Hi Shawn,
For the pronounciation, open the voice over utility, go to verbosity, go to the
text tab on the right, then in there you will find the setting.
As for the crashes, you seem to have quite some add-ons everywhere that might
cause the crashing. Depending on the system you have and the lo
Hi again,
thanks for the side-track feedback on braille. I know it's a rather important
and also beneficial skill to have. Don't know how long it will take me to be
fully capable but i think i will eventually need to jump into it.
I will try what Mark suggested though i'm fully advocating for a
Hi Donna,
What are you talking about? my signature's just trying to protect your mac's
shelf life :)
Please do chime in if you get any further clarity on this issue. I've contacted
matlab directly and waiting for something of an answer.
"Light has no value without darkness"
Hello Chris,
I never use Pages just for reading documents, TextEdit is much better for that.
You can go to a specific page by stopping interacting with the text and using
VO-Down arrow or Up arrow to navigate the list of pages. Just interact with the
one you want.
For the line spacing, you nee
Cheryl is quite correct. You're making to much work and worry for yourself.
You need only stop a recording by pressing command+r as you did to start a
recording. Command+g is only a command to hi jack audio-not to record it. AS
for playing the files, any player of your choice will do. If yo
hello people…
I seem to be having a problem with vmware fusion. I can't seem to interact with
the session inside the vm in quite the same way as I do with voiceover. some of
the keys that would normally work in windows don't either because voiceover
captures them or they aren't passed on to th
Sounds good and encourages me to look into the iPhone 5 this coming
September or October when my contract is due for an upgrade.
Christopher Hallsworth
On 06/01/2013 03:53, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
Is it just all in my head? It sounds to me like from the 4S to the 5,
the IPhone 5's in
hey all please can some one recommend a good program for the mac that
reads pdf's well?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email
This is a perfect example of something that needs to be brought up with
accessibility!apple.com Why not create a voice that has the settings to
pronounce all those special symbols and characters? I should think it'd just
be a matter of a different dictionary, but maybe it's something you coul
Hi Yuma. The punctuation issues aren't happening in Voiceover, they're
happening in Chromevox, the screen reader for the Google Chrome browser. Also,
my whole computer isn't crashing, it's just Voiceover when people sign in and
out of either Facebook or Skype and Growl tells me so when Voiceover
Hello in chrome vox I think you have to hold down the vo keys and then use
the plus or minus keys at the top but don't quote me on that
@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
Shawn Krasniuk
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 9:47 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
One tricky thing to note: if you use a recording schedule, use tab and spacebar
to check the boxes for the days of the week. Otherwise, VO will not register
the state of the checkbox correctly.
Visualize whirled peas.
On Jan 6, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Cheryl is q
You really should look into it, Chris. It's amazing. I actually was just
listenning to my Martin Page House of Stone and Light disc this morning on
the thing, and I gotta tell ya: the sound is exceptionally good. Granted,
if you have a dock, you'd be better off, but if you want to run it jus
Hi Eric. Do you want to add me on Skype. I can help you.
Skype name cbruin7
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 6, 2013, at 3:10 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> hello people…
> I seem to be having a problem with vmware fusion. I can't seem to interact
> with the session inside the vm in quite the same wa
Chris, which version of Fusion are you running by chance? Do you mind if I
Skype you to talk about Fusion configurations?
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Chris Bruinenberg
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 11:05 AM
Hi all.
Anybody who wants to add me on Skype can, i am no expert but i can try to help
anybody out who needs it.
Sorry i believe it was Jeff Bishup who wanted to add me, i misplaced the email.
Skype: cbruin7
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
I'm getting the hang of it now thanks to you all.
The only weird thing is that when I press command r I'm given this error
message which says audio highjack pro can't highjack itself. This happens when
I set it to system audio.
I think I'll go ahead and pay for the full version now that I get
Good afternoon all.
I was just wondering if anyone knew of any good and, acessible podcasting
services. Either free or paid, it doesn't matter. Thanks. :)
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
Thank you Chris, should I treat myself to the 5th generation iPod Touch,
I will definitely include the Lightning to 30 Pin Adaptor in the order,
as like you say, you never know! I also have a dock as part of my home
stereo, which takes the old iPod Touch and iPhone, so the adaptor would
be need
Hi there.
I just tested PDFpen Pro with the iPhone User Guide. You can use it to read
straight through a PDF file like I just did. It is supposed to be a great
editing program, if you're sighted, of course.
We have discussed this issue before on this list. I have kept PDFpen Pro on my
Hi Shawn,
I can't say anything for chromevox as i won't venture into having more than one
screen reader on my mac. It guzzles ressources.
Second, voice over tends to crash , freeze or get erratic when the system voice
talks on top of the default voice. Say for instance you're reading a pdf, and
Hello all, I am having a brain fade. Could somebody please tell me how to
select text by word and to the end of a page.? I can do line by line and letter
by letter, but can't find how to do the rest. If somebody could tell me where
I can find it out for myself. that would do
Thanks as always
Hello, I haven't followed this thread so this may have already been mentioned.
I transfer any PDF to my iPhone and read them there. A bit of a pest but that
is the best I can do.
On 07/01/2013, at 7:30 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there.
> I just tested PDFpen Pro with the iPhone User G
By word: shift option left or right arrows
To End of Line: Shift end (or shift fn right arrow)
To Beginning of Line: shift home (or shift fn left arrow)
One of the places to find this is in the Getting Started section of VO Help. VO
H will get you to the help menu.
