOS to its former glory, not that much is
particularly disappointing (aside from Maps for many users). The previous
director reportedly did not work well with others, was not the bes
I tend to disagree. I think its just peoples perception, and awareness
changing since Steve Jobs passing. Basically, IOS is not new anymore, and we
are less forgiving with mistakes. And, we now have a convenient excuse or,
cause for these mistakes, a new person heading Apple. For exampl
ucts are intherior and I dont' think anyone else is either. I think it's
more just that there have been more bugs discovered than how it used to be.
For better or for worse, I think that's really all we're saying.
Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
How many skips do you get with a free acount? I've never exhausted mne, as
opposed to spotify/IHeart radio, but have been really careful not to do that
though, and really like their selections compared to spotify, and the fact that
you can ban a certain song without having to ban the whole arti
I clicked this link to hear the podcast, but don't see any place to play the
podcast, and it's not playing automaticly. Is there something I'm missing?
On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:
> For most of you, the concept of a smart phone actually being smart is
> relatively forei
It will not show up yet.
On Feb 13, 2013, at 9:03 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> It shouldn't matter that your email address is selected. The main thing is to
> have your phone number set to the default send from credential for Messages
> on your Mac/s. Is your phone number showing up in th
I solved it and posted my steps in another message.
On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:58 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
> I'd start by doing a permissions repair from the recovery partition.
> If you don't know how, let us know. Maybe there's a better starting point,
> but that's where I'd go first.
> --
It's my understanding that Apple bought out Nuance. I was not aware that
Microsoft had many voices. Are they as high quality as Alex is? I would like
to hear Alex on my eye devices instead of Samantha.
Sent from my iPad
On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Devin Prater wrote:
> The only thing tha
I have to admit that it is pretty amazing how Apple products have speech built
in. I can use my iPhone and iPad like anyone else. I think sometimes Apple and
others try to release too many features at once and don't make sure they all
work correctly first. They get in a hurry. Let me point out
Thanks, all.
Red Falcon, I'm unable to copy the names of any of my signatures from any
account, including all. I am able to copy the text of the signature and then
create a new signature in a paticular account and paste in the copied text.
This is the work around I have been using but it create
Hi guys.
I have been trying to decide how I wanted to respond to this thread or whether
I wanted to jump in here on this topic or not. However, here is my two cents.
We have acquired, as a blindness community, an increased responsibility to our
computer-using blind colleagues. Here's what I me
Hi Jessica To my knowledge, you get six skips per hour. I'm not sure if that is
per station. Also, to Matthew, Look for I believe it is create a
station/playlist in the main navigation pain on the left hand side of the iPad
app. I'll help however I can. It's very intuitive. very easy.
Pam Fr
When you click on the link, scroll down the page until you find the text
"listen to this brief audio" that is a link that you can click on. The file is
an M for a file, and should automatically begin playing at that point. Hope
this helps.
Note: this message likely dictated,
The other part of that is that the same thing happens if we are using a 3rd
party access software such as Jaws. So, it really seems unfair to expect that
VoiceOver be more on top of it than Jaws or Window-Eyes. After all it is not
the same programmer programming email or Pages that is programm
Oh wait, Apple may not have bought them, but they are in contract with them.
The microsoft "speech platform" can be downloaded on all ghersions of windows,
just google search Microsoft Speech Platform. Some are high quality, like the
Zira voice for US English, some are 8k. But they're all quite
Folks, let us remember that you will have more chances of crashes, web pages
that don’t read right, and the whole 9 yards from Windows screen readers, and
they have been around a lot longer than VoiceOver. So, let’s tell Apple what
needs fixed, and what needs improvement, but quit complaining if
I do agree there. The only 2 complaints I have is the compact voice issue, and
that UEB braille, as in the Australian and South African voices, does not work
good with quotation marks sometimes, and if I do, for example, the
{{?.}}ιtalics{{]italic}} things, or other formatting, it just shows it
Cheree Heppe here:
No need to make excuses for Apple. The IBooks store and the App Store have
become significantly less accessible with the changing IOS versions. This
doesn't have to happen and is a bad sign. In IBooks, there are horizontal rows
of titles and at either end of those rows oon
Yo are right but go figure: I would get into IOS just when things start going
wrong. lol.
On 2013-02-15, at 6:31 PM, Carlene Knight wrote:
> I have to admit that it is pretty amazing how Apple products have speech
> built in. I can use my iPhone and iPad like anyone else. I think sometimes
> A
I was not going to chime in but I must. I feel that as has been iterated here
prior, it is our responsibility to notify Apple of genuine accessibility issues
for we shall not obtain assistance if we do not bring the need forth.
On 2013-02-15, at 3:56 PM, Rod Skene wrote:
> I have to r
Hi folks, I think Apple is finally catching up to the idea there is competition
for its products. It is not the boutique high-end product line as it once was,
even though it likes to think it is. Though it is still a quality product,
there are tech companies catching up in quality in a real hu
like I said, what are you people talking about? Was Steve Jobs not running
Apple when Antenna gate hit? Or, how about the horror show known as mobile me?
Don't get me wrong, What Steve Jobs did to turn around Apple was nothing short
of amazing. But that being said, mistakes are always
I must say, I'm at a total loss about iBooks and the app store. These seem to
be working fine for me on all my IOS devices. I remember a few months back,
when they first changed the app store there was accessible issues. I think
they fixed that in a month or less. And I've never had any
I agree. While I don't use the iBook Store much, I use the App Store all the
time. Once I got used to the new layout, I had no problems at all, and still
don't. Yes, I preferred the old layout, but one thing we have to remember is
that the iOS platform is geared toward being visually pleasing an
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