Take care.
On Jan 6, 2
Hey there.
Ok, can someone please send the dummy instructions for using hand break?
I found some instructions via google, but I think I'm missing something. Any
help would be appreciated, thanks.
May and Prince Noah
You received this message because
Absolutely the iPhone is definitely the best PDF reader around far as I'm
concerned. It's even better than Windows computers for doing that. You just
love the things and iBooks and go. I have several PDF files in iBooks. I have
files like restaurant menus that I got off the web.
There is PDFpen
My name's Daniel. If you're looking for podcast hosting, I run hosting for
podcasts. I offer paid packages, starting at $10.60USD monthly.
If you need to contact me off list, you can do so
You received this message because you are subscribe
Hi there
You want to do shift option white arrow to do it my words. I assume you know
how to do the others since you mentioned them.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 6, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Agent086b wrote:
> Hello all, I am having a brain fade. Could somebody please tell me how to
> sele
Now that is weird. I absolutely garantee that if you contact them about this,
they will quickly repsond.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
On Jan 6, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> Hi
> I'm getting the hang of it now than
I am wondering, will the mod kindly get in touch with me? A new Mac user
wishes to join and is having issues.
Many thanks.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
This is probably a dumb question, but how do you get your pdfs from your mac
into your iphone? Do you email them to yourself or import them somehow?
On 7/01/2013, at 10:13 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Absolutely the iPhone is definitely the best PDF reader around far as I'm
> concern
Hello Lisette,
To get a PDF into iBooks on my iPhone, I open the PDF in iTunes where it goes
into the Books category, and the next time I sync my iPhone with my Mac, the
PDF goes into iBooks.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
one small thing, to select from your current position to the beginning or end
of a line, you can just press Command left or, right arrow. This is much
easier for those using a Macbook or, a Apple BT keyboard that doesn't have
dedicated home/end keys.
Ricardo Walker
not for nothing, at that point, why bother? The iPhone 5S or 6, whatever Apple
decides to call it will be out or, just around the corner.
Ricardo Walker
On Jan 6, 2013, at 6:11 AM, Chris H wrote:
> Sounds goo
Hi Wayne and Yuma. First, in the order of how my messages were read out to me,
Wayne, I did the VO keys and hit plus and minus and nothing happens. I still
hear punctuations like hyphens, quotes, and parentheses read out. Then I tried
the chromevox keys, which are command and control, followed b
Hello Chris.
I'm just catching up with all my e-mail using my I phone 5 due to no Mac but
that will change tomorrow when every one I get my I Mac 27 inch. I'm so
Anyway, I think I have your problem that Siri is very quiet and it doesn't
matter when I turn my volume up it changes afte
How do you do VO on a braille display when using the Mac? I've not used my
braille display very much with a Mac, and because I've not had a computer for
over a month, I've not had the opportunity to use my braille display with a Mac.
On 5 Jan 2013, at 01:34 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
Thanks, i will try this.
I've tried this before but it never has seamed to work.
Thanks, i will try it right now.
On Jan 6, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> I never use Pages just for reading documents, TextEdit is much better for
> that.
> You can go to a specifi
I just tried it, it says that the line spacing is dimmed.
Do you have any suggestions.
I think i will take your classes to teach pages.
On Jan 6, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> I never use Pages just for reading documents, TextEdit is much better for
> that.
Hi there!
I just been hearing about this app on a chat site!
I did not hear any of you talk about the settings that it has to change what
Braille you use I do not use Braille but the person talking about it said that
there was a setting to change!
Something like flicking up or something!
Might be
Has anyone gotten the capslock key to function as the insert key when using
VMWare Fusion Version 5.02 with Window-Eyes or JAWS? There is an AppleVis
article on this but multiple people that I know are having difficulties
getting that to function after following the steps exactly.
We have
This has been discussed quite a lot on the list if you look through the
Multiple aproaches are suggested.
keyremap4mac is meant to support this. I've had it working but found it
flakey. That's just my experience though, yours may vary and there may
have been bug fixes.
Personally I r
Sorry, this confused me a bit. So, which screen reader in Windows are you
using? Are you saying that you remapped the capslock key to the control key
in VMWare's keyboard mappings? If so, you then are mapping what to what in
SharpKeys? Are you telling SharpKeys to then map the CapsLock key on the
Using mac system prefferences -> keyboard to map mac capslock to left
Then in windows use sharp keys to map control to capslock.
I use jaws or nvda but it doesn't really matter which.
Kind regards
Jeff Bishop writes:
> Sorry, this confused me a bit. So, which scree
I've had this problem for some weeks.
I have a schedule for Do Not Disturb for example, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.
However, this is not working and it has not been working for some weeks. It
doesn't matter if I switch the phone off or on or I get rid of everything from
the Appswitcher. I
Hi Kawal,
You, I think, are referring to the New year's day do not disturb bug that
manifested itself then. Schedules for it don't work, so it either won't shut
off, or won't turn on. You say it's been happening for some weeks though, but
from what I've read, it appeared on the 1st, and is supp
Hello Chris,
You need to select the text to which the line-spacing applies. If it's for the
whole document, select the whole document with Cmd-a.
On 7 Jan 2013, at 01:08, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
> I just tried it, it says that the line spacing is dimmed.
> Do you have any sugg
Thanks i have and it still gives me trouble.
I will look more into it
Thank you for all of your help.
On Jan 6, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> You need to select the text to which the line-spacing applies. If it's for
> the whole document, select the whole do
